1、An alysis of bus in ess En glish teachi ng forceto solve problems and strategiesAbstract: The Cambridge Busin ess En glish courses are being more and more attention,this teachingof thecourse an alyzes the problems and put forward a strategy to address these issues.Busin ess En glish has bee n the ad
2、ve nt of 40 years time, with freque ntintern ati onal trade and thepopularity of En glish, bus in ess En glish teach ing has bee n rapid developme nt in China, the bus in ess really bega n to develop the teaching of English in the past 20 years, a number of colleges and universities to develop a lar
3、ge nu mber of excelle ntbus in esstale nts,but with thein creas ing nu mber of foreig n-fun ded en terprises in Chi na, especially in the accessi on to the World Trade Orga ni zatio n,Chi na sin ter nati onaltrade morefreque ntly, thehigh-dema ndforeig nIan guageprofessionalshave gradually expanded
4、their not only tomaster the professi onal kno wledge,but also able toskillfully and accuratelyusing English in daily work andcom muni cati on.CambridgeBusin essEn glishcourses aretargeted at thecom mun ityfavored the CambridgeBusin essEn glishCertificate exams and courses.Cambridge Busin ess En glis
5、h Certificate (Bus in ess En glish Certificatereferred to as BEC) exam is the MinistryofEducatio nExam in ati on Cen ter and the Un iversityofCambridge Exam in ati ons Board the authority to orga nize exam in ati on,is non-En glish-speak ingcoun tries to meetpers onnel n eeds of intern ati onal bus
6、in ess to ope n, and its purpose is to exam ine the can didates in a specific bus in ess en vir onment, the actual use of En glish Ian guage ability of many coun tries in Europe and the certificate is widely recog ni zed in China Busin ess En glish has become a graduate job pass. Cambridge Busin ess
7、 En glish course first in the selecti on of materials: the close in tegrati onwith professi onaldevelopme ntgoals.Textbooks to aba ndon the traditi onal grammar based old model,the use of direct com muni cative ; Inadditi on,the materialsprovidea realWester nbus in esscultures. The secondchoicein th
8、econtent:with thecertificate n exam is closely related to the third approach emphasizes the teachingof listening, speaking,readingand writi ng four one.Vocatio nal educati on to meet the employme nt-orie nted schools, vocatio nal in stitutio ns,the curre nt nu mber of Busin ess En glish Busin ess En
9、 glish Cambridge have set up this course, the inten ti on is for one or two semester system of teach ing so that stude nts From liste ning,speak ing,read ingandwrit ingfour-roundin crease in the bus in ess en viro nment,the ability to useEn glish to obta in BEC Certificate to improve employability a
10、nd competitive ness.A < ;<CambridgeBusin ess En glish> ;& gt;Teach ing Problems 1, the lack of teach ing real bus in ess situati onsBus in ess En glish, the most obvious feature is that itis bus in ess en viro nment in the applicati on of En glish The specific focus of Ian guage teach ing in
11、the bus in ess en vir onment. Therefore, teach ingbus in essEn glishlearners must firstan alyzethe targeten viro nment,learners exposure to specific bus in ess situati ons, mobilize the en thusiasm of stude nts, and actively to participate in the classroom, which requires teachers in the teaching pr
12、ocess to simulate real bus in ess sce narios or take their stude nts to real bus in ess sce narios to en able them to experie nee, while in reality the Cambridge Busin ess English>>teaching, our teachers spend too muchtime in a lot of lear ning the Ian guage itself, emphasiz ing pronun ciati o
13、n,vocabulary and grammarlear ning,ignoring the Busin ess En glish should be positi oned in the Ianguage on., the reality of teaching is also difficult to find a real bus in ess in the con text of teach ing support materials, such as some of the company s annual reports, meeti ng minu tes, docume nta
14、ries.2, the stude ntsactively participate in theclassroom is poorMost in stituti ons of the <&l t;Cambridge Busin essEn glish> ;& gt;Teach ing or in the traditi onal teacher-centered teaching. Is a man speaking byteachers, and teachers in the classroom with the authority of the decisi on, stude
15、 nts should liste n and do no tes, andteacher assignmentscompleted on time, good for thefinal exam scores in the process, teachers will impart knowledge to the passive acceptanee of students. Most students in the classroom to remain silent, unwilling to participate in classroom practice and discussi
16、 on, a serious affected the study results.3, the role of teachers not fullyThe teachers, the vast majority of work in teach ingbus in ess En glish teachers, no bus in ess En glish academic backgro und, work on real bus in ess en vir onment is not very understanding, in teaching methods are still mor
17、e com mon use of the traditi onal En glish teach ing mode, caused by the dual passive lear ning; to teach bus in ess En glish using En glish and other professi onal courses teachers are still a min ority, un able to meet the in creas in gly competitive bus in ess n eeds.Second, the<&l t;Cambridge
18、Busin essEn glish> > Teach ing in the soluti on to the problem Strategy 1, the establishme nt of a real bus in ess sce nario simulatio nTo enablestudentsto gain listening, speaking,read ingand writi ngcomprehe nsivetraining in the< ;&l t;Cambridge Busin ess En glish> ;& gt; teach ing, we u
19、sually use the com muni cativeapproach,I heard thatmethod, grammar tran slati on method,verbal,andcomprehe nsivemethod, but no matter what kinds ofteach ingmethods,teach ing bus in ess sce narios in thesimulatio n are an esse ntial part of so-called an alog, is the bus in ess operatio nand excha nge
20、 of con text applied tothe classroom, comb ined with the kno wledge taught, and gradually improve their ability to accurately use bus in ess terms, and consolidatethe expertise they have learned.simulation is to connect knowledge and practice of the most effective method. Specifically, you can use t
21、wo simulati on methods, classroom set up bus in ess simulatio n and real-time simulati on b in ati onClassroom in real-timeof classroomsimulati onis alectures on the bus in esssce nario simulatio n. Since < ;&l t;CambridgeBusin essEnglish>>textbooks, a large number of cases and
22、the daily work of dialogue, so the class can choose anappropriate content for stude nts to simulatio n trai ning Let them to a commercial activity s point of view to read the backgro und kno wledge, an alyz ingproblems and the nsolve theproblem. This processis to mobilize theenthusiasm of the studen
23、ts,but also allows students toquickly master the learningcontent, such as the use ofcommercialn egotiati ons,the stude nts groups, playdiffere nt roles. to n egotiate a commodity trad ing. content of the talks could involve offer, price, payment method, packag in g, i nsura nee, etc. This exercise h
24、as the ability of stude nts to use professi on al la nguage and some stude nts because very in troverted, very few people face whe n this speech, so in this situation will unconsciously tense up, teachers should give more guidaneeto develop theircourage . In this process, studentshave their own role
25、,more take the in itiative to joi n in the discussi on, the teamspirit of cooperationhas bee nstre ngthe ned;publicdem on strati onexercisethestudents oralcom muni cati onskills;bus in essbackgr oundallows thelearner to pay more attention to the use of professional expressi on.In a short sce ne, the
26、 stude ntsof bus in essknowledge,oral expression, teamwork and other skills have bee n improved, and these capabilities in the futurework of the bus in ess is esse ntial.Teach ing materialsteachers can set the simulatio n of n egotiati on sce narios, simulati on payme nt sce narios, simulated office
27、 sce ne (ie, bus in ess docume nts, corresp onden ce, report writ ing, etc.).Of course, i n this classroom, the teacher should con ti nueto encouragestudents to have the appropriate spirit ofadve nture,give greatrecog niti onof their creativity,develop their ability to bravely bear the wrong, and to
28、 actively identify the problem the student s basic there are good and bad, will show the effect of good and bad.teachers should perform in each group after the end of senten ces wordsfor stude nts,speech patter ns,facialgestures,speech, content, etc. Comme nts, praise andencourage their strengths, p
29、ointedout weaknesses inorder to better express themselves after their course of classroom simulatio n of real-life situatio n can also be used debates andprese ntati onsin the form ofcommodities. 2, establish a bus in ess simulatio n laboratory.Our school in< ;&l t;CambridgeBusin essEn glish> &
30、gt; teach ing, on the use of school la nguagelab established a laboratory, not out of school so that stude nts can con duct bus in ess see nario in the laboratory simulatio n. No con diti ons can the school and local con tactthe re leva ntcompa ni es,toestablish where thebasesimulatio n,so that stud
31、entshave the opport un itytopractice theen terprise,sothat stude nts havemoreopport un ities to apply the kno wledge lear ned to practice, go to work for the future and lay a good foundation qualified schools can buy somebus in esssimulatio nsoftware, stude ntscancon ducteffective bus in esssimulati
32、onand training, through repeated training, fast,skilled, regulate bus in ess activities to master the operati on of the bus in ess skills and esse ntials.3, the effective use of multimediaeconomy hasIn ternet(In ternet)to the globalun derg oneeno rmouscha nges, on li netran sacti ons (on .1i neBusin
33、 ess)e(E.commerce),electro nicchecks electro niccard and othernew con ceptsemerg ingin the ever-changingvariety ofecono mic and14the teach ing in thewhiteboard (whiteboard),trade activities in a way which affectteaching of foreigncountries,digital cameras (digitalcamera), camera (camcorder), project
34、orBeiji ngElectricPower College, Octobereducatio nresearch (projector), camera (web cam) anddista nee lear ning (dista nee lear ning) stude nts are familiar with; our in stituti onsof higherlear ning,multimediateach ing gradually promoti on and popularizati on of these computers are not only tech no
35、 logical inno vati on, but also for teachers and stude nts more choices.Busin ess En glishin the classroom, computer,In ternet projectors andother multimedia tech no logy, MP3 audio and video data, video, movies, classic dialogue to joi n, not only to attract the atte ntio n of stude nts copy ing th
36、e blackboard to save time and enrich the teaching content; and You can also enable students to learn office software (such as Word, Power point) use, to carry out state (prese ntati on) of the training, and can get the fastest network of information resources now more and more teachers create web pa
37、ges for their courses , the network can give students a rich learning resource, students can browse through more curriculum-relatedWeb content, such as findingcoursecontent, work content and academic achieveme nt, or some other supplementary material, so that even ifstude nts are sick abse nces You
38、can keep up with progress at the same time no matter how far, teachers and betwee n teachers, betwee n teachers andstude nts,betwee nstude nts and stude nts can com muni catevia e-mail afterclass views can be see n, a n ecessary requireme nt for the use of Busin ess En glish Teach ing computer and I
39、n ter net kno wledge of the En glish Ian guage and trade orga ni cally comb inebus in esskno wledgeto quickly update andimprove the lear ners to use high-tech intern atio nal trade services.4, give full play to the role of teachers in the classroomAs a teacher, i n order to comma nd in the classroom
40、skill, composure, you must be familiar with materials, carefulpreparation,but also with a correct guidingideology, focus on stre ngthe ningself-c on structi on,update their kno wledge in teach ing, always adhere to the prin ciple-ce ntered teach ing and to en able stude nts to first recognizethat th
41、eir future work are engagedin theimportaneeof education before they learn to do thingsthe teacher must have targeted the international trade practice in read ing books, i n order to better improve their teach ing and create a good cross con diti ons.5, bus in ess and cultural aware ness training in
42、teach ingThe traditi onal emphasison teach ingbus in essEnglish Ianguage learning, spend too much time in the English pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, but it ignores the pen etrati on in the in ter natio nalbus in essenvironment,bus in essculture in cross-culturalcom muni cati on,culturaldiffe
43、re ncesin a larger , ofte nresult ingin sig nifica ntbus in ess activities in the barriers.Therefore, in teach ing bus in ess En glish, bus in ess and cultural aware ness of stude nts is extremely importa nt. To do this, alone is not eno ugh class time, teachers can be achieved through assig nments such as layout provides a large n
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