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1、Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. If someone deals (1) a punishment or harmful action, they punish or harm someone. Correct answer: o

2、ut 2. Never mind, I wont tell (1) you, he promised. Correct answer: on 3. Ill tell (1) you when Mummys back, the boy threatened. Correct answer: on 4. I dont know where that old story came from, Ive never been able to track it (1). Correct answer: down 5. The computer is down again. I need to get so

3、meone to track (1) the source of the problem. Correct answer: down 6. If you decide you dont want to see your grandmother until she changes, then your mother should respect that; after all, you should both be allowed to work (1) your relationship with this woman in your own way. Correct answer: out

4、7. I still find it hard to work (1) why the leadership was so keen to get rid of me. Correct answer: out 8. Come (1), it doesnt take a genius to work out what the problems are. Correct answer: along 9. Come (1), Jane, have a taste and youll know how sweet it is. Correct answer: along 10. The weak po

5、ints in the article were eagerly picked (1) by some critics. Correct answer: on 11. I dont know why Ive been picked (1) by the head of the department. Correct answer: on 12. You could try out your reactions to being (1) your own, and also give your husband a chance to experience life without you. Co

6、rrect answer: on 13. He could have been doing research (1) his own, his teacher reflected. Correct answer: on 14. If a situation or what someone says hits (1), people accept that it is real or true, even though it may be painful for them to realize. Correct answer: home 15. The chairman felt more co

7、nfident when he was told that his speech hit (1). Correct answer: home 16. The man entered the country (1) disguise and no one knew he was there. Correct answer: in 17. These days so many social activities are really businesses which function (1) disguise. Correct answer: in 18. There is another fil

8、m to reckon (1), and it is not an easy one to forget. Correct answer: with 19. If you say that there is someone or something to be reckoned (1), you mean that this person or thing must be dealt with and doing so will be difficult. Correct answer: with 20. One of Africas leading churchmen has called

9、(1) the government to surrender. Correct answer: on/upon 21. Whenever there is a conflict, he is called (1) to resolve it. Correct answer: on/upon 22. If you get (1) a difficult or unpleasant period of time, you manage to live through it. Correct answer: through 23. It seems that they cant get (1) a

10、 day without arguing. Correct answer: through 24. At the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, he urged people not to give up (1) peace efforts. Correct answer: on 25. My teacher gave up (1) me when I failed in the entrance examinations. Correct answer: on 26. If an organization or system fal

11、ls (1), it becomes disorganized or unable to work effectively, or breaks up into its different parts. Correct answer: apart 27. They have tried everything to prevent their marriage from falling (1). Correct answer: apart 28. Every time they went dancing they ended (1) quarreling. Correct answer: up

12、29. You may end (1) doing simple jobs, but many agencies will train you to do word processing and other computer skills, so do not think this training is nothing. Correct answer: up 30. Seans a fast thinker, and he acts (1) impulse. Correct answer: on 31. (1) impulse, she enrolled in the MA program

13、of English literature at Peking University. Correct answer: On 32. I dont want to mislead you (1) thinking that translation is easy; it is in fact a very competitive job. Correct answer: into 33. Does the book, with its positive view of people, mislead one (1) thinking that a person is always good?

14、Correct answer: intoDirections: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. People who work outdoors all the time are more (1) risk than people work indoors. Correct answer: at 2. All these factors make smokers mo

15、re (1) risk of developing various forms of lung disease. Correct answer: at 3. (1) an effort to control their weight, some people, especially women, refuse to eat red meat. Correct answer: In 4. Apparently (1) an effort to impress his beloved, Van Gogh made a tiny drawing of the house, 87 Hackford S

16、treet, Brixton, which still survives. Correct answer: in 5. A number of scientific studies show that exercise may power (1) the brain just as it strengthens the heart and lungs. Correct answer: up 6. To increase production, they have to power (1) the machine. Correct answer: up 7. These studies focu

17、s primarily (1) how old people improve their balance through practicing Tai chi. Correct answer: on 8. Marxs work in Capital is focused (1) the nature of the social relationship which existed between workers and capitalists. Correct answer: on 9. Seniors who engage (1) regular physical activity do b

18、etter in keeping their bodies in balance. Correct answer: in 10. People do not need to be students to engage (1) study. Correct answer: in 11. The general manager is most grateful for the generous support that has led (1) this successful result. Correct answer: to 12. Questions about the reason for

19、the failures of the British economy led (1) a wide variety of diagnoses by economists. Correct answer: to 13. It has been discovered that sea level went (1) by 24 metres in less than 1,000 years. Correct answer: up 14. A meal would usually only cost about 50 yuan but they noticed how the prices went

20、 (1) if they accompanied foreign friends there. Correct answer: up 15. She took (1) a few deep breaths, like a singer preparing for a song. Correct answer: in 16. She felt her face go hot with embarrassment as he straightened up and gave her a piercing look that took (1) everything about her appeara

21、nce. Correct answer: in 17. We have tried to sum (1) the bits of information which we have for the last three days to come to some conclusion. Correct answer: up 18. So to sum (1), if we want to help ourselves towards a healthy heart and a long and happy life we need to get regular exercise and stop

22、 smoking. Correct answer: up 19. Carpet shops are normally separated (1) those which specialize in old and historic items, and those which specialize in contemporary ones. Correct answer: into 20. In principle, skills are impossible to be separated (1) independent parts, as they are integrated and i

23、nteractive by their nature. Correct answer: into 21. According to the professor, children everywhere go (1) remarkably similar learning stages. Correct answer: through 22. Those who have watched a loved one go (1) the experience of a major and dangerous operation will understand what the next few we

24、eks were like. Correct answer: through 23. What they said does not apply (1) matters of general interest, although some senior officers appear to have some strange understanding of their own. Correct answer: to 24. The same applies (1) the viewpoint that religion cannot be divorced from a form of mo

25、rality. Correct answer: to 25. The journal carried a study (1) a team from the Yale University School of Medicine that indicates physical exercise may beneficial (2) the brain. Correct answer: (1) by; (2) to/for; 26. Any additional iron loss (1) exercise may be enough to tip a woman (2) the edge int

26、o a more serious deficiency. Correct answer: (1) from; (2) over; 27. The average woman takes (1) only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance (2) iron. Correct answer: (1) in; (2) of/for; 28. Physical exercise may result (1) iron loss (2) a variety of mechanisms. Correct answer: (1) in; (2) th

27、rough; 29. (1) unknown reasons, his iron reserves have gone to zero. Correct answer: For 30. Keeping a proper amount of stored iron (1) the blood is very important to athletes. Correct answer: in 31. Iron deficiency can be corrected (1) modifying ones diet. Correct answer: by 32. If possible, always

28、 cook your food (1) iron pans. Correct answer: in 33. Active women need to be a lot more careful (1) their food choices. Correct answer: about 34. Scientists tend to do experiments (1) rats before they apply their research (2) humans. Correct answer: (1) on/with; (2) to; 35. (1) contrast, he got the

29、 lowest mark of the class in the recent Band 4 examination. Correct answer: In/By 36. Vigorous physical exercise may be good for students (1) the same way that skill-based exercise is. Correct answer: in 37. In the past, some scientists attributed the reduction (1) mental function (2) getting old. C

30、orrect answer: (1) of/in; (2) to; 38. When asked to explain why his iron level was so low, the doctor pointed (1) poor diet. Correct answer: to 39. Now people come to realize that its wrong to believe that the academic edge gained by participating (1) sports comes from the increased self-confidence

31、and the better mood. Correct answer: inDirections: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. The school operates (1) the principle that values are the first, most important lesson. Correct answer: on 2. The mana

32、ger said that they operated (1) the basis that they trusted everybody. Correct answer: on 3. They agreed (1) writing to exert themselves to meet the requirements of the school. Correct answer: in 4. They agreed (1) rejecting the balance of power as a hopelessly inefficient mechanism for this purpose

33、. Correct answer: in/on/upon 5. The Japanese insist (1) having a job done well no matter how much time is required. Correct answer: on 6. She insisted (1) having wine with the meal, and as I hadnt had a drink in a long time, it made me feel rather uneasy. Correct answer: on 7. McCann was advancing a

34、 traditional Marxist view which insisted (1) the importance of economic and social class divisions as the basis of politics. Correct answer: on 8. In believing my parents, I was forced (1) the position of not believing in myself. Correct answer: into 9. She says that many women are being forced (1)

35、arranged marriages, homelessness and denial of education. Correct answer: into 10. The students are asked to make evaluations of the teachers (1) a scale from zero to ten. Correct answer: on 11. The importance of each source was measured (1) a scale of 1 (extremely important) to 5 (of no importance)

36、. Correct answer: on 12. The police officer claimed success (1) the action against drug sales last week. Correct answer: with 13. Your success (1) your weight control program will make you healthy and fit enough to enjoy many different aspects of life. Correct answer: with 14. The idea that success

37、is measured (1) growth, not academic achievement, is controversial. Correct answer: by 15. A countrys power can be measured (1) its military and economic resources and growth in markets. Correct answer: by 16. I dont think hes superior (1) us just because his father is an important man. Correct answ

38、er: to 17. The new class plan is potentially superior (1) the old one because it will produce better-educated students. Correct answer: to 18. Cultural factors affect management behavior (1) many ways. Correct answer: in 19. These two Americans differ (1) many ways, but they are alike in never havin

39、g known defeat. Correct answer: in 20. This approach (1) the problem sounds feasible. Correct answer: to 21. Within the last two decades, the new approach (1) this subject has assumed great influence. Correct answer: to 22. There was a drive (1) academic achievement among students. Correct answer: f

40、or/towards 23. And in government, we are leading a drive (1) quality throughout our public services. Correct answer: for 24. Because of the difference in emphasis, time is seen (1) a different perspective. Correct answer: in/from 25. You are now able to see the problem (1) a higher perspective, know

41、ing that you have created it for a reason. Correct answer: in/from 26. The plans are being prepared (1) quite a good pace. Correct answer: at 27. It looks as if old hospitals are being replaced (1) a reasonable pace. Correct answer: at 28. (1) that I mean a particular pattern of management behavior

42、develops from cultural forces. Correct answer: By 29. What we need is to put more focus on creating brand-consciousness, and (1) that I mean everything that makes up a brand, such as style, color, fashionableness, image, and quality. Correct answer: by 30. She has received considerable publicity (1)

43、 her excellent performance in the film The Last Flower. Correct answer: for 31. What they have done creates good publicity (1) them as well as being good for the community. Correct answer: for 32. The teaching program was adopted (1) the protests of parents. Correct answer: over 33. (1) the student

44、to gain admission, parents also must agree to accept and demonstrate the schools philosophies and outlook. Correct answer: For 34. I wouldnt say he is honest; he still owes me $500 (1) my work in his store. Correct answer: for 35. In the I to you approach, decision-making proceeds (1) top management

45、. Correct answer: fromDirections: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. The instructions were comprised (1) two A5 sheets of paper, half of which were pictures. Correct answer: of 2. If you are turned (1) fo

46、r a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given, you should try to think of some other way. Correct answer: down 3. Murder, the criminal felt, was a winter occupationdark deeds were suited (1) dark months. Correct answer: to 4. A number of race horses have been named (1) dancers. Correct

47、answer: after 5. They all looked too tired to be bothered (1) any joking. Correct answer: with/by 6. He was supposed to come yesterday, but never showed (1). Correct answer: up 7. It was a story close to his heart and dated (1) to 1964, before the Vietnam War was being viewed in quite different ways

48、. Correct answer: back 8. The home industry career is taking (1) along with the development of IT technology. Correct answer: off 9. Many of the officials in Moscow who approved (1) the experiment were not qualified to weigh up its dangers. Correct answer: of 10. The company could go (1) without app

49、lying for a license but it had to consider the consequences. Correct answer: ahead 11. The speed of her rise (1) fame has been astonishingly rapid. Correct answer: to 12. But, he believes, if you dont throw up a lot of bad ideas you are unlikely to come (1) with some better ones either. Correct answ

50、er: up 13. Here is a doll for your daughter to play (1). Correct answer: with 14. He crossed the street and walked (1) the edge of Central Park. Correct answer: alongside 15. The Womens Movement in that city was influential (1) bringing womens issues into public consciousness. Correct answer: in 16.

51、 He sent the paintings to the exhibition but none were (1) sale. Correct answer: for 17. It is our task to liberate people (1) poverty. Correct answer: from 18. The photographer took half an hour posing the boys and girls (1) the picture. Correct answer: for 19. Famed artist James Earle Fraser went

52、(1) tradition by using three actual American Indians (2) models for his creation. Correct answer: (1) against; (2) as; 20. The novel is about a young man who is in love (1) a girl his parents do not approve (2). Correct answer: (1) with; (2) of; 21. A deep affection grew in the father (1) the son. C

53、orrect answer: for 22. It is necessary for a party in power to form an alliance (1) other parties to control the country. Correct answer: with 23. It was in the 1930s that she rose to fame and fortune (1) a writer. Correct answer: as 24. In the painting he used his dentist (1) the grave farmer. Correct answer: for 25. The directors sold the business (1) $15 million. Correct answer: for 26. The coach of the football team continued the contract (1) the club for another four years. Correct answer: with 27. Youre is short (1) you are. Correct answer: f


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