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1、新译林牛津小学英语四年级下册Unit8教案课题Unit 8 How are you?课型新授课时1教学目标1.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词may, hear, take care. 2.能听懂、会说、会读come to school, cold, fever. 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型This is speaking. May I speak to? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you. 4.能正确理解掌握对话内容,准确、流利地朗读课文。重点能听懂

2、、会说、会读本课词汇,初步理解运用本课句型。能正确理解掌握对话的内容并能流利朗读对话。难点有感情的朗读对话并学会打电话用语并能适当拓展。教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程Step 1 Free talk.T: Nice to see you. How are you? Im not OK. Yes, I am. Im ill. Today, we will learn Unit 8 How are you? 板书揭题2. Ask your desk mates “How are you?”Step21.Show a picture of Yang Ling in Story t

3、ime.T: Look at this girl. Who is she? Where is she? How is she now? Can you guess? 引导学生用Maybe she is.回答。Another picture. Look, where is Miss Li? What is Miss Li doing? Can you guess? Yes, shes calling Yang Ling. But how can we begin a telephone call? Please watch the cartoon carefully. Underline key

4、 sentences and discuss in pairs.3. Can you make a phone call to your desk mates?Step31.How is Yang Ling? Lets watch cartoon and find out whats the matter with Yang Ling. 备 注教学过程教读cold,fever出示图片帮助理解。2.Can you read by yourselves and try to answer them.(1)What cant Yang Ling do? (2)What does Miss Li sa

5、y?Step4 Picture 2Look at another picture. Can you guess what happens next? Guess, read and underline.Step5 Task3Reading time:1.Lets read after the computer.(在跟读中体会语音语调语气,理解并学习Im sorry to hear that. Take care. See you tomorrow. )2.read after the teacher.3.read together.Step6 Post Task1. If you are il

6、l, can you make a call to your teacher and classmates? Useful sentences: A:Hello, this is . speaking. May I speak to.? B:This is A:.2. Group workHomework:听录音跟读本课会话,小组进行会话,准备下节课表演会话。板书设计: Unit 8 How are you?A: Hello, this is . speaking. May I speak to .? come to school B: This is . cold A: Whats the

7、matter? B: I have a cold and a fever. A: Im sorry to hear that. Take care. 备 注教学反思课题Unit 8 How are you?课型新授课时2教学目标1. 能熟练朗读、表演课文,复习课文。2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会用单词cough, headache; 句型How are you? Not so good.。3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用打电话用语。能根据fun time的道具和情境,有乐趣地进行小组对话。4. 会朗诵诗歌Doctor Wu。重点能让学生听懂会说会读会用新单词和新句型。难点学生能根据实际情况运用打

8、电话用语打电话。教具学具准备光盘单词卡片,课文图片,PPT教学过程Step1 Warm up 1. Listen to the rhyme and follow it.2. Show pictures of Story time. The boy is making a telephone call. Yang Ling is calling Miss Li too. Can you tell me what she is talking about. Work in pair and act.Step2 1. If your desk mate is ill, what can you sa

9、y to him/her? We can say: How are you?Whats the matter?Are you ill?Do you have a cold?2. If you are ill, how can you answer these questions? Yes, Im ill. /Not so good. I have a headache.新授单词cough,headache句型How are you? Not so good.Step31. Make a dialogue with your desk mates, using the new words and

10、 sentences we learned just now.2.Work in pairs.Step4 备 注教学过程1.We have home-made telephones, can you make a phone to your classmates?2. Say the rhyme again.3.If your friend is ill, what can you do? Talk about friendship.Take care of your friends.Homework:1 Make a real phone call to your friend. 2.You

11、 can write down your words.板书设计:Unit 8 How are you?A: Hello, this is . speaking. May I speak to .? cold B: Hello. This is . fever A:How are you? headacheB: Im fine, thank you./ Not so good. cough I have a .备 注教学反思课题Unit 8 How are you?课型新授课时3教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词组at school.2.理解cartoon time的乐趣所在,趣味朗读并表演

12、。3.能熟练运用所学单词和句型打电话。重点熟练朗读cartoon time的课文,体会其乐趣。难点能正确地掌握含有past和to的时间表达法。教具学具准备PPT教学过程Step1 Free talk 1. Brain storm:How can we make a telephone call?How can we answer a telephone call? 板书Step21. Can you make a telephone call now? Look at the picture. What day is it today? What is Sam doing now?2.Look

13、 at the picture and answer the question.Guess who is Sam calling? How can Sam make a telephone call?Step3Listen to the computer and answer:1. Who is Sam calling?2. Who is answering the phone?3. Why? 新授at schoolStep4Reading time:1.Lets read after the computer.2.read after the teacher.3.read together.

14、Step5 Show time: you can read or perform this story in pairsWork in pairsStep6 Make and act:If you are Tina, you are answering Sams telephone call, what will you say? Make a new dialogue and act it out. 备 注教学过程Useful sentences:(出示本单元重点句型)Homework: 看图模仿教师板书内容造句。板书设计:Unit 8 How are you?A: Hello, this

15、is . speaking. May I speak to .? B: Hello. This is . A: How are you? B: Im fine, thank you./ Not so good.备 注教学反思课题Unit 8 How are you?课型新授课时4教学目标1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.复习story time,进行小语段输出。4.能理解并且会读o的读音,能总结归纳过去所学单词5.完成补充习题以及同步探究部分练习重点能理解并且会读o的发音,能总结归纳过去所学单词难点会灵活运用动词不定式。教具学具准备图片录

16、音机教学过程Step1 Free talk 1. Brain storm about “ill”.Ss: cold, fever, cough, headache.2.Act out Story time in pairs.Step2 Revision 1. Yang Ling is ill, so Miss Li makes a call to Yang Ling. Someone is calling Yang Ling too. Who is she? Open your books and do exercise on P55. Discuss the answers in pairs

17、.Check the answers.Step3 1. Miss Li and Su Hai make calls to Yang Ling, because she is ill. 出示狐狸和小熊的图片Mr Fox is calling Mr Bear, because he wants to have lunch with Mr Bear. Can you make a telephone call with your desk mates? One acts as Mr Fox and the other acts as Mr Bear. Mr Fox and Mr Bear are having a picnic now. Sound time图片。What can Mr Bear have for lunch? Does Mr Fox like it?But the hot dog is Mr Bears lunch. 教读Sound timeStep41. Watch the cartoon and read.Read and find some words with o2. Read with rhythem.备 注教学过程Read after the teacher.Read together.P


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