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1、51. 摄入多样食物的重要性不言而喻。摄入多样食物的重要性不言而喻。(variety) 考点:考点:a variety of food the importance of sth is be obvious It goes without saying that it is important to do sth The importance of having a variety of food is obvious. It goes without saying that taking in a variety of food is important. 52. 他向老师咨询自己应该报考哪

2、他向老师咨询自己应该报考哪些些大学。大学。(consult) 考点:考点:consult sb. about sth. apply for universities which universities he should apply for / which universities to apply for He consulted his teacher about which universities he should apply for. 53. 那些意识到自己体重问题的人比以往都更关注饮食。那些意识到自己体重问题的人比以往都更关注饮食。 (attention) 考点:考点: pay

3、 more attention to sth than ever (before) Those who realize their own weight (problems) are aware of Those who realize / are aware of their own weight problems are paying more attention to diets than ever before. 54. 为了更好地俯瞰这条雄伟的河流,他坚持要爬上为了更好地俯瞰这条雄伟的河流,他坚持要爬上 山顶。山顶。(insist) 考点:考点:insist on doing sth

4、. have a better birds eye view of overlook better / look down at better the magnificent / grand / splendid river climb (up) to the top of the mountain To have a better birds view of the magnificent river, he insisted on climbing to the top of the mountain. 55. 这家工厂证明是成功的,它给当地的人们带来了这家工厂证明是成功的,它给当地的人们

5、带来了 很多的经济利益。很多的经济利益。(prove) 考点:考点:sth proves (to be) + adj. / n. prove (to be) a success / successful It proves that is a success / successful bring a lot of economic benefits to sb. the local people / the locals The factory proves a success, for / because it has brought many economic benefits to th

6、e local people. 56. 有人把交通拥堵归咎于自行车数量太多。有人把交通拥堵归咎于自行车数量太多。(blame) 考点考点: blame A on B traffic jams the large / huge number of bicycles Some people blame traffic jams on the large number of bicycles. 57. 顾客的反馈决定我们是否增加产量。顾客的反馈决定我们是否增加产量。(depend) 考点:考点: Whether we will do A depends on B increase our produ

7、ction / output our customers feedback the feedback from our customers Whether we will increase our production depends on our customers feedback. 58. 植物的生长速度受到很多因素的影响,其中大多数植物的生长速度受到很多因素的影响,其中大多数 是我们无法控制的。是我们无法控制的。(influence) 考点:考点:, most of which , and most of them be influenced by/ be under the infl

8、uence of the growing speed of a plant/plants be out of control/ be beyond control The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of which are beyond our control. 59. 令他母亲生气的是直到胃疼得吃不消了,他才吃令他母亲生气的是直到胃疼得吃不消了,他才吃 药。药。(until) 考点:考点:sb did not do A until +S did B what made his mot

9、her angry was that to ones anger take the medicine cant stand/bear the stomachache What made his mother angry was that he didnt take the medicine until he couldnt bear the stomachache. 60. 每位司机开车时都必须牢记越小心越好,因为任何每位司机开车时都必须牢记越小心越好,因为任何 疏忽都是生死攸关的。疏忽都是生死攸关的。 考点:考点:bear/keep in mind that one can never/cannot be too careful be a matter of life and death means the difference between life and death be a life-and-death matter any carelessness/oversig


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