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1、Unt1 : Spring Is Coming!GENERAL OBJECTIVESThis unit is about spring, and what takes place during spring, so that students can learn vocabulary for the seasonal changes around them. The unit reviews vocabulary for weather, dates and seasons that the students learned before. Through stories, factual i

2、nformation and projects, the students extend their vocabulary for describing weather, and learn new words for outdoor recreation. The unit aims to help students compare outdoor recreation in China with that in Canada. This helps students connect their language learning to personal experiences and th

3、e expression of opinion.通过本单元学生能够了解春天,以及春天所发生的事情并掌握一些表示季节变化的词汇。 通过本单元的学习学生将复习学过的有关天气、日期和季节的词汇,并通过故事和课题作业 扩展描述天气的词汇,学习新的关于户外娱乐的词汇。本单元的目的是通过比较中国和加拿 大的户外娱乐活动,学生能够把语言学习和个人经验、观点表述联系起来。SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES语百知识词汇掌握 词汇Rather , shower, rise , set become , tact road , history , kick , climb , one by one, chang

4、e, shall , playground , hold in ,come down push, herself认识 词汇Thunder, storm , sunrise , sunset , daylight , melt , lightning , fascinating , outdoors , cycling , hillside , gently , blossom, babysitter , babysit , bar, swing , partly词组和 句型be scared of , become warmer, go up , make a loud noise , arr

5、ive in , in about fifteen minutes, not - until ,have fun doing , im - lineskating , go bike riding , hit sb. on the head , turn around , fall off , give sb. a push , stop swinging , get off , think about , all day How/What about - ?, Shall we ?功能意 念Talking about Weather谈论天气语法1.构词法2 .介词语言技能听1.在听录音时有目

6、的地获取所需关键信息。2.以词或词组的形式简单记录所获 取的信息。说1.就简单话题提供信息,表达自己的观点,参与讨论。2.与他人沟通信息,合作 完成任务。读1 .根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略来获取文章大意。2 .借助构词法猜测一些单词的意思,以帮助理解文章的内容。3.找出文章主题,理解故事情节,预测故事发展和结局。写1.利用所狄取的信息写作。2 .正确运用介词。3 .巧妙使用构词法学习策略1 .通过自己阅读,理解课文大意。2.自己发现和总结语言规律,并能加以运用。3.主动在听说交际中运用课文中的语言知识。4 .根据构词法来记忆单词。1.在学习中敢于英语表达自己的看法。2.培养学习英语的

7、兴趣和学好英语的信心。情感态度3.乐于接解并了解异国文化。4.通过小组活动培养合作精神,并通过互相评价激发学习兴趣。5.在学习英语歌曲和练习绕口令中培养学习兴趣。文化意识1. 了解不同国家的天所情况。2. 了解英语国家的娱乐活动。Lesson 1 What s the weather like?Language knowledge* Master these words and phrases : rather, shower, rise, set* know these words and phrases: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset.Class Open

8、ingWelcome the students to come back to school. Introduce the new lesson and new students, Ask the students these questions : How is their winter holidays? Have they been anywhere? Howdid they spend the spring festival? what is the date today? What day is it today? What season is it? What is the wea

9、ther like today? What is the temperature? Who is on duty today?Key Steps :Step 1 Ask the students to discuss the questions in“ Think About If it ispossible to show some pictures about different seasons.Step 2 . Let the students listen to the tape of the dialogue carefully with the following question

10、s:What s the weather like today? What s the degree?Did Danny tell us what time the sun would rise and set?Step 3. Ask the students to read the dialogue several times in groups of three.Then ask them to act out the dialogue in groups,Step 4. Class Activity - Weather Map In this activity, Students wil

11、l listen to the tape and make a weather map. Before this draw a simple mapincludes a city, a lake, the edge of the ocean, some mountains on the blackboard. Listen and draw. Class Closing :1) Ask the student to listen to the radio or watch TV for the next twenty-four hours and write a weather report

12、in English for at least eight cities.2) The next readingLesson 2 It s Getting warmer.Language knowledge* Master these words and phrases : become ,fact* know these words and phrases: daylight , melt lightning, fascinating, go up, make a loud noiseClass OpeningAsk the student to read their weather rep

13、ort that they wrote according to the CCTV weather report. Then ask the same questions like yesterday.Key steps:Stepl Lead in such way : Ask How did they spend the spring festival? Was it coldduring the Spring festival? Then say , “ In today s lesson, we will go on talking about the weather in spring

14、. Can you name the four seasons in English? Ask the students to discuss and talk about the“Think About It ”.Step2 Ask the students to read the text silently with the questions of exercisesl on activity books .Step3 Play the tape and ask the students to listen and read after the audiotape twice .Answ

15、er the questions to see if they can understand the text .Read the text one sentence by one sentence single. Then explain the problem they have. Pay attention to the phrases become warm , make a loud noise and so on. Step 4 Divide the students into two groups to dolet s do it”Step 5 Do some exercises

16、 on the activity books .Class closing read the text. The next readingLesson 3 Postcards!Language knowledge* Master these words and phrases : road, history, kick* know these words and phrases: outdoors, cycling, not until ,have fun doing , in - line skatingClass OpeningAsk the students these question

17、s : How is their winter holidays? Have they been anywhere? How did they spend the spring festival? what is the date today? What day is it today? What season is it? What is the weather like today? What is the temperature? Who is on duty today?Then read the text of lesson two and check the words and p

18、hrases they learned before two days.Lesson 4. Sun is rising.LESSON PREPARATl0NLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE。掌握词汇及短语: climb , change, one by one 。识别词汇及短语: hillside , gently , blossomLANGUAGE NOTES1. Weather is warming ,天气变暖和了 ,warm在这里是动词变暖”的意思。它也可用作 形容词。例如:It s warm in sprig .春天天气暖和。It s getting warmer day by d

19、ay .天气天天暖和起来了。2. one by one 一个接一个地。year by year”一年又一年day by day ”一天又一天“3. See it brings , The seasons change 看它带来了,季节的变化 . change在本句中是名词变化的意思。LESSON STRUCTURECLASS OPENINGCheck up the words and phrases of lesson1-lesson3.KEY STEPSStepl : Teach the new words of this lesson .Step2 : Read the lylics fo

20、r the song in the student book.Choose three students to read the song aloud as a poem .Ask each of these students to read one stanza. If you wish , you could ask threeother students to perform thesctions in the song as it is being read. This will indicate how well the studentsunderstand the song and

21、 how well they have learned to appreciate it.Step3 : Explain the common English expressions .Step4 : P1ay the audiotape . For the fist time , ask the students to just listen. Forthe second time have the class follow audiotape and sing along.Step5 : Teach the first verse lf the song line by line. Aft

22、er the students know thefirst verse , they should be able to follow along with the other verses.Step6 : Practise the song a few times , with and without the audiotape .Step7 : Divide the students into groups of three. Each of the students should readone part of the lyrics . Then ask them to talk in

23、groups about things like air,flowers and birds .Step8 : If I have time , I may ask a volunteer who is willing to sing the song aloneto the class . Then play the audiotape again . Have the class sing together along with the audiotape .ClASS CLOSING the remaining exertises in the activity book the nes

24、t reading in the student book Lesson 5. Fun in the sun.LESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAOE KNOWLEDGE。掌握词汇及短语:shall。识别词汇及短语:go bike riding, hit sb. on the head, How/What about?, Shall we- ?LANGUAOE NOTES1. Let s go bike riding .让我们去骑自行车吧。go bike riding:go to ride a bike , “去骑车”。2. How about baseball?棒球怎么样? Ho

25、wabout?与 What about?意思相同,怎么样?”。注意其后接名词、代词或 v-ing形式。I like spring . How /What about you? 我喜欢春天,你呢 ?How/What about opening the wondow?打开窗户怎么样 ?3. Shall we play soccer?我们踢足球好吗?shall多用于第一人称的疑问句,表示征求对方意见,意思是“可以吗,好吗”。Shall I sit here?我可以坐在这里吗?4. The ball always hits me in the head .球总是打我的头。hit sb . on the

26、 head 表示“打 某人的头”打某人的脸”要用 hit sb . in the face 。He hit me on the head .他打我的头。He was so angry that he hit Mary in the face.他很生气,打了玛丽一耳光。LESSONSIRUCTURECLASS OPENlNGMake a duty report and then do pair work obout the weather and the date. KEY STEPSStepl : Have the class sing the song “Sun Is Rising ”Ste

27、p2 : Ask the studentsto thinkabout and discuss in pairs the questions in “ThinkAbout It .Step3 : Play the audiotape . Have the class follow the audiotape and do the exercises of the activity book.Step5 : Ask the students to demonstrate the text in roles.Step6 : Explain the following sentesces : Howa

28、bout basketlall?And then ask the class to think of other ways to show the same neaning . (What about? Shall we L Let s) Step7 : Come to Project 2 ”. Divide the class into small groups . Each group will work independently . The students may refer to this unit of the student book for information . Ins

29、truct the students to make lists of what is the same and what is different about outdoor recreation in China and Canada. Have the class discuss their findings either in groups or as a class.Explain to the class what a Venn diagram is.Students each make a Venn diagram of similarities and differences

30、between outdoor recreation in China and Canada. Students may use their notes from the previous lesson . After students have completed their own Venn diagrams, draw a big Venn diagram onthe blackboard . Ask students for suggestions in what information could be used to fill in the diagram . They may r

31、efer to their own Venn diagrams .If the project cannot be finished in one lesson, it can be continued in the nextlesson .CLASS CLOSING the fourth reading in the reader the remaining exercises in the activity book the next reading in the student book Lesson 6.Danny, the babysitter.LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE。

32、掌握词?匚及短语:playground,hold , hold on, come down, push。识另U词汇及短语:babysitter,babysit , bar, swing , turn around, fall off , get offLESSON STRUCTURECLASS OPENINGMake a duty report and then do pair work obout the weather and the date and sing the song.KEY STEPSStep 1. Ask the student to come to“ Think abou

33、t it ” , answer more questions thatteacher asks.Step 2. Listen to the tape once quietly and answer one question according to the text, see if they can understand the meaning of the text.Step3. Listen to the tape and read after it one sentence by one sentence together loudly, then do the exercises of

34、 the activity book, have more discuss about the text, make sure that the students can understand the text correctly.Step4. Explain the word-building chart. Write some examples on the blackboard, such asteach,teacherplayground(play十 ground)work,workeroutdoor(s)(out+door(s)Sing ,Singerblackboard(blacc

35、k+board)play ,playersunriSe(sun+rise)write,writerfootball(foot+ball)build,builderdaylight(day+1ight)Step 5. Review imperative sentences as follow: Stand up! Turn right! Touch your head! Play a game with the students, say more imperative sentences like the text.Come down! Don t fall off! Push me! Giv

36、e me a push! Hold on! Push me high!Step 6. Play the tape again and ask the students to read after it once again, do some exercises on the activity book. At last ask them to deal withLet s Do It ”CLASS C LOSINGthe fifth readingin the readerthe remaining exercises in the activity bookthe next lesson i

37、n the student bookLANGUAGE NOTES1. Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie at the playground.丹尼正在操场上照看他的表妹戴比。2. Hold on , Debbie!抓紧,戴比! Hold on 有两个意思:一是“(电话)不挂断;二是 抓 紧”。Ho1d on a minute .稍侯片刻,不要挂断。He held on to the rope .他抓紧绳子。3. Danny will push you .丹尼将会推你。Push: V.,推give sb. a push ”表示推I pushed the

38、car , but it didn t move .我推了车,但它没有动。(动词)Danny will give you a pusn .丹尼将推你一下。(名词)4. It s time to stop swinging, Debb正戴比,该停止打秋千了。Stop doing sth. “停止做某事,而stop to do sth. 表示“停止或中断做某事后去做另一件事”。They stopped to smoke a cigarette .他们停下来,抽了根烟。I must stop smoking.我必须戒烟了。5. Deb比getsoff出esw血g.戴比从秋千上下来。get off:

39、从下来”,通常指下火车、巴士、轮船、飞机等,反义词组是get on Dont get off the bus until it stops ,直到车停了才可以下车。Lesson7. Danny s Debbie Day.LESSON PREPARATIONLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE。掌握词汇及短涪:herself。识别词汇及短语:partly , all dayLESSON STRUCTUREClASS OPENINGMake a duty report and then do pair work obout the weather and the date and sing the

40、 song.thereKEY STEPSStepl : Sincethis reading is basically are view of what the class has learned are not many new things tobe elaborate upon . Ask some questions according to the last lesson such asWhat did Danny do? Who did he babysit?Step 2 : Discuss the answers and then revise something about th

41、e diary in English, come to :Danny s diary. ”Step 3 : Play the audiotape have the class follow along in their books.Step 4 : Ask some questions to make it easier for the students to participate.Step 5 : Explain some difficult sentencesSt 印 6: Ask some students to retell Danny s “ Debbie day but do n

42、ot word for word. Step 7 : Divide the class into small groups and have each group discuss, in English, what outdoor activities they would like to write about in their diary. Ask the students to decide on their topics and begin outlining their diarues following the examples in the text.CLASSCLOSING.

43、the remaining activities in the activity book .the next reading in the students bookLANGUAGE NOTES1 Partlycloudy , but warm 部分多云,但是很暖和。 Partly:adv. ,“部分地”。It was partly her fault 有一部分是她的错。2 I thought about it a11 day at schoo1 我在学校里想了一整天。 think about: “思考, 想起,想到Have you thought about what job you ar

44、e going to do?你考虑过要做什么工作了吗3 I thought that it would be easy to babysit there 我原以为在那里照看婴儿很容易。in 在此代替后面的不定式to babysit there ,作形式主语。It is interesting to climb the hill 爬山很有趣。4 I was scared that she would hurt herself , but .我害怕她会伤到她自己,但是herself: “她自己”。当主语和宾语指同一个人时,宾语应用反身代词。She can look after herself 她能

45、够照顾她自己。5 My aunt and uncle had made sandwiches for us to eat at the playground 我的叔 叔和婶婶做三明治让我们在操场上吃。 make sth for sh:make sb sth. , : “为某人做某物”。I will make a birthday cake for her:1 will make her a birthday cake 我将给她做个生日蛋糕。6 So was I! 我也是 ! 这是一个倒装句。He is tall So am I 他高,我也高。They like Chinese food So

46、do the two Englishmen 他们喜欢中国食物,那两个英国人也喜欢。Lesson 8: What Do you know?LESSON STRUCTURECLASSOPENINGHave a diction with the main words and expressions in unit1KEY STEPSStep 1: Give the students some time to go over what they have mainly learned inthe unit, which is summarized on page 60.Step 2: Have the

47、 students do some exercises I have prepared before class. On the activity book.Step 3: Ask the students to do the Vocabulary Exercise on page10. Then let themhave a discussion about the problem or trouble they each still have in this unit.Step 4: Project some pictures about some plants and ask the s

48、tudents to make up dialogues in pairs.Step 5: Come to Review Exercise.CLASS CLOSINGAsk the class to preview Lesson 9 in the next unit.Unit2. Plant a Plant.This unit takes place during spring , when plants begin to sprout and grow . In keeping with the season, this unit presents stories , facts and a

49、n engaging hands-on project . It reviews words for plants that the students leamed before . It extends students vocabulary to include newconcepts about plants and gardening , and new phrases for sharing resources .SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES语言知识词汇掌握 词汇plant , water, grow, leaf , cover, itself , feed , look

50、after , over, glass , energy , die , heat, nothing , bamboq kilogram , pretty , hole , its , air , corn , wheat, furniture , medicine , ink认识 词汇seed, poster , bud, stem, sunshine , pot, soil , root , sunlight , billion , sprout , desert , shade, shelter , straw , agriculture , grain , flour词组和 句型gro

51、w into , pass sb. sth . , billions of , look after , be full of, keepjwarm, be madeof/from , in different ways, be important to , carry away, make-from, make- into , half of , something new , look like , turn into , in the sun功能意念Talking about Material谈论材料Talking about Purpose 谈论目 的语法简单句的五种基本句型1 .主语

52、+不及物动词(Subject + Intransitive Verb )2 .主语+及物动词 + 宾语(Subject + Transitive Verb + Object )3 .主语+系动词 + 表语(Subject + Link Verb + Predicative )4 .主词 + 动词+ 间接引语+直接引语( Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Dirdct Object )5 .主词 + 动词 + 宾词 + 宾词补足语( Subject + Verb+ Object + Complement)语言技能听1 .在听录音时有目的地获取所需关键信息。2

53、.以词或词组的形式简单记录所获取的信息。说3 .就简单话题提供信息,描述自己的经历,参与讨论。4 .与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务。读1 .根据文章的第一句话来获取文章大意。2 .找出文章主题,理解文章的中心思想。写1 .能利用所获取的信息来写作。2.掌握介结自己和他人的基本句型和词组学习策略1 .树立自主学习的概念和意识。2.使用简单工具书查找信息。3 .总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以利用。4 .善于抓住英语交际的机会。情感态度1.在学习中,敢于英语来表述自己所做的事情。2 .乐于接触并了解异国文化。3. 了解植物种植的基本常识。4.学会积累生活经验。5. 了解植的生要性,树立环保意见。文

54、化意识1. 了解植物对人类的重要性。TEACHING RESOURCES多媒体教学工具;录音机;磁带;投影仪;幻灯片;词汇卡片;挂图等。Lesson9. How does a plant grow.LESSONPREPARATl0NLANGUAGE KNOWLEOGE。掌握词汇及短语:plant, water, grow, leaf , cover itself。识另U词汇及短语:seed sunshine , pot, soil , root ,poster , bud, stemLANGUAGE NOTES.Wouldyoulikesomemarkers?尔想要水彩笔吗?like与shou

55、ld, would连用,表示“希望,想要“ Id like a cup of tea 我想要一杯茶。2. Wouldyoupleasepassmethegreenmarker?你把那个绿色水彩笔递给我好吗 7 pass sb. sth。: pass sth to sb “递给某人某物”,Would you please pass me a piece Of paper? : Would you pass apieceof paper to me? 请你递 给我一张纸好吗 ?3. Dont forget to draw thesun 别忘了画太阳。 forget to do sth 忘记做某事”

56、因为忘了所以没有做。 forget doing sth. 把做过的事情给忘了 .Dont forget to close the window before you leave 离开之前别忘了关窗户。He forgot closing the window , so he went back to closeit again 他忘了他已经把窗户关上了, 所以又回去关了。4. After you plant a plant in apot , what do you do next? 在花盆上种了植物以后,你接下来做什 么?plant 是一个兼类词,既可以用作动词(种植 ) ,也可用作名词(植物

57、 )。 Plant aplant 表示“种植物”。LESSONSTRUCTURECLASSOPENINGSing the song of lesson 4. Thenmakea duty report. Lead in with the topic about plants First have atree talk fromtheweathertOtheplants Forexample: Whats theweatherliketoday?Isit warm?What can you doin such warm weather?Does everything begin to grow!Have you ever planted a seed?What doyou do when youplan


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