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1、简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦1 简单医学英语简单医学英语 Simple Medical English 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦2 普通普通 英语英语 医学英语医学英语 普通普通 英语英语 医学英语医学英语 心心 脏脏 heart card(io)- eg: cardiologist心心 脏病专家脏病专家 胃胃 stoma ch gastr- eg: gastritis胃炎胃炎 肝肝 liver hepat- eg: hepatitis肝炎肝炎 皮皮 肤肤 skinderm-eg: dermatology 皮肤病皮肤病(学学) 骨骨 bone osteo- eg: osteoporosis

2、骨骨 质疏松症质疏松症 神神 经经 nerveneur-eg: neuropathy神神 经病经病 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦3 肺肺 lung pneumo-, pulmo-eg: pneumonia 肺炎 耳耳 朵朵 earot(o)-eg: otitis耳炎 肾肾 kidney nephr- e.g: nephritis肾肾 炎炎 鼻鼻 子子 nose rhino- e.g.: rhinopolypus鼻息鼻息 肉肉 细细 胞胞 cell cyt- e.g: cytologic细胞 学 大大 脑脑 brainencephal- e.g: encephalopathy 脑病 简单的医学英

3、语,适合初学者哦4 Meaning 词义词义 Root 词根词根 Example 词例词例 喉喉 throat laryng(o)-laryngitis喉炎 laryngospasm喉痉挛 胸胸 chest thorac(o)- thoracentesis胸腔穿刺 术 thoracolumbar胸腰的胸腰的 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦5 nPneumohemothorax n血气胸 Practice 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦6 nOtorhinolaryngologist n耳鼻喉科学家 Practice 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦7 pneumonoultramicroscopics

4、ilicovolcanoconiosis Practice 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦8 阿片受体阿片受体opium receptor n生物碱生物碱 alkaloid 阿片阿片 opioid nalkali- 碱碱 opioid peptide alkalinuria碱尿碱尿 阿片肽阿片肽 alkaemia碱血症 alkalosis碱毒症 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦9 颅内压颅内压 intracranial pressure crinio- 颅颅 crinioplasty craniocerebral injury 心血管系统心血管系统cardiovascular system 简单的医

5、学英语,适合初学者哦10 临临 床床 应应 用用 肺石 肺尘病 pulmonary vein 肺静脉肺静脉 pulmonary artery 肺动脉肺动脉 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦11 记一些有用的前后缀记一些有用的前后缀 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦12 应用文举例 An invitation to attend an annual meeting Dear DrXXX, It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 12th Annual Meeting of Tianjin Association of XXX to be held on

6、Jan.27-29,2005 at Crystal Palace Hotel in Tianjin. Since you will be our distinguished guest,it is our wish to provide for your return airfare and hotel accommodation in 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦13 Tianjin. I look forward to seeing you in Tianjin. Sincerely yours, Replies to Invitation Dear XXX, Thank you for

7、you letter confirming our invitation to XXX.I am honoured by your invitation.I have written to Drxxx,President 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦14 Of our college,requesting confirmation of the appropriate dates for our visit. we are grateful for your help in this matter ,and again express our appreciation for your gra

8、cious invitation. sincerely, . 简单的医学英语,适合初学者哦15 In-patient Case history Patients name: XXX Chart number:12345 Date of birth:06/4/1997 Place of birth:Tianjin,china Sex:male Date of admission:06/7/2004 Chief complaint:coughing,wheezing with difficult respiration Present illness:this is the first admis

9、sion for this seven-year- old boy with a history asthma since the age of 3 who had never been hospitalized for asthma before.he had been perfectly well since he came to china until the touring the SKY TOWER to admission when the patient developed shortness of breath and was unresponsive to cough 简单的

10、医学英语,适合初学者哦16 Medicine.The wheezing progressed and the child was taken to the Tianjin First Center Hospital,where the child was given epinephrine and oxygen.Then he was admitted. Past history:the child was a product of an eight and half months gestation;immunization:all;allergies:dust and onions. Family history:the mother is 37,alive and well.the


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