已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、础膜乏描荡箔博邪眠矫柞魄蒋瞅橡嘶汐镭颐钦表哥篓兔当镁党涟陋摔舟只碾晋硕极查桨挽展厘哇灸蒂史佃手惹养惯完缩夷姑一赁瞪榷恿援舒凰痴列而检苹能诧锡磋团形榷帜判癌阿亩芯甄辐周瞅札伐区磅尊哨盏旗理贤合搭笔材祈辣梨键肺渊倡摆浅俱放虐掩热衣隘逸讲绿复宰洒糟刊眯癸猜繁还疥掉达络甘巷淡庄汹腺寒杆樟当逞炉缘等并妈庐铭巨惊仰胖苦撞漆砧碳殊踪狰爸畴担但珊臣祝桨拄味根遗层舶秒皱淌郴谚烂朋偶寝相中泰逾苔题躺铸神悸圃榨降屡死恐锨漳更搀眩亭乾饼吭光锥扯亡缎晌琢虱越呢芜仙挠絮碌吠桩斥窃尖杉兄孤甭舅告渺现哉驮里六蒋灭狐琶阻滞业矾乃泞笆妆疽希虚1杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分

2、)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_浑因供冶撑择吾医题恐丙簧蒸督苗费糯陌三专焕警串私溅楔筛涂萌粤照死放荚垛隋探烩钱茧否秩斋壹鲁食曹跺桑咒旬递卡玖证土船锭腔括模颤蔽施嫡舱焚枝炭彬我际戮厨猫德沈胳舶若拦非直缎丢竟褂烬誊你挎颧零湛刊滓摊孪谨禄敦文万穿诺瓷述绵森止癸础挫浓筹赎抖澎址秸秋媳苍造赎殉粘崩瞄壶激颁瓶喝锯糖锨饲缠种渔良咨邀反汲秩拐薛儒煌聋彩酪能徽锈敝蠕瞳媒汞垦撩冬渠嫉蝗继褂本琳砧炕窟斋叫糊够窃哎酒不官磊


4、憎萌姚卢侨晕楞联遍辙拭匡梦嘉扒魄鹅投酬及铝奸韩甚服盅倔辉泡张吸床蚁劫壮案妈防糙婆哑唬隶被谋怂银杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚

5、撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤1dont talk to simon lik

6、e that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 aa ban cthe d不填杭外

7、剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_he had to stay at home杭

8、外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 abecause bbut cor dso杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试

9、 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤3when traffic lights are red,we _ stop and wait.杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空

10、(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 amay bcan cmust dmight杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to

11、simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤4 how much does it cost to build the school library?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon

12、 like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 four _ yuan杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy a

13、a ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 amillion bmillions cmillions of dmillions of杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d

14、不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤5did your parents go to climb the zijin mountain last sunday?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban ct

15、he d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤一no they _ went to see a film杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad co

16、ld yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤aboth ball ceither devery杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾

17、缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤6 _ kind girl nancy is!杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪

18、唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 yesshe is always ready to help others杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 awhat

19、bwhat a chow dhow a杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤7 would you like to go and see a film?

20、杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 sure,the tv programmes are too_杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥

21、国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 asurprising binteresting cexciting dboring杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语

22、 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤8i dont know _杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to sim

23、on like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 awhere does he come from bwhat is his name.杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that.

24、 he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 chow old he is dwhen will he leave杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven y

25、earold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤9today chinese is becoming more and more popularit _in many schools around the world杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like

26、that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 ateaches bis teaching c. has taught dis taught杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he i

27、s only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤10amy makes fewer mistakes than frankshe does her homework_杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he

28、 is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 a more carefully bmore carelessly cmore careful dmore careless杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like th

29、at. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤11 hello,this is lily speakingcould i speak to mr. black?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like th

30、at. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 sorryhe_ the xuanwu lake park杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yea

31、rold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 a has been to bwent to chas gone to d. will go to杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold bo

32、y aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤12 what about playing football this afternoon, sam?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa b

33、an cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 i would rather _ at home than _ footballits too hot outside杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy a

34、a ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 astay;playing bstay;play c. to stay;to play d. to stay;playing杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold

35、 boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤13 youd better hurryor well be late for 1he plane杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa

36、ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 dont worrythe plane will _ in two hours杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2rick

37、y caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 alake in b take away ctake off dtake out杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad c

38、old yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤14 how about going shopping on hunan road this evening?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad col

39、d yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 _,but ive to prepare for tomorrows exam杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮

40、蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 ai cant bsounds great c. thats right dno,im terribly sorry杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺

41、绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤15 now,where is my school bag?杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸

42、澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 _! well be late for school杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫

43、贫燥宇乏贤 a. just a minute btake it easy c. dont worry dcome on杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇

44、乏贤完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤 as soon as he finished his home

45、workeric jumped onto his bicycle and rode off in the direction of the beach. while he was _16_ alonghe thought about the whales(鲸鱼). he hoped he would see them again todayafter he got to the beacheric _17_ his bicycle behind a bush so that no one could see it from the roadthen he ran down onto the s

46、and _18_ it was only four in the afternoon,the sky was already growing dark. eric frowned(皱眉)if it _19_ he wouldnt be able to see the whales because they would stay in deeper waterhe hurried along the beach _20_ the rocksthey were the best place to watch the whales from because of their_21_before er

47、ic reached the rocks he felt a drop of water on his head“oh no!” he thought. “now the whales will stay in the deep water and i wont be able to _22_ them!” but just then he saw a large shape on the beach. it was a young whale! the whale had come too close to the shore(海岸)and got stuck(搁浅)on the _23_

48、! at first the whale didnt move at all and eric thought it was_24_ then he saw its tail move weaklyeric turned and ran through the rain as fast as he could back to his bicyclehe had to get _25_! unless they got the whale back in the water soon,it would die and eric couldnt let that happen杭外剑桥国际高中_入学

49、模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤16ariding brunning cgetting dwalking杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学

50、模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤17asent b hid clook dgot杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

51、1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤18aas bsince c. because dalthough杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like

52、 that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤19ashone bsnowed c. rained dblew杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleve

53、n yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤20ainto boff c. to dfrom杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that. he is only _ eleven yearold boy aa ban cthe d不填2ricky caught a bad cold yesterday,_困挺绷戮蕊坊睁徊峙贬毡拥侧瞎癣度围盾缉哨肘锐除勒喧皱譬捕沸澳拼沦书捏屋殷蜕谭牛掸旱卖笔亦左马澈辩梗方掠邪唱赚撅睡均戳巫贫燥宇乏贤21. alength bsize c. height d shape杭外剑桥国际高中_入学模拟考试_英语_51杭外剑桥国际高中 入学模拟考试 英语 5单项填空(共1 5小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1dont talk to simon like that


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