三年级英语上册 Unit 9 Period 3-6教案 上海新世纪版_第1页
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1、新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 9 Chopsticks教育目标:1.让学生学习、感受中西方饮食文化的不同,学会尊重别人的生活习惯。2. 培养学生在日常生活中养成良好的用餐习惯。知识目标:基础目标:1.Words and expressionsFrom WonderlandFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatrefork*a giftdinner*knife a racing car*readyglassWestern foodchild (children)*platedishspoonfavouritecuppeanutdishchopsticksbowltry ag

2、ain2. Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand TheatreHeres. . is ready.Heres. for you. Thank you.With chopsticks3根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中的问题。4Music Box 掌握字母q,r,s在单词中的读音。q经常与字母u一起构成字母组合, 发音为/kw/; 字母r在单词中发卷舌音,与字母l的发音不同。通过听单词区别字母r /r/ 和 l /l/的发音,例如:look, rock; light, ri

3、ght; list, risk.5Disneyland1)本单元中的儿歌使用现在进行时的句子,只要求学生理解意思、学会吟诵即可。2) 教师可以引导学生回想学过的动词, 用现在进行时态创编儿歌。例如:Peter is singing. Kitty is dancing. I am laughing. Singing, dancing, laughing.What a beautiful morning!Difficult points1.Heres ?for you. 意思为“这是给你的。”Heres紧跟的物品只能是可数名词的单数或不可数名词。例如:Heres a book for you. H

4、eres some milk for you.如果给予别人相同的数个物品的话, 则要用Here are ?for you. 例如:Here are some apples for you.2.英语中表示使用某种餐具要用介词with。例如:with chopsticks/a spoon/a knife ?I eat cake with a knife. I drink soup with a spoon.3.单词dish在课文中的意思为“盘装的菜肴”,它的另一个常用意思为“碟子”。dish 的复数形式为dishes, sh结尾的名词变复数加es。 发展目标:在学习餐具类单词的同时,让学生了解东西

5、方常用餐具,同时教师可以通过引申的方法来比较中西方的饮食文化差异,并且可以适当补充餐桌礼仪的知识。能力目标:能用英语简单介绍中国的饮食文化。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:在学习过程中懂得正确的使用西餐餐具的方法和尊重别人的饮食习惯。教学资源:Students book 3A P61P 69 Cassette 3A Unit 9Students workbook 3A P51P58 Word and picture cards 3A Unit 9Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 9 教学时间:6课时(每课3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排6教时。第一课时:Wond

6、erland & Grand Theatre第二课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab 第三课时:Farmland 第四课时:Language Lab & Music Box第五课时:Disneyland & Kids Palace 第六课时:Kids PalaceLesson Plan ( 3 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevision1. Review the words about the table ware.2 Review the drill: Heres1. Read and

7、spell.2. What do you want to eat or drink? Let the waiter or waitress give the tableware for you.复习单词,通过角色定位来运用已学的句型。检验学习效果。While task procedures Task 1Elicit the story.Task 2 Find out why Norman is unhappy.Task3Learn the story on the course book.1. Talk about what kind of tableware we Chinese use f

8、or meals.2. Learn the word “certainly”.1. Tell the students Norman is unhappy.2. Find the reason and help him.1. Listen to the tape.2. Read the sentences结合生活实际,通过讨论引出课文有关的单词。设置问题引出课文内容,引导学生仔细完成下一步的练习。通过听音与跟读模仿语音语调,培养语感。Post-task activities 1 Finish Part 3 and Part 4 of Language Lab.2 Role play 1. An

9、swer the questions orally.2. Try to act out the dialogue.通过回答问题进一步理解课文。通过表演提高运用语言的能力。Lesson Plan ( 4 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevision1. Review the words about tableware.2. Give a topic to the students.1. Read and spell.2. Talk about the Chinese food and the western food.

10、通过对单词的拼读了解学生掌握的情况。While task procedures Task 1Finish Language Lab Part 1Task 2Experience the phoneme /q/Task 3Experience the phoneme /r/Task 4Experience the phoneme /s/1. Read the rhyme.2. Tell the pronunciation of Q/R/S in word square/round/sofa.1. Show the sentence “The Queen walks to the square q

11、uickly.”2. Underline the latter Qq.3. Learn the phoneme.Show the sentence “Round and round we run.”Same with Task 1通过朗读儿歌感受字母的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受q 在单词中的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受r 在单词中的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受s 在单词中的发音。Post-task activities Do Language Lab part 3 and part 4.Write down the answers and check.Lesson Plan ( 5 )Proced

12、uresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-upRhyme: The Sun, the moon and Me(1)Say the rhyme in chorus.边说儿歌便做动作创设学习氛围,同时为新课打下铺垫。While task procedures Task 1Learn the rhymeTask 2Finish the exercise on Students workbook1. Learn the new word “snore-snoring, dream-dreaming, think-thinking, ca

13、mp-camping”2. Game: Guess whats he /she doing.3. 4. Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.4. Read the rhyme in chorus and individual.Do the exercises of Unit 1 on Students workbook Page 5158.学习英语儿歌,扩展学生的词汇量,模仿的同时注意动词现在进行时的发音。培养学生的语感。儿歌的节奏感促使学生产生积极的情感态度,从而促进英语的学习。通过完成练习巩固所学内容Post-task activitie

14、s Check the answer.Check the answer on Students book.通过校对了解学生完成的情况。Lesson Plan ( 6 ) Kids Palace ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevision1. Sing a song.2. Review the story of Part 2Sing “Whos afraid of big black wolf?” in chorus.Act out the story of part 2.通过表演故事的第二部分帮助学生回忆故事内容,为

15、第三部分的学习打下铺垫。While task procedures Task 1Learn paragraph 1, 2 Task 2Learn paragraph 3, 4, 5Task 3Learn paragraph 6,7Task 4Learn paragraph 8,91. T: Something terrible happens then. 2. Listen to P1, 2.3. Repeat the sentences after the tape.4. Act out P1 & P21. Show a picture of sticks.2. Learn “sticks”

16、 and “stick seller”.3. Try to act a stick seller.S: Stick for sale.4. Make a dialogue of buying sticks5. Compare stick with straw.5. Listen to P3, 4, 56. Repeat the sentences after the tape.7. Act out P 3,4,51. Game: Guess who* Learn “voice”* Listen to the voice and guess who.2. Listen to P6,7.3. Repeat the sentences.4. Act out P 6,7.1. Set the suspense. T: What will the wolf do? Discuss in gr


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