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1、双城记英文版读书心得_五篇 双城记以法国大革命为背景,描绘了十八世纪的一位医生梅尼特从监狱中重获自由,和女儿一起到伦敦生活,五年后,他们在法庭上为名叫代尔纳的法国青年作证,露西和代尔纳因相爱而结婚。下面我给大家整理的双城记英文版读书心得_五篇,盼望大家喜爱! 双城记英文版读书心得_1 “It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times。 It was the age ofwisdom, and it was the age of foolishness。 It was the epoch of belief, and itwas t

2、he epoch of incredulity。 It was the season of light, and it was the seasonof darkness。 It was the spring of hope, and it was the winter of despair。 We hadeverything before us, and we had nothing before us。 We were all going direct toHeaven, and we were all going direct the other way。 In short, the p

3、eriod was sofar like the present period。 That some of its noisiest authorities insisted onits being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of parisononly。 ” With the beginning of above words, Dickens told us a love story called “ATale of Two Cities”, which is one of his most impor

4、tant representative works。The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the FrenchRevolution, intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute andcruel, and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes。 The novel alsodescribed many magnificent scenes like the revolt p

5、eople attacked Bastille andso on, which displayed peoples great strength。 The novel has portrayed many different people。 Doctor Manette is honest andkind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblanc

6、eof indifferent, innermost feelings of warm, unconventional but also selfless andlofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel andsinister。 The plex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made morehatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge, but take the life as the

7、price。 Among many different kinds of people in the story, it is Sydney Carton whoimpressed me most。 I cant describe my feeling at the first sight of him。 To tell the truth,he was not eye-catching at that time。 When the readers were immersed in themeeting between Lucie and Charles, he only played a l

8、ittle role as a lawyer whohad the same face with Charles and extricated him from accusation through thispoint。 Then they went to drink。 Without scruple, Carton expressed his dislike toCharles。 Yes, they had the same face。 But they were different。 Carton was alittle lawyer, while Charles was a succes

9、sful man。 Carton was quite free andeasy, while Charles was graceful and noble。 In fact, they were absolutely twodistinctive men except for their appearance。 Certainly, what Carton cared aboutwas not the wealth or the position, but the love of Lucie。 He realized thatLucie loved Charles, so he was bar

10、ely out of control at that time。 Every time I read this part, I could feel his sincerity and broad-minded。By no means would he say a lie。 He must tell you what he thinks in the heart。 Itis Sydney Carton, a true man。 After a short time, he cant resist himself going to see Lucie。 But when hestepped in

11、to the small forest, he saw Lucie and Charles getting togetherhappily。 He didnt rush towards them, however, he returned without a word。Though he had a period of depression after that, he was clear who Lucie lovedwas not him。 So what he only would do was to bless her。 Some days later, he came to meet

12、 Lucie again。 He still told Lucie about hislove, although he knew it was useless。 He just wanted her to know it, as hesaid,“I want you to know that you are my last dream in my life。 ” Many times, love is a thing about only one person。 “I love you。”-Itsmy business, not yours。 So when Carton showed hi

13、s deep love to Lucie, I suddenly felt that this manwas so lovely and deserved to beloved。 “Remember always theres a man who could give his life to you, or anyoneyou love。” Carton left with these words。 But all of these seemed a sign ofmisfortune。 From then on, I came to understand how profound his l

14、ove was。 No doubt thatit is the most moving love words in the world。 Although you dont love me, I amstill there for you or your beloved though thick and thin。 But I knew in this story, Carton was bound to a tragic role。 So when I sawhe only left a view of his back in her wedding, there was a plex mo

15、od appearingslowly in my heart。 Some years passed。 When Lucie appeared in the front of Carton, she became amother。 This time, Lucies face was filled with anxiety。 Because Charles was inprison and would be killed soon。 What lead to this was the plicated and filthypast。 From the point, the dirty of so

16、ciety was reflected。 It was the sorrow inthat period。 But they must pay for this sorrow。 So it was the time that Cartonachieved his permission。 “I told you once, for you I would do anything。 I will。” He said。 At the last moment, he and Charles exchanged。 That they had the same facehelped them at the

17、 second time。 When Lucie and her family left without knowingthe truth, Carton, instead of Charles, went to be killed。 How can we evaluate his action? We cant say anything about it because allwhat he did was out of love。 As he said to the young girl who panied him before died, “If we have nofear, we

18、can be calm all the way。” He was so calm to greet what would be ingsoon, for she would get her happiness and he loved her forever。 “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is afar, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known。” With her face risingbefore his eyes, h

19、e went to execution ground calmly。 It is “A Tale of Two Cities”, also a tale of Sydney Carton。 双城记英文版读书心得_2 As we all know, Charles Dickens novel A Tale of Two Cities is a novelbased on the French Revolution in the late 1800s。 In that terrible time, everymoment was full of great fear。 Before that gr

20、eat revolution, the mon people,especially the peasants, were poor, hungry and unhappy。 The king and the noblemen maltreated the poor in many ways but they had never felt a little ashamed,on the contrary they thought they could do bad things in the nature ofthings。 As an outstanding writer, in Dicken

21、ss work, the language skill isessential。 Each kind of rhetoric technique, like the analogy, the exaggeration,the contrast, the humorous, and the taunt are handled skillfully and theartistry of the work is also delivered the peak。 A tale of two cities has itsdifference with the general historical nov

22、el, its character and the main plotare all fictionalizes。 With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Nanettes experience as the mainclue, interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences butalso incident cross-correlation

23、 stories together, and the clue is plex。 Theauthor use insert narrates, foreshadowing, upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness, the plot winding anxious and richof theatrical nature, it displayed the remarkable artistic skill。 The style Atale of two cities is

24、solemnity and melancholy, fills indignation, but l acks the humor of the early works。 Besides, this novel criticizes the violence and oppression in the society。In this novel, the author not only expresses his humanitarianism on the lovebetween human beings, but also expresses his view according to h

25、is critics tothe violence and oppression in that society。 The author expresses his opinion ontwo parts。 First, he criticizes the aristocrats, esp。 the representative Marquisof Evremonde。 Second, he also criticizes the revolutionaries in the FrenchRevolution。 However, when we see from the description

26、 of the couple, the authordoes not think high of the revolution。 When the revolutionaries begin theirrevenge, the author describes that everyone is terrible, the man is terrible,the woman crazy, and there is not a human creature at that time。 We can seealthough the author does not show his agreement

27、 to the aristocrats cruelty, hedoes not like the bloody revolution, either。 What is more, this novel advocates the Christian love and self-sacrifice。Charles Dickens novel A Tale of Two Cities is essentially a tale of love,sacrifice, and, most importantly, resurrection。 Dr。 Manette, Charles Darnay, a

28、ndSydney Carton, all desperate men leading catastrophic lives, make greatsacrifices in order to attain true physical, spiritual, and societalresurrection for themselves and the ones they love。 In this novel, the authorportrays some typical characters that embody the authors view。 First, heportrays s

29、ome kind, upright and humane persons, such as Dr。 Manette, LucieManette, Mr。 Lorry, etc。 But at the same time, he also portrays some cruel andferocious persons, such as the Marquis of Evremonde Brothers, Mr。 and Mrs。Defarge。 He uses these characters to make a contrast, which clearly expresseshis vie

30、w。 In short, what he was trying to express is that everyone can love eachother and sacrifice for others。 So Sydney Carton is the supreme embodiment o f Charles Dickens humanitarianism。 Ultimately, A Taleof Two Cities is essentially a tale of love, sacrifice, and most importantly,resurrection。 Throug

31、h personal sacrifices or sacrifices for those who theyloved, it shows the humans virtue and integrity。 By struggling for, huntingfor, and sacrificing for a better life, all of the main characters are foreverresurrected in the hearts of those they love forever。 Overall, Charles Dickens is a humanitar

32、ian。 And according to the analysisof the characters in A Tales of Two Cities, we can see that the author advocatesthe universal love and equality between human beings。 And this is the basicelement in a peaceful and harmonious society。 Everyone should love people andonly the humanitarianism can impro

33、ve this situation。 And A Tale of Two Cities isthe best work, which embodies his humanitarianism。 So that we can see thatCharles Dickens is an outstanding humanitarian of the capitalistic reformism inthe 19th century。 双城记英文版读书心得_3 A tale of two cities is one of Dickenss most important representativew

34、orks。The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the FrenchRevolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute andcruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes。The novel alsodescribed many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille

35、andso on,which displayed peoples great strength。 The novel has portrayed manydifferent people。 Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecutionactually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry isupright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermos

36、t feelings ofwarm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforwardand loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister。The plex hatred is hardto solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the helledge,but take the life as the price。 As an outstanding w ri

37、ter,in Dickenss work,the language skill is essential。Each kind ofrhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,thehumorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work isalso delivered the peak。A tale of two cities has its difference with thegeneral historical novel, its character and the main plot are allfictionalizes。With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the authortake the fictional character Doctor Manettes experience as the mainclue,interweaves the unjust cha


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