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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟326大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟326大学三级(A)模拟326Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability, it consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After

2、each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C), D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer She

3、et with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.20 minutes.B.15 minutes.C.20 to 30 minutes.D.50 minutes.答案:B解析M: How long does it take you to get to work?W: Its only a 15-minute bus drive early in the morning. But coming home at the end of the day is quite different. Then it takes

4、 at least 20 to 30 minutes.Q: How much time does the woman spend in traveling from her home to work in the morning?本题为判断题。听懂对话和问话的基本内容即可得到正确答案选项B。2.A.She walks.B.She hardly goes shopping.C.She goes by car.D.She shops by phone.答案:A解析W: I hardly ever go shopping by car now. The shopping center is with

5、in a walking distance.M: Well, you are lucky. The nearest store I can go to is about two miles away.Q: How does the woman usually go shopping?本题为逻辑推理题。主要抓住Speaker 1所说的话中的关键词“hardly(几乎不)”就可以推断出正确答案是选项A。3.A.His partner.B.His teacher.C.His advisor.D.His boss.答案:D解析W: This is the third time you ve been

6、late this week, Robert. You ll have to do better than that, or I might find it necessary to let you go.M: It wont happen again, I assure you.Q: Who spoke to Robert?本题为判断题。听懂对话和问话的基本内容,再从Speaker 1所说的话“let you go”即可判断出说话人之间的关系。故选项D是正确答案。4.A.He fell asleep late watching TV last night.B.He stayed up lat

7、e Studying last night.C.He stayed up late watching a film last night.D.He did not get any sleep last night.答案:C解析W: Oh, Im too sleepy to study.W: Well, Bob, if you hadn t watched that late movie last night, you wouldn t be so sleepy.Q: What can we learn about Bob?本题为判断题。Speaker 2所说的话“if you hadnt wa

8、tched that late movie last night,you wouldnt be so sleepy”是虚拟语气,其意思是如果你昨晚没有看晚场电影的话,你就不会这么困了。所以正确答案当然就是选项C。5.A.The letters.B.The typists.C.The woman.D.The office.答案:B解析M: What s the matter, Bill?M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.Q: Whats the ma

9、n really complaining about?本题为判断题。从Speaker 2所说的话“Those typists at the office never do anything fight”中可以很明确的判断出正确答案是选项B。Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recor

10、ded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C), D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line thro

11、ugh the center. Conversation 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.8:50B.9:00C.8:45D.8:30答案:C解析 6-8M: Fast Taxi Service here. Can I help you?W: Oh, yes, please. I d like a taxi in about fifteen minutes time.M: OK. Where are you calling from?W: Im at the Singapore Rubber House. My name is Lee, Barbara Lee.M: Ri

12、ght. Could you just wait in the entrance hall, please?W: All right. I ll be there. Let s see., that ll be at nine.M: Yes. OK, at nine. Our taxi will be there. Err. where are you going?W: I want to go to Changi Airport. I m catching a plane to Bangkok at 9:30.M: That s OK. Our taxi will be right now.

13、W: Thanks. Good-bye.6. When is the woman calling Fast Taxi Service?从Speaker 2所说的话“Id like a taxi in about fifteen minutestime”和“thatll be at nine”即可知道她是845打电话叫出租车的,所以选项C为正确答案。2.A.At Fast Taxi Service.B.At the gate of the house.C.In her room.D.In the entrance hall.答案:D解析Where will the woman wait for

14、the taxi?从Speaker 1和Speaker 2的对话中“Could you just wait in the entrance hall,please?”“All rightIll be there”即可知道Speaker 2等车的地方。故正确答案当然是选项D。3.A.She will meet a friend at the airport.B.She is going to take a plane.C.She will go to Bangkok by train.D.She is going to return to Singapore.答案:B解析Why does the

15、 woman want a taxi?从Speaker 2所说的话“I want to go to Changi AirportIm catching a plane to Bangkok at 930”即可知道她需要出租车的原因,所以选项B为正确答案。 Conversation 2 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.A visitor to the womans family.B.An old friend of the woman.C.A stranger to the place.D.A native of the city.答案:C解析 9-10M: Excuse me

16、. I need to find out where the city center is.W: Ah well, let me see. you turn left and then go straight on.M: Ah left, thank you. Err. I wonder if you could tell me whether there s a museum somewhere in the city.W: Well, its further down the city center. You go across the bridge and it s on the oth

17、er side of the river.M: I see. Could you tell me a bit more about it?W: Im not really sure. I ve never been there myself. I think it s quite interesting.M: Worth visiting, you think?W: Well, it s one of the tourist attractions of the city.M: I see. Thank you very much.9. Who do you think the man is?

18、听懂对话的基本内容就可以知道Speaker 1不是本地人,所以选项C为正确答案。5.A.Its not far from the city center.B.Its worth visiting.C.She knows a lot about it.D.She has been there many times.答案:B解析What does the woman say about the Museum?从Speaker2所说的内容“Im not really sureIve never been there myselfI think its quite interesting”即可判断出正

19、确答案是选项B。Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short Passages. You will/tear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer with a word o

20、r a short phrase. The incomplete answer are printed in your test pa- per. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the redwood described as? Redwood is called _. 答案:the tree with the moving foot解析 11-15 One of the

21、most famous tourist attractions in the State of California is the giant redwood. This redwood might be described as the tree with the moving foot because it is not even a native California, believe it or not! These trees, which are among the largest and oldest of all living things, moved to Californ

22、ia from the Arctic. Long, long ago they grew in the Arctic, just as enormous and tall as they are today. But the warmer climate drew them southward and it took some seventy-five million years to complete the move. Carried by birds, winds, and some strong-teethed animals, the seeds of the redwood tra

23、veled thousands of miles from what is now the northern-most tip of Alaska to California, their last stand. Only the hardest seeds surviveda few that visited Eu- rope soon died out. But those that made it to California put down roots, grew into luxuriant forests, and became camera subjects for the hu

24、ndreds of thousands of tourists who visit California s giant redwood each year. 11. What is the redwood described as?2. Where did these trees grow a long time ago? These trees grew a long time ago in _. 答案:the Arctic解析Where did these trees grow a long time ago?3. How long did it take the redwood see

25、ds to complete their long journey? It took the redwood seeds _ to complete their long journey. 答案:75,000,000 years解析How long did it take the redwood seeds to complete their long journey?4. Whom were the seeds of the redwood carried by and traveled thousands of miles? The seeds of the redwood were ca

26、rried by _. 答案:birds,winds,and some strong-teethed animals解析Whom were the seeds of the redwood carried by and traveled thousands of miles?5. Why did the redwood trees begin to more southward? It was due to _. 答案:the warmer climate解析Why did the redwood trees begin to move southward?Part StructureDire

27、ctions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked

28、 A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.问题:1. Before his death last year, Professor Johnson decided that he _ leave $ 2,000,000 to his university.A.canB.wouldC.mayD.shall答案:B解析 约翰逊先生去年临死前决定捐献200万美元给他生前任教的大学。句中谓语动词用过去

29、时,宾语从句要用过去将来时。不过,本句中的would还兼有表示意愿的作用。表示在过去某一时间点将要发生的事情时,用过去将来时。再如:Some delegates said that they would not vote for the motion一些代表表示他们不会投票赞成那项协议。问题:2. On his visit to the school years later, Peter was astonished to find himself _ at once.A.rememberingB.rememberedC.being rememberedD.having remembered答

30、案:B解析 几年后当他到学校访问时,他惊异地发现人们竟立刻记起了他。find,make,feel,see等动词的复合宾语中的宾补部分有几种形式,就find而言,其宾语补足语可以是现在分词,也可以是不带to的不定式或过去分词。再如:He sadly found himself misunderstood by his colleagues他伤心地发现自己被同事们误解了。问题:3. The teacher told the children there _ four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.A.isB.wasC.ar

31、eD.were答案:C解析 老师告诉孩子们,一年中有四季:春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。尽管主句的谓语动词用过去时,但由于宾语从句所表达的是客观存在的真理,所以仍然要用一般现在时,再如:The teacher said that light travels in a straight line老师说光是直线传播的。The father told the son that the earth rotates from the west to the east父亲告诉儿子,地球自西向东转。问题:4. What _ would happen if the director knew you felt th

32、at way?A.do you supposeB.you supposeC.will you supposeD.you Would suppose答案:A解析 要是导演知道你是那么想的话,你认为会发生什么事情?这是一个复杂的疑问句。主句的主语是you,谓语动词是suppose,因此发生倒装的是“你认为”这部分,“会发生什么(what would happen)”相当于“认为”的宾语从句。虽然what要放在句首,从句的主谓语并不倒装。所以,应选do you suppose。例如:What do you suppose would happen?你认为会发生什么?Which mountain do

33、 they say they tried to climb?他们说他们打算爬哪座山?问题:5. He expressed doubt _ Americans were willing to give up moving from place to place to seek better opportunities.A.whetherB.thatC.howD.which答案:A解析 美国人为寻找好的机会而不停地搬迁,他对他们是否能放弃这种做法表示怀疑。一般来说,doubt后接宾语从句时,如主句为肯定句,则用whether或if连接,如主句为否定句或疑问句,则用that连接。意思为:不能肯定,对

34、没准儿,怀疑,不相信。再如:I doubt whether we shall succeed我拿不准他是否会成功。I doubt whether(if)he has been wronged我怀疑他是否被冤枉了。doubt作名词用时,仍然遵循上述规律。如:There is no doubt that a large number of people benefit from heart surgery毫无疑问,许多人得益于心脏手术。问题:6. The father had hoped that his son _ natural science, hut his son became an a

35、rtist later.A.learnB.would learnC.was going to learnD.learnt答案:B解析 父亲本希望他的儿子学自然科学的,但他的儿子日后成为了一名艺术家。had hoped,had thought,had expected后的宾语从句中用“would+动词原形”形式,表示一种过去未实现的愿望或想法。例如:I had expected that you would listened to VOA every morning我本希望你能每天早晨听美国之音。I had expected that you would buy the disk我本以为你会买那

36、张光盘。问题:7. In some countries, _ is called equality does not really mean equal rights For all people.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.one答案:C解析 在某些国家,所谓平等并不真正意味着全民都拥有平等的权利。从整个句子的结构来看,空白处需要填一个引导词引导主语从句,因此which和one就可以排除。that虽然能引导名词从句,但它在从句中并不充当任何成分,如:He observed that the small threads on the kite string were standi

37、ng up straight他看到,风筝线上的细线直立了起来。what的意思要以分解为the thing(s)that,即“所”,“的事情”。再如:What should be done has not been done应该做的事还没有做。所以C为正确答案。问题:8. You have made too many mistakes in your exercises. You _ the text.A.must have preparedB.should have preparedC.can have preparedD.need have prepared答案:B解析 你的练习中错误太多。

38、你本该好好预习一下课文的。shouldnt加完成式表示发生了不该发生的行为。如:You shouldnt have told the secret to him你不应该告诉他这个秘密。neednt加完成式不定式表示“本来不必,本来无须”的意思。如:As it turned out to he a small party,we neednt have dressed up so formally这原来是个小聚会,我们真没有必要穿得这样庄重。must与不定式的完成式连用时,一般用肯定形式,表示对过去的事情的推断。如:Johns score on the test is the highest in

39、 the class,he must have studied hard this semester约翰的成绩是全高的,他本学期一定是学习努力。对过去行为进行否定推测;要用“cant+不定式完成时”的形式。所以选项B为正确答案。问题:9. Jack is no more able to read Spanish writings _ I am.A.asB.thanC.whoD.what答案:B解析 杰克和我都读不懂西班牙语。“no+形容词或副词的比较级+than”所表示的可以说是该形容词或副词的反义。表示“与一样不”。再如:He is no more fit to be a minister

40、than a shoolboy would be他不适合当部长,就跟一个小学生不适合当部长一样。问题:10. I was just about _ the office when the telephone rang.A.leavingB.to be learingC.leaveD.to leave答案:D解析 我刚刚要离开办公室,电话铃响了。be about后面接不定式,表示“刚刚要”。再如:I was about to jump over the small ditch when I fell over a stone我刚要跳过一个小水沟,突然摔倒了。“he+to do”与be about

41、 to do的意思完全一样,要注意区别,如:He was about to lock the door when he suddenly remembered that he had left the key on his desk他刚要锁门,突然记起把钥匙忘在桌子上了。The president is to visit five African countries总统计划访问非洲五国。Section BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the prop

42、er form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. What an (excite) _ game it is!答案:exciting解析 这是一场多么扣人心弦的比赛啊!现在分词作定语,意思是“使人激动”。问题:2. If I am not (mistake) _, he will come here in time.答案:mistaken解析 如果我没弄错的话,他会准时到这儿的。不及物动词用作表语。问题:3

43、. Now the number of students of our school (be) _ large.答案:is解析 当前我们学校的学生人数很多。The number of.作主语,表示的是一个数目的整体概念,其谓语动词用单数。问题:4. The policeman demanded that he (write) _ down his name and address.答案:write解析 警察要求他写下姓名和地址。这是虚拟语气。问题:5. Driver Lao Li devoted himself to (serve) _ the people all his life.答案:s

44、erving解析 司机老李一生致力于为人民服务。devote oneseIf to:意为“献身于;致力于”,后接名词或动名词。问题:6. Lets get down to (discuss) _ it.答案:discussing解析 让我们着手讨论这件事吧。get down to意为“着手进行某项工作”,短语中to为介词,后接名词或动名词。问题:7. Fred was playing the piano while Bill and I (sing) _.答案:were singing解析 弗雷德在弹钢琴,我和比尔在唱歌。while引导的时间状语从句,表示主句和从句两个行为在一段时间同时进行。

45、问题:8. Where did you get your watch (repair) _?答案:repaired解析 你的表是在哪里修的?get sth. done是由别人施加的动作。问题:9. Whats the language (speak) _ in Germany?答案:spoken解析 德国人讲哪种语言?过去分词常作定语、修饰名词。问题:10. We re looking forward to _ (visit) the photo exhibition.答案:visiting解析 我们正期待参观摄影展览。短语look forward to中的to为介词,后接名词或动名词。Par

46、t Reading ComprehensionTask 1 Once you decide to choose a topic to write an effective paragraph, the first key to write a good topic sentence. The topic sentence does two things: it tells the reader what the topic of the paragraph is, and it says something about that topic. What the topic sentence s

47、ays about the topic is called the controlling idea; it is the point of the paragraph, and every other sentence in the paragraph must be related to this point. The topic sentence should be the first sentence in the paragraph unless there is some special reason for placing it somewhere else. When the

48、topic sentence is the first sentence of the paragraph, the reader immediately knows what you intend to discuss. In addition, you have the topic sentence to refer to as you make each of the other sentences in the paragraph, so that you can be sure that each of those sentences refers to your subject a

49、nd to your controlling idea. Sometimes experienced writers put the topic sentence at the end of the paragraph or even in the middle to create some kind of special impression; but while you are still learning to write effective paragraphs, it is safest to put the topic sentence at the beginning unles

50、s you have a special reason for doing something else. A good topic sentence is a clear, definite statement with a limited and special topic and a limited and specific controlling idea. It is usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph. Now that you have had some practice in identifying and cons

51、tructing good topic sentences, we are ready to look at some of the basic principles that govern the composition of effective paragraphs. 1. After reading it, we can reasonably believe that the passage _.A.is taken from a grammar bookB.is about paragraph writingC.is trying to give adviceD.is a studen

52、t s homework 答案:B推断题,短文前的介绍告诉读者本文节选自写作教科书。文章讲述的与如何写作有关。A)文章不是取自于语法书;C)没有说明给予哪方面的建议;D)不是学生的家庭作业。2. Which of the following is the controlling idea of the topic sentence A letter, whether it is business or personal, is a form of self-expression ?A.A letterB.whether it is business or personalC.is a form

53、 of self- expressionD.A letter, whether it is business or personal答案:C推断题,根据文章中对主题思想的介绍主题恿想就是指主题句所描述的主要内容,可推断题目的主题思想想表达“一种自我表达的形式”。A)“a letter仅是主语;B)只属于条件部分;D)非主题思想。3. The topic sentence should often be placed in the front of the paragraph, _.A.because the reader immediately knows what you are inten

54、ded to discussB.because you have the topic sentence to refer to as you write onC.because you are not experiencedD.both A and B答案:D语义题。第二段解释了为什么主题句往往位于句首的原因,“in addition”说明原因有两个。“refer to意思是“参照”,第二个原因指一个段落中所有的句子都应当围绕主题句展开。A)和B)只举出了两个原因之一;C)不是因为写作者没有经验。4. The topic of this passage probably is _.A.Writ

55、ing a Topic SentenceB.Making a Good SentenceC.Choosing a TopicD.Something About Controlling Idea答案:A主旨题。主要内容在短文前已做介绍。错误选项说明:B)主题不是怎样造句;C)不是如何选主题;D)主要不是介绍主题思想的。5. We can guess that the topic of the passage following this one _.A.is about sentence writingB.is about word spellingC.is What is an Effecti

56、ve SentenceD.is What Makes a Good Paragraph答案:D推断题。本文主要叙述有关写作过程中主题句的相关内容,按照写作顺序,下面应该讲如何根据主题写段落了。A)造句是细节部分,不是写作中的与结构有关的问题;B)单词拼写不是主要内容;C)不可能是“什么是好的句子”。Task 2 When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather wallet, lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner s name. There was nothing inside it except some change and an old photographa picture of a woman and a young girl about t


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