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1、九年级新目标Unit 12You5re supposed to shake hands.Self checkReview! What are you supposed to do5 when you . be supposed to do被期望或要求做;应该做1. Fill in the blanks!arriver Everything was unfamiliar. I was used to eating with chopsticks and a spoon,but I had to eat with a knife,a fork and a spoon. And I had,not

2、just one set to use,but two or three of each. Questions crowded my mind.LearningWas I supposed to begin with the largest ones or the smallest? Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out?Was I supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand?Learning What

3、 I finally decided to do was A sampleWhat I finally decided to do was to look up at how the others behave themselves at the table. I found that the man opposite to me was looking at me. It seemed that he was also a newcomer and not able to eat a western meal, either.We burst into laughter. And then

4、came the waiter to see what it was the matter. We told him that we did not know how to eat. He was surprised to learn that. And then he said, Eat the way you do in your own country”Phrasesbe unfamiliar just one set to use begin with work in/out陌生,不熟悉 只用一套 用开始 往里用(往外用)hold.in ones left hand 左手拿crowd

5、sth挤满了某处eg. The swimmer crowded the beaches.The beaches were crowded by the swimmers. We often crowded around the table,eating meals.3 Complete the crossword1. Japanese and Korean do this when they meet people, bow2. Americans do this with their hands whenthey meet people, shake3 Brazilian do this in Brazil when they meet, kiss4. You eat with these in Japan, Korea, and China, chopsticks5. You cut your food with this in the United States. knifeJust for fun!Homework请根据以下提示,介绍一下在美国人家里做客时应注意的一些事项。


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