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1、大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟48大学英语考试复习资料专升本英语模拟48专升本英语模拟48 PhoneticsDirections: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark you

2、r answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1.A.executiveB.existenceC.excuseD.example答案:C画线部分读ks;其他选项的画线部分读gz。问题:2.A.torchB.morningC.shortlyD.worst答案:D画线部分读;其他选项的画线部分读。问题:3.A.receiptB.receptionC.representD.replace答案:A画线部分不发音;其他选项的画线部分读p。问题:4.A.comprehensionB.conclusionC.oc

3、casionD.television答案:A画线部分读;其他选项的画线部分读。问题:5.A.hereB.whereC.mereD.atmosphere答案:B画线部分读;其他选项的画线部分读。 Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence an

4、d blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. Its clearly stated that you _ copy the site without written permission from the webmaster.A.should notB.ought notC.shouldD.ought to答案:A根据题意,应当选择否定式。根据词的搭配:should do sth,ought to do sth.。应当选择前者;声明很清楚,投有网主的文字允许,你不应当复制这个网页。问题:2. _ for the TOE

5、FL exam in June, we took a training class in April.A.PrepareB.To prepareC.PreparingD.Prepared答案:B动词不定式短语作目的状语。为了准备六月份的托福考试,我们参加了四月份的培训班。问题:3. Everything depends on _ we get a raise in our salary.A.whatB.thatC.ifD.whether答案:Dif如果。whether是否。所有的事情都取决于我们的工资是否有提高。问题:4. Mary: I went skiing. Jill: Mary sai

6、d (that) she _ skiing. A.wentB.have goneC.had goneD.has gone答案:C间接引语。在直接引语中是过去时,转述时,时态应再往前推一个时段,即过去完成时。她说她去滑雪了。问题:5. Only in the Civil War _ killed or wounded.A.soldiers in AmericaB.were so many American soldiersC.many in AmericaD.so many American soldiers were答案:Bonly引导的句子要倒装。选项A和C不完整。就是在内战时期,死伤了许多

7、的美国士兵。问题:6. Why are you always late, Mark? Cant you ever arrive _ time?A.onB.inC.atD.by答案:Aon time准时。你怎么总是迟到?就不能准时到吗?问题:7. You _ help me if you dont have time. I can do the job myself.A.arent able toB.dont have toC.mustntD.shouldnt答案:Barent able to do sth不能够做某事。dont have to do sth不一定非要做某事。mustnt do

8、sth一定不要做某事。shouldnt do sth不应做某事。如果你忙就不一定非要帮我,我能自己做。问题:8. _ when the telephone rang?A.Were sleepingB.Did you sleepC.Have you sleptD.Were you sleeping答案:D电话铃响时,你是不是正在睡觉?问题:9. You _ me, did you?A.understoodB.werent understandingC.didnt understandD.understand答案:C反意疑问句。疑问部分肯定,陈述部分则否定。疑问部分是过去时,陈述部分也应为过去时。

9、问题:10. I was against the idea but everybody else was in favor and I had to give _.A.onB.withC.aroundD.in答案:Dgive in让步。我不同意这个观点,可所有的人都赞同,我只好让步。问题:11. The mayor together with his two brothers _ going to be indicted for accepting bribes.A.wereB.have toC.isD.are答案:Ctogether with引导的短语不能作主语部分,因此主语只有一个单数。市

10、长,连同他的兄弟一起将因受贿被起诉。问题:12. Those are probably the _ curtains in the store.A.fancierB.most fanciestC.fanciestD.more fancier答案:C比较等级的最高级。fancyfancierthe fanciest。这些可能是这个商店里最好的窗帘了。问题:13. Uncle Carl is really _ man.A.an old sweetB.a sweet, oldC.a sweet oldD.an old, sweet答案:C形容词的罗列顺序是:描绘性的形容词在表示特征的形容词前。卡尔大

11、叔是一个和善的老人。问题:14. Tom is a very smart lad. If he _ to work hard, he is going to be the top of the class.A.will continueB.continuesC.continuedD.had continued答案:Bif引导的状语从句是对未来的一种预测,不用虚拟语气,用一般现在时。汤姆是非常聪明的小伙子。如果他继续努力,他会成为班上最好的。问题:15. Im really quite lost. _ me how to get out of here?A.Would you mind show

12、ingB.Would you be showingC.Would you mind to showD.Would you mind to showing答案:Awould you mind doing sth我迷路了。您能告诉我怎么走出这里吗? ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening th

13、e corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. I shouldnt let it bother me. It really doesnt matter anyway. But it does bother me! All those people are preparing to celebrate a new century, a new millennium as well. And it just isnt 1 ! Most of us schedule our lives by the Gregorian 2 Our years are mea

14、sured from the birth of Christ. The first year of the first century is 1, or 1 A.D. The last year of that century is the year 100. Simple? Yes! A century is 100 3 . long. A millennium is 1,000 years long, which is 4 ten centuries. Since the last year of the first century is the year 100, the first y

15、ear of the 5 century is 101. Follow that pattern, century by century and youll get my 6 The year 2000 is the last year of the twentieth century. After all, 7 thousand means twenty hundreds. Twenty hundred years means twenty centuries. The year 2000 is the last, the final, the one thats still here, y

16、ear of the twentieth century! ! ! ! I know, Im getting too 8 . But it isnt fair. While most people will really be enjoying this coming 9 celebration, those of us in the know will be yawning. Well be wet blankets at the party. Everyone else will be cheering for the new millennium and well be saying,

17、Its not until next year. I dont agree with the saying, Ignorance is bliss. But in this case, perhaps its 10 . 1.A.wrongB.soC.importantD.chocolate答案:B所有的人都在准备庆祝新世纪的到来,新的一千年。可事实并非如此。2.A.chantB.journalC.programD.calendar答案:DGregorian calendar格里历日历。我们大多数人都是根据格里历日历安排我们的生活。3.A.hoursB.daysC.monthsD.years答案


19、hanksgivingB.ChristmasC.New YearsD.weekend答案:C大多数人都在快乐地准备迎接这样的新年。10.A.sillyB.falseC.funnyD.true答案:D我虽然不同意这样的说法:无知是福。但在这种情况下,这是事实。 Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested answ

20、ers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage One A resume is an individualized, written summary of your personal, educational and experience qualifications. It is designed to present you as a prospective employee. Not every- one ne

21、eds a resume. However, if you are looking for a professional, technical, administrative, or managerial job, you will need a resume. Applications for many clerical and sales positions also require a resume. A resume is like a written sales presentation. It alone will not get you a job. However, an ef

22、fective resume creates a favorable impression of you while presenting your abilities and experience. Your resume can be used as a response to an ad. It can also be used as a letter of introduction for an interview. It is a fact sheet that tells a prospective employer that you are a desirable future

23、employee. 1. Not _ needs a resume.A.anyoneB.someoneC.everyoneD.a person答案:C第一段。并不是每个人都需要履历。2. Applications for many clerical and sales positions also require a _ .A.jobB.resumeC.applicationD.wanted答案:B第一段。许多职员及销售行业的位置也都需要履历。3. A resume is like a _ sales presentation.A.oralB.writtenC.spokenD.closed答案

24、:B第二段。履历就像是一种书面的销售展示。4. An effective resume creates a favorable impression of you while presenting your _ .A.feelings and emotionsB.response and reactionC.wanted and desireD.abilities and experience答案:D第二段。一份有力的履历在展示你的能力和阅历时会给人以深刻的印象。5. It is a _ that tells a prospective employer that you are a desi

25、rable future employee.A.fact sheetB.good resumeC.desired jobD.impressive ad答案:A第二段。履历是一份说明事实的文件。它告诉雇主,你就是他们所期待的雇员。Passage Two Police officers go to a shooting near a liquor store. It is in a tough west Oakland neighborhood. Newspapers or TV dont often write about this kind of crime. In a few days th

26、e Internet will have all the details about the crime. Jerry Brown, the mayor of Oakland, looks at this Internet site. It shows all the crime in Oakland. He says, Theres a lot of crime in that area, isnt it? The major is promoting the quarter million dollar project. This project makes Oakland the fir

27、st city in the country to put its crime facts on the web. From these facts, people and police can find out about crimes. Maybe then they can do something about them and stop them. On the map a red star is for a homicide. A green star is for assault. The red circles are for armed robbery. A light gre

28、en star is a forcible rape. An orange circle child is for abuse. The purple triangles are car thefts. From the map, you can click on the crime to get more facts. You can even read the police report. This is powerful information. People can use the facts to decide not to buy a house in a neighborhood

29、. People who live in the neighborhood may want to do something to make their neighborhood safe. Police Chief Richard Word says he wants to work with the people as equal partners to make it safer for all. The major says the whole plan is to get people to work with the police to fight crime. 1. The Oa

30、kland Internet project costs _.A.$1,250,000B.$25,000,000C.$250,000.00D.$2,500,000.00答案:C第二段。第一段说警察冲向枪击案现场。报纸和电视不会报道这个的。但几天之内会有一个网页登出这次案件的全部细节。接下来的一段说,市长会注意这个网页。这个网页记载着在奥克兰发生的所有案件的细节。市长为这个网页的建设提供了四分之一百万美元的投入。等于是25万美元。2. The Internet map lets users find out _.A.the location and the kind of crimeB.only

31、 the location of the crimeC.only the kind of crimeD.no more information答案:A第三段。在这个网页上,不同颜色的灯表示着不同种类的犯罪案件及地点。3. The project _.A.would make it hard to get new crime factsB.would be unfair to criminalsC.would not help citizensD.would allow daily updates of facts答案:D第一段。每发生一次案件,网页上就会及时报道。因此这个网也肯定是每天都要更新

32、的。4. People might use the information to _.A.not move into a neighborhood with a high crime rateB.find criminals and kill themC.stay at homeD.give it to the newspaper答案:A最后一段。人们可以通过这个网页查询自己所居住或将要居住的区域是否有较高的犯罪率,从而决定是否在此居住。5. The Oakland Police Chief thinks the information will help _.A.citizens to wo

33、rk against the policeB.criminals to get awayC.citizens to become equal partners with the policeD.keep stores from opening答案:C最后一段。奥克兰警察局长说,他希望市民能与警察合作使自己居住的区域更安全。Passage Three In 1994, a videotape showed guards at Corcoran Prison putting rival prison gangs into the same exercise yard to watch them f

34、ight. The guards stopped the fight by shooting at the prisoners, killing one. Between 1989 and 1995 Corcoran prison guards shot fifty inmates, killing 7. The state investigated the prison twice and found nothing wrong. Then the FBI investigated for 4 years. Eight guards were charged with civil right

35、s abuses. One guard told the FBI . we were shooting inmates with a lethal weapon to break up fist fights. After telling his story to the FBI, the guard received death threats. The California Department of Corrections will spend one million dollars to defend the guards. In the last few years many cas

36、es of police brutality and prisoner abuse have been reported. Some people believe that this is torture and inhuman treatment. More than half of the abuses are against minorities. The US has agreed to follow international rules against torture, but many abuses continue. The number of people in US pri

37、sons has grown quickly, causing crowding and a shortage of well-trained guards. The chances of abuse grow along with these conditions. 1. Why were rival prison gangs forced into a common exercise yard?A.There wasnt anywhere else for them to go.B.They wanted to be together.C.They wanted to be on a vi

38、deotape.D.The guards wanted to watch them fight.答案:D第一段。看守把相对立的囚犯放在同一场地是想看他们对打。2. Why is the California Department of Corrections spending one million dollars to defend the eight guards?A.They have a staff of 45,000.B.As a sign of support for other guards.C.The guards will need extra pay.D.They have

39、 to pay for the investigation.答案:B从全文来看,曾经有人控告加利福尼亚教养所虐囚,但联邦调查局曾两次派人调查都无功而返。而虐囚仍然存在。说明教养所并不想纠正这一行径。因此它会竭力为自己的看守辩护。3. Many people believe prisoner abuse is _.A.OK. if prisoners deserve itB.not really happeningC.a form of torture and inhuman treatmentD.only happening in other places答案:C最后一段。虐囚是侵犯人权、不人

40、道的。4. Why did the guards shoot at the prisoners?A.To break up a fist fight.B.To protect themselves.C.To prevent death threats.D.To cover up the fight.答案:A第二段。看守以朝其中一方开枪来停止对打双方。5. This passage talks about _.A.shootingB.prisonersC.FBIs investigatingD.prison abuse答案:D通篇讲的是加利福尼亚教养所的虐囚状况。Passage Four Nap

41、ster is a computer software company that lets users copy music. Over fifty million people have enjoyed the copyrighted music without paying a fee. The recording industry is unhappy with Napster. When users copy music free, the artists lose money. The recording industry has sued Napster. A lower cour

42、t handed down a decision against Napster. Then the case was taken to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which is a higher court. The Ninth Court did not overturn the lower courts ruling but asked them to modify the decision. Record companies were happy with the courts ruling. Hilary Rosen works for

43、the Recording Industry Association of America. She says that companies like Napster are wrong both legally and morally. Rosen is very pleased with the court ruling. Some recording officials say that steps should have been taken sooner to protect copyrights. Others say that Napster is only one of man

44、y programs that offer free music. Shawn Fanning is the founder of Napster. Recently he joined forces with Bertelsmann, a large publishing firm. Fanning and Bertelsmann plan to offer music users additional ser- vices. These new services will cost users and artists will get paid for the use of their m

45、usic. Fanning wants to build a better company as soon as possible. An injunction could shut down Napster within days. Fanning may appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. For now, Napster fans are jamming as much music as possible. 1. The Napster site had been offering _.A.cheap musicB.only rock musicC.fre

46、e music swappingD.free albums答案:C第一段。Nepster是一个软件公司。人们可以通过它的软件免费下载音乐。2. The latest court ruling was from the _.A.lower courtB.Ninth Circuit Court of AppealsC.State Supreme CourtD.U.S. Supreme Court答案:B第二段。最新的裁决来自于the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals。这个法庭比前面的法庭高一些。他没有推翻前法庭的裁决,只是让他做些修正。3. Hillary Rosen

47、works for _.A.NapsterB.Recording Industry of AmericaC.Publishing Giant BertelsmannD.Court of Appeals答案:B第三段。4. Fanning hopes to offer better service _.A.this yearB.next yearC.within three yearsD.in less than five years答案:B倒数第二段。Shawn Fanning希望能尽快为音乐爱好者提供更多的服务。选项A最能贴近文中所说:as soon as possible。5. Napst

48、er may decide to _.A.go out of businessB.sell the companyC.sue the music industryD.petition the U.S. Supreme Court答案:D最后一段。一道禁令会使Nepster停运几天。可以想象其后果。由此推断,Nepster可能会诉求法院。Passage Five Many animals are used to help scientists find cures for diseases. One of the most common animals used is monkeys, or p

49、rimates. There are groups of people who want to stop the research on animals. They are called animal rights activists. The scientists say their research could help save the lives of many men, women and children. They try to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS. The animal rights activists say the anim

50、als suffer. They take baby monkeys away from their mothers, and sometimes holes are drilled in their heads. The activists have tried to stop the research for the past 10 years. They let animals go free or damage the labs. The University of California at Davis has 3,800 rhesus macaque monkeys. It is

51、one of the largest primate research labs. The activists sent letters to researchers at Davis and about eighty other researchers around the country, whose names were on the web pages. The warning letters had razor blades hidden so that a person could slice open a finger while opening the letter. The

52、police say they will try to protect the researchers from the increasing violence done by activists. 1. What kinds of things have activists done to protect research animals?A.Set them free.B.Damage the labs.C.Sent threatening letters.D.All of the above.答案:D最后两段。保护动物活动者使用暴力手段阻止人类对动物做试验。2. The police t

53、hink that use of violence by animal rights groups is _.A.increasingB.decreasingC.endingD.staying about the same答案:A最后一段。警察将保护研究人员以防止他们受到动物保护活动分子的上升的暴力伤害。3. What will happen if the researchers dont meet the demands made in the letter from the activists?A.The activist will release all the animals.B.Th

54、e activists will use violence against the researchers.C.The activist will commit vivisection.D.In the autumn of 2000, the activists will send more letters.答案:B最后一段。动物保护分子发送警告信,并在信中藏有刀片。说明如果收到信的人没有按照信中所说的去做,必定会遭到暴力的伤害。4. Where was the list of people targeted by the activists posted?A.In the newspaper

55、.B.On the radio.C.On a web page.D.On the television.答案:C最后一段。警告信发给加州大学的一些研究人员,还发给其他地方的80多位研究人员。他们的名字已经上了网页。5. The purpose for the activists to be against researchers is _.A.to see the animalsB.to protect animals rightsC.to stop scientific researchD.to fight with police答案:B第一、第三段。全篇讲的是动物保护活动者的目的就是保护动物的权利,不让动物受到伤害。他们已为此奋斗了10


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