1、专业好文档安信地板产品与品牌培训讲义品牌篇一、 认识安信,了解安信1、 安信地板的全称?英文缩写?安信地板的总部?生产基地?安信伟光(上海)木材有限公司 aw 总部在上海 有上海和苏州两大生产基地2、 安信的前生创建时间?董事长?成立于1994年 董事长卢伟光3、 安信产品的结构?安信品牌的荣誉?产品结构有实木地板,实木复合地板,强化地板,艺术地板,拼花地板,地暖地板,new+木地板等等品牌荣誉:1、中国木地板行业十大品牌 2、国家免检产品 3、上海名牌产品 4、中国500强最具品牌价值品牌(品牌价值61.55万,全国排名202,2011年) 5、中国顶尖地板品牌 6、国际顶尖地板品牌 7、2
2、009年中国最具影响力品牌 8、2010年年度最具投资价值企业 9、2010年年度上海最具人气家具品牌 10、2011年年度中国500强最具价值品牌4、安信地板核心竞争力 产品优势:集全全系列地板 产能优势:两大生产基地,整体产销跻身全国前列 行业地位:在行业内享有很高尊崇地位 渠道优势:18家分公司,办事处,1500家专卖店 研发优势:引进国外陷阱技术打造新品 资源优势:全球供应商超300家,有优先开采权 资金优势:2006至今向美国风投公司凯雷投资集团融资5107万美金5、安信地板产品的生产管理以及研发体系 1、木材采购向巴西,俄罗斯,东南亚,非洲采购优质木材 2、拥有上海和苏州占地700
3、亩的目督办加工基地 3、各类地板年产能总计达1300万平方米 4、员工总人数2000余人 5、通过iso9001国际质量体系认证,iso4001国际环境体系认证和fsc/coc产销供应链体系认证 6、拥有20余条自动化地板生产线,设有业界领先的研发中心和专业检验实验室 7、拥有多项专利技术,并与瑞典,日本等国际专业研发机构展开合作,开发出数项领先科技成果产品篇一、 实木地板1、 什么是实木地板?有哪些结构性质?实木地板是天然木材经烘干、加工形成的地面装饰材料。它呈现出天然原木纹理和色彩图案,给人以自然柔和,妇幼亲和力的质感,同时由于它冬暖夏凉、触感好的特性使其成为卧室,客厅,书房灯地面装饰的理
4、想材料。2、 实木地板的分类?怎么油漆面的分类及如何涂装?实木地板油漆的分类? 实木地板的分类:按结构形式分:榫接地板(企口地板)、平接地板、镶嵌地板按用途分:普通实木地板、体育场馆用实木地板、潮湿环境用实木地板等按有无涂装分:油漆实木地板,未油漆实木地板(俗称素板)按地板表面油漆光泽度分:亮光、半哑光、哑光我们普通家用的实木地板均为:企口油漆实木地板 实木地板涂装特性分两类:淋漆面、辊漆面 淋漆面:淋漆工艺一般为亮光。即经烘干、养生后的胚料在油漆流水线上,经传送带的传送从油漆幕下穿过而形成的油漆面。 辊漆面:辊漆一般为哑光或半哑光,在辊漆工艺中加入三氧化二铝,可增强地板表面的耐磨度。所谓辊漆
5、即经烘干养生好的胚料在油漆流水线上,经传送带的输送,穿过油漆滚筒而形成的油漆面。 实木地板油漆分为:uv漆即紫外线干燥漆,pu漆即渗透自然干燥漆, uv漆:紫外光固化漆,漆膜硬度高,但附着力不强,不如pu漆,具有光泽度高,表面平滑、硬度高、无特殊气味,加工速度快等优点。它无毒无味,耐酸耐碱性高。 pu漆:是所有聚酯涂料的统称,他的成膜方式为自然成膜,无特殊工艺。漆膜较薄不是很硬,但附着力好,光泽均匀,也很好的显示地板的原始纹理和色泽。3、 实木地板的规格分类?及常见规格?长度:450mm、455mm、600mm、606mm、750mm、758mm、900mm、909mm、1212mm、1515
6、mm等,其中606、758、900、909最为常见。宽度:55mm、65mm、75mm、85mm、90mm、92mm、95mm、120mm、122mm、125mm、150mm等,其中最为常见有92、95、122、125.厚度:以18mm厚为主,按原材料规格不同还有1517.5mm厚。4、 实木地板有哪些优点?1、 环境调节作用:调节室内温度,有良好的保温、隔热、隔音、吸音、绝缘等性能2、 自然视觉感强:实木地板纹理美观,结构细腻,色泽美观大方。3、 环保健康:实木地板使用的是天然木材,无污染,不含危害人体健康的物质,部分木材可吸收紫外光,使人的眼睛感到舒适,身心愉悦。4、 脚感舒适:实木地板摩
7、擦系数适中,有一定的弹性,可缓和脚部负重5、 材质好已加工,可循环利用:木材是一种可再生,可持续利用的天然绿色的材料。地板使用后经刨削,除漆后可再次油漆翻新使用,也可加工成其他产品。5、 安信实木地板有哪些优点优点及独到之处?1、 超长周期,精心养生木材养生周期长短,对地板质量来说尤为关键,至关重要。养生周期越长地板质量越稳定,并且能很快适应当地的气候条件。规模小实力弱的小企业无法承担原材料积压造成的资金压力,因此无法保证胚料的养生周期。而安信丰富雄厚的库存能力,使每批材料至少经过2个月的养生周期,有些特殊木种的养生时间甚至超过一年。并且根据产品供应地区不同,调节养生周期和程度,是的安信的产品
8、能迅速适应当地的气候条件。2、 含水率片检,一丝不苟安信专门从德国采购了abb的含水率片检流水线,精确快速的测量每一块出厂地板的含水率,是的每一块地板都达到标准要求。在整个行业属罕见。3、 真空涂装,六面封漆安信选用了意大利cefla公司的真空涂装设备,使油漆在真空负压的状态下,渗透和填充至木材的内质中,起到了良好的保护盒密封作用,从而延缓了木材与外界水汽的交换,减少了木材因环境的不变化引起的变形。4、99道工序,只为一块好地板 好地板,不简单!从地板胚料到成品,在安信要经历12次片检12次砂光,12次除尘,9道底漆,3道面漆。这看似一串串简单重复的枯燥数据,却是安信艺术家创作一样精雕细作和不
9、厌其烦。5、含水率的缜密控制 安信钢化实木地板,从原材料的砍伐到开始加工成地板要经历一系列的含水率变化。 a:刚砍伐的生材含水率60%左右。 b:经历90天海上运输,含水率变为20%左右。 c:经过30天蒸汽烘干,含水率变为8% d:经过30天阶梯降温,平衡含水率在木材内部均匀。 e:经过90天胚料养生,木材应力缓慢释放与周围环境适应。6、 安信实木地板七大主要优势材种?以及各种木材名称、产地、气干密度与其他参照系数? a:非洲花梨 产自:非洲 气干密度约为:0.670.82g/cm 工艺:nf/锁扣地暖 现代中式/欧式/简欧风格该材种学名叫刺猬紫檀,秉承红木优良血统,材质厚重,具有一定的光泽
11、档地板,室内装饰,乐器,精密仪器包装工艺雕刻品。该产品具有收藏价值,增添居家高贵、典雅之韵。详细介绍见安信伟光-终端营销培训手册p19p22。 b:东欧栎木 产自:东欧/俄罗斯 气干密度约为:0.630.79cm 古典欧式/简欧/现代简约/美式风格 该材种学名为栎木,俗称为俄罗斯橡木。该木材重,硬度高,心材区分明显。纹理直或斜,切面光滑。独有的天然的粗犷的纹理,透露着细腻。适宜生长的环境创造出优异的密度和硬度。耐磨损性,耐水性,耐腐蚀性强,油漆着色,涂饰性能佳,在欧洲,美国等地,橡木地板已经形成为优质生活的代名词。 c:巴西二翅豆 产自:巴西/南美地区 气干密度约为:1.08g/cm 现代简约
12、/现代中式/简欧式风格 该材种学名为二翅豆,俗称为龙凤檀。该木材清晰盘绕的独特纹理,似龙如凤,千姿百态色泽沉稳,高贵典雅,是一种美好的象征,因此俗称龙凤檀。该产品结构细致密实,强度极高,坚硬且甚重,耐磨性能和耐气候性能极佳,耐腐蚀性强,抗白蚁,所以能应用于气候湿润的沿海沿江,潮气较重的地区使用。并且该材种广泛用于重型建筑,高级家具,地板、枕木,车辆,造船,运动器材,钓鱼竿等。 详细介绍见安信伟光-终端营销培训手册p22p23。 d:南美萼叶茜木 产自:南美 气干密度约为:0.831.03g/cm 现代中式/现代简约/美式风格 该材种学名萼叶茜木,俗称巴西柠檬木或金多木。该木材略具光泽,具有谈谈
13、的柠檬清香因此俗称为柠檬木。纹理不明显但错综复杂,拥有罕见的影纹,木材极重,强度高,防水性能好,抗虫害,耐腐蚀的特点,稳定性能卓越。据此可谓是“香得山高水长,硬得天长地久”。 因其结构细腻均匀,强度高,硬度大,耐磨;综合性能在实木当中实属难得,且性价比高。由于该木材能散发出天然的柠檬味道是享受温馨的最好氛围,也让家优良归属的涵义。踩踏于上,实木的原生态风情悠然而生,并直探心底。广泛用于精密仪器包装盒,高档家具、雕刻,国际体育地板指定材种之一,平面与复古两款畅销工艺。详细介绍见安信伟光-终端营销培训手册p23-p26. e:巴西香脂木豆 产自:南美 气干密度约为:0.851.03g/cm 古典欧
14、式/古典中式/现代简约/现代欧式/现代中式 工艺:h高光、fpu 复古-香妃色 该材种学名为香脂木豆,雅称红檀香,属亚红木范畴。天生异香,素有木王之美誉。集“香、美、珍、稀、奇、值”于一身,久置室内香味悠远绵长,提神怡情,彰显家具富贵奢华之态。 其结构坚韧,性能稳定耐腐耐磨,光泽强,纹理交错,表面呈现孔雀细纹。安信通过技术革新,优化产品颜色,更能体现红檀香的名贵。同时安信利用自身资源优势,首推香脂木豆手刮艺术地板。打破传统的平面工艺的束缚,在原本细腻的纹理上,经过巧夺天工的雕琢,呈现艺术的美感。拥有超长超宽的大板系列,将产品的品质,颜色推向极致,大气天成是豪宅,别墅的首选。详细介绍见安信伟光-
15、终端营销培训手册p26p27。 f: 巴西重蚁木 产自:南美 气干密度约为:0.80-1.16g/cm 现代简约/现代中式/欧式/美式风格 工艺:“000”本色pu工艺 该材种学名为重蚁木,雅称紫檀、七彩木,久经岁月,纹理事由夹杂绿金和暗红色的自然纹理,“七彩木”由此得名。七彩的光芒,演绎色彩世界的别样风情。厚重的色泽,凝练局势沉稳之韵,配以浅色系家具,升华家的和谐与温馨。 因其结构稳定,外观典雅,深得消费者的喜爱,在巴西被奉为“福泽”之木,不仅能招吉避凶,更能荫护后人。安信采用pu油漆,深入木材细胞内,紧密地与地板结合,丝毫不掩盖木材的纹理,颜色,遵循木材本身的色差,为顺应市场需求,将产品细
16、分为十五种色号,满足你不同风格家居需求。 重蚁木地板色彩偏重,但由于其地板表面质感较强,稳重典雅,所以很瘦装修业主青睐。重蚁木地板不仅适合现代简约的装饰风格,而且中式风格以及欧式、美式装饰风格都可以悬着该品种地板。 g:缅甸柚木 产自:东南亚 气干密度约为:0.580.67g/cm 现代简约/简欧/美式/现代中式 工艺:“000”本色pu工艺 该材种学名为柚木,俗称为胭脂木,血树、麻栗、泰柚等。木材心材,边材区别明显,边材呈浅黄色,心材呈金黄色,久置变为深黄色,在生长干燥地区多呈现褐色条纹,旋切面上呈抛物线花纹,木材有光泽,新砍伐的生材略具刺激性气味(如燃后的羽毛味),手感很好。柚木生长于热带
17、雨林,从生长到成才最少经历50年之久。树干通直,故柚木的指纹需要经长期的时间考验,实属稀少。日晒雨淋干湿变化,铸就了柚木不翘不裂,耐水、耐火、抗虫,耐腐蚀的平性,可谓是“万木之王”。 柚木地板由于木材本身独有的活性油脂,通过神奇的光合作用,呈现出象征富贵奢华的金黄色,并随时间的推移愈加美丽,甚至几百年不变形,并依旧如新。 由于该材种性能极其稳定,适用于造船,地板,高级家具,室内装修,桥梁及海港码头建筑用材。单板可适用于贴面,也可用于实验室台班和化工厂的容器或地板。柚木地板更可以直接铺设与地暖之上。winger tuivasa-sheck, who scored two tries in the
18、 kiwis 20-18 semi-final win over england, has been passed fit after a lower-leg injury, while slater has been named at full-back but is still recovering from a knee injury aggravated against usa.both sides boast 100% records heading into the encounter but australia have not conceded a try since josh
19、 charnleys effort in their first pool match against england on the opening day.aussie winger jarryd hayne is the competitions top try scorer with nine, closely followed by tuivasa-sheck with eight.but it is recently named rugby league international federation player of the year sonny bill williams w
20、ho has attracted the most interest in the tournament so far.the kiwi - with a tournament high 17 offloads - has the chance of becoming the first player to win the world cup in both rugby league and rugby union after triumphing with the all blacks in 2011.id give every award back in a heartbeat just
21、to get across the line this weekend, said williams.the (lack of) air up there watch mcayman islands-based webb, the head of fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in london for the football associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend citys premier league match at chelsea on sunday.i am goin
22、g to be at the match tomorrow and i have asked to meet yaya toure, he told bbc sport.for me its about how he felt and i would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was.uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against cskafor the racist behaviour of their fans duringcitys 2-1 win.
23、michel platini, president of european footballs governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the referees actions.cska said they were surprised and disappointed by toures complaint. in a statement the russian side added: we found no racist insults from fans of cska. baumgartner t
24、he disappointing news: mission aborted.the supersonic descent could happen as early as sunda.the weather plays an important role in this mission. starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. the balloon, w
25、ith capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. it will climb higher than the tip of mount everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilo
26、meters) and into the stratosphere. as he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence.the balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( then, i would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an olympic diving platform.they bl
27、ew it in 2008 when they got caught cold in the final and they will not make the same mistake against the kiwis in manchester.five years ago they cruised through to the final and so far history has repeated itself here - the last try they conceded was scored by englands josh charnley in the opening g
28、ame of the tournament.that could be classed as a weakness, a team under-cooked - but i have been impressed by the kangaroos focus in their games since then.they have been concentrating on the sort of stuff that wins you tough, even contests - strong defence, especially on their own goal-line, comple
29、ting sets and a good kick-chase. theyve been great at all the unglamorous stuff that often goes unnoticed in the stands but not by your team-mates.it is as though their entire tournament has been preparation for the final.in johnathan thurston, cooper cronk, cameron smith and either billy slater or
30、greg inglis at full-back they have a spine that is unmatched in rugby league. they have played in so many high-pressure games - a priceless asset going into saturday.the kiwis are a lot less experienced but winning a dramatic match like their semi-final against england will do wonders for their conf
31、idence.they defeated australia in the four nations final in 2010 and the last world cup, and know they can rise to the big occasion.winger tuivasa-sheck, who scored two tries in the kiwis 20-18 semi-final win over england, has been passed fit after a lower-leg injury, while slater has been named at
32、full-back but is still recovering from a knee injury aggravated against usa.both sides boast 100% records heading into the encounter but australia have not conceded a try since josh charnleys effort in their first pool match against england on the opening day.aussie winger jarryd hayne is the compet
33、itions top try scorer with nine, closely followed by tuivasa-sheck with eight.but it is recently named rugby league international federation player of the year sonny bill williams who has attracted the most interest in the tournament so far.the kiwi - with a tournament high 17 offloads - has the cha
34、nce of becoming the first player to win the world cup in both rugby league and rugby union after triumphing with the all blacks in 2011.id give every award back in a heartbeat just to get across the line this weekend, said williams.the (lack of) air up there watch mcayman islands-based webb, the hea
35、d of fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in london for the football associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend citys premier league match at chelsea on sunday.i am going to be at the match tomorrow and i have asked to meet yaya toure, he told bbc sport.for me its about how he felt and i
36、 would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was.uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against cskafor the racist behaviour of their fans duringcitys 2-1 win.michel platini, president of european footballs governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the re
37、ferees actions.cska said they were surprised and disappointed by toures complaint. in a statement the russian side added: we found no racist insults from fans of cska. baumgartner the disappointing news: mission aborted.the supersonic descent could happen as early as sunda.the weather plays an impor
38、tant role in this mission. starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. the balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weathe
39、r lives. it will climb higher than the tip of mount everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. as he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence.the balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( then, i would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an olympic diving platform.they blew it in 20
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