27、节蒃虿羆膈蒂螁蝿肄蒁蒁羄羀蒀薃螇艿蕿蚅羂膅蕿螇螅肁薈蒇羁肇薇虿螃莅薆螂聿芁薅袄袂膇薄薄肇肃膁蚆袀罿芀螈肆芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀肄膀芇螃羇肆芆袅蝿莄芆薅羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂莃葿螆羈莂薁羂芇莁蚃螄芃莀袆肀腿莀薅袃肅荿蚈肈羁莈螀袁芀莇蒀肆膆蒆薂衿肂蒅蚄肅羈蒅螇袇莆蒄薆蚀节蒃虿羆膈蒂螁蝿肄蒁蒁羄羀蒀薃螇艿蕿蚅羂膅蕿螇螅肁薈蒇羁肇薇虿螃莅薆螂聿芁薅袄袂膇薄薄肇肃膁蚆袀罿芀螈肆芈艿蒈袈膄芈薀肄膀芇螃羇肆芆袅蝿莄芆薅羅芀芅蚇螈膆芄蝿羃肂莃葿 third-party logistics enterprise development must have the advantagesalong with the thin
28、g flowing industry development, increased the new content in the supply chain management pattern, thing flowing industry had the new ten major tendencies. (1) thing flows the management from thing processing, promotes to in the thing canadian value plan design, the solution and the management. may p
29、rovides for the customer has the personalization the service, the enterprise gradually changes emphasized the cross enterprise boundary the conformity, causes the maintenance and the management which the customer relates changes more and more importantly. (2) changes the union by the opposition. in
30、the traditional commercial channel, the enterprise mostly take as the center, pursues the self- benefit, therefore often makes the aspect which the enterprise opposes. however in under the pursue bigger competitive power actuation, many enterprises starts in each commercial circulation function the
31、conformity, through the union plan and the work, forms highly the conformity supply chain channel relations, causes the channel overall result and the effect large promotion. (3) changes the final survey by the forecast. the traditional circulation pattern carries on each thing through the forecast
32、downriver channel resources to flow the work activity, unfortunately forecasts very little can accurate, thus has wasted many natures and the commercial resources. the emerging thing flows the management tendency is emphasized the channel members union mechanism, between the member is willing to exc
33、hange transport business and the strategy information upstream, in particular internal demand and the production material, causes the enterprise not to need to forecast, the circulation pattern changes the final survey foundation development gradually by the forecast foundation. (4) accumulates by t
34、he experience changes the vicissitude strategy. the empirical curve has since always been the enterprise uses for to analyze the market competition tendency and the development correspondence strategy method, and the experience which accumulates by the enterprise elders takes the main competition we
35、apon, however the science and technology flies suddenly the progress, the enterprise defends stubbornly already has the experience instead to become the barrier which the enterprise develops, therefore in under the dispatch change environment, the experience and the extant channel foundation structu
36、re instead becomes the barrier which most difficult to overcome, the success enterprise must establish to the strategy direction sense of smell and continues the vicissitude management system to be able to survive. (5) changes the relative value by the absolute value. the traditional finance apprais
37、al will look only some absolute values, the new appraisal method emphatically in the relative value creation, that is will provide adds the value service in the channel, in the value which the customer will increase the enterprise may account for how many proportions. (6) changes the procedure confo
38、rmity by the function conformity. in the competition channel intense environment, the enterprise must day by day in a quicker response, the downriver customers need, thus must effective conformity various departments transport business, and acts by the procedure -like operating system, the thing flo
39、ws the work and the activity has the cross function mostly, cross enterprises characteristic, therefore the procedure type conformity is the thing class manages the successful key point. (7) shiftfrom thevertical integrationof virtualintegration.in the traditional channel,the channelnumber of largev
40、ertically integratedcompanies, hopingto graspmorepower, the factsprovethis is not successful, butdispersed enterpriseresources,and weakens.today,the trend ofbusinessis tofocus on core business,thenon-corebusiness entrustedto professionalmanagement company,the formation ofvirtualenterprise integratio
41、nsystem toenablethe mainenterprises to provide betterproducts and services.(8) changes the information share by the information retention. under the supply chain management structure, supplies in the chain to be connected the enterprise to have to supply the information which the chain conformity ne
42、eds to share with other enterprises, otherwise, is unable to form the effective supply chain system. (9) changes the knowledge study by the training. in future which may foresee, any thing flows the procedure to complete by the manpower. however, the thing flows the work to need to flow the foothold
43、 and in mostly the transportation network in each thing carries on, probably some 90% time, the thing flows the manager to be unable to perform to monitor personally. globalization development tendency, also increased the thing to flow the human resources management the order of complexity. the thin
44、g flows the manager to have by the individual personnel skill training way, changes the knowledge foundation the study development. (10) changes the value management by management accounting. future many enterprises will be willing to invest many resources establishments basic accountant the system,
45、 in will provide the increment creation emphatically, the cross enterprises management information, by the time will be able the true approval creation value work, but must only will lie in the income to increase, in cost fluctuationalong with societys development, the profession competition is day
46、by day intense, how enhances the working efficiency, reduces the management cost, the enhancement service level and enterprises competitive ability, is each enterprise superintendent most matter of concern. more and more many superintendents thought the implementation computer scientific style manag
47、ement solves this question key. the thing flows the transportation enterprise as a result of the profession characteristic, the tradition operating process complex, document many, the competition is day by day intense. the more and more many information question emerges, for example: on the one hand
48、, must develop the customer market unceasingly, to the customer basic document, the cargo distribution situation, the contact person likes and the contact method has a more comprehensive understanding, on the other hand, must finish financial the receipts and disbursements work, guarantees the trans
49、port expense to be able on time receipts and disbursements, the debt to be clear, prompt press for payment. formerly consulted the thick document material the procedure, obviously was cannot be taken. must adopt more effective solution. at the same time collects the process information the speed, th
50、e information accuracy, the security, but also affects the company whole management level and the decision-making strata to the overall service control and the coordination. uses the computer software management information is solution above question effective means. the thing class manages the soft
51、ware, is flows the transportation enterprise service flow according to the thing, according to relates the enterprise service various class numbers, composes an organic system, causes aspect the and so on service, finance, market information to be able to be convenient, to transmit quickly, and prod
52、uces each kind of report form after synthesis processing to deliver for each function department and the decision-making strata. the appliance flows the management software system not only to be possible to save the massive manpower, reduces in the work the fault, may be rapid to the customer inquir
53、y inquires the information answer customer from the computer, moreover may help the policy-maker promptly to adjust the company to manage the strategy, enhances companys in same profession well-knownness, the enhancement companys competitive power. in the past flowed the management emphatically in t
54、he enterprise interior work and organizations conformity, to the downriver customers correspondence, was take serves and the quality as the main center of gravity. therefore, the appraisal flows the management achievement and the effect criterion, is mostly by processes the order form period the spe
55、ed, supplying goods rate and completes the quality to measure. throughmost of thethird-party logisticsbusiness surveyshowed thatthe most commonthird-party logisticsservices as follows:(1) the development oflogistics strategy/ system, (2) electronicdata exchange capability(3) managementperformance re
56、porting, (4) cargocargo(5)selectthe carrier,freight forwarding, customsagents, (6)information management(7)storage,(8)consulting(9)payment of freight, (10)freightnegotiations.it can be seen, third-partylogisticsservicesare concentratedin thetraditional sense of thetransport, storageareaswithin thetr
57、ansport,storage companesfor theseserviceshave adeeperunderstanding oftheservicesto eachindividualhavesome experiencethe key is howthe content oftheseindividualservicestogetherorganically, providinglogistics and transportof the overall program.withthe continuous development oflogistics technology, th
58、ird partylogisticsas animprovedmaterial flowrate,saving storagecosts andcapitalcostsin thewayof effectivemeans ofbecoming more and morearoused greatattention.thethird-party logisticsin order toprovide better servicequality and levelmust havefive majoradvantages: (1) professionallogistics.third-partylogistics companyspecializing inlogistics servicescompany,is the firstprofessional level.not only professionalhigh quality,professionaloperational capabilitystronger, but alsoshould have theprofessionaland technical personnel, modernequipment.andseveral timesfaster,lowercost ofoperation,in the same
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