2、me:驾驶员姓名: Date of Birth: 出生日期: The First time to hold a Post of Present Rank:初次任职现职时间: Present Rank: SECOND OFFICER现任职务: 二 副PROCEDURE TO USE THE TRAINING LOG BOOK 培训记录簿使用程序Training logbook has been divided into different modules, each dealing with a specific job responsibility and expertise required
3、 for the rank e.g. Navigation, Cargo Operations, Communications etc.培训记录簿分成不同的模块,每一模块涉及一特定的工作职责和专业要求。例如:航行、货做、通信等。The front page of each section contains details about the vessels served in the present rank. Each Master who signs the training log must fill in his name and signature on the “VER” page
4、 of the log.本簿已列出所在船舶该职务各项工作的细节,每一船长在应在每一项目页签名并在审核确认栏中填写姓名和签名。Officer preparing for promotion to next level should complete the tasks in a phased manner. Few tasks will require written proof of being completed. The trainee officer should maintain s separate file or notebook, as proof of the tasks be
5、ing completed. After completing the task the trainee officer should sign the logbook and present the logbook to the Master for verification. When a task requires a situation or scenario, it must be given to the trainee officer by the trainer Master.准备晋升的高级船员应以适当的方式完成所有的项目,有部分项目是需要提供书面证据的。接受培训的高级船员应备
6、有一独立的记录簿,以便提供完成各项训练项目的证据。在完成培训项目后,接受培训的高级船员应在培训记录簿上签名并交船长审核确认。培训船长应提供受训者所需要的环境和条件。A task may be completed more than once, on a different type of ship. Although written proofs are required only for few tasks but if the trainee or the trainer Master considers necessary, written proofs of other tasks a
7、lso can be added. Blank spaces are left under each topic to add any ship or trade specific tasks , as considered necessary.同一项目可以在不同的船进行多次。虽然只有部分项目需要提供书面证据,但如果受训人员或培训船长认为必要的话,也可以这样做。如果有任何船舶或区域的特殊内容,可以在每一主题项目下的空白栏内增加。Masters are requested to inspect the training log at least once every month. It is M
8、asters responsibility to ensure that at least a few tasks are completed every month. Prior signing the logbook Master should verify that tasks have actually been completed. He may use his authority to assist the officer in completing the tasks.船长应至少每月检查培训记录簿一次。船长有责任确保每月至少完成部分项目,在签署培训记录簿前应核实其项目已实际完成。
9、船长可以应用自己的权利协助驾驶员完成实习任务。The completed logbook will be one of the requisite criteria for promotion.完成该培训记录簿的内容是驾驶员晋升的必要条件之一。职责熟悉FAMILIARIZATION序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Job responsibilities of Chief Officer.大副工作职责 2Companys (QSMS/SM
10、S) Shipboard Manuals. Updating procedure for manuals.公司(质量)安全管理体系文件,文件的修改/更新程序。 3Standing orders of Owners & CS Tramp Co.中海货运(或其他船东)的船东总指示。 4Standing orders of Charterers and Charter Party requirements.租船人指令及租船合同要求。 5Garbage Management Plan.垃圾管理计划。 6Ships statutory, class certificates with Master. M
11、asters Filing system.船长处的船舶法定/船级证书,船长文档管理系统。 7All sections of Cargo Securing Manual, Hydrostatic Tables.船舶系固手册,静水力曲线表。 8STCW, MARPOL, M-Notices, SOLAS, SOPEP etc. 9Chief Officers Filing System. Permit System, Safety Management Procedures.大副文档管理系统,许可证制度,安全管理程序。 10Knowledge of stores catalogues etc. K
12、nowledge of details required for ordering stores i.e. thread size etc. 对物料供应目录等的了解,了解申领物料的具体要求,例如,螺纹规格等。 11Location and contents of various Drawings, Plans and manuals on board.各种图纸、计划和手册的存放和内容。接上表序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 12Chief
13、Officers hand over / taking over Checklist.大副交接报告(交接项目检查表)。 13Mooring winches / Windlass, Mooring & Anchoring arrangement at Forward Mooring station.船艏缆机/锚机、系缆和锚系统的布置。 14Familiarization with ISGOTT tanker safety guide / Gas carrier safety guide / Code of safe practice for bulk carriers / Code of saf
14、e practice for bulk cargoes (BC Code) / IMDG Code / MFAG / EMS / Company cargo handling and commercial manuals (as applicable)熟悉ISGOTT(International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers & Terminals油轮和码头终端国际安全操作指南)/液化气船安全操作指南 / 散货船安全操作规则 / 固体散装货物安全操作指南 / IMDG Code(国际危险货物) / MFAG(危险货物意外事故医药应急指南)/ EMS(装运危险货物应急
15、程序)/ 公司货物处理-商务手册(如适用)以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 甲板机械设备及其维修保养 DECK MACHINERY & MAINTENANCE序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Lubrication and Maintenance of mooring winches, windlass
16、 & mooring fittings.缆机、锚机和系缆装置的活络润滑和维修保养。 2Knowledge of operating, inspecting and maintaining cranes, derricks and other cargo lifting appliances.了解克令吊、吊杆和其它起货设备的操作、检查和维修保养。 3Maintenance of hatch covers. Emergency operation for opening / closing hatch covers.货舱舱盖的维修保养;应急开关舱的操作。YES 4Maintenance and o
17、peration of hydraulic system. Emergency operation for hydraulic valves etc.液压系统的维修保养和操作,液压阀的应急操作等。 YES 5General knowledge of welding, brazing, gas cutting etc.电焊、铜焊和气割等的常识。 6Carry out all checks given in the inactive function checklist of the vessel.按照船舶非常用设备功能检查表的项目逐项完成检查。 YES 7Familiarization with
18、 Planned Maintenance system including input of data into the computer. 熟悉计划维修保养体系包括电脑数据输入。 8Operation and maintenance of Spray painting machine, grit blaster, chipping machines, grease gun etc.喷漆机、研磨机、除锈机和注油枪等的操作和维修保养。 9Operation and maintenance of various power tools / hand tools.各种动力和手工工具的操作和维修保养。
19、序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 10Knowledge and inventory of various spares / stores on board including critical spares / lashing gears.了解和清理船上备件和物料包括安全设备和系固设备的备件。 11Correct derusting and painting procedures for deck, ballast tank, FW ta
20、nks etc. Familiarity with paint manufacturers manuals.甲板、压载舱、淡水舱等的正确除锈和油漆程序。熟悉油漆厂家提供的使用说明手册。 12Maintenance, operation and lubrication of Accommodation ladder, Pilot ladders, MOT gangway etc.舷梯、引水梯、电动梯等的维修保养、操作和润滑活络。 13Identify and count all the lubricating points on the windlass, crane and hatch cov
21、ers and compare result with the manufacturers manuals.确认和统计锚机、吊货设备(克令吊)和舱盖的润滑注油孔(点)并对比厂家提供的说明手册上的说明。 14Identify from the Manufacturers Manuals the sizes of all wires on board for cranes, gangways etc.从厂家说明手册上确认船上所有吊机、舷梯等设备的钢丝尺寸。 15 Accompany Chief Officer fora) Tank Inspectionsb) Hold InspectionsAnd
22、 study identification of structural deficiencies.与大副一起,学习和进行:1) 液柜(水舱/油舱)检查;2) 货舱检查;并学习识别船舶结构缺陷。以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 货物作业 CARGO WORK序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Operati
23、ng procedure of Loading programs with various constraints. Method of carrying out calibration.各种装载要求下的装载计划制定程序,校核方法。 2Procedure for calculating amount of cargo to load given all possible constraints.在可能出现的所有各种不同装载要求下的装载货量计算。 3Planning at least two full discharging operations of Bulk Carrier / Tanker
24、 ; Containership / OBO / Gas Carrier / Ro- Ro. (Circle ones completed)至少针对以下船种作出两次完整的卸货计划:散货船、油船、集装箱船、油矿散装船、液化气船、滚装船(选择合适的船种) 4Planning at least two full loading operation of Bulk Carrier / Tanker / containership / OBO / Gas carrier / Ro- Ro. (Circle ones completed)至少针对以下船种做出两次完整的装货计划:散货船、油船、集装箱船、油矿
25、散装船、液化气船、滚装船(选择合适的船种) 5Carrying out at least two draft surveys for loading and discharging cargo.至少做出两次的装、卸货水尺检验。 6Knowledge & familiarity with IMDG requirements. Use of Manuals.了解和熟悉国际危险货物规则的要求,危规手册的使用。 7Preparing complete dangerous cargo docket with manifest and stowage plan.根据舱单和积载图准备一份完整的危险货物明细摘
26、要。 8Familiarity with Ballast system, bilge system and auto heeling system.熟悉压载系统、污水系统和自动平衡系统。接上表序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 9Planning and carrying out a complete hold cleaning operations, including cleaning, testing & covering of bil
27、ges.计划和执行一次完整的货舱清洗操作,包括污水井(系统)的清洁、试验和封盖。 10Make a list of what can go wrong with regards to cargo and cargo operation.列出有关货物和货物操作方面有可能发生错误/出现问题的清单。 11Make a list of various cargo papers, which you will maintain as a Chief officer Check previous records onboard.列出作为大副将保留在船以便查找/检查以往记录的各种货物文件清单。 12 Kno
28、wledge of various cargo characteristics and precautions. 了解各种不同货物的特性和有关注意事项。 13Understand Wind Heeling Moments calculation.懂得风力倾侧力距的计算。 14Understand Change of draft / trim due to change of density calculation.懂得由于海水密度变化而引起的水尺和纵倾的变化计算。以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPIC
29、S.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 货物作业(对油轮、矿油散装船和液化气船的额外要求 选择你所工作的船舶)CARGO WORK (Additional for Tankers, OBOs & Gas Carriers as applicable on your ship type)序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Familiar with Cargo piping system and associated fittings.熟悉液
30、货舱管系以及相关装置。 2Operating procedure of cargo pumps. IG System, Cargo compressors, tank cleaning / heating system, reliquefication plant etc.液货泵的操作规程,惰性气体系统、液货压缩机、液货柜洗舱/加热系统、液化装置。 3Familiar with tank cleaning and COW operations.熟悉液货柜的洗舱和原油洗舱操作。 4Familiar with cargo instrumentation and control systems. O
31、DME, COW systems, emergency remote valve operations etc.熟悉液货仪表和控制系统、排油监控装置、原油洗舱系统、应急遥控阀操作等。 5Requirements of various terminals / vetting inspection etc.熟悉各码头终端、石油公司的检查要求。 6Familiarize with Gas Engineers duties including various logs and tests being done.熟悉GAS ENGINEER的工作职责,包括各种记录文件和检测等。 7Plan out a
32、change over operation from VCM to butadiene.制定从氯乙烯单体到丁二烯转换操作计划。 8Plan out a complete gas freeing operation on a tanker / liquefied gas tanker (as applicable) in preparation for drydock.制定完整的、为进坞准备的油轮/液化气船的油舱除气操作计划接上表序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sig
33、n & Remark 9Familiarization with CDI(Chemical Distribution Institute)and OCIMF Checklist.熟悉CDI及OCIMF的船舶检查表 10 Knowledge of various SIGOTT OCIMF Publications.熟悉SIGOTT(油轮和码头终端国际安全操作指南)的内容- OCIMF出版物。 11Plan out a dry to oil mode conversion on an OBO. (Time available for conversion is 36 hours show actu
34、al times)制定一个OBO船的完整的由干散货物转换成油类液货的转换模式。(可用时间是36小时 记录实际使用时间) 12Plan out an oil to dry mode conversion on an OBO. (Time available for conversion is 72 hours show actual times)制定一个OBO船的完整的由油类液货转换成干散货物的转换模式。(可用时间是72小时 记录实际使用时间) 13Arrival / departure cargo preparations including testing, routines & paper
35、work.抵离港的货物准备,包括检验、常规事项和文档工作。 14Pressure testing of cargo lines, COW lines etc. Calibration of cargo and gas detection instrumentation.货物管系和原油洗舱管系的压力实验,货物和气体探测仪器的校验。 15Fill up an OCIMF Vessel Particulars Questionnaire.填写一份OCIMF(大石油公司论坛)的VPQ。以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOV
36、E TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER文档工作 PAPER WORK序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Make a list of all month end papers to be submitted by Chief officer, including Charterers papers.列出每月底大副需递交的各种报表文件清单,包括上报租家的部分。 2Make a list of omission or wrong
37、entries in deck log book for a period of 7 day.列出七天内航海日志中的删除改正和错误记录的清单。 3Write a protest letter with a cargo related problem.撰写一份与货物问题有关的海事声明。 4Plan out deck stores requirement for next three months.制订下三个月的甲板物料需求计划。 5Write Chief Officers Standing orders.编写一份大副常规命令。 6Write Chief Officers night orders
38、 in port for three days.编写三天在港内的大副夜间值班命令。 7Maintenance of various logs being maintained by Chief Officers i.e. Chain Register, Gangway Log, Garbage Log.填写大副保管的各种记录,如:锚链测量记录、舷梯日志、垃圾记录等。 8Prepare at least two dry docking specifications with full details.至少准备两份详细的坞修计划。 9Familiarization with the operati
39、ons of computer.熟悉电脑操作。 10Various type of cargo claims and protest letters. Comments to be written while signing for such claims.了解各种有关货物的投诉/索赔,切记在签署此类文件时必须加上批注。接上表序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 11 Make a list of precautions with regard
40、s to bills of lading, mates receipt, way bill etc.列出关于提单、大副收据、运单等的注意事项。 12 Procedure to look for stevedore / third party damages. Making Third party damage report.关于确认装卸工人/第三方对船舶损坏的程序,第三方损坏报告的填写。以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 船舶管理 SHIPMANAGEMENT
41、序号Sr. No.任 务 项 目TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1Prepare for dry-docking / major repairs. Stability calculations for docking.坞修/大修的准备,进坞时的稳性计算。 2Dealing with ships crew and shore personnel.与船员和陆岸人员的交往事物处理。 3Plan a weeks maintenance schedule for crew, taking into account weather contingencies.制定一周船舶维修保养计划,并将天气影响因素考虑在内。 4Assist at a disciplinary hearing.有关船员处罚的讨论/决定的学习。
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