1、2021年中考英语专项练习一话题作文A 2021年四川省宜宾初中三年即将过去,你在这三年中一定有没有实现的愿望。为此,校园播送站特向全校初三学生征稿。请你根据下面提示,写一篇播送稿。1. 没有实现的愿望如:学会吉他:2. 没有实现愿望的原因至少两个;3. 进入高中后为实现愿望的方案。要求:1.短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,段落清楚,90词左右。开头己给出,不计入 总字数2. 短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校、地名等信息。3. 短文应包括全部信息,可围绕主题适当发挥。How time flies! Three years of junior high school has gone by before
2、 we know it.B 2021年湖北省黄冈市中考美丽中国,美丽长江。黄冈是长江边一座美丽的城市。假设你是黄冈某中学的一名中学生李明,请你以“美丽的黃冈为话題,向你的英国笔友Tom介绍一下你美丽的家乡黃冈。要点提示:1黄冈位于长江之边,大别山之南;2. 黄冈历史悠久,名人辈出;3. 黄冈风景迷人,乡村秀美;4. 人人参与,从小事做起,黄冈人正在努力地保护黄冈的自然环境;5. 邀请Tom来中国,欣赏黃冈更美好的绿水青山、蓝天口云。写作要求:1.词数90左右短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2根据要点提示,可以适发挥;3 短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。参考词位于;Dabie mountain
3、s; plant; clean up; clear river and green mountainsDear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. You asked me about my hometown, now let me tell you.Best wishes!Yours,Li MingC 2021年山东省滨州中考某校正在开展“走进新时代,争当合格中学生的演讲比赛,请以uWe act, we improve为主题,写一篇演讲稿,谈谈中学生除了学习课本知识之外,还应该做些什么?演讲稿应包括以下内容:1学会自立,老实友善,举止文明;2培养习惯,开展兴趣,
4、不断创新;3. 关心他人,和谐相处,懂得感恩;4要求:1要点齐全,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名与校名;3. 卷面整洁,书写美观,可适当加2-3分;4. 词数:80词左右。开头局部已给出,不计入总词数。We act, we improveLadies and gentlemen,We have entered a new era. As students, its our duty to study hard. But to be a qualified middle schoolstudent, I think we have a lot of things to do.D 202
5、1-江苏淮安“和谐邻里,互助互爱是中华民族的传统美德。最近,某社区发生的一件事在当地传为佳话:两周前,李明八十岁的父亲单独在家,他突然生病了,而李明夫妇在离家很远的学校工作。幸亏邻居张先生伸出援手,老人被及时送往医院,现已脱离危险。李明十分感谢。请根据上述材料,用英语写一篇短文,文章必须包括以下要点:1. 简述李明父亲得救的经过:2. 你对这件事的感悟拥有好邻居很重要.;3. 如何成为好邻居和睦相处o注意:1.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;2. 词数在80100,已给出的文字不计入总词数。Enjoying a hannoiiious neighborhood is one of our
6、Chinese traditional viitues. Wliat has happened iiione community recently is a good exampleTwo weeks ago,We can create a harmonious neighborhood in this way.E 2021年山东省青岛市中央电视台?经典咏流传?节目的播出,再次激发了人们对经典文学作品的阅读热情。读书可以成就更美好的自己,让读书伴随我们成长。请根据以下要点提示,以Growing up with Reading题5写一篇英语短文介绍你曾经读过的一本书或一首诗,并建议大家多读书,读
7、好书。要点提示:读书的重要性1.获取知识,开阔眼界;2.提升自我,增强自信读过的一本书或一首诗1.作品内容简介;2.读书感悟及对自己的影响。多读书,读好书1.利用闲暇时间多读书,养成读书的好习惯;2.多读经典文学作品注意:1短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。2. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、学校及地名。3. 词数:80-100 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:classic经典作品;open up one eyes开阔眼界;improve oneself提升自我;be moreconfident 更自信;responsibility 责任;cooperation 合作。Gr
8、owing up with ReadingHave you watched the program Everlasting Classics on CCTV? This program makes us more interestedin reading books, especially classics.F2021年湖北省恩施州中考2021年3月至今,北京八达岭野生动物园发生了多起游客违反入园规那么而导致的人员伤亡事件,这些悲剧发人深省。俗话说“没有规矩,不成方圆二作为中学生,我们应该遵守哪些规那么,请结合以下图和要点提示,写一篇英语短文。要点提示:1 遵守交通规那么;2 不插队;3. 遵
9、守入园规那么;4补充两点其他的规那么。要求:1 文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥使行文连贯;2条理清晰,字迹工整,词数不少于80;3文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息。提示词汇:jump the queue 插队;fence 围栏G 2021-江苏常州署假将至,学校呼吁每天花三小时自主读书。但是,同学们对于读什么产生了分歧。请根据下表提示,写一篇英文短文,向学校报刊投稿。观点一读长篇读物,如文学作品、科学书籍,因为能培养阅读习惯。观点二读实用短文,如社会新闻、生活知识,因为能更多了解世界。你的选择长篇读物还是实用短文?你的理由至少两点注意:1必须包括表中所有提示内容,并作适当发挥:2.
10、文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;3. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写标准;4. 词数不少于100,文章的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;5. 参考词汇:长篇读物 full-length reading n. u; 文学作品 works of literature n. pl.Our school asks us to spend three hours on self-reading every day in the summer vacation. However,opinions are divided on what to read.H 2021-江苏宿迁“你养我长大,我陪你变老。
11、父母亲一直在为我们的成长默默付出,成长要学会感受爱、回报爱。今天是父亲节,是我们向爸爸表达感谢的好时机。请根据以下所给要点,写一篇英语短文。要点:1.给我生命,一直照顾我成长;2. 努力工作,为我提供良好的生活和教育条件;3. 拥有爱心,教我学会;4. 今天,我要为您.自主发挥,至少两点。本卷须知:1.词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数:2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。You raise me up. I will be with you in your life. You are an important person in the process of my growt
12、h.I 2021-天津请你根据以下内容提示,以The Story of Li Hua为题,为学校播送站英语专栏写一篇短文,介绍发生在你班同学李华身上的一件事。1上周五放学后李华乘公交车回家,看到有人在吃橘子,并把橘皮扔在车上;2李华把橘皮捡起,放进垃圾桶;(3) 乘客用 拍了照片,发布到网上;(4) 老师知道后表扬了李华,李华说这是他应该做的;(5) 你觉得参考词汇:果皮peel垃圾桶dustbin发布post表扬praise要求:(1)词数:80100;(2) 短文的题LI和开头已给出,不计入总词数;(3) 要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。The Story of Li HuaLast Fr
13、iday,when my classmate Li Hua took a bus back home from school,J (2021-浙江绍兴)你校英语社团正在开展主题为How do stxidents find study partners?的讨论,为此你采访了 一些学生。请你根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文进行交流,并说明你自己的方式及理山。方式理由局部学生使用网络方便找到学伴及时得到帮助局部学生参加社团面对面分享经验共同解决问题注意:(1)短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;(2) 你的理由至少两条;(3) 词数:80100;9(4) 短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词
14、汇:学伴study partner方便的convenientI have recently done a survey about how students find study partners.K 2021-云南每个人都向往美好的生活,美好的生活需要我们真诚的付出和给予。请以Doing Sometliing Niceto.为题,写一篇英语短文,谈谈你曾经或将要为他人、社会等做的一件美好的事情。要求:1.请先将题H补全再作答;2. 语言流畅、题日写标准、卷面整洁,词数不少于60;3. 文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否那么以零分计;4. 请将短文写在答题卡上,写在本试题卷上无效。Doing So
15、mething Nice toL 2021-浙江台州某英文网站正举办主题为-Independence的征文活动。假设你是张华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。短文必须结合你的亲身经历,描述与独立这一优秀品质相关的一件事情,并谈谈它给你带来的影响及感 受。注意:词数:80-100; 短文开头仅供选择使用,不计入总词数; 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。短文开头:I still remember.2021年中考英语专项练习一话题作文参考答案AHow time flies! Three years of junior high school has gone by before we know it
16、.Each time I look back on my school days, I feel regi*etfiiL because one of my wishes hasift beenrealized That is to learn how to play the guitar.Although I am really interested in playing the instrument, I was busy working at my lessons. Besides,there was much homework to every day.The end of junio
17、r high school is the beginning of new life. If I can enter the senior high school, I willtake part in after-school activities to leam to play the guitar. I believe Pll live a colorful life in the senior higlischool.BDear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. You asked me about my hometown, now let me tel
18、l youMy hometown is Huanggang. It lies by the Yangtze River and at the southern foot of Dabie Mountains.Its a beautiful city with a long history. A number of famous people come from our city, such as Li siguang,Li shizhen, Wen Yiduo and so on. There are lots of beautiful mountains, rivers and lakes
19、They are sofascinating that thousands of tourists come to visit Huanggang every year You can also see beautiful villageseverywhere We are proud of our hometown.Now the people in Huanggang are trying to protect the natural environment. We plant trees as many aspossible every year We stop factories fr
20、om throwing rubbish into the rivers Volunteers go to the mountains,forests, parks and streets to clean them up on the weekends Everyone is playing a role in making our citymore and more beautiful. We are taking action!Tom, would you like to come to Huanggang? You can see clear rivers and green mount
21、ains as well asblue skies and white cloud I believe you will fall in love with our city and have a wonderful time. Lookingforward to your visit!Best wishes!Yours,Li MingWe act, we improveLadies and gentlemen,We have entered a new era. As students, if s our duty to study hard. But to be a qualified m
22、iddle schoolstudent, I think we have a lot of things to do.First, we should learn to be independent and honest. We he supposed to be fiiendly to others and b 己 havepolitely ill public Second, we should have good habits Habits play an iinportant role in our life WeM betterdevelop our interests and th
23、e ability to create Third, we should care more about others and be thankful to allthe people who have helped us. Value the time we spend with our family and friends in our daily life. Lastbut not least, I think we should exercise more to keep healthy.In a word, the more we act, the better we will im
24、proveD“Enjoying a harmonious neighborhoods one of our Chinese traditional virtues.What has happened inone community recently is a good exampleTwo weeks ago, Li Mings eighty-year-old father suddenly became ill at home. Li Ming and his wifeswork place is far away from home. Thanks to the help of his n
25、eighbor Mr Zhang, the old man was sent to thehospital in time, and now he was out of danger. Li Ming was very grateful to his neighbor.In order to have a good neighbor, we must become one ourselves We should get on well with ourneighbors When anyone is in trouble, we should offer a hand in time. In
26、daily life, we should greet eachother when meeting and talk about something kind to our neighbors in order to build a good relationship withthem.We can create a harmonious neighborhood in this way.EGrowing up with ReadingHave you watched the program Everlasting Classics on CCTV? This program makes u
27、s more interestedin reading books, especially classics. Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading Itcan not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and more confident Our study can be improved ifwe read more good books.These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane E
28、yre, which attracts me a lot. The books writer iscalled Charlotte Bronte, who was born in England in 1816.She had two sisters and one brother, butunfortunately their mother died when they were very young Actually Jane Eyre is a book whose theme is oflove In the story. Jane Eyre lived a hard life, bu
29、t she was self-confident and persevere In her heart, there isalways a mind that if you hold a belief and stick to it, you will eventually achieve your dreamFAs students, what can we do to keep our daily life m order. In my opinion, we should behave as follows:First, while walking or driving on the r
30、oad, we should obey the traffic njles. Besides, do remember not tocarve or draw anywhere during visiting places of interest. What s more, making a loud noise in public is alsoa kind of pollution. It is as harmful as littering and spitting everywhere Last but not least, when we go to thezoo or other
31、public places, we should do as we are required, for example, Don jump the queueOnly when we behave well, can we live in a well-ordered society.GOur school asks us to spend three hours on self-reading every day in the summer vacation.However,opinions are divided on what to readSome students like to r
32、ead long books For example, literary fictions and science books They thinkthese books can help them develop a good reading habitWhile others prefer to read practical short essays Such as social news, knowledge of life, and so on,which can get the hang of the world.As far as I am concerned whether it
33、 is long books or short ones, it is good for us to read more books.Only when you insist on reading, it will helpful to us. We benefit much from readingbroadening ourhorizon and helping us with the writing.HYou raise me up.I will be with you in your life. You are an important person in the process of
34、 my growth You give me life and take care of me all the time. When I have problems with my study and life, you arealways patient enough to help me and encourage me. In order to let me live a pleasant life and receive goodeducation, you always work hard from morning to evening every day. You are also
35、 a man who has a heart fullof love.You are ready to help people in need It is you who teach me to be a kind person. In the past, I havenever said “I love you to you. Today is Fathers Day, and I want to say it to you loudly. I will study harder toget better resultsI hope you will be happy and healthy
36、 forever.The Story of Li HuaLast Friday, when my classmate Li Hua took a bus home from school, he saw that someone was eatingan orange To his surprise that man just threw the peel on the ground after he had it.Without thinking twice, Li Hua picked up the orange peel and threw it into the dustbin dir
37、ectly. All ofthe process was taken photos and posted on the Internet by a passenger. As a result, our teacher knew hisgood behaviour and praised him because of what he did at the class meeting Li Hua was very humble andsaid he just did what he should do. We were all impressed by his words.As far as
38、I am concerned, the man who threw the orange peel around was not a good example, butluckily Li Hua set a good one for us. We are supposed to mind our behaviors and protect the environmentaround us all the time.JI have recently done a survey about how students find study partners.Some students find study partners through the Internet. They believe it s convenient to find partners tostudy with online Besides, they can get help from study partners whenever
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