How to Cultivate the Students’ Learning Strategy in English Teaching_第1页
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1、how to cultivate the students learning strategy in english teaching如何在英语教学中培养学生的学习方法内容摘要:本文主要论述如何培养学生的学习方法。它包含了听、说、读写以及翻译五个方面。当今教育问题正在受到很大的关注,每个国家都认为教育是语言教学的重要方面。因此,教学方。法很是重要。关键词:英语教学 培养 方法outline. introduction. the definition and pattern of learning strategy. the operating steps of cultivating lear

2、ning strategy.iv. how to permeate the learn in strategy in english teaching. conclusion . introductionin traditional english teaching, the teacher always pay attention only on teaching they overlooked to help the studentswith their learning method, and also seldom to cultivate their learning strateg

3、y. the phenomenon of“chinese english, deaf - and - dumb english is very serious, the students always rely on the teachers, and the teacher adopt only one method that is” let the students do a lot of exercises. ”a lot of successful english learners use some negative strategies, such as only recitatio

4、n and mechanical training, but these strategies make it difficulties for students to walk out from unsuccessful learning shadow and also influence their own developing ability, finally, it makes them become the edge students hats more, a lot of hard working student whose score is always unsatisfied,

5、 why? the most important reason is these students havent handed the efficient learning strategy. in the teaching progress, the most important thing is to help the students find a good way to learn english and teach the students the efficient learning method. the differences between language use in r

6、eal life and what is done in traditional language teaching pedagogy is numerous and beyond the scope of discussion in this unit. i can only focus on few major points. generally speaking language use in real life differs from traditional language teaching pedagogy in the following aspects: (1) in rea

7、l life, language is used to perform certain communicative func2tions; in traditional pedagogy, the teaching focus is on form rather than functions. so when students have learned a lot of sentences or patterns, they do not know their functions. thus they are unable to use them in real social situatio

8、ns. ( 2) for various reasons, traditional pedagogy tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore the others. for example, due to the needs of language learning in the 19th century, the grammar - translation method emphasized reading and writing skills and virtually ignored listening and sp

9、eaking skills. in real language use we use all skills, including the receptive skills of listening and reading, and the reductive skills of speaking and writing. (3) in reality, language is always used in a certain context, but traditional pedagogy tends to isolate language from its context. for exa

10、mple, in traditional pedagogy, when the english passive voice is introduced, the teacher tries to present how the object in an active sentence is move to the front of a passive sentence and how the verb is changed to an auxiliary plus an $ ed form of the original verb. then the students will ask whe

11、n the passages used and why they should learn it. in many cases the teacher may explain the reasons, one of which is, when it is not necessary to tell who has done the action, the passive is used. then the students will ask another questions why is it not necessary to tell who has done the action? s

12、tudents keep asking questions because the grammar pattern is taken away from the language context. if the teaching of the passive starts with example from real language use in context, students will have fewer questions to ask. the definition and pattern of learning strategy a. the definition of lea

13、rning strategy talk of learning strategy, perhaps someone thinks it is the learning method; in fact, there are the essence differences between learning method and learning strategy. learning method means in learning progress the students adopt the techniques and skills when they dealing with specifi

14、c problems, it is the selection and using of learning method. but the learning strategy means that the students adopt various actions and steps for their efficient learning and developing.b. the pattern of learning strategy oxford divided the learning strategy into two parts: that is the direct stra

15、tegy and indirect strategy. the direct strategy can be divided into various kinds: memory strategy, cognitive strategy and compensate strategy; and the indirect strategy can be divided into: meta - cognitive strategy, emotional strategy and communicate strategy. according to the teaching reality and

16、 students characteristics in our country, the strategy of english learning concludes cognitive strategy, supervised strategy; communicate strategy material strategy and so on. the cognitive strategy means the students adopt some steps and methods just in order to finish their learning task. the supe

17、rvision strategy means students make some strategies of planning, implements, self -examination, analyze and adjustment for their study. communicational strategy means the students adopt various ways in order to strive for more communicational opportunities, remaining communication and imp roving th

18、eir communicational efficient. material strategy means students utilize the multi - media for learning and practicing english. the operating steps of cultivating learning strategy.a. showing strategy. the teacher should create the environment of strategic learning, clear the learning task and showin

19、g strategy. that is to say, the first thing in this strategies to make the learning task clearly. for example, in vocabulary learning and remember, the teacher should adopt and show some useful learning strategy, such as overall memory, imaginable memory, word - formational strategy, tear - opening

20、the word, contact memory, intuitional strategy and so on, the student can have the feeling that they have some improvement after they use these learning strategy. for example.b. use the strategy in english teaching the teacher should not only let the students use these strategies to solve the real p

21、roblem, but also guide them to utilize these useful strategies in practice. let us look at an example: activity1 read and act: practice similar dialogues. “a: excuse me. w hats your full name, please: james a llano green. a: shall i call you james or j imp ?b: it doesnt matter. its not important. bu

22、t my friends call me j im for short. a: ok, j im. ”1in addition, when the students deal with the knowledge in field, the more they have information in this field, the more efficient they can use these strategies properly. among the students different personal characteristics also lead the different

23、result from the same strategy, this point requires the teacher shouldnt use the same measure when they analyze their students ability. c. optimized strategy. through a lot of exercise, the students can grasp the teachers strategies, let the knowledge of strategy become the students step s when they

24、dealing with their own learning tasks. to guide the student build their own learning strategy. it is the teacher shouldnt use the same strategy during the teaching progress, so as not to make the students feel boring. the strategy which the teacher use should be more vivid and the students will feel

25、 interesting. for example: writing w rite about the sport that you like. use phrases like these: i dont like i enjoy my favorite sport isi quite like i p refer to i likebecauseiv. how to permeate the learn in strategy in english teachinga. guide the student set up the right learning direction and he

26、lp the students to know that the sign if fianc about using learning strategy claim prove the learning efficiency. in daily life, the teacher should strengthen the object aimed at education in students learning, make their learning purpose at their personality, that is to say, the teacher should tell

27、 the students the contents of study can help them to achieve the important goal in future life. to stimulate students learning motivation is very important in english teaching. the teacher should point out that having a good psychological quality can affect their learning efficient. firstly, the tea

28、cher should educate the students to remain their stable and active attitude in long - time studying i. e. the students should be constant in their learning progress, secondly, the students should be self - control. in the classroom teaching, the teacher should provide enough opportunities to their s

29、tudents. this might make the students perform a wonderful job, let them faith with each other, the teacher can make a good environment for the students to have an adventure and studied group activities, make a good beginning for students to learning better. in this strategy, the most important thing

30、 is to have a good beginning. for the teacher is to have a good lesson planning. why, not only because the lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what tech2niques, activities and materials will be used in the class. it is obvious that the p roper lesson planning is essential for bot

31、h novice and experienced teachers. b. students cognitive psychology in daily english teaching, the teacher should provide a truth against students real experiences, or give them some good ideas, guide them to discuss, doubt and self - investigate through these learning stages, let the students grasp

32、 the important knowledge and some difficult knowledge. we shouldnt adopt the old - fashioned duck - stuffed method to teach the students. let us look at some example blow: a nation of pet - lovers save the jungle: save the world travel in australia in studying about memory, a lot of indisputable rov

33、ed that use the eyes, hands, mouth and m instate same time; it is more quickly and more deeply tope avian indelible impression in ones minds. the teacher should guide their students from chemical practice, make them feel the linguistic sense about language, and make the students had the linguistic s

34、ense, after that, the students will have a deep cognate.c. strengthen the english thinking training firstly, make the students learn how to think in english. in primary stage, perhaps the students cannot accept it easily, the teacher should regulate language, and then control their minds step by ste

35、p, to train the students use the english to think. just as, “pardon?” “excuse me! ”, “ is it your book?”,” how are you?”,” can you spell the words?”, and” which class are you in?” let the students incomes into the english environment as soon as possible. the teacher should using seldom chinese in en

36、glish lesson, using english in teaching progress can train the students english directly. during my experiences, i think before the english lesson, the teacher should let the students practice oral english by own way. or the teachers provide something to encourage students to speak english. and also

37、 the teacher can adopt the” free talk” before the english lesson in five minutes. a teacher select one day as” english day “every week for the students, let the students indulge in english, after the students practice in this improvement strategy, they will have a swinging improvement of listing and

38、 speaking ability. a s technology advances, and trade and exchanges between countries increase, it is becoming more and more necessary to understand spoken english in many situations such as face - to - face conversations, speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in real - li

39、fe situations. it is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first reason of a person is based on his/her ability to speak fluently and comp reversibly. so, as teachers, we have a responsibility to prepare the students as much as possible to able to speak in english in the real

40、world outside the classroom and the testing room. students should be ready to move quickly into less controlled type of role p lays, where only the situation and the relationship between the two speakers are specified. for example: card a you and your friend are going out to eat lunch. you need to d

41、ecide where to go. you would like to try something different because youre tired of the same food. you make a suggestion. card b you and your friend are going out to eat lunch. you need to decide where to go. you would like to go to the p lace where you always go, because you like the food. you dont

42、 agree with your friends suggestion. by performing a dialogue based on cue cards, it should be oblivious that students need to make up their own language and respond to a real person. creating prompts on cue cards is not as simple as it may seem due to the element of control. it is hard to direct th

43、e dialogue without controlling it too much. in thee amp le it is relatively to the students real life. so, the students can easily to grasp the idea and they cause the english to think, then they will have more interests to speak english. and also they will have a quickly improvement through a lot o

44、f exercises and practices. penetrate the knowledge of culture and background in english teaching. when the teacher teach reading skills, he or she should smooth out the obstacles when teacher guide the students for training in teaching progress, the teacher should encourage them adopt all kinds of s

45、trategies in imp roving their listening, speaking, reading ,writing and translating skills. just as showing strategy can help the students to enlarge their vocabulary building. the teacher should help the students with selecting the reading various materials, real life materials, and it is easy to u

46、se in their communication with others. let the students do a lot of translation exerci2ses to help the students understand background of the english culture. let us look at some examples: lucky dog(means the person is very lucky) “幸运儿 ”big app le (means the city in england, that is london)work like a horse“像老黄牛一样工作 ”as strong as a horse“力大如牛 ”like a hen on a hot girdle“热锅上的蚂蚁 ”wet like a drown rat“落汤鸡 ”the teacher should let the students know the nec2essary to grasp the culture background as a language learner. after they learn the culture kn


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