



1、公司办公环境整改方案办公环境整改方案一、存在问题, 一, 办公环境 , 个人办公桌 ,1、办公桌凌乱不堪有灰尘。2、办公文件随意摆放。3、个人物品随意摆放。4、电话随意摆放。5、挎包随意摆放。6、零食随意摆放。7、办公桌下私自摆放拖鞋、杂物等。8、个人所制造的垃圾不按要求处理随意乱丢。9 、离开公司时座椅没有摆放整齐。, 二, 办公环境 , 大办公室环境 ,1、员工中午在会议室午休完毕并没有顺手整理。2 、办公室窗户员工经常下班就走人没有顺手把窗户关好。3 、经常发现有同事上厕所不冲厕所。4、厕所外面的洗手台、地面经常有水迹。5、开着窗户吹空调。6、垃圾篓里面经常有中午吃饭留下的快餐盒气味大容

2、易招苍蝇。, 三, 办公区电器问题办公电器包括电灯、电脑、饮水器、空调、会议室器材。1 、发现中午有员工离开座位吃饭时没有顺手关闭电脑。2 、员工在下班后没有顺手把电灯、空调关闭就下班。二、整改方案, 一, 办公环境 , 个人办公桌、个人卫生 ,办公桌卫生 :mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the const

3、ruction of democratic centralism and continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the peoples Congress, the CPPCCs role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To partys mass line in educational pra

4、ctices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of

5、 personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection1、应将经常不用的办公文件和常用的办公文件分别整理分类整齐放入文件架或柜子里。2、正在使用的重要、机密文件应放置在办公桌抽屉需离开座位时必须将其放于抽屉内。3、笔、橡皮、尺子等办公文具整齐放于桌面一侧或抽屉中。4、衣服、挎包等物品不得置于办公桌面上。5、办公桌抽屉内物品应整齐有序、分类放置。6、办公桌可放置办公设施、台历、文件夹、正在使用的文件、票据、电话茶杯等物品要求放置整齐有序。不得摆放其它任何物品。7、办公桌不允许挂板衣。8、零食一律不能放在办公桌上。10、接线板、电话充电器等线路自行

6、收拾整理好尽量做到电线不外露。11、办公桌底下尽量少摆放其他杂物。12、定期自行清理办公桌键盘、电脑等保持卫生。, 二, 个人卫生 :1、不随地乱扔垃圾。2、本人长时间离开座位时应摆好椅子3、下班后要整理办公桌上的用品摆放整齐。4、禁止在办公区域抽烟。5: 中午个人外带盒饭吃完后要扔到货梯垃圾箱。6、下班后先检查各自办公用品将一切电源切断后即可离开。, 三, 办公环境 , 大办公室环境,1、保持公共区域及个人区域地面干净清洁、无污物、无死角。2 、公司沙发是供客人歇息使用若中午须在沙发午休请自行收拾好才离开。3 、公司任何地方的物品若需要使用公司的东西请哪里取哪里放。4 、不在办公区域内抽烟抽

7、烟请到货梯非办公区域内解决.5、离开公司请查看自己周围的电器是否已经关好再离开。 mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism and continue thetradition of inner-party democracy, open

8、 channels, and full play to the peoples Congress, the CPPCCs role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party.To partys mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party

9、 leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and combat capability of the leadership team. Continue to deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system, always adhere to correct direction of personnel, implement regulations on cadre selection6、办公区域空调打开情况下不要擅自打开窗户以免影响室内温度。7 、无人使用使会

10、议室应及时关闭灯源及空调当办公场所只有部分员工工作时应关闭无人位置处的照明灯和空调。4、室外照明可以满足办公要求时应尽量使用自然光少开照明灯杜绝长明灯。5、复印机长时间不使用时须设置节能模式下班后立刻关闭电源。6 、员工长时间离开工位 , 如外出就餐或开会 , 应将计算机设置为休眠模式并关闭显示器的电源。7、下班后如无特殊需要必须及时关闭空调、电脑, 含显示器 , 、饮水机、打印机、复印机及照明灯等电器的电源有条件者还应切断插座电源。8 、行政部人员在上卫生间时顺手把洗手间的台面和地面打扫一下前台人员每隔20-30 分钟到洗手间打扫一次。, 四, 办公电器的使用问题办公电器包括电灯、电脑、饮水

11、器、空调凡公司员工都有义务和责任维护公司办公设备为公司开源节流。1、员工外出拜访客户、吃饭、下班后离开座位时必须自觉关闭电脑。2 、当有同事需要加班不能关闭电器时须提醒加班人员离开时关闭电器。mass line of the party construction of education system, improve scientific and systematization and standardization level of the party building. With a focus on the construction of democratic centralism a

12、nd continue the tradition of inner-party democracy, open channels, and full play to the peoples Congress, the CPPCCs role in democratic decision-making, and constantly raise the level of scientific decision-making in the party. To partys mass line in educational practices of various systems established and implemented as an opportunity to strengthen party leadership and party building, enhancing the rallying power and c


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