已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一般过去时态讲解与练习一般过去时主要表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。结构是“主语 + 动词的过去式”可以从以下几个方面来理解:1、过去某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语如:yesterday (昨天) , last night (昨晚) , last week (上个星期), four days ago (四天前) , in 2002(在 2002 年) , just now(刚才) , the day before yesterday(前天)等。表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。e.g. I bought a new shirt yesterday. He wa

2、s a worker two years ago.2、过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。e.g. When I was a child,I often playedwith fire. Li Lei always walked to school last term.3、谈到已故人的情况时多用过去时。e.g. Lu Xun was a great writer.4)有些发生时间不是很清楚的情况,实际是过去发生的,也应用过去时态。e.g. What did you say?动词过去式的构成:be 动词的过去式为 was, were; 行为动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规则变化有以下

3、几种情况:1)直接在动词原形末尾加-ed. e.g. work-worked; ask-asked;2)以 e 结尾的动词只加-d. e.g. arrive-arrived; like-liked.3)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节, 应先双写这个辅音字母, 再加 -ed. e.g.shop-shopped;4) 以 辅 音 字 母 +y 结尾的动词 ,先把y 变 成i, 再 加 -ed. e.g.carry-carried;study-studied.不规则动词变过去式见同学们课本的最后一页,e.g. fly-flew;break-broke;teach-taught. 这些需要象生单词一

4、样记住.其句式变化分为两种情况:1)含有 be 动词的依然在be 上做文章 . e.g. I was born in 1980. I was not born in 1980.Were you born in 1980?2)含有行为动词的变否定句要在行为动词前加助动词didnt., 同时把动词变成原形;变一般疑问句 ,在句首加助动词did, 同时把动词变成原形. e.g. I bought a giftfor my mumyesterday. I didnt buy a gift for my mum yesterday. Did you buy a gift for your mum yes

5、terday?课后练习一、请写出下列动词的过去式。wantarriveenjoyshopisseeareeat二、指出下列句中的一处错误,并改正。1. We go to school early yesterday. _2. She buys a dress last week. _3. Did you liked playing football ? _4.- Did you have a good trip ? - No, I did. _5. I enjoied Chinese very much. _三、翻译下列句子,每空一词。1. 你昨晚去哪了? Where _ you _ last

6、 night?2. 我们昨天没有在学校。 We _ at school yesterday.3. 我两小时前在家里。I was at home _ _ _.4. 你上周六去了动物园吗? _ you _ to the zoo last Saturday?5. 我去年不喜欢学数学。 I _ like learning math last year.6. 你昨天在哪儿呢? Where _ you yesterday?7. 詹妮喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。Jenny likes reading books. She _ an English book last night.8. 上周六他做什么了?

7、他和妈妈去购物了。- What _ he _ last Saturday?- He _ shopping with his mother.9. 雷锋经常帮助其他人。 Lei Feng often _ other people.10. 我上周没有给你写信。 I _ _ to you last week.按照括号中的要求改写句子。1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.2.She found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)_ she _ _ meat in the fr

8、idge?3.She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ there?4.There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_ there _ orange in the cup?5.Li Ming is at school now.(用 yesterday改写句子)Li Ming _ at school yesterday.四、请用正确动词形式填空。1.I _ an exciting party last weekend.( have )2.She _ at home yesterday morning.(

9、is)3.Tommy _ TV at his uncle s ( lastwatcnig ht).4.They all _ to the mountains yesterday morning.( go )5.My friend, Carol, _for the math test yesterday evening.( study )6 They_(be) on the farm a moment ago. 7There_(be)a shop not long ago.8 Jenny_(not go)to bed until 11:00 oclock last night.9 Danny _

10、(read )English five minutes ago.10 I _(see)Li Lei _(go) out just now.11 He _(do)his homework every day. But he _(not do)it yesterday. 12When I was young, I _(play)games with my friends.13When _you_(write)this book?I _it last year.14 Did he_(have) lunch at home?五、按照括号中的要求改写句子。11. Lucy did her homewor

11、k at home.(改否定句)Lucy _ _ her homework at home.12. She found some meat in the fridge.(变一般疑问句)_ she _ _ meat in the fridge?13. She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ she _ there?14.There was some orange in the cup. (变一般疑问句 )_ there _ orange in the cup?15.Li Ming is at school now.(用 yesterday 改写句子)

12、Li Ming _ at school yesterday.要点攻略牢记四个四,学好过去时在这一单元学习中,我们将要学习一种新的时态,那就是一般过去时。那么该如何正确运用这种时态呢?没关系,请记好我帮你总结的四个四,相信你能够了解并能熟练地运用了。四种用法表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。例如: I went to school at 7:00 yesterday morning.表示在过去某个时间存在的状态。我昨天早晨七点去上学。例如: She was not at home last night.她昨晚八点没在家。 表示在过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often(经常)、always(总

13、是)、sometimes(有时 ) 等表示频率的时间状语连用。例如: He often had lunch at school last month.他上个月经常在学校吃午饭。表示已故的人所做的事情或情况。例如: Ba Jin wrote a lot of novels for us.巴金写了很多部小说。四种时间状语yesterday及相关短语。例如:yesterday morning/afternoon/evening昨天上午/ 下午/ 晚上。“last+时间状语”构成的短语。例如:last night/month/spring/year昨晚/ 上个月/ 去年春天/ 去年。“一段时间+ago

14、 ”组成的短语。例如:three days ago三天以前four years ago四年以前。“介词 +时间名词”组成的短语。例如: in 1999在 1999 年;on the morning of December 25th在 12 月 25 号早上。四种谓语动词的表现形式be 动词的过去式was 、 were.例如: She was a teacher five years ago.她五年前是一名教师。行为动词的过去式,分为规则动词和不规则动词两种。规则动词的过去式的构成遵循以下四个规则:1)直接在动词后加ed ,例如: help-helped; want-wanted等; 2)以不发

15、音的字母e 结尾时,去掉e 加 ed ( 即直接加 d) , 例如:like-liked; use-used等; 3)以辅音字母y 结尾时,把y 变成 i 再加 ed, 例如: carry-carried; study-studied等; 4)以重读闭音节结尾,双写最后一个辅音字母再加ed, 例如: stop-stopped; shop-shopped等。而不规则动词的过去式则需要我们认真下工夫去记了,例如:go-went; come-came;buy-bought等。连系动词的过去式。例如: become-becameShe became angry. 她生气了。情态动词的过去式+动词原形。

16、例如: I could swim at the age of five.我五岁时就会游泳了。四种句式的构成一般过去时态的肯定句式“主语 +动词过去式+其它”例如: Jenny bought a skirt yesterday.詹妮昨天买了一件短裙。一般过去时态的否定句式“主语+didn t+动词原形+其它”例如: Jenny didntbuy a skirt yesterday.詹妮昨天没有买短裙。一般过去时态的一般疑问句式“ Did+ 主语 +动词原形+其它”例如: Did Jenny buy a skirt yesterday? 詹妮昨天买短裙了吗?一般过去时态的特殊疑问句式“疑问词+di

17、d +主语+动词原形+其它”例如: What did Jenny buy yesterday?詹妮昨天买了什么?怎么样?通过以上的讲解, 你对一般过去时态有所了解并能够熟练地运用了吗?希望你越学越进步!一般过去时态集中训练营亲爱的同学们,从本单元的学习中,我们又学到了一种新的时态“一般过去时态”。你对它理解并掌握了吗?敢不敢来到集中训练营中接受训练呢?如果你够勇气的话,就请来吧!一 训练第一关:小小单词难不到我。请写出下列动词的过去式。wantarriveenjoyshopbuy_see_ break _fall二 训练第二关:生病的句子能奈我何?请在仔细诊断每个句子后,把正确的句子写在横线上

18、。1. We were go to school earlyyesterday. _2. She was buy a dress last week._3. Did you liked playing football ?_4.-Did you have a good trip ? - No, I didn t._5. We didn t flew kites lastmonth._三 训练第三关:翻译句子我最棒。请将下列的汉语句子翻译成正确的英语。1 你昨晚去哪了?_我去了王府井的一家商店。_2 李明前天想给妈妈买件大衣,但他没有太多的钱。3 我们去年在南京玩得不快乐。_参考答案一般过去时态

19、集中训练营一 训练第一关:小小单词难不到我。1. wanted2. arrived3. enjoyed4. shopped5. bought6. saw7. broke8. fell二 训练第二关:生病的句子能奈我何?1. We went to school early yesterday.2. She bought a dress last week.3. Did you like playing football ?4. -Did you have a good trip? - Yes, I did / No, I didn5. We didn t fly kites last month

20、.三 训练第三关:翻译句子我最棒。 t.1. Where did you go yesterday ? I went to a shop in Wangfujing Street.2. Li Ming wanted to buy a coat for his mother, buthe didn t have much money the day beforeyesterday.3. We didn t have fun in Nanjing last year.点击语法一般过去时补遗在上一期报纸中,我们了解了一般过去时态的基本用法和其他的基本常识。这一次呢,我们来聊聊有关一般过去时态的其他事

21、项。1)到底何时才用一般过去时态? 句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语,表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。如:I went to school at 7:00 yesterday morning.我昨天早晨七点去上学。 句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语,表示在过去某个时间存在的状态。如:She was not at home last night.她昨晚八点没在家。 表示在过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often (经常)、 always (总是)、sometimes(有时)等表示频率的时间状语连用。如:He often had lunch at school last month.他上个月经常在

22、学校吃午饭。 表示已故的人所做的事情或情况。如:Ba Jin wrote a lot of novels for us.巴金写了很多部小说。2)动词过去式后的ed 到底发什么音?规则动词过去式后的“ed ”读音时不一样的。那么,有什么不一样呢?有这么几句口诀:“清读清,浊读浊,元音结尾还读浊,/t/ 、 /d/ 之后读/id/ 。” 怎么样,理解吗?听我娓娓道来:“清读清”,是指动词以清辅音结尾,那么加的“ed 读”作清辅音/t/,如asked /a:skt/ ,missed /mist/等;动词以浊辅音或元音结尾,那么加的“ed读”作浊辅音/d/,如cleaned /kli;nd/,live

23、d /livd/,played /pleid/等;动词以/t/ 或/d / 结尾,那么加的“ed读”作浊辅音/id/,如started/sta:tid/,studied /sta:did/等。【趁热打铁】一般过去时态小练习请用正确动词形式填空。1.I _ an exciting party last weekend.( have )2.She _ at home yesterday morning.(is)3. Tommy _ TV at his uncle s last ( nightwatch. )4.They all _ to the mountains yesterday morning.( go )5.My friend, Carol, _for the math test yesterday evening.( study ) 翻译下列句子。6. 你昨天在哪儿呢?Where _ you yesterday?7. 詹妮喜欢看书。


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