The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略_第1页
The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略_第2页
The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略_第3页
The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略_第4页
The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategy of English Advertisements广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略_第5页
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1、the language characteristics and translation strategy of english advertisementsabstractwith the influence of globalization, it seems that advertisements have touched us at any corner and on any occasion, which really reveal the integration between advertisements and life. certainly, english advertis

2、ements have been showing their charm to us and we nearly cannot deny them, because they are not only possessed of considerable commercial value, but also much language study value. in view of three aspects, that is, word, syntax and rhetoric, this essay will give details about the translation strate

3、gy by vivid examples. keywords: english advertisements, language characteristics, translation strategies ii广告英语的语言特点和翻译策略摘 要在全球化浪潮的推动下,广告无处不在,无时不有。真可谓是广告生活化,生活广告化。而广告英语正从普通英语中凸显自己的个性,它不仅具有很高的商业价值,更具有一定的语言研究价值。本文主要从广告英语的词汇、句法、修辞三个方面的语言特点,并结合实例分析广告英语的翻译策略。关键词: 广告英语 语言特点 翻译策略 contentsabstract摘要1. intro

4、duction2. language characteristics of english advertisements12.1 what are english advertisements12.2 language characteristics of english advertisements12.2.1 the aspect of word.22.2.2 the aspect of syntax32.2.3 the aspect of rhetoric62.2.3.1 personification62.2.3.2 simile and metaphor72.2.3.3 pun83.

5、 translation strategies of english advertisements113.1 literal translation113.2 free translation123.3 transliteration143.3.1 pure transliteration143.3.2 semantic transliteration14vi3.3.3 semantic half transliteration143.4 transformation153.4.1 different viewpoints153.4.2 virtual and non-virtual tran

6、slation153.4.3 substitution for image164. conclusion16bibliography17acknowledgements18 introductionwith the wave of globalization approaching, advertisements have brought us great benefits from every aspect, which add more vigor to our life and work. especially, english advertisements have outstood

7、from the common ones, and they are possessed of their own features. it is very obvious that english advertisements have influenced us so much that we are eager to study more about them. they give the advertisement producers much benefit, and render customers pleasant and willing to enjoy them, which

8、 is the charm of advertisements. in order to find the essence of them, people have to learn more about english advertisements. after all, we have entered a new globalizing century, and nobody hopes to be sifted out from the new trend because of the blank knowledge of english advertisements.then, wha

9、t are the exact features and how should we have a perfect translation of them? in this thesis, english advertisements have been distinguished from the aspects of language characteristics, and we should translate them in a special way to make them more attractive and persuasive. as for the translatio

10、n, people should not be confined to the so-called equivalence of language forms, but take more profound factors into consideration, such as cultural difference, individual habit, and specific occasion and so on. there is no denying that english advertisements have been playing more significant role

11、in peoples life and work, so it is full of great importance for us to know more about advertisements with our mind and heart. if so, i believe there will be a more harmonious and brilliant tomorrow. 171 language characteristics of english advertisements1.1 what are english advertisementsenglish adve

12、rtisements are distilled from the common advertisements, which can be seen as a kind of art. they always vary from time to time, from space to space. exactly speaking, english advertisements are means to introduce goods and service to consumers by means of a variety of methods and tools (qi yunfang,

13、 2003:1).1.2 language characteristics of english advertisementssince english advertisements are different from the common advertisements, they have their own characteristics. english advertisements are a developing language, and tend to be more mature with the trend of globalization. certainly, its

14、own language system will also be further polished. then, this thesis gives details from three aspects: word, syntax and rhetoric. in fact, language learning has played an important role in this point, and especially pragmatics is a very necessary branch, which can help to master the essence of engli

15、sh advertisements (xia qing, 2003:98).1.2.1 the aspect of wordas the tool of transforming information, english advertisements are brief, vivid, and flexible. therefore, some verbs and adjectives are used to convey effective and brief information, and also strengthen the expressiveness of language. s

16、uch as, get, buy, use, new, big, bright and so on (zhao jing, 1997:264-268). for example:getting places in the business world is easier if your banker is there to meet you. (bank advertisement) we buy just a boat, when you could buy a chriscraft. (yacht advertisement)from the two examples, we strong

17、ly sense that brevity in english advertisements is a kind of beauty, which captures eyes and hearts of consumers in the shortest seconds. in order to strengthen sense of participation of consumers, english advertisements often adopt personal pronouns, such as: the first personal pronoun usually refe

18、rs to the advertiser, the second personal pronoun refers to the consumer, and the third one refers to people who are familiar or understood by readers. for example:we made this watch for you to be part of your life-simply because this is the way. we always make watches. and if we may draw a conclusi

19、on, it would be this: choose once and choose well(guo guilong, 2008:5).she usually complains about my anniversary gifts, but this year she is going to smile. (perfume advertisement)the above examples explain advantages of personal pronouns to us, and there is a very short distance between consumers

20、and advertisements makers. thus, people have stronger desire to buy those products. 1.2.2 the aspect of syntax syntax, put simply, is the grammatical arrangement of each element of a sentence. its main concern is to ensure the coherence of your subject, verb and object, as well as the relationships

21、that tie them together. involving a logical sequence, its the framework from which you build sentences correctly. simple sentencesmost of the time, english advertisements tend to use simple sentences to get high readability from readers. because of the brevity of words used in advertisements,

22、 sentences are not too complex. for example:got milk? this is an advertisement of brand milk. cock adds life. this is the advertisement of coca-cola. from the above examples, we can see that it is very easy to have a good impression on the brief english advertisements. it seems that they are incompl

23、ete in form, but in fact they are enriched in essence.meanwhile, imperative sentences can be always adopted to promote the products, because they can increase persuasive or seductive function, and customers can be easily advised or even persuaded. for example:buy one pair. get one free. this is an a

24、dvertisement of sunglasses. in this advertisement, there are two imperative sentences. if we use the following expression, we will find that there are totally different effects. if you buy one, you can get one more free of charge. there is no doubt that this sentence is less attractive and persuasiv

25、e than the former one. try this price! (tan weiguo, 2007:54). what an easy sentence! most importantly, this advertisement has strong power to get attraction of customers. it is because of the use of imperative sentences, readers have been conquered by it, and it seems that there is no reason for the

26、m to refuse such an advertisement. familiar quotations although advertisers are main addressers, consumers are the god who can take the final benefit. therefore, some comments are produced by consumers so as to increase the credibility. these quotations make the forms of english advertisemen

27、ts brisk, the contents of them novel, and the essence persuasive. for instance:i absolutely refuse to have damaged hair! and now i dont have to. i have handfuls of shiny, healthy-look hair. because i finally got my hair dresser to tell me his secret- infusium 23 (hair conditioner advertisement)“its

28、like were all in the same office. the office just happens to spread across 7,000 miles of ocean,” tom hughes, mis director. they are introductory expressions of an advertisement, and this advertisement appears vivid and concrete. “through the nvq initiative we have discovered talents and competencie

29、s, which we would never otherwise have known about,” says lan medermot of philips components (qian cuilan, 2007:21).this is the appreciation showed to nvq occupational training organization by employers. conditional sentences sometimes, english advertisements also use conditional sentences o

30、r other phrases so as to regard condition as fact, and add subjective consumption or persuasion to them, thus propagandistic and persuasive power is strengthened. for example:if you suffer from indigestion, this is something you want to know. (nutrition food advertisement)without vitamins, life itse

31、lf would be impossible. (medicine advertisement)although it is not brief to use conditional sentence in english advertisements, sometimes it is necessary to express advertisers persuasion and sincerity. when we read the two examples, we have to be moved by the effect of conditional sentences. 1.2.2.

32、4 interrogative sentences interrogative sentences are very popular in advertisements, because no matter what kinds of those interrogative sentences are, it is very easy to arouse consumers interest and curiosity. therefore, products can be promoted without too many difficulties. for instance:how to

33、get 100 watts of light for only 44 watts of electricity? (house appliance advertisement) (chen meilian, 2006:59).how can the wrong system affect a perfectly good portable telephone? (cell phone advertisement) are you still feeding your six-month-old an infant formula? (baby food advertisement)accord

34、ing to the grammatical function, interrogative sentences usually pose questions on consumers. after questions, it is very natural for consumers to consider them. therefore, interrogative sentences in english advertisements not only attract them, but also give them more space to contemplate. for inst

35、ance:how can you succeed in europe if you arrive tired and sixty minutes behind your competition?what makes the finest tasting coffee in the world? the roasters art. (coffee advertisement)dinner? done. (pisa advertisement ) all of the above examples include interrogative structure of interrogative s

36、entence, and are made up of two parts. for one thing, they ask questions to attract readers attention; for another thing, consumers can get information from answers. on the contrary, if not using the interrogative form, it will be difficult to express the same content in an easy way. then we compare

37、 the advertisements words of the above airlines with the following sentences: next time by using london city airport, you can succeed in europe if you want to arrive much earlier without being tired. this is a relatively complex narrative sentence structure. because this sentence doesnt ask any ques

38、tion from consumers, it is not so easy to take notice of readers, and let alone make consumers grasp key points. thus it can be seen, the structure of interrogative sentence is a necessary form of attracting attention. interrogative sentences introduce a question, which stirs peoples interest and cu

39、riosity, and they are eager to find answer and make decision. for example:whats so special about lurpak danish butter? well, can you remember what butter used to taste like real frag fresh butter? do you remember how you used to enjoy it when you were young? today- the taste of lurpark brings it, al

40、l back to you. -thats why its so special. there are there interrogative sentences in this butter advertisement, and they can stimulate the longing for fresh butter of ideal group, so there will be a better advertisement effect. 1.2.3 the aspect of rhetoric a rhetorical figure can be defined as an ar

41、tful deviation in the form taken by a statement. since dozens of figures have been catalogued, ranging from the familiar (rhyme, pun) to the obscure (inimitable). despite the frequent appearance of rhetorical figures in print advertisements, their incorporation into advertising theory and research h

42、as been minimal. this paper develops a framework for classifying rhetorical figures that distinguish between figurative and non-figurative text, between two types of figures (schemes and tropes), and among four rhetorical operations that underlie individual figures(repetition, reversal, substitution

43、, destabilization). these differentiations in the framework are supported by preliminary validation data and linked to suggested consumer responses. the paper concludes by considering the theoretical import of the proposed framework for future research on rhetorical structure in advertising. in the

44、matter of fact, english advertisements are full of life, and the figure of speech can further make their features outstanding in this aspect. we can make an inclusion that without rhetoric, there is without the art of advertisements. personificationpersonification is a figure of speech in wh

45、ich an inanimate object or abstraction is given human qualities or abilities. this rhetoric device endows english advertisements with dynamic beauty, and we can capture a vivid picture through them. for example:she has her own spirit and it graces everyone she comes near. (lauren) 她有自己的精神,能使她所到之处,人人

46、因此更加美丽。(allen advertisement)in this english advertisement, the word “she” makes perfume possessed of the feature of female, which refers to the person who loves lauren perfume, and refers to perfume, and naturally explains that this sort of perfume is specially used for women.opportunity knocks! 机会在

47、敲门。(real estate advertisement)it is apparent that the word opportunity is seen as a person, and we can feel the preciousness of it, and from another aspect, we can find that it is time to grasp it, otherwise we may lose it. flowers by interflora speak from the heart由interflora花说出我的心里话。 this is an ad

48、vertisement of flower shop named interflora. reading such an advertisement, we cannot help addicting to the sweet of flowers and entering a world of flowers. what a beautiful picture it is! simile and metaphorsimile is a figure of speech by which two essentially unlike things are compared, of

49、ten in a phrase introduced by like or as. for instance:like a good neighbor, state farm is there. (state farm insurance)像个好邻居似的,州农场保险公司就在那儿。this sentence has a very obvious feature, that is, to use the word “like”, and compare insurance company to a good neighbor. this advertisement shortens the dis

50、tance between consumers and goods producers, which gives birth to a close relationship, and makes people willing to get close to it. light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.ride like a feather in your pocket.metaphor is a kind of figure of speech by which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one t

51、hing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison. it always includes words: is, are, and so on. go for the gold,the brightest star in electronics.(su dingfang, 2003:57).去金,在电子闪亮的一颗星。we are temptation. (lane crawford) lane crawford-a large department store, which once issued a se

52、ries of schemes and products of we are temptation.我们的诱惑。(连卡佛)-连卡佛百货公司的大,曾经发表了一系列的计划和产品。this is a metaphor combining lane crawford with temptation. the big apple-new york city大苹果纽约市。the first meaning is luster properly used to describe apples, and the second meaning refers to honor, which can be used

53、 to depict metropolis, and so on. “hero meets hero”. 英雄识英雄。this sentence adopts the rhetoric device of metaphor, and regards the employer and employee as hero (xie qingfang, 2004:79). puna pun is a kind of figure of speech which consists of a deliberate confusion of similar words or phrases f

54、or rhetorical effect, whether humorous or serious. a pun can rely on the assumed equivalency of multiple similar words (homonymy), of different shades of meaning of one word, or of a literal meaning with a metaphor. bad puns are often considered to be cheesy. pun of multiple-meaningthis ki

55、nd of pun means there are more than two levels of meaning of a word, and they can bring totally different meanings and contexts. therefore, consumers have to make a wise inference. for instance:a: whats the longest sentence in the world? 世上最长的句子是什么? b: prison for life. 无期徒刑。the word “sentence” not o

56、nly has meaning of a single sentence, but also the meaning of date of punishment. women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left. 女性对善恶感觉惊人,而对左右感觉麻木。this sentence satirizes womens sensitive feeling of others, and poor direction of driving by means of multiple-mea

57、ning pun. a deal with us means a good deal to you.和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。the subtlety of this sentence lies in taking advantage of three meanings of the word “deal”: doing business, a good deal, and a large number. pun of homophony this pun is different from the first pun, and it refers to the p

58、un which is based on the same sound and various meanings. for instance:they pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow(cui gang, 1993:65).他们今天为你祈祷,明天就会加害于你。in this sentence, “pray” and “prey” have the same pronunciation and similar form. we can sense that it is very serious and cautious for people to read such an advertisement, but meanwhile, we will thank for its reminder of someone or something. good buy winter! 100% cotton


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