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1、9b unit1知识点weicome to the unit&comic strip1. how do you like the life on mars=what do you think of.?你认为火星上的生活怎么样?2. i cant get to my food 我够不着我的食物。get to 够得着,达到3. think about what the life will be like in the future思考未来的生活将会是怎样4. travel in space 在太空中旅行5. live on other planets 住在其他星球other,the other,a

2、nother,others,the others的区别other表示“另一些”是泛指,当形容词用,后加复数名词或不可数名词others表示“另一些”,是泛指。是代词,后面不能再加名词theothers是特指,后不加名词,“另一些”theother与other同义,但是是特指,修饰名词(+单数/复数/不可数)“其他的”表示两者中另一个或某一范围内另一部分others其用法相当于复数名词,此词不能用作定语,表示的意思是“不具体的某些东西”,thischemicalispoisonous.othersarepoisonous,too.(others=otherchemicals)但是如果others

3、前用了the,则表示具体的别的东西。如:idontwantthesebooks.pleasegivemetheothers.(theothers=theotherbooksanother表示“另一个”,是泛指,或者三者以上的另一个如:ihavetwopens.oneisredandtheotherisgreen.somepeoplelikesinging,otherslikedancing.一些人喜欢其他人喜欢(这里的他人没有范围)ihaveeatenanapple,butistillwantanother(apple).我已经吃了一个苹果,我还想吃另一个6. care for=look af

4、ter=take care of 照顾care for喜欢、关心 care about 关心7. wear space helmets戴太空头盔8. in the form of pills 是药片的形状pill和medicine的区别pill是药片,可用复数形式;medicine是药类总称,一般不用复数形式;表示“吃”药, 一般用take或have,而不用eat或drink9. space还可以做“空间”讲 make space/room for 为腾出空间10. dream about/ doing sth 梦见做某事,梦想做某事i dreamt about talking with a

5、foreigner in englishhe dreams of being a famous inventor one day.11. the reason for.=the cause of. 的原因reading 12. find more about life in space in the furture 找到更多有关未来在太空生活的信息13. move to mars 移居火星14. imagine的用法 imagine 不及物动词 想象,设想 it may be difficult to imagine imagine 及物动词 后接 名词,动名词,从句等作宾语或宾补 imagi

6、ne life without electric imagine being on the moon imagine who can make such a mess15. 否定前置 当主语是第一人称 ,谓语动词是think、believe、suppose、imagine、expect、seem等词后面的宾语从句中的否定转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。i dont think i know you. 我想我并不认识你。i don t believe he will come. 我相信他不回来。it doesnt seem that they know wher

7、e to go. 16. become more and more crowded and polluted 变得越来越拥挤、污染日益严重17. start again and build a better world重新开始并且建立一个更美好的世界18. by 在之前,不迟于,到时候 can you finish your homework by eight at night.你能在晚上八点之前完成作业吗 they will arrive in beijing by afternoon.下午之前他们会到达北京19.the+比较级,the+比较级 the more book you read,

8、the wiser you will be.书看的越多,你就越聪明。 the longer you stay at home,the lonelier you will be.你在家呆的时间越长你就越孤独。19. first of all 首先 at first=in the beginning 刚开始的时候 at the beginning of 在开始20. fashion n.时尚、时装 fashionable a.时髦的,流行的 out of fashion 过时21. ”there be+名词(for sb)+to do” 有某事(可以让某人)来做 there are long wh

9、ite beaches to walk along in hainan island.在海南有常常的白色沙滩可供散步there is a new book for you to read.有一本书可让你读。“there be+名词+doing sth” 有正在做某事there will be two girls looking after you.将有两个女孩照顾你there are a few boys playing basketball in the playground.22. population “人口” 表示人口多少时,用large,big或small,而不能用much、litt

10、le、 对人口提问时用what,而不用how much our country has a large population.我国人口众多。 what was the population of europe in1995 “have a population of”有人口 the city has a population of nine million.这个城市有九百万人口。23. connect (.)to.把()和连接在一起。 the computer is connected to the telephone. can you help me connect the mp3 to t

11、he computer?24. tieto.把系(绑)在 wed better tie the heavy bag to the bike 我们最好把这个沉重的包系在自行车上。25. large numbers of (people)大量的,很多 a number of=numbers of (若干,许多)+可数名 词的复数26. transport n. 交通、运输、交通工具 v. 运输27. at present=now=at the moment 目前、现在、此刻 for the moment 暂时28. the journey takes a very short time in sp

12、ace 在太空中花费很短的时间 物做主语,“花费”时间用take,“花费”金钱多用cost29. travel at half the speed of light 以光速的一半行驶 at(.速度、价格) the car is running at 80 kilometers an hour. i bought it at a low price.30. developing a.发展中的 developed a.发达的 china is a developing country ,while england is a developed country.31. be sure 的用法 be

13、sure to do sth 确定/一定/肯定做某事 be sure of /about sth 确定某事、对某事有把握 be sure+(that)宾语从句 youmaybesureofhishonesty./youmaybesurethatheishonest.你可以确信他的诚实。 imsureofwinningthegame.我有把握能赢得比赛。 heissuretobebacksoon.他一定会很快回来。 shemade/wassurethatsheturnedoffthelight.她确定她已关灯了。 be sure 做祈使句开头,不是表示判断,而是表示对对方的要求,意为“务必要”,

14、“一定要”。例如: besurenottoforgetit!千万别忘记呀! besuretosendmyregardstoyourmother务必代我问候你母亲。pare with 把。和。相比较 compare.to. 把。比喻成。 compared with many students,she was indeed very hard. if you compare british football with american football,you ll find many differences. we often compare children to flowers.35. 英语

15、分数的表达法 分数在英语中通常是借助于基数词和序数词来共同表达的。其中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。 分子除用one外,也可用a;如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。但是,12不能说a(one)second,而要说a(one)half14和34可以说a(one)fourth和threefourths,但常用aquarter和threequarters表示。应该注意的是,分数修饰名词时,若该名词是不可数名词只能用单数;若是可数名词,用单数或复数均可。但是,若它们在句子中作主语,则谓语动词是用单数还是复数取决于名词,即与分数所修饰的名词保持一致onlyone-fifthofairconsistso

16、foxygen氧气只占空气的15。abouttwothirdsofthestudentsattendthemeeting大约23的学生都参加了会议36. flow away into space 飘到外太空中去37. the early settlers早起移民者38. take exams at online school 在网校考试39. have a taste(n.) of sth 品尝某物 tasty a. 美味的40. the journey to mars 火星之旅41. have more for our hobbies 花更多时间在兴趣爱好上42. feel ill 感到不舒

17、服43. space shuttles航天飞机44. keep sb from doing=stop sb(from) doing=prevent sb(from) doing 阻止某人做某事45. under the control of 在的控制下46. vehicle designed for travel in space 为太空之旅而设计的交通工具47. live in domes with ten rooms 住在一个有十个房间的圆顶建筑48. have many food with different tastes有很多口味的食物vocabulary49. take high-q

18、uality images 拍高质量的照片50. can be stored for many months 能被存储很多月51. be fixed to the wall to prevent floating 被固定在墙上避免漂游 fix.to.把固定在 fix the board to the tree 把板子固定在树上52. provide mangy hours of air 提供许多个小时的空气53. provide energy for spacesuit 为太空服提供能量54. space sleeping bag太空睡袋 动名词修饰名词,表示其用途或作用 waiting ro

19、om 候车室 fishing village 渔村 swimming pool 游泳池 fitting room 试衣间55. dried food 压缩食物56. which thing do you think is the least important?哪件东西你认为最不重要 do you think 用法 混合疑问句的句式: 特殊疑问词do you think(或其他表示心里活动的词)陈述语序“陈述语序”非常重要。what can i do?是一个特殊疑问句,如果中间插入do you think则后面必须改为陈述语序what do you think i can do因此do you

20、 think并不是是插入语。因为它影响句子的语序,原文的例子只不过是凑巧what是句子的主语,所以语序没变而已the least +形容词或副词的原级,表示“最不”相当于词汇最高级的反义词im the least teacher among the teachers here.yesterday was the least cold day of the year.who is the least tallest boy in your class?57. prevent用法回顾,以及意思相同短语grammer 58. 部分情态动词的用法(can、could、may、might) can 的用

21、法 1)“can”表达能力句型 例:i can do it in another way. (我能以别的方法来做这件事。)(2)“can”表达许可例:can i use your telephone?(我可以借用你的电话吗?)yes, of course you can.(可以呀,当然可以。)解说 表达许可基本上可分为“请求”和“准许”两种。(3)“can”表达可能性句型 (若要表示不可能用cant)例:you can get there in 20 minutes walk.(走二十分钟你就能够到达那里。)(4)“can”表达推测例:can the news be true?(这消息会是真的

22、吗?)the news cant be true.(这消息不会是真的吧。)解说 “can”表达推测通常是用在疑问句和否定句。若是要以肯定句式来表达推测通常都使用must 。(5)“can”的惯用表达句式句型 cannottoo +adj. (再也不为过)例:when driving, you cannot be too careful.(开车时你再小心也不为过 =你越小心越好。)can 和could一、表示能力can you come to the party tomorrow?你明天能来参加我们的聚会吗?could you speak english then?那时候你会说英语吗? 二、表示

23、许可can could i come in?我可以进来吗?(could更委婉)“could can i use your pen? ” “yes, of course you can.” “我可以借用你的钢笔吗?”“当然可以。”(不能说yes, you could.)三、表示推测it cant be true.那不可能是真的。we could go there this summer.今年夏天我们可能要去那儿。he could have gone home.他可能已回家了。【注】could后接动词的完成式,除表示对过去的推测外,还有以下用法(不用can): 某事本来可以发生,却没发生he co

24、uld have told her, but he didnt choose to.他本来可以告诉她的,但他却没有。 用来委婉地责备某人过去应该做某事而没有去做:you could have helped me why did you just sit and watch?你本可帮助我的,为什么只坐在一旁瞧着? 表示“差点儿就要”:i was so angry i could have killed him.我是那样生气,差点把他杀了。may 的用法(1)“may”表达许可例:may i come in?(我可以进来吗?)(2)“may”表达可能性例:the news may be true.

25、(或许这消息是真的。)解说 “may”表达“可能性”时其意思等于“maybe”或“perhaps”,即“或许;也许。(4)“may”表达祈愿句型例:may you succeed.=i hope wish youll succeed.(祝你成功。)(5)“may”的惯用表达句式 句型 may well +v例:you may well say so.=there is good reason for you to say so.(你很有理由这么说。难怪你这么说。)句型 may/might as well +v=had better +v例:we may might as well start

26、at once.=we had better start at once.(我们最好立刻动身吧。)解说 本句式常用于表达提议或劝告。can 和may的区别1. can,may用来表示猜测、怀疑或不肯定。不过此时在运用中要注意,can不能用于肯定句,may不能用于疑问句。(can不肯,may不疑,must肯不否疑)如:where can our teacher be?(这里不能用may代替)我们的老师可能会在哪儿? she may be in her office. (这里不能用can代替)也许在她的办公室里。2. can,may都可表示“准许、请求,许可”,此时两者可以互换使用。不过在这方面用

27、may比用can好一些,因为在表示“请求”时,may表现的更谦虚,更委婉一些。如:you can/may go home with your mother now. 现在你可以和妈妈一块回家了。3. 肯否定回答不一样。can/could开头的疑问句,肯定回答“yes,you can”否定回答“no,you cant” may/might 开头的疑问句,肯定回答“yes,you may”否定回答“no,you may not/cant”59. leave out 省略60. the solar system 太阳系61. the website editor 网站编辑62. send a spa

28、ce robot onto mars 将一台太空机器人送上了火星 send 常见用法set up 竖起,建起a new government was set up after the war.新政府于战后成立。 set off 出发,动身they set off in search of the lost child.他们出发寻找失踪的孩子。set out 出发he set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part.他开始着手粉刷整幢房子,可是只完成了前面的部分。 set an example for 为树立榜样

29、it was possible to resist, and those people set an example for others.反抗不是行不通,这些人为他人竖立了榜样。she arrived at the office early to set an example for the others.她很早就来到办公室,作为他人的表率。send for 派人去请(叫)send for the doctor, please.请派人去请医生来。63. be willing to do 乐意/愿意做某事64. cetain和sure的用法辨析 一、两者在用法上的相同点两者都可用作表语,表示“


31、的判断或信念,其意为“相信”“确信”“有把握”等。此时通常用于以下结构:(1)后接ofaboutsth。如:heiscertainsureofsuccess.他确信会成功。areyoucertainofaboutthat?你对此有把握吗?(2)后接ofdoingsth。如:our teamiscertainsureofwinning.我们队有把握赢。youcanbesurecertainofhisagreeing.你可以放心他会同意。比较同义句:heiscertainsureofwinning.=heissurecertainthathewillwin.他自信会赢。(3)后接that/whet





36、adecertainsure(that)theywerentlate.他们有把握不迟到。ithinktheresatrainat10:40,butyoudbettermakecertainsureofit.我想10:40有趟火车,但你最好去核实一下。65. 宾语从句的用法注意点 1)从句是陈述句时用that引导,that可省略在以下情况中that不能省略当句中的动词后接多于两个由that引导的宾语从句时,第一个that可省,但后面的that不可省。例句:he said (that) you were too young to understand the matter and that he

37、was asked not to tell you.当主句的谓语动词与that宾语从句之间有插入语时,that一般不可省。例句:just then i noticed, for the first time(插入语), that our master was wearing his fine green coat and his black silk cap.当that从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that不可省。例句:i cant tell him that his mother died.许多带复合宾语的句子,that引导的宾语从句经常移到句子后部,而用it作形式宾语。例句:i find i

38、t necessary that we should do the homework on time. 2)从句是疑问句时用whether/if 引导,不能省略。例句:i wonder whether(if) they will come to our party.但在特殊情况下if与whether是不能互换的。只能用whether的情况例句:we decided whether to walk there.,不能用if引导的宾语从句在带to的不定式前例句:im thinking of whether we should go to see the film.在介词的后面例句:i cant s

39、ay whether or not thet can come on time.直接与or not连用时例句:whether he succeeded isnt important for me. whether 引导主语从句时3) 时态问题,详见书本4) 否定转移:主句主语为第一人称,主句谓语动词是think、believe、suppose、expect等动词时,若后面的宾从要表达否定含义,那么将not转移至主句的谓语上,从而将宾从变成肯定形式。 i dont think he has time to play chess with youintegrated skills66. advan

40、tage/disadvantage of.的优势/缺陷67. get ill 生病68. start with .以开始69. move away from 离开 70. afraid 的用法一、beafraidofdoingsth的用法(1)担心会发生某事或某情况(但实际上未必会发生)。如:shewasafraidofwakingherhusband.她怕吵醒她丈夫。iwasafraidofhurtingherfeelings.我怕伤害她的感情。注:beafraidofdoingsth表示担心会发生某事或某情况时,其后也可用beafraidthat替换。hewasafraidoflosing


42、eafraidofdoingsth,而表示害怕做某事或不敢做某事等,则两者都可用。如:dontbeafraidtoaskofaskingquestion.不要害怕问问题。heisafraidtogooutofgoingoutaloneatnight.他不敢晚上一个人出去3、 im afraid not.是“恐怕不行”的意思。4、 be afraid(that+宾从imafraidtheyregoingtolosethegame.imafraidicantcometothepartyonfriday.71. a survey conducted in schools in sunshine to

43、wn 在阳光镇的学校实施的一项计划 conducted 过去分词后置修饰survey,表示被动关系 have you ever read the books written by hanhan? the bridge built in 1978 is still in use。建于1978年的这座桥仍在使用中。72. worry about sb/sth=be worried about sb/sth 对担心,前者强调动作,后者强调状态 worry sb 使某人担心 there is nothing to worry about。 your illness worries your paren

44、ts你的病使你父母担心。73. do harm to=be harmful to 对有害74. have sb do sth让某人做某事,have 为使役动词 have sth done “让某事被做”或者“请别人做某事” we had the machine repaired 我们请人把机器修理了。 ill have my hair cut tomorrow。我明天去理发。study skills75. get a gengeral idea of the text 了解文章大意76. run over 快速浏览 77. appear 的用法 appear 部分用法和seem 相似 一、使用seem和appear的句型: 1it seems appears(to sb) that-clause it seems appears to me that they are right我觉得他们似乎是正确的。 it seemed appeared that he enjoyed the food very much看来他好像很喜欢吃这种食品。 2sbsthseems appears to do he seems appears to b


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