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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟376大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟376大学三级(A)模拟376Part Listening ComprehensionSection A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.In an office.B.In a shop.C.In a restaurant.D.In a hospital.答案:D解析M: Good afternoon, Madam. What can I do for you?W: Ive got a bad cold. My head aches terribly.Q: Where does the conv

2、ersation most probably take place? 解析 本题考查地点方位。根据对话内容可知女士得了重感冒,因此来寻求男士帮助。据此可推知他们可能是医患关系,而对话可能发生在医院,因此选项D正确。 避错指南 解答此题关键要听清楚女士的话。选项A(在办公室),选项B(在商店)和选项C(在餐馆)这些场所都不可能发生上述对话,故应排除。 2.A.Eat less.B.Do more exercise.C.Eat less and do more exercise.D.Change himself and be healthier.答案:C解析W: Tony, youd better

3、 eat less and do some exercise. and then you will feel healthier and look more handsome.M: All right. Ill try my best to change myself.Q: What does the woman suggest? 解析 本题属于事实细节题。从女士的话“youd better eat less and do some exercise.”可知正确答案为选项C(少吃多运动)。 避错指南 选项A(少吃点)和选项B(多运动)都不够全面,不是女士所表达的所有建议。选项D(改变自己并且使

4、自己更健康)中的“改变自己”是男士的话,而不是女士的建议。 3.A.Alison fell in love with Jim.B.Jim fell in love with Alison.C.Jim wasted a lost of time.D.Jim wasted a lot of energy.答案:B解析W: Do you think that Jim really fell in love with Alison?M: Of course! Ive never seen him spend so much time and energy on the same personQ: Wh

5、at can we learn from the conversation? 解析 本题属于推理题。题目询问我们可以从对话中知道什么。根据女士的问话“Do you think that Jim really fell in love with Alison?”(你认为吉姆真的爱上了艾莉森吗?)和男士的回答“Of course”可知他肯定了女士的看法,因此选项B(吉姆爱上了艾莉森)为正确答案。 避错指南 判断选项A(艾莉森爱上了吉姆)正确与否需要听清楚女士的问话。选项C和选项D是含有time和energy的干扰项。 4.A.Employer and employee.B.Teacher and

6、student.C.Seller and customer.D.Interviewer and interviewee.答案:D解析M: Why are you applying for this job?W: Well, I want to find a better chance to develop myself.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 解析 本题考查推理判断的能力。题目询问说话者之间是什么关系。对话中男士问女士“Why do you apply for this job?”(你为何要申

7、请这份工作?)由此可推知女士是应聘者,正在接受面试,所以选D项(面试者和接受面试者)。 避错指南 由对话内容可推知女士还处在求职阶段,因此可以排除选项A(雇员和雇主的关系);对话中女士回答男士的提问时虽然说自己想找一个更好的机会提升自己。但这并不表示他们之间是师生关系,所以排除选项B(师生关系)。选项C(卖家和顾客)这一关系对话中并未提及,也应排除。 5.A.Go shopping.B.Stay at home.C.Watch TV.D.Go to bed.答案:B解析W: Im going to go shopping. Would you like to go with me?M: No,

8、 I would rather stay at home.Q: What would the man like to do? 解析 此题属于事实细节题。对话中女士建议男士和她一块儿去购物,遭到了拒绝。男士说自己宁愿待在家里,由此可知答案为选项B(待在家里)。 避错指南 解答此题的关键是要明白“would rather do sth.”意思是“宁愿,宁可做某事”。选项A(和女士一起去购物),与对话内容明显不符,应排除。选项C(看电视)和选项D(上床睡觉)对话中根本没提及,也为错误选项。 Section B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.About 8 oclock.B.Abo

9、ut 10 oclock.C.About 9 oclock.D.About 11 oclock.答案:D解析M: Good morning.W: Good morning.M: My name is John Smith. I have an appointment with Ms. Brown at 11 oclock.W: Yes. Ms. Brown is expecting you. She will be with you in a few minutes. Sit down, please.M: Thank you.W: Would you like to have somethi

10、ng to drink?M: Yes, a cup of tea, please.W: How long are you going to stay in Shanghai, Mr. Smith?M: Ill be here until tomorrow afternoon.W: Shall I call a taxi to take you to the hotel after your meeting with Ms. Brown?M: Yes, its very kind of you.Q8: What time did the conversation take place?2.A.H

11、e wanted to see the woman.B.He had an appointment with Ms. Brown.C.He came to book a mom.D.He hoped to order some goods.答案:B解析Why did Mr. Smith come to the office?3.A.Send him back to his hotel.B.Give him necessary documents.C.Book a room for him.D.Call a taxi for him to the hotel.答案:D解析What would t

12、he woman do after Mr. Smiths meeting with Ms. Brown? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.Birthday of the mans mother.B.Mothers Day.C.Mothers Day and the birthday of the mans mother.D.Mothers Day and the ladys birthday.答案:C解析M: How much are the carnations and the roses?W: One dollar for each carnation and (9)on

13、e and a half for each red rose.M: (9)Then Id like a dozen red carnations and half a dozen red roses.W: I bet its for your mother, (8)as its Mothers Day today.M: Well, not completely true. (8)It happens to be her birthday.W: Oh, really? I guess she must be very happy to receive these beautiful carnat

14、ions from you.M: Yeah, she will. She really likes flowers. So I buy her some every year. Id just wish they would stay fresh longer than they do.W: (10)Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water. Theyll stay fresh for days.M: Really? Ill tell my mother. And thanks for your suggestion.W: Thats all

15、right. Happy birthday to your mother!听力原文8. What day is it today? 解析 此题属于事实细节题。由对话内容“as its Mothers Day today” (因为今天是母亲节)和“It happens to be her birthday.”(今天碰巧是母亲的生日。)可知正确答案是选项C(母亲节,同时又是男士妈妈的生日)。 避错指南 选项A和选项B都不够全面,故不选。选项D的后半部分有误,不是女士的生日。 5.A.$15.B.$12.C.$21.D.$9.答案:D解析9. How much does the man spend

16、on red roses? 解析由女士的话可知玫瑰花的价格是“a half for each red rose”,男士说“Id likehalf a dozen red roses.”因此正确答案应该是选项D(9美元)。 避错指南 此题需听清花的价格和需要的数量,以及问的花的品种,这样就不会误选A项、B项和C项。选项B(12美元)是买康乃馨花费的数额。选项D(21美元)是男士所需要付的总的金额数。 6.A.Sugar.B.Both and .C.Vitamin .D.Salt.答案:B解析10. What does the woman suggest the man put in the wa

17、ter? 解析 由对话的相关内容“Put a little sugar and vitamin C in the water.”可知应放糖和维生素C,因此选项B为正确答案。 避错指南 解答此题需要听清、听全女士的建议。而选项A(糖)和选项C(维生素C)都不够全面。选项D在文中未提及。 Section C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What are the country people tired of? The country people are tired of _. 答案:the traffic, the pollution in the air and the r

18、ubbish in the streets 解析 Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. They saw the city that they live in is noisy, dirty and crowded. They are tired of the traffic, the pollution in the air and the rubbish in the streets. But not many people living in cities are happy when they h

19、ave to stay in the country for two or three weeks. They enjoy the quiet, the clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings, but they miss the stores and restaurants, the movie theater, the crowds,: and the excitement of the city. People who live in the country on the other hand enjoy visiting the

20、 city for a day or an evening to do some shopping or go to the theater or a concert. But they often find the city a rather frightening place and they are usually happy to get back to their quiet, unexciting lives in the country. What are the country people tired of?2. Why do many people dislike city

21、 life? Because there are _. 答案: many man-made troubles there 解析Why do many people dislike city life?3. What do some of the city people feel when they live longer in the countryside? Some of the city people feel they _ when they live longer in the countryside. 答案: miss the city life very much 解析What

22、do some of the city people feel when they live longer in the countryside?4. What do ninny people from the country think of city life? Many people from the country think city life is _. 答案: frightening 解析What do many people from the country think of city life?5. What is the topic of this passage? Peo

23、ple always want to try _. 答案: a new life 解析What is the topic of this passage?Part StructureSection A问题:1. English words are not always spelled _.A.in the way they soundB.in the way of their soundsC.as theyre soundingD.the way they sound答案:D选项A中way之后的引导词how不妥,应为 that。选项B的意思讲不通。选项C的时态不妥,应为that。选项B的意思讲

24、不通。选项C的时态不妥。选项D为正确答案。the way前的介词in被省略,其定语从句they sound前的引导词that也已省略,其意思是“按照它们的发音”。再如:She set her hair the way her husband liked it.她把头发做成她丈夫所喜欢的样式。当way表示“方式”的意思时,后面可以接 to do或of doing作定语。意为“做的方式”。如:You are following the right way to do (of doing)an experiment你做实验的方式是对的。问题:2. She should like _ the resu

25、lt earlier.A.having toldB.to have been toldC.to have toldD.to tell答案:B解析 她应该喜欢被尽早告知结果。 解析 本题考查动词should like的用法。should like后面一般接动词不定式,should like to do sth. (应该喜欢做),不定式的动作tell发生在主句谓语动作should like之前,所以要用不定式的完成体。不定式的逻辑主语she是不定式动作tell的承受者,应该使用被动式。故答案为B。 问题:3. The prisoner _ this way, for here are his fo

26、otprints.A.should have escapedB.should escapeC.must have escapedD.must escape答案:C解析 本题考查情态动词表示推测的用法。英语中通常用must表示肯定推测。又因为犯人逃跑一定是在说这句话之前,因此需要用“must+have done”结构表示对过去事情的肯定推测,故C项为正确答案。 避错指南 A项“should have escaped”的结构为虚拟语气,通常表示过去应该完成而未完成的事情。B项“should escape”的结构表示“应该做”,而D项表示“必须做”的意思,故均不符合句意。 问题:4. It is i

27、mportant to provide an environment _ people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of the company.A.from whichB.on whichC.in whichD.for which答案:C解析 本题考查定语从句。environment为表示地点、环境和氛围的先行词,关系副词用in which,相当于where。问题:5. Susan and Bill will discuss their vacation plans _ dinner.A.whileB.overC.forD

28、.about答案:B解析 A是连词不能接名词dinner;B选项表示“在期间”的意思;C选项表示目的,“为了”的意思;D选项是“关于”的意思。句意:苏珊和比尔要在晚餐期间谈论他们的旅行计划。所以选B。问题:6. She _ English in our university since she came to Wuhan.A.taughtB.has been taughtC.has been teachingD.is teaching答案:C句意:这里强调完成进行时。问题:7. Is this the restaurant _?A.which you workB.in which you wo

29、rkC.for which you workD.where you work in答案:B问题:8. She wished that she _ at home at that time.A.stayedB.had stayedC.has stayedD.were staying答案:B解析该题考查的是虚拟语气。wish后接虚拟语气的从句,这里是过去完成时。问题:9. The two girls had so _in common that they soon became good friends.A.manyB.littleC.fewD.much答案:Dhave much in commo

30、n 有很多共同之处。问题:10. _I know, he has never worked in that company. He probably told a lie.A.As long asB.As far asC.As well asD.As soon as答案:B解析 本题考查固定结构as far as的用法。as far as是英语中的习惯用法,意思是“达到程度;就而言”,在本句中与I know一起构成as far as I know的结构,意思是“就我所知”,类似的结构还有as far as I see“依我看”等。故选项B为正确答案。 避错指南 A项“as long as”是连

31、词词组,表示“只要”的意思;C项“as well as”是常用的连接词,一般用于连接两个并列的单词或短语表示“和”;D项“as soon as”引导时间状语从句,表示“一就”的意思。以上三个选项均不合句意,故为错误选项。 Section B问题:1. The factory has developed a new way of dealing with (industry)_waste.答案: industrial解析 本题考查形容词作定语。本句的空白处介于介词with和名词之间,故需要用industry的形容词形式。industrial是形容词,意思是“工业的;工业上的”,作定语修饰wast

32、e。 答题指南 通过类似考法将某种产业的名词变为形容词的还有agricultural(农业的),fishery(渔业的)等单词。 问题:2. After careful (consider) _, the company decided to open another chain shop in the city.答案:consideration。词性转换(动词变名词)。careful是形容词,形容词修饰名词,因此本题需要填入名词。动词 consider的名词形式为consideration,意为“思考,考虑”。问题:3. If you _ (tell) this to your direct

33、or now, he would certainly offer you help.答案:told解析 if引导的从句是与现在相反的非真实条件句,因此,条件句的谓语要用过去式(be 的过去式用were),而主句的谓语要用“would(should) +动词原形”。本题考查用于条件句的虚拟语气;问题:4. The principal of the college is a (respect) _ old lady.答案:respectable形容词修饰名词,respectable意为“受人尊敬的,体面的”。问题:5. It s about two hour s (fly) _ from Xi a

34、n to Beijing.答案:flight解析该题考查的是词性转换。根据题意,空中所填词应在two hours之后,所以需要一个名词,而fly的名词形式是night。Part Reading Comprehension A well-documented body of information exists showing that noise can affect human in both physiological and psychological ways. Hearing losses in particular occupations such as boiler-making

35、 and construction work are well known. In fact, however, we all find hearing more difficult as we age. Young ears can distinguish a wide range of sounds from low to very high frequencies, while older ears lose the ability to distinguish high-pitched sounds. A comparison of some industrialized versus

36、 non-industrialized people suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result of old age. Furthermore, a closer examination of other data reveals economic effects. For instance, airports are currently operating at less capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of op

37、eration. Job performance can be seriously affected by loud noise, especially if accuracy and mental effort are involved. The use of outdoor areas for conversation is not possible for an estimated 5 to 10 million people who live or work in urban areas. When interference with television or speech or s

38、leep is included, as many as 22 to 44 million people can be said to have lost part of the use of their homes and grounds because of noise. Thus noise pollution is a serious environmental concern. Much more effort should be made to warn people of the grave effects which may stem from an excessively n

39、oisy environment. 1. Boiler-making and construction work are given as examples of _.A.noisy and hearing-affecting working environmentB.successful control of noise pollutionC.noise of very low or high frequenciesD.sources of high-pitched sound答案:A解析 事实细节题。定位到原文第二段开头hearing losses in particular occupa

40、tions such as boiler-making and construction work are well known及段尾people suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result of old age,可知是作为噪音产生和影响听觉的工作环境的例子。2. According to the passage, the fact that many people have poorer hearing when they grow old is _.A.the must-be result of old age

41、B.probably related to the long-time exposure to loud noiseC.because they cannot distinguish high-pitched soundsD.because their ears are no longer young答案:B解析 事实细节题。第二段段末A comparison of some industrialized versus non-industrialized people suggests that this hearing loss may not be the must-be result

42、of old age,可知工业对听觉丧失有很大的影响,而工业产生的噪音是根本原因,所以选B。C和D只是陈述现象而不是原因。3. Because of the noise pollution, many airports _.A.have to operate for a longer timeB.cannot operate any longerC.have to reduce their operation hoursD.have to close earlier than usual答案:C解析 事实细节题。定位到第三段开头airports are currently operating

43、at less capacity because of noise regulations which restrict their hours of operation,可知飞机被噪音限制减少了工作时间,故选C。4. Because of the loud noise, millions of people in urban areas _.A.cannot watch TVB.cannot have normal conversations in outdoor areasC.cannot sleep at nightD.cannot give speech to others答案:B解析

44、 事实细节题。第三段me use of outdoor areas for conversation is not possible for an estimated 5 to 10 million people who live or work in urban areas,故选B。5. The best title for the passage might be _.A.Economic Consequences of NoiseB.Ways of Controlling NoiseC.Sources of Loud NoiseD.Noise Pollution答案:D解析 主旨大意题。

45、文章讲了噪音的来源、噪音的影响和控制噪音的措施,多个方面都以噪音为中心。故选D。 It is difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible for house- work, but with one of the following pieces of advice, you really can get your children to help at home. If you give your children the impression that they

46、can never do anything quite right, then they will regard themselves as unfit or unable persons. Unless children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent. You can evaluate(评价) your childs work at home with this idea. Dont always scold and give lots of praise instead. Talk

47、about what he has done right, not about what he hasnt done. If your child completes a difficult task, reward him with a Sunday trip or a ball game with Dad. Learning is a process of trying and failing and trying and succeeding. If you teach your children not to fear a mistake or failure, they will l

48、earn faster and achieve success at last. 1. The whole passage deals with _.A.social educationB.school educationC.family educationD.pre-school education答案:C解析 本题询问全文的主题。本文是关于家庭教育的问题,故选C。2. The author thinks that_.A.there is no way to get children to help at homeB.it is very difficult to make children

49、 responsible for houseworkC.the more encouragement and praise, the more responsible and helpful children will becomeD.children can be forced to help with housework答案:B解析答案C是说鼓励和赞扬越多,孩子就会越有责任感,这一结论太过片面,A和D答案均为极端说法,故选B。3. The article gives us a piece of good advice about how to evaluate your childs wo

50、rk at home. That is _.A.praise his successB.reward him with a tripC.give him a punishmentD.get rid of all the tests答案:A解析评价孩子在家劳动的一个建议是不要批评他们,而是给予赞赏,故选A。4. The author advises readers to_.A.learn from himself, for he has a good way of teacherB.take pride in being a teacherC.praise instead of scolding

51、D.do as a teacher does答案:C解析作者建议不要批评孩子而是要赞赏他们,故选C。5. Having read the last paragraph, we can conclude that _.A.pride goes before a fallB.practice makes perfectC.no pains, no gainsD.failure is the mother of success答案:D解析失败是成功之母。A答案表示骄兵必败,B答案表示熟能生巧,C答案表示不劳无获,故选D。PLR Air Conditioning Center27 West Stree

52、tPlaines CityLA America 50705March 6, 2004 Ms. Li Chunhua, PresidentNew Era Engineering Group26 Renmin StreetYangzhou, Jiangsu, China225002Dear Ms. Li, Thank you very much for allowing us to present to you our recommendation for PLR Air Conditioning System. We would like to express our appreciation

53、to Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Wu for their help as we collected the data necessary for this proposal. After thoroughly analyzing your companys engineering requirements, we believe that you will find this proposed PLR system satisfactory. It will provide the maximum return on your investment dollar. In addit

54、ion, the PLR system protects you against obsolescence(过时) in the near futureif your business continues to experience the normal growth you have experienced in the last few yearsbecause the equipment PLR proposes to install is a modular(模块的) design to which you may add additional units as the need ar

55、ises. We believe that you will find this system practical, efficient, and economical for the needs of your company both now and in the near future. It is our sincere hope that my information ill the enclosed proposal will make your decision to install a PLR Air Conditioning System much easier. Sincerely yoursJames P. Cal


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