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1、An alysis of the En glish film and televisi onclips in the use of college En glish classroomPaper Keywords En glish film and televisi on clips realin terestin thecon textof theEn glishclassroomAbstractintroducedin the original English teachinginthe En glish film and televisi on clips, accord ing to

2、differe nt teachingpurposesand objects, design a varietyofclassroom activities for studentsto create an authenticIan guage en viro nmen t, improve stude nt participati on, not only active classroom atmosphere, and there help improve the English proficiency of students, enhance students sense of Ian

3、guage.In recent years, with the deepening of college En glish teach ingin to the school and uni versity stude ntsdevelop a higher level of En glish, the traditi onal teach ing methods, such as for textbooks, vocabulary, sentence and expla in the syn tax of Ian guage teach ing, teach ing content has

4、become abstract, bori ng eve n lead to bored stude nts in the college En glish classroom, stude nts lack opport un itiesto learnin teractivecom muni cati on.Although we can not expect all stude nts in the classroomto kno wledge,after all, Ian guage lear ningis moreself-depe ndent,but face to face cl

5、assroomteachersshouldbeproperguida nee tostude nts, provide thecorrectapproachto lear ning,to stimulate stude ntsinterestinlearningfor studentscreate an atmosphereconduciveto learning in Englishthought, to create thebest en viro nment for Ian guage learni ng, teach ing content as possible so that a

6、lively, intuitive, concrete, so that stude nts in more authe ntic Ian guage en vir onment to improve En glish Ian guage lear ning aware ness of thinking.So, howto improvestude ntparticipatein classroomteach ingen thusiasm,moreteachersandstude ntsin teractiveopport un itiesforstude nts tocreaterealis

7、ticEn glishIan guageen viro nment?En glishmoviein troducti onfor this questionprovide asolutio nto thepath. This study content is how to en rich the En glish filmresources in to teach ing content, how to create the best en vir onment for lear ning En glish stude nts, which can more effectively impro

8、ve their comprehe nsive ability.First, the feasibility of teach ing video clips1,the exist ing problemsSurvey shows that most stude nts welcome the useof video classroomteachingmethods. In fact, moststudentshave the habit of watchingmovies in English,hopingin this way to improve English proficiency,

9、inparticular, is to in crease vocabulary, enhance liste ning comprehe nsion.Complicated less on pla ns , limitedclassroom time, stude nts of vary ing levels of teach ing will undoubtedly become a stumblingblock to the film as ameans of teaching the effect brought about is not fully developed. Englis

10、h film and television teaching in the classroom for a limitedtime can be effectivelyused,whether feasible to be a con troversial issue in many people s eyes, the film only as a means of entertainment rather tha nthe teach ingapproach.Many teachersquestionedthe teachingof film and television, filmapp

11、reciati on class in En glish is not eno ugh emphasis on teach ing and research work, just enjoy the film as a simple pastime and en terta inment. Film contains a lot of Ianguage and cultural information,if they couldbetran sformed in to effective lear ningtool , in order todesig n a variety of vivid

12、 teach ing activities, so that bestuse , you can in crease stude nt participati on in terest.2, to stimulate in terestWell-k nown educati on Ush in ski said: There is nointerest,and forced to learn, it will stifle the will ofstudents to acquire knowledge. 1 students of Englishteachers fear and disgu

13、st also virtually a greater pressure, can not do in Englishclass a degree of relaxationclassroomintoa on e-ma nshow.visiblein terestismotivatio ntolear n.Film as aforeig nIan guageclassroomaids,has been recognizedmoreand morepeople becomevaluable tools forIan guageteach ing.Play ing En glish movies

14、will help get rid of the monotonyof book knowledge, has tired of the sea for studentsinterms of tactics, i nstead of is not give n to the illustrati ons in books, audio-visual comb in ati on of the material. If you can comb inemovies and books, tech no logycan maketeach ing more real.3, to create co

15、n textAmerica nAssociati onofForeig nLanguageTeach ing(America n Coun cil ontheTeach ingof ForeignLanguage)said that a perfectuseof foreignIan guagelearners must know how to choose the appropriate timeon what peoplesay whatwords (Knowinghow,whe n,and why to saywhattowhom).If you want tolear nEn glis

16、h, accord ingtothisgoal, itmust bedeepin the real con text intoitrelativelyeasy toun dersta ndIanguage the profound mood and nuances,and mostn ever go abroad for stude nts with a variety of real En glish learningenvironmentfor non-English Ianguage film isnone other tha n the orig in al. authe ntic I

17、an guage materials should be English-speakingaudieneein everyday lifewatch ing movies and TV series, etc. provided the orig inal film the reality of the books can not give the Ianguage en vir onment. vivid picture , actor vivid performa nces and rich Ianguage, such as a picture-like story started. t

18、aken from real-life con text, rather tha n con trived fake sce nes, a lot of different styles of authentic Ianguage, everything. English film to help students familiar with the English words rhythm, and gradually establish a sense of Ian guageflue ncy,foreig n words and familiar ways ofthinking, int

19、o the En glish-speak ingcoun triesof thecultural con text.Second, the video clip selectionmethod 1,sub-type scree ningFor the overall style show or segme nted show, views can hardly uni form. I believe that the overall scree ning of the film is certainly more desirable, will not affect the students

20、interestin watching, moreconducive tolearningEn glishimmersio n, butin evitablythere isoverwhel mingsuspici on,uni essa separate filmappreciati on classes, En glish classes should still be around the text to start. Specifically, the object of college En glish teach ing non-En glish majors, two class

21、es per week is very limited, can not meet the screening requirements of the whole film, while the stories are gen erallyclose to twohours, regardlessof theamount of in formati on,knowledgeof Ianguage points and length of terms fornon-En glish majors is difficult to digest, directly in creas ing thei

22、r burde n. In additi on, many popular stude nt had see n the classic film, if coin cides see n the film, they will be very impatie nt, or eve n think the teacher is a waste of time, so we n eed to split the movie, cut loose, and help them to digest and accept, but the n eed for the purpose of select

23、 ing clips, you can pla n for differe nt classes, desig ned purely for heari ng exercises, grammar exercises, or cultural backgro und to expla in the other.2, starti ng with the content of textbooksSelect the video clip is not for nothing, the first stepin selectionis Shanghao class. In generalthe b

24、est fittutorial topics of each article, with appropriate additi onalrelatedinformation,so as to further consolidate thestude nts kno wledge lear ned in the classroom. Topic or theactivitiesshouldbe diversifiedin orderto adapttodiffere ntstude nts withdiffere ntin terests.Second,theidea tochoosehealt

25、hy, positivecontentof the movie. Moviesare an importantcom municationvehicleofmoral culture,the stude ntsindepict ingthe lifeandvalues ?have an impact Thus, the film reflects the thememust be positive, noble. 2 In addition,the Ianguageshould be sta ndardized as much as possible, do not select contai

26、ns a lot of words, idioms or sla ng such as video clips, best curriculum and freque ntly used in real life terms, or make new words stude nts the face of overwhel ming loss, forcedatte nti onstill focused on words rather tha nenhance the sense of Ian guage lear ning on the course, theBaife ng Fu, ar

27、ticulate, moderate Speed ?video clips ideal, because the pronunciation is often vague, too fast pace and un com mon acce nts make stude nts lov ing mind, so that the film will en able stude nts to become discouragedanddepressed, and eve n more convin ced thattoextremely di fficult .un dersta nd the

28、so-called real En glishFurthermore, the choice of the film plot is not too out oftouch with reality, and life-related, but also for the students familiar with the social scene, it is easy to reson ate, such as the classic America n sitcom <&l t;Frie nds> ;& gt; a total of two hun dred episodes,

29、 which covers the Anglo-Americanand almost all thecustomsand culture of other countries,which a lot ofdialogue funny, humor, very suitablefor classroomlearning.Third, how touse video clips in the Englishclassroom Films in English teachingpractice, teacherscan not in discrim in ately show from start

30、to fin ish the film to stude nts, but should be suppleme nted by a variety of activities. Video clips teach ing, you shouldin troducestude nts to the ins and outs of the story, relatedvocabulary and cultural content . on the selected video clips to help stude ntsfullyun dersta nd the deeperun dersta

31、 nding of the viewi ng time for stude nts to give full play to imag in ati on, enhance the lear ning in terest would be in terspersed with video clips to expla in in the text for teachingstudents to design a variety of tasks to helpstudentseasily as possible , happy to learn while alsobeari ng in mi

32、nd the expressi on of lear ned and kno wledge poin ts. I own the follow ingdescribes the follow ingcom mon ly used in the classroom in several ways:1, vocabulary exercises& It ;<NewHorizo nCollegeEn glish> >Read ing and Writi ng in the text, many related to Wester n society and other cultur

33、al backgro unds and social sce nes, and film, many sce nes and they coin cide. I borrowed these sce narios allow stude nts to deepe n their un dersta nding of text contentun dersta nding,lear ningnew words incon text. The fourth book & It ;<fame of the last> >this article, about people chas

34、 ing fame and fortune one of thereas ons is to be soughtafter by groupies< ;&l t;Frie nds> ;& gt; Joey fame in the sec ond quarter, the female fans crazy star-chasingbehavior humorous,stude nts had to keep in mindin laughter at best,worshipping, lure the words and can string words into senten ce

35、s. the fourthvolumebiography<<Chaplin>> this text in the image of hishousehold,students start with the lessons learned fromthe descriptionof his appearanee, followed by a smallwatch ing Robert Downey Jr. starri ng biopic <&l t;Chapli n> >,there is about the episodetransformation

36、when he had to choose clothing in thedress ing room, he fin ally selected a few props: cane, mustache, huge pants and tail coats and descripti onof the articlecoin cide,which gave thestude nts left a deep impressi on. a stude nt also funny that this time he fin ally dist in guishthe differe neebetwe

37、e namustache and beard, ben efit.2 repeat view ingTo put a movie clip at leasttwice. Sometimes the characters in the movie dialogue is very simple, straightforward, but just clips broadcast, we are not familiar with the pronunciationand speech rateactor once mastered the rhythm of their speech, soon

38、 to en ter the state, usually I do not like the first pass Play withsubtitles,eve n without Chin ese subtitles, not100%understand it does not matter, understandhow much,how much even. with the film to learn English, do not force their every word must un dersta nd every word, but this will hin der le

39、ar ning in terest I ofte n en courage stude nts to trust their own in sti nets, to hear anythin g, just remember what to write hear, keyword , understanding with imagination , the first roughlypiece together fragmentsof story structure and theme.Althoughhear the movieis ambiguous result, but thecomb

40、 in ati onof superb actors act ing, music, sce ne, payatte nti onto the con crete used in a sentencecon text,attention to speculation the speaker s voice tone and psychology, do our best to guess, to improve the ability to speculate on the unknowninformation,which is theIan guage of the law school.S

41、till& It ;<Chapli n> ;& gt;this class, forexample, have a say in the orig inal text of his mother was diagnosedwith mental disorders, the film s plot is ayoung Charlie Chaplin s own mother to a mental hospital,I put This episode did not show any subtitles, anddesig ned a questi on: Why did Chap

42、lin send his motherto the asylum? The word stude nt is unknown asylum but with the text She was temporarily declared mad , goes well guess out of the episode. without subtitles, you can develop the ability to do the summary, exercise can also spoke n for the sec ond time can be attached to the En gl

43、ish subtitles, for how can not sense their own part, after read ing impressive.3 Subject to practice Text appears for each differe nt theme, select the video clips contain similar themes, related exercises designed to guide students to complete, such as New Horiz on College En glish> >Read ing

44、 and Writi ng Volume II is the third less on on the pros and cons of cross-border marriages, so that The topic for the stude nts both familiar and un familiar, they may not understand the couple because of nationality, habits, ideas, customs,Ian guagediffere nces and quarrels,troubles, so I chose th

45、e three sections of video clips, <<GuessWho Dinner in the mixed marriages ofcouples, & It ;<Pretty Woma n> ;& gt; of Ci nderella and the Prince, <<Friends>> Monica and Richard slove this year-e ndparties. three fragme nts were ofdiffere nt races, differe nt age, the marriage o

46、f pers ons of differe nt ide ntities to face setbacks. watched the film clips, I ask stude nts to try to book the words and expressi ons to describe the plot of the film clips, the film involves organizing students to discuss social issues, we learn emoti ons stro ng, active classroom atmosphere, th

47、e effect is sig nifica nt.Teachers can also address the importaneeofthe text which appeared in grammar,syn tax gran tedselected points in clude video clips, guide stude nts how to apply it to the actual session, such as the applicationofthe subjunctivemood, we practice the dialogue in theusual basic

48、 n eed, but real life, it appears the freque ncy is high, only <<Friends>>the fourth quarter ofthe twen ty-third focus, it appears at least three times.In additi on, teachers can also use video clips for dictationexercises, role play, voice training,translationand cultural comparisoncorr

49、ection,adjustingclassroomatmosphere, we must also en couragestude nts to use in this process as much as possible to master the Ian guageof the kno wledgeand skills toun dersta ndingandappreciati on of the film plot, psychological and emotio nal learning can be more successfully in tegrated into the

50、task.IV Con clusi onMany stude nts spe nd a lot of timeand effort, his mind, but still can not speak flue nt En glish,can not effectivelycom muni catewith foreig ners. Soconstantlyupset, complain that their base is too weakgrammar, vocabulary is too small, sentence there is no master, college stude nts lack the vocabulary is not, nor is the syn tax, but the opport un ity and courage, as well as an authe ntic Ian guage en vir onment as long as from time to time in


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