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1、传统的单片机教学实验中,采用硬件仿真器、实验箱或实验板,需采购大量的、昂贵的硬件设备,而且设备维护工作量也非常大。由于单片机应用技术涉及到数字电子、模拟电子、计算机甚至通信等多学科的知识,实践性又很强,在教学实验过程中必须软件硬件结合,也就是将单片机程序和外围电路相结合,若用实验箱则费用高,又不能充分利用,若用实验板则开发周期长,方案变更困难。 利用proteus仿真软件,设计了一个符合这种要求的、纯软件的单片机虚拟实验室系统既可调试单片机程序,也可仿真单片机外围器件的工作情况;既能充分利用学校计算机房现有计算机,减少硬件设备的维护工作量,还可为学生提供丰富的实验内容。本实验系统结合了单片机和

2、外围电路,与实际工程系统非常接近,拉近了单片机学习与就业的距离。1.proteus软件介绍proteus是英国labcenter electronics公司开发的eda工具软件。主要由原理布图的方法绘制电路并进行仿真的isis和pcb自动布线或人工布线电路仿真的ares两个程序组成。proteus运行于windows操作系统上,可以动态实时仿真、分析(spice)各种模拟器件和集成器件。针对微处理器及其外围电路,可以直接在基于原理图的虚拟原型上编程,并实现软件代码级的调试,配合其提供的仿真图表或虚拟仪器如示波器、逻辑分析仪等可进行相应的测量与分析。1)proteus软件的组成及特点proteu

3、s仿真软件包含两个应用程序,proteus isis和proteusaresproteus isis是proteus系统的核心,拥有超过8000元件的大型元件库,包含几千个模拟和数字电路中常用的spice模型及各种动态元件,如三极管、555定时器等基本元件,完全适合于仿真模型。同时isis也为用户提供了非常友好的作图界面,元件之间的连线方便、灵活、高效率,剪切、移动等操作借助鼠标可简单实现;另外,isis还支持层次图设计,支持wmf、bnp、dxf等多种图形输出格式。proteus的另外一个应用程序就是proteus 81es,用于直接将proteus isis得到的仿真原理图生成pcb版图。



6、,再如此循环下去。1)虚拟电路的建立运行proteus的isis程序后,进入该仿真软件的主界面。主界面由菜单栏、工具栏、预览窗口、元件选择按钮、元件列表窗口、原理图绘制窗口和仿真进程控制按钮组成。通过元件选择按钮p命令,在弹出的 pickdevices窗口中选择电路所需的元件,放置元件并调整其相对位置,对元件参数设置及元器件问连线,完成单片机系统的硬件原理图绘制。微处理器及外围器件的vss、vdd、vee不需要连接,默认vss=0v、vdd=5v、vee=- 5v、gnd=0v,微处理器的时钟电路也不需要给出可直接从引脚引入。2)仿真文件编制添加在软件仿真中,主要采用keil进行调试与仿真。打

7、开keil uvision2一projectnew project,弹出对话框,选择单片机型号。在targetloptions for target target1 中进行资源设置。其中要注意的是,在output子菜单中要选择create hex file。软件和硬件的结合,就是一个完整的单片机应用系统。在这个过程中只需要将keil仿真调试过产生的hex文件,写入proteus中的mcu芯片中,然后,在proteus中点击运行即可实现单片机的软、硬件联合仿真。实验中,先右键单击at89c51,再左键单击,在弹出的edit component对话框中的program file一栏选择仿真文件。3


9、令与外围电路的执行结果及运行状态。proteus simulation softwarescm traditional teaching experiment, using hardware simulation, experimental me or experimental board, takes a lot of procurement, expensive hardware devices, and equipment maintenance workload is also very large. as scm application of electronic technolog

10、y related to digital, analog electronics, computers and even communications, and other multi-disciplinary knowledge, practical and highly experimental in the process of teaching software to hardware integration, is the scm process and the external circuit phase combination, if the experiment with me

11、 is the high cost, and can not be fully utilized, if the board will experiment with a long development cycle, the programme changes difficult. proteus use of simulation software, designed a line with the requirements of the scm software-only virtual laboratory system can debug mcu procedures, but al

12、so mcu peripheral device simulation of the work; can take full advantage of the school computer room existing computer hardware equipment maintenance to reduce the workload, but also to provide students with rich content of the experiment. the experimental system combines the single chip and the ext

13、ernal circuit, and the actual system works very close, narrowing the scm distance learning and employment. 1.proteus software introduced proteus is a british labcenter electronics developed by eda tools. mainly by the principles of layout and the method of drawing circuit simulation of the isis and

14、pcb automatic circuit wiring or wiring of the ares simulation of the two procedures. proteus running on the windows operating system, it can be dynamic real-time simulation, analysis (spice) variety of analog devices and integrated devices. for the microprocessor and its peripheral circuits can be d

15、irectly based on the principle of the virtual prototype on programming and to achieve the level debugging software code, with its charts provided by the simulation or virtual instruments such as oscilloscopes, logic analyzer, and so can make the appropriate measurement and analysis. proteus contains

16、 two simulation software applications, proteus isis and proteusares. proteus isis proteus is the heart of the system, with more than 8,000 components of the major components, including thousands of analog and digital circuits used in the spice model and a variety of dynamic components, such as the t

17、ransistor, 555 timer, and other basic components, entirely suitable for simulation model. at the same time isis also provides users with a very friendly graphic interface, the connection between the components convenient, flexible, efficient, cut, such as mobile operators can use the mouse to achiev

18、e a simple addition, isis also support the level of design plans, support wmf, bnp, dxf and other graphics output format. proteus another application is the proteus 81 es, for direct proteus isis will be the simulation schematic generation pcb territory. proteus at the same time also provided a weal

19、th of virtual tools, such as oscilloscopes, logic analyzer, users with these virtual tools can directly observe the results of the hardware circuitry, despite the limited accuracy of the virtual instrument, but the entire operation process as the use of hardware simulation and other testing equipmen

20、t directly to hardware development, virtual instrument can also direct the outcome of the source code for debugging, the above process unlike pure software simulation focus on the verification algorithm, this simulation process can be brought directly to the users hardware development experience. so

21、 proteus can be achieved using scm and external circuit simulation is very convenient, such as the scm software simulation system, the analog circuit simulation, digital simulation, scm external circuit simulation, rs232 dynamic simulation, i2c debugger, spi debugger , keyboard and lcd system simula

22、tion, and so on. 2.proteus the significance of teaching aids with proteus of the cpu and the external circuit powerful simulation capabilities and rich resource base, can provide an effective replacement hardware emulator to advance the hardware and software debugging, wait until the simulation resu

23、lts when the basic ideals and the actual hardware debugger, the development process not only efficient, but also to minimize losses, this laboratory resources to address the problem of tension is a good idea. the gang jiechu scm students, with a computer and a set of proteus software, we can develop

24、 good study scm entry, but also accumulated some useful experience in hardware development. second, proteus teaching gallery below through the voice alarm example of how to use the proteus to achieve circuit design and simulation. case asked circuit at89c51 microcontroller as the core to achieve a d

25、i, di, the voice of the frequency of sound di 1 khz, and achieve di 0.2 s, and then off 0.2 s, then this cycle continue. 1) the establishment of virtual circuit proteus operation of the isis program, the simulation software to enter the main interface. interface from the main menu bar, toolbar, the

26、preview window, select the button components, component list window, principle mapping process window and simulation of control buttons. p components through the select button order in the pop-up window pickdevices select the necessary circuit components, placing components and adjust its relative p

27、osition, the components set of parameters and asked connect components, completed the scm system hardware principle mapping . the microprocessor and peripheral devices of the vss, vdd, vee do not need to connect, by default vss = 0v, vdd = 5v, vee =- 5v, gnd = 0v, the microprocessor clock circuit do

28、 not need to be given directly from the pin introduction . 2) add documentation for the simulation in the simulation software, used mainly keil debugging and simulation. open keil uvision2 a project-new project, pop-up dialog box, select the mcu models. in targetl-options for target target1 in the r

29、esource settings. one should note that, in output in the sub-menu to choose create hex file. the combination of hardware and software, mcu is a complete application system. in this process simply too keil simulation debug the hex file, write proteus in the mcu chip, and then click on the proteus in

30、the running to achieve the scm software and hardware joint simulation. experiments, the first right-click at89c51, then left-click, pop-up dialog box in the edit component program file column choice simulation document. 3) debugging and simulation proteus simulation can be run, but also on single-step debugging. simulation run, you can see the external circuit components shows that


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