



1、Media freedom and self-discipli ne from the eavesdropp ing door look“ Eavesdrop door eve nt exposed the moral bottomline issues and regulatory loopholes, not only to News Corp. painful blow, also caused a stir among the world media. ” Eavesdrop door “ News Corporation has resulted in to a deep crisi

2、s, eve n the Murdoch familiar in The stra in of the Road, yet en ables the Group to get rid of the embarrass ingsituati on.U.S. and Britishin dustryforecasts, unable“to force ” reason, Murdoch countrywill be brillia nt and difficult to susta in.The pathological n ews outlook harm the foun datio n of

3、 the media Founding media to in tegrate into society and then eedto uphold certa inn ewsvalues a ndethics. Wester nn ews co nceptemphasizes prominent,impers on al,con flict ingn ati onalsystems, ideologies, and differentcultural backgrounds,proximity, weird and value orie ntati on. Marxism n ews vie

4、w requires us to pay attention to when the new proximity significant importanee and interesting. Both East and West, responsible media, must followthe real, objective, iimpartial, and their authority, the services of social welfareprin ciples from a moral perspective, the media impact ofits generali

5、zation to the political economic, and cultural life, is also bound to take on social responsibility. the media moral point, a point to external harmony, to promote the developme nt of society and the huma n spirit,ano therpoint toin ternalcon strai nts,thatspiritcon sciouslycultivatea healthy pursui

6、tto measure,“eavesdrop door ”just exposed thelack ofvalues a ndethics of WesternMediaHealthNews. kind of disregard for human dignity,respect foradve ntures, grotesque and pathological ano maly reported n ews con cept, deserti on of social resp on sibility , also led to the the media the Founding fou

7、n dati on of cripples.Regulatory fatiguein dulge neeun derl ined“freedom. ”&It;&It;Since the News of the World> ;& gt; sca ndal, the n ewspaper man ageme nt, i nclud ing BritishPrimeMi nisterDavid Camer on,formerHead ofMediaNewsCoulsonand internationalnewscompanyCEO Brooks and other 11 people have

8、 been arrested. dereliction of duty on the part of the paymentofremun erati onfor private detectives and other policeverificati on,internalman ageme ntinten sifiedeavesdropp ing in cide nt can not shirk the resp on sibility.External supervision, at the same time, there are also serious flaws. , Brit

9、a in issued a the << > ;& gt;legally binding law of defamatio n media behavior, but in practice, the privacy issues are in directly protected areas if violated, can not be a unique right to ask for legal protection or relief, and oftenillegalinvasion“ or ”breach of trust “ reasonsacco un tab

10、lefor mediuminfrin geme nt trial in the media also tend to be held tort liability usually depe nds on the civil law rules to solve, or in voke the con stituti onal provisi ons as con stra ints on civil law and that the Court can borrow News the freedom grounds relax controlviolations for the media f

11、rom thepoint of view of in dustry self-regulatio n, the UK, although earlier to establish a self-regulatory body, the in troducti on of a self-regulatory norms, but the operationbut theoperati on mecha nism of acco un tability right of retur n of the media itself.Various un der the umbrella of the l

12、aws of the British media, self-regulati on seems to be tight, but in fact loose, internaland external regulatory fatigue, leading to thefreedom of the press no bottom line.Adverse voyeurism help reduce the media quality.News Corporatio n in 2056, had bee n accused of steali nglisten privacy, but it

13、was not until today, causing public outcry, the reasons are multiple, one of society s extremeviews “ celebrity privacy un dersta nding or misread ing of social life as a public figure should be accord ing to the law the right to privacy, but because of the special status, they occupy the media reso

14、urces more and more depe ndence on the media and con trollability whe n the public in terest whe n there is a greater con flict and celebrity privacy, the public can ask celebrities to give up privacy, to meet the public s right to know, this is a legitimate and reason able legal celebrity is not th

15、e protecti on of the privacy laws, but that is not to say it does not mean to agree with the media can infringe on the field of the private lives of citize ns at any time.Public psychosocial ubiquitous sun glasses effect“,every one weari ngsun glasses to hide beh ind to watchothers meet as ” spectat

16、ors “ psychological glimpse lusts. The speciallydug privacy a long time to develop theBritish media, muckrak ing celebrityreportedtraditi on, isalso a vote of the public what they now “eavesdrop door ” the public from behind the scenes onto the front and become the objectof the infringement, publicc

17、oncerns and psychological desirefin allycha nged.Accordingto Maslow needs doctrine basic physiologicaland safety needs are threatened,people are physically,men tally hurt media tapp ing irratio nality, illegality fin ally a profo und experie nee, which rose up to defe nd their rights.Mediaresp on si

18、bility:the esse nee of freedom isself-discipli ne. The face of the crisis, Murdoch has always been an optical illusion, thought“eavesdrop door ” isjust a minor annoyan ce. Rely on skilledcrisiscom muni cati on skills can skillfully deflected the questi on, and pull through its crisis resp onse speed

19、 of skills high, is in deed remarkable.Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter However, to reca nt in volv ing sin cerity is not eno ughand too late and did not achieve the desired results have the British experts blun tly poin ted out that the compa ny misstep is not in itially completely solve the

20、basic problem, but stubbor nly adhere to the deeply flawed in terpretati on. failed to resolve the fun dame ntal issues of media ethics, adirect result of the failure of a public relations crisis. proliferati on of con sumerism is not on ly a challe nge to the safety of people s life, constitutes the reality of the root causes of the crisis of the damage and distress brought to the media s own developmenttramplingon the legalautho


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