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1、大学英语三级考试教师手册n大学英语三级考试辅导手册(教师用书)浙江商业职业技术学院高职高专英语精品课程辅导用书编写组目录Model Test 1 听力原文及答案 . 2Model Test 2 听力原文及答案 . 3Model Test 3 听力原文及答案 . 7Model Test 4 听力原文及答案. 9 Model Test 5 听力原文及答案. 11 2000年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试听力原文及答案. 132002年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试听力原文及答案. 152002年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试听力原文及答案. 17 2003年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 192003年6月

2、浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 192004年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 202004年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 202005年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 212005年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 212006年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 222006年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 222007年1月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 232007年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试答案. 23Model Test 1 听力原文及答案1-5: CDCCB6-10: BABDA11-15: CBADA 16-20: CCDDATypescriptsSection A1.W:

3、Your university seems quite new. How old is it? M: Well, this particular building was built only five years ago, but the school itself was built a century ago, in 1870. Q: How old is the university at the time of this conversation?2. W: There are many holidays during the year, Fred. Which one do you

4、 like best?M: I like July 4th because its my birthday, too.Q: What reason did Fred give for liking July 4th?3. W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or would you rather have something cold like Coca-Cola? M: Just a glass of water would suit me, thanks. Theres nothing like it when the weathers hot.Q:

5、 What did the man want to drink?4. W: How much would it cost for my daughter and me to go to Washington?M: Its one hundred dollars full fare for you and half fare for your daughter if she is under 12. Q: What was the total cost for both tickets?5. M: May I see the menu, please?W: Here you are, sir.

6、Ill be back for your order in just a minute.Q: Where does this conversation take place?6. M: How much are these pencils, please?W: Two for 15 cents now. Prices have been reduced on all our school supplies since the holidays. Pencils used to be 10 cents each.Q: How much will the man have to pay if he

7、 buys two pencils?7.M: I forgot to bring paper and pencil to take notes with in class.W: Thats all right. I have enough for both of us.Q: What will the woman do for the man?8. W: Can you tell me what time flight 318 arrives? M: Yes, it was scheduled to arrive at 6:00 P.M., but it has been delayed fo

8、r two hours. Q: At what time will flight 318 arrive?9.M: Hello, this is Mr. Thompson. Id like to talk to Mr. Walters please.W: How do you spell that please? M: Was in work, A-L-T-E-R-S.Q: With whom does the man want to speak?10. W: Fasten your seat belt, please.M: Of course, I didnt realize we were

9、planning to land so soon. Q: Where is this conversation probably taking place?Section BPassage OneFor an important opening night, Mr. and Mrs. Brown received a pair of theatre tickets without knowing who sent them. They phoned all their friends to find out whod sent the tickets, but to no avail. Nob

10、ody knew who sent them. They thought hard but could not think of anyone who could have sent the tickets.On the opening night, they attended the theatre. It was an excellent performance, but they couldnt enjoy it properly for worrying about where the tickets came from.When they got home from the show

11、, they found their apartment robbed. Every single thing of any value had been stolen, and on the table was a note reading: “Now you know from whom!”Q: 11. What did Mr. and Mrs. Brown do that night?12. Why did they phone all their friends?13. What can you learn from the note?ow Passage TwoBefore Hele

12、n Keller was Two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing. She lived in a world of confusion until the arrival of Anne Sullivan, the woman who was to take charge of Helens life. On March 3, 1887, Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home. It was three months before Helens seventh birthday. Miss

13、Sullivan worked closely with her new students. At times, the teacher became frustrated. Eventually Miss Sullivans efforts were rewarded. The deaf and blind Helen Keller learned to communicate verbally. Q: 14. What happened to Helen before she was two?15. When did Miss Sullivan arrive at the Keller h

14、ome?16. What was Miss Sullivans occupation?Passage ThreeEarly fires on earth were certainly caused by nature, not by man. Like animals, man was probably afraid of fire first. He knew that fire could hurt his body. The power of fire was so great that he feared it and worshipped it. Gradually, however

15、, with his better powers of thinking, he overcame his fear. Throughout the ages he has learned more about fore, how to control it and how to use it in many ways.We can guess how man first learned that fire was useful and what uses he made of it. By taking a burning stick from fire started naturally,

16、 he could make a fire at his own “home”. He discovered that meat cooked on a fire tasted better. Then he found cooked meat would keep longer, without going bad, than uncooked meat. Again, at some early date, man found how fire could be used to make certain metals from the rocks. Then he could make a

17、 tool with a sharp edge for cutting.Q: 17. What caused early fire on earth?18. Why wasnt man afraid of fire any longer gradually?19. How did man make fire at his own home?20. Which of the following may be a suitable title for this passage?Model Test 2听力原文及答案1-5: CCDAC6-10: ABACD11-15: ACBBA 16-20: C

18、CBABTypescriptsSection A1. W: This box is too heavy to carry. M: Here, let me give you a hand. Q: What did the man have to work for?2. W: Excuse me, sir. Will you spell your name please? M: Yes, Pratt. P as in Paul, RA double T. Q: Whats the mans name?3. W: I hear the old Delta Hotel has a new manag

19、er. Did you notice any change when you stayed there last week?M: The food was better than the meals they used to serve and the rooms were surprisingly clean for the Delta, I thought. Q: Compare with former times, how is the hotel now?4. M: Is this seat taken? W: I dont think so. The fellow who was h

20、ere finished his lunch and left. Q: Where did the conversation probably take place?5. M: How much are the tickets please? W: They are $3.00 each. Children can get it at half price.M: Fine. Id like have three, please. One adult and two children.Q: How much will the man pay for the tickets?6. W: Nice

21、to see you again, John. I hope you feel better. M: Im fine now, but the company is making me work so hard to catch up that Im afraid Ill be back in bed again soon Q: Why was John away?7. M: Im gong to be here for a short time. Id like to open a checking account. W: All right. Here are the rules. Fil

22、l out the slips and sign your name on the line. Q: Where are the speakers?8. W: Im sorry I cause your uncle so much trouble.M: Dont worry about it. He is the sort of man who is never happy unless he has something to complain about.Q: What can we learn about the mans uncle from this conversation?9. W

23、: I certainly enjoyed my dinner! How was yours?M: Better than I expected since Im not very fond of Italian food. For that price, though, it should have been good. Q: What conclusion can we draw from the mans answer?10. W: How did you go to Canada? Did you fly?M: I was planning to, because its such a

24、 long trip by bus or train. But Fred decided to drive and invited me to join him. It took us 2 days and a night. Q: How did the man go to Canada?Section BPassage OneAmericans eat breakfast and lunch quickly unless it is a social, business of family occasion. The evening meal is usually longer and a

25、time for families to gather together. Rushing through daytime meals is part of the fast pace in America. Another reason for Rushing through daytime meals is that many people eat in restaurants that are usually crowded with people waiting for a place so that they too can be served and return to work

26、at the proper time. These are some of the differences between meals that are eaten in a hurry and those that can be enjoyed slowly with friends.Q: 11. What is not mentioned in the paragraph?12. Why do Americans eat daytime meals in a hurry? 13. What does this passage suggest?Passage TwoOn the last m

27、orning of the long summer vocation, Ann asked Julia. “What shall we do today?”“I dont know,” Julia answered. “Im not interested in anything. Im bored with everything.”“What can we do?” David asked Jimmy. “Im tired of games and toys,” he added. “Theres nothing to do around here.”While the children we

28、re talking, Julias uncle came out of his house. He liked children, and he wasnt very busy that day.“Theres nothing to do around here,” Julia told her uncle. “Will you tell us a story?” “I cant tell you a story,” he replied, “but Ill read you a story.”They all sat down on the steps. Julias uncle read

29、 the children a book about bear. Q:14When did the story take place?15. Who was the man? 16.What was the book about?Passage ThreeJack was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil, and he didnt like having to do homework, because he preferred to do other things in his free time. Frequently he did n

30、ot do his homework, and when he did do it, he always made a lot of mistakes.Then one day, his mathematics teacher looked at Jacks homework and saw that he had got all his sums right. He was very pleaseand rather surprised. He called Jack to his desk and said to him. “You got all your homework right

31、this time, Jack. What happened? Did your father help you?”Usually Jacks father did help him with his homework, but the evening before this, he had not been at home, so Jack answered, “ No, sir. He was busy last night, so I had to do it all by myself.”Q: 17. How often did Jack get his sums right?18.

32、One day, why was his mathematics teacher surprised?19. Which of the following does this passage imply?20. When Jacks father helped him with his homework, how did he do?Model Test 3 听力原文及答案1-5: BDCCB6-10: DBCBA11-15: CBDDB 16-20: CBDAATypescriptsSection A1. M: I nearly missed it this morning. I got t

33、o the corner just in time.W: You are lucky. These drivers always leave on time since it takes so long to cross the city.Q: Where did the conversation probably take place?2. M: Its been half an hour since we left that restaurant and I still havent seen the exit number we are looking for? W: How about

34、 that gas station? Isnt that the one right before the exit? M: Thats right. Well turn soon.Q: How did the couple know where to leave the highway?3. W: At first I though this carpet was yellow bur now it looks green to me.M: You were right the first time. Its this blue light in the store that makes e

35、verything look different.Q: What color is the carpet?4. M: Hello, Mary, this is Paul Green at the bank. Is Tom there? W: Not yet Paul. I dont think you could reach him at the office now, either. He phoned me there 5 minutes ago to say he was stopping for a haircut on his way home. Q: According to hi

36、s conversation where does Tom plan to go on his way home?5. W: Where is the post office? M: Walk straight ahead for 3 blocks and then turn right at the 3rd Avenue. Its on the 5th street. You can find it easily.Q: Where is the post office?6. M: No mail for me today? They must have forgotten about me.

37、 I hope everything is all right at home.W: No news is good news. Remember many things are slow these days. Q: What can we learn from the conversation?7. W: You said 1/2 dozen of the chocolate cookies. M: Thats right. Now I also have a dozen of the sugar cookies. Q: How many cookies did the man buy a

38、ll together?8. W: The garage sent a mechanic here today and he said it cost $50 to have it repaired.M: We might as well spend $150 more to buy a new one.Q: What does the man intend to do?9. W: Have you found your book yet?M: Im not sure what I have done with it. Q: Did he say that he found where his

39、 book was?10. W: Can I have a ride?M: Sure, hop right in. Where are you going to get off?W: You may drop me off at the city library?Q: Where do you suppose the conversation takes place?Section BPassage OneTed Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local po

40、lice. In the letter he was asked to call at the police station. Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police, but went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried any more. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told hi

41、m, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen! Q: 11.

42、 From whom did Robinson received a letter?12. What had the police found? 13. How old was he then?Passage TwoBirthdays are important events, particularly when one is seventeen years old. As in most countries, birthdays in the United States are celebrated by gifts from family and friends, by happy bir

43、thday cards by birthday parties.The birthday cake is very important. It can be simple and small, or it can be large and highly decorated. But it must always be brought into the room with lighted candles on it. There is one candle for each year of the persons life.And now comes the great moment: befo

44、re blowing out the candles with one breath, he or she must make a silent wish. If all the candles are blown out in one breath, the wish may come true! Q:14How do Americans celebrate their birthdays?15. What must a person do before blowing out the candles with one breath? 16. How old is one when the

45、birthday is particularly an important event?Passage ThreeMr. White was the owner of a small newspaper. He always tried to bring his readers the latest news.One day, he received an exciting telephone call from someone. He told Mr. White that there was a sudden flood somewhere in the north and several

46、 people had disappeared. Mr. White quickly wrote it down. That evening the story was printed in his newspaper. Mr. White was glad to see that no other paper had known the news.But the next day, another person telephoned him and told him he was tricked. So in the next days paper he wrote: “We were th

47、e first and only newspaper to report yesterday that the village in the northern mountain was caught in a flood. Today, we are proud to tell you that we are again the first newspaper to bring our readers the news yesterdays store was not true.” Q: 17. What did Mr. White think?18. Why was Mr. White gl

48、ad?19. What was clear a day later?20. Why did Mr. White make a statement in the next days paper?Model Test 4 听力原文及答案1-5:DBDBC6-10: DCCAB11-15: DCBBC 16-20: ABADCTapescriptsSection A1. W: Why dont you plan to leave your house at 7:15 and Ill try to be there at about 7:30.M: That may be a little late

49、if we want to be sure of getting good seats. I think Id rather leave here at seven.Q: At what time will the man probably meet the woman?2. M: Sally, its beginning to rain. Are the windows closed? W: Ill choose the ones on the second floor and Arthur is closing the windows down here.Q: Why is the man

50、 asking about the window?3. W: have you ever known anyone as unlucky as Mary Green? The most terrible things keep happening to her.M: Yes, if you can trust what she says, but most of her stories are pretty unbelievable in my opinion.Q: What is the mans opinion of Mary Green?4. W: Are you going to th

51、e movies tonight? M: Only if I finish all my work first. Q: What does the boys comment suggest?5. M: I have only ten dollars, is that enough for 3 tickets? W: Well, you can buy 3$2 tickets, or 3$3tickets, whichever you prefer?M: Ill take the cheaper seats, please.Q: How much money will the man have

52、after he buys the tickets?6. M: Miss, is there still time for a cup of coffee on this flight?W: Yes, but you have to drink it fast, because well be landing in 10 minutes. Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?7. M: When are you leaving for South America? W: Not for a month at least

53、. I didnt even apply for a passport until a week ago.Q: What did the woman say?8. W: What time does the bus leave?M: Not until 8:30, but I want to get to the bus station by 8:15 in order to get a good seat.Q: When will the mans bus leave?9. M: Did you hear the weather forecast?W: Yes, they said it w

54、ould be slightly above freezing tomorrow. Q: What king of weather are they having?10. M: Excuse me, madam. How do I get to the post office?W: Go four blocks down Brown Boulevard and turn right onto Third Avenue, go straight for two more blocks and it is the big building on the right.Q: What street i

55、s the post office on?Section BPassage OneMan has been dreaming space travel for more than 2,000 years, but it wasnt until the 15th century that Copernicus, a Polish astronomer, presented a modern picture of the universe. You see, up to that time, people believed that earth was the centre of the univ

56、erse. But Copernicus in his theory said that the sun was the centre of the universe and the earth was only one of the many planets which revolved around it.Later, in the beginning of the 17th century, dreams and theories of space travel began to be a scientific fact. In 1609, Galileo, the famous scientist, became the first man to see the moon and other planets through a telescopethe instrument that makes distant objects appear nearer and larger. Other scientists followed Galileos scien


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