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1、必修 5Unit 14Lesson 2 . 单项填空1 Her parentshad a very anxiousmoment but everything_allrightin theend.A turned upB turned downC turned offD turned out解析:turn up 出现,露面; turn down关小,拒绝; turn off关掉 ( 电源等 ) ;turnout 证明是,结果是。答案:D2 I promised to write to her_I got to New York.A at the momentB the momentC soonD

2、 long before解析:the moment as soon as。 long before 很久以前,不合句意。答案:B3When_help,one oftensays “Thank you. ”or “It s very kind of you. ”A offeringB to offerC to be offeredD offered解析:offer和其逻辑主语one 构成动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动。答案:D4 What effects do you think_on agriculture?A it will haveB will it haveC will have itD

3、has it解析:本题考查的是宾语从句应该用陈述语序。答案:A5In a moment I ll introduce our guests, but_ , let me thank you allfor coming.A first of allB in allC for the first timeD after all解析:A 项意为“首先”, B 项意为“总之”, C 项意为“第一次”; D 项意为“毕竟,终究”。答案:A6 _for a few days, the miners were in despair.1A SurroundingB Being surroundedC Havi

4、ng surroundedD Having been surrounded解析:本题考查 surround 的用法。此句可译为:那些矿工已经被困了好几天,他们很绝望。从时间状语for a few days来判断,应该用分词的完成式;同时从the miners与 surround之间含有被动关系来判断,应该用被动语态。答案:D7 It was_his mother came in_to prepare his lessons.A not until;did the boy beginB until ;that the boy beganC until; did the boy beginD no

5、t until ; that the boy began解析:在 Itis/was.that.这个强调句型中,强调的是until 所引导的时间状语从句,强调时需将主句中的not 一起提前。答案:D8“ We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob , _out of the window.A lookingB to lookC lookedD having looked解析:从句意看出,说的同时“看着窗外”,所以应用现在分词形式作伴随状语,表示与 said 同时发生的动作。答案:A9 I wish I_a chance to talk with you a

6、bout my writing before you left.A haveB hadC had hadD will have解析:本题考查的是wish 的用法。 wish 后的从句通常用虚拟语气,再结合 beforeyouleft可以知道此句是对过去情况的虚拟,所以用过去完成时。答案:C10 Large quantitiesof information, as wellas some timely help_sincethe organization was built.A has offeredB Had been offeredC have been offeredD is offere

7、d解析:本题考查主谓一致的用法。此句可译为:自从那个组织成立以来,提供了大量的信息以及一些及时的帮助。large quantities n.( pl .) 作主语时,谓语动词用复数;而且 information 和 offer 之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。答案: C . 单词拼写11 The b_finally brought the war to an end.答案:battle212 One should possess courage, determination and w_.答案:wisdom13 The i_I saw her, I knew she was an honest

8、girl.答案:instant14 I have an a_with my doctor this afternoon.答案:appointment15 His research formed the b_of his new book.答案:basis16 She sent her little son to a_(托儿所 ) when she was working.答案:nursery17 Gradually the_(附近的 ) farmland turned residential.答案:surrounding18 This ruined bridge is a relic of t

9、he_(国内的 ) War.答案:Civil19 The computer is more expensive than the_(打字机 )答案:typewriter20 He cleaned the_( 泥浆 ) off his shoes on the shaggy mat in front ofthe door.答案:mud . 完成句子21她不像人们所说的那样富有。She is not as rich as people_.答案:make out22这份文件迟早会找到的。The papers will_sooner or later.答案:turn up23他编造了一个十分荒谬的理由

10、,但是大家都相信了。He_an absurd excuse, but everyone believes him.答案:makes up24别不穿外套出去,会得重感冒的。Dont_without a coat;youll catch a bad cold.答案:go out25如果你认为那不公平,为什么不大胆说出来?If you thought that wasnt fair,why didn t you_ ?答案:speak up3 . 完形填空Dear Mr Armstrong,I was pleased to receive your letter,asking what advice

11、I would give to themembers of your club.Inmy opinion , _26_fieldoffersgreater_27_thannewspaperwork for young people with a(n)_28_in writing.Of course I m not speakingof_ 29_rewards.Anyonewho wants to get richshouldchoose some other_30_.I can t even promise you excitement.A newspaper reportermighthav

12、e to_31_thesame dutiesday afterday.Butjournalismpays a livingwage,and itoftenmakes a reporterfeelmore_32_thana bank president.Whocan say thathe is not?You have asked me_33_to become a journalist.First, learnhow to_34_a computer.Thisisone thingyou must be able to do.Youcan eitherlearn the_35_in schoo

13、l or buy a book that_36_how to teach yourself.At schoolyou shouldlearnhow to read and writeyour own_37_well , You shouldalso learn history, government ,mathematics and_38_.Foreign languages are alsogood to know.The things that_39_every day are not simple, and a journalist hasto know_40_in order to u

14、nderstand them.If your school has a_41_,you should write for it.Editors like young peoplewho have had experience_42_for school papers.There are many things you can do to prepare_43_for a newspaper job.Readeverythingyoucanget , _44_newspapersand magazines.Discusswhatyoureadand_45_your own opinions.If

15、 the members of your club have any questions that havent been answered bythis letter, please write again.YoursEditor , NYT【语篇解读】本文是一封回信,信中回答了来信提出的问题,并对有兴趣从事新闻工作的成员提出了建议。26 A.thisB noC everyD each解析:由“ greater ”和“ than ”可知这是一个比较句。联系上下文可知,此处意为“在我看来,没有哪一个领域能够为年轻人提供比新闻工作更高的回报。”答案:B27 A.awardsB rewardsC

16、returnsD advantages4解析:由下文的“ rewards ”提示知选B。 reward 报酬。 award 奖品; return归还;advantage优势。答案:B28 A.interestB excitementC curiosityD love解析:由下文的“ inwriting ”提示可知, 应选用与之搭配的 an interest 。curiosity常与 about搭配使用。其他选项均与句意不符。答案:A29 A.spiritualB individualC collectiveD material解析:从下文“想挣钱的人应该选其他的职业”判断,作者谈论的不是物质回

17、报。答案:D30 A.conductB businessC occupationD school解析:从上下文语意看,这里谈论的是职业(occupation)。conduct “行为,举动”;business “生意”; school “学校”,均不符合句意。答案:C31 A.faceB performC carryD take解析: “新闻记者也许日复一日地履行同样的职责。” duty 可与 perform ,carry out ,take on 等连用。答案:B32 A.healthyB excitedC importantD burdened解析:从上下文内容可推知“新闻工作者的社会责任

18、重大,因此他们会觉得自己比银行行长还重要”。答案:C33 A.howB whetherC whenD where解析:根据下文所列内容知,此处意为“怎样成为一名新闻工作者”。答案:A34 A.fixB findC useD get解析:由下文的介绍可知,此处表示“学习使用计算机”,use 意为“应用”。 fix修理; find找到; get 得到,均不符合句意。5答案:C35 A.subjectsB abilityC knowledgeD skill解析:此处是指掌握使用计算机的技能(skill) ,而不是广义上的能力 (ability)、知识 (knowledge)或科目 (subject)

19、。答案:D36 A.writesB readsC asksD explains解析:书上一般会详细讲解(explain)使用计算机的具体操作步骤。答案:D37 A.bookB languageC homeworkD notes解析:由下文“掌握外语也很有用”暗示,这里应表示“读好、写好你的母语”。答案:B38 A.physicsB scienceC EnglishD biology解析:西方国家的science科目包括物理、化学和生物。因此,可排除A、D 两项。C 项属于语言类,上下文均已提到,故也可排除。答案:B39 A.happenB existC showD appear解析:此处意为“每天发生(happen) 的事虽小,但并不简单”。exist存在; sho


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