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1、江苏省g42021届高三英语上学期期末调研试题江苏省g42021届高三英语上学期期末调研试题年级:姓名:39江苏省g4(苏州中学、盐城中学、扬州中学、常州中学)2021届高三英语上学期期末调研试题(含解析)注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回,试卷学生自行保管好。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试

2、卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. where is the conversation probably taking place?a.at school. b. at a cafe. c. at the mans house.2 how will the woman probably get paid?a. in cash. b. through wechat.

3、 c.by credit card.3. what are the speakers likely to do?a. hide from the bears. b. scare the bears away. c. feed the bears.4. how is the man probably feeling?a.relaxed. b.determined. c. uncertain.5. what is the conversation mainly about?a. teammates discussing a game.b.a young child talking to her h

4、ero.c. a girl asking for advice from her brother.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. what was the weather like in bali the previous day?a. foggy. b. sunny. c. rainy.7.what wi

5、ll the man do next?a. go surfing. b. go for a swim. c.go indoors to relax.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. whats the probable relationship between the speakers?a. teammates. b. mother and son. c. club manager and athlete.9. what is the man celebrating?a. a recent victory. b.a family reunion. c. a sponsorship deal

6、.10. what does the man want to do next?a. prepare for retirement. b. continue competing. c. take some time off.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题11. when will the speakers meet?a. at 6:30 p.m. b. at 7:30 p.m. c. at 8:30 p.m.12. where will dave go to meet the woman?a. at the new caf. b. at the dining hall. c. at the l

7、ibrary.13. what does the man ask the woman to do?a. borrow marys notes. b. pack some food for him. c. help him with math problems.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. why was the woman probably late?a. she couldnt find the man.b. she got lost inside the airport.c. she reviewed her travel forms.15. where is the main

8、 office of the mans company?a. in melbourne. b. in sydney. c. on the gold coast.16. how long does the woman plan to stay in australia?a. about one week. b. only five months. c.around six months.17. what do the speakers probably have in common?a. they are experienced drivers.b. theyve done much inter

9、national travel.c. they prefer the same type of destination.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. how long does the application last?a. one week. b. one month. c. one year.19. what is the minimum number of pieces that can be submitted?a. three. b. five. c. seven.20. what does the speaker say about the exhibition?a.

10、 it has a specific theme.b. it is open to artists of certain ages.c. it will probably be a popular event.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出最佳选项。aperhaps you are a corporate manager who is about to attend a few business dinners in china, or maybe you are meeting

11、your significant other s family at a dinner in shanghai. either way, you can be sure that lots of drinking is involved during these chinese social events.what you will be drinking.baijiu- also called sorghum wine, baijiu is the drink of choice for business dinners in china.the most popular brand of

12、baijiu is maotai , which can be as strong as 60% alcohol-by-volume(compared to an average vodka at 40% abv).red wine-red wine has increased in popularity at chinese dinner tables in recent years along with the rising interest in luxury goods.beer-popular chinese beer brands include tsingtao and harb

13、in beer, which are crisp, refreshing lagers(淡啤酒) that can cool the burning sensations from drinking baijiu.courage, quantity, and qualityits perfectly all right if you get drunk, and if you leave sober, your hosts might think theyve failed to show the proper hospitality.the bottom line is, its best

14、if you drink whatever they give you. this is called jiudan-“drink courage. of course, having jiudan doesnt automatically mean you have a good jiuliang-“drinking capacity or the ability to hold your drink. but this really doesnt matter, as long as you have good jiupin-“drink manners or the way you be

15、have when drunk. ideally youll have all three, but if you dont, the first one is the most important.general etiquettewhen clinking glasses, the junior people should always hold their glasses lower than those of senior folks. also, if you are late for the party, you are expected to punish yourself by

16、 drinking.lastly, it is considered extremely rude to refuse a drink after someone toasts you. of course, “drying your glass is considered the utmost respect at the dinner table.1. what is beer more likely to serve as at chinese dinner tables?a. appetizer.b. primary drink.c. secondary drink.d. after-

17、dinner drink.2. what policy should you follow when drinking in china?a. under no circumstances should you get drunk.b. if you dont love the drink offered, you can say no.c. you have to get drunk to show respect for your host.d. drink courage matters most when you drink with others.3. what is the pro

18、per behavior for a young adult over 18 at chinese dinner tables?a. refusing a drink if you dont want it.b. drinking yourself under the table when late.c. holding your glass lower when toasting seniors.d. toasting seniors as many times as you can.beven with wonderful friends, family and a partner, i

19、dont always want to be surrounded by people. “table for one? or will someone else be joining you?” a dinner reservation for one person never fails to raise a few eyebrows. i actively choose to spend time alone when possible. but not everyone has the luxury of choosing to be alone, of course, many ar

20、e forced into one-on-one time because they have no one.but for those of us who spend our days surrounded by colleagues in the workplace, our evenings and weekends with family, friends and partners, all the while being constantly bombarded by whatsapp,social media and email, time to ourselves can be

21、a rare treat. time to yourself not only gives you the chance to do practical things you dont normally get round to but also the activities your pals dont want to do. in a less real way, spending time alone also allows-or perhaps forces- you to sit with your own thoughts, to think about things that m

22、ight normally be drowned out by conversation and the noise of companionship. when youre alone you get time to think without purpose.it is worth noting that im a real introvert(性格内向者),so perhaps sitting alone with my thoughts-refilling my energy reserves-might just be indulging personality traits tha

23、t others dont have. but i believe more people could benefit from it.given this constant social conditioning since childhood that we should be surrounded by people , its no wonder many hesitate to press forward at the idea of spending time alone-a sign weve failed at climbing that social ladder. and

24、if youre an extrovert who gets their energy from other people, this must be even harder. but as someone who has come to love spending time alone, even when there are many wonderful souls in my life i can spend time with, i wish more people would give solo a go.reservation for one, please.4. what can

25、 we learn from the first paragraph?a. the author wants to be alone all the time.b. the author feels bored with family and friends.c. surrounded by people the author still feels lonely.d. reserving a table for one will draw disapproving looks.5. what is the main idea of the second paragraph?a. the be

26、nefits of alone time.b. the weaknesses of social media.c. the definition of being alone.d. the ways of spending time alone.6. how does an introvert regain their energy according to the author?a. by eating delicious food.b. by reflecting on their own thoughts.c. by socializing with others.d. by readi

27、ng their favourite books.7. the last sentence reservation for one, please. is intended to . a. quote others wordsb. answer the waiters questionc. excite the readers appetited stress the authors determinationcearly data from israel suggests covid-19 infection rates began to decrease among a group of

28、vaccine (疫苗) recipients two weeks after they received the first shot of pfizer inc. and biontech ses vaccine, offering important insights to other countries as they roll out their own campaigns.the small country whose roughly nine million population is about the size of new york citys has vaccinated

29、 nearly a fourth of its population in just under a month,the first country to hit that mark as it fights an upsurge (激增) in new infections. israels largest health-care provider, clalit health services, compared test positivity rates among 200,000 people over 60 who received the vaccine with 200,000

30、that didnt. until day 14, there was little difference between the two groups. but after that, the data showed a 33% fall in infection rates among those who had already been vaccinated compared with those who hadnt. clalit noted that the number of people infected was statistically significant, but sa

31、id it wouldnt release final numbers until its study is published.pfizer says people must receive both doses of the vaccine for it to be fully effective. in pfizers trials, the vaccine was shown to take about 12 days before it started to protect people. the clalit study suggests that the first dose c

32、ould reduce infections among those vaccinated as early as two weeks after injection.israel, like many other countries, has given priority to those over 60 in the first stage of its vaccination drive,making the group the best fit for study. nearly three out of four people in this age group have recei

33、ved the first dose of the vaccine since israels campaign began on dec.20.israel has committed to providing pfizer with real-time data about their vaccine,from effectiveness to side effects,which israeli officials said helped it obtain early supply from the vaccine maker. separately,israels health mi

34、nistry published data about side effects from the vaccine, saying they were similar in frequency and character to other vaccinations given to its people.8. what does the underlined part hit that mark refer to?a. winning the intense battle against covid-19.b. getting most israelis vaccinated in the s

35、hortest time.c. vaccinating one quarter of israelis in less than one month.d. ensuring 25% of israelis are given both doses of the vaccine.9. what does clalit think of the number of newly infected people in israel?a. it has been perfectly satisfactory.b. it should be released to the public.c. it wil

36、l play a decisive role in further study.d. it is of great importance in terms of statistics.10. pfizer agrees to put israel on its priority list on condition that_.a. israel provides timely feedbackb. israel vaccinates its seniors firstc. israel reports side effects regularlyd. israel publishes its

37、data as instructed11. what can be a suitable title for the text?a. the pfizer vaccine proves safeb. old people get vaccinated in israelc. data suggests vaccine effectived. israel succeeds in fighting covid-19dfriday was chatty bus day, an experiment aimed at getting people to talk to each other on p

38、ublic transport. this is not an idea that would appeal to those who commute in the rush hour, because there is a smaller distance within which its just as uncomfortable to talk. elbow(肘) room is a precondition for sociability. it is no coincidence that the first truly personal music player, the sony

39、 walkman, was invented in japan where the commuter trains are literally crowded with people.we will also not talk to strangers who are physically too far away, of course. no one wants to shout their small talk. only on country buses or similar unhurried and uncrowded forms of public transport can pe

40、ople reach out to their neighbors, confident that they are doing so from a position of strength and autonomy.for all these drawbacks, the idea of talking to strangers is still a good one, and the promotion of sociability is good for society. although it does seem to be a general rule that people are

41、 friendlier the fewer there are of them and more hostile and indifferent as cities get more crowded, there are still considerable cultural variations. and there is evidence that friendlier places are also healthier, and their inhabitants happier.it is true that the apparent loneliness of many people

42、 on public transport is a false impression.many will be caught up with conversations with distant friends on their phones; some will be talking to the people in books. some may be in willed solitude with their headphones. but there are always people who would be interested in an unexpected conversat

43、ion with a stranger. this need not go on for too long.it is not large and possibly life-changing conversations that are what most people in loneliness miss most. what they really need is not deep thought but superficiality. the kind of conversation that you could have with anyone reminds you that yo

44、u yourself might be anyone. it is a release from the prison of the self, which is where lonely people serve their sentences, uncertain whether they ever can be paroled(假释). friendship may be too rare a gift to hope for, but sometimes the kindest thing to say is also the simplest: dont be a stranger-

45、and sometimes thats also enough.12. according to paragraph 1, why the first walkman appeared in japan partly? a. its corporate cultureb. its overcrowded public transportc. its peoples creativityd. its peoples desire for personal space13. which of the following belongs to these drawbacks underlined i

46、n paragraph 3?a chatty bus day has not been introduced to other areas.b. walkman prevents passengers from talking to each other.c. passengers are unwilling to make small talk with strangers.d. improper physical distance discourages casual communication.14. what is the author most likely to agree wit

47、h?a. small talk to strangers will help ease loneliness on the road.b. lonely people are in desperate need of deep conversation.c. people in less populated cities tend to be cold and distant.d. its inadvisable to talk to strangers who are physically too close.15. what is the authors main purpose in w

48、riting the text?a. to cast new light on human loneliness.b. to introduce an experiment and its effects.c. to advocate striking up conversations with strangers.d. to explore the relationship between physical distance and willingness to reach out.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选

49、项中有两项为多余选项。do you feel under pressure to be more creative at work? _16_ studies have recently found that creativity is now one of the top skills most workplaces are looking for in their employees, as they struggle to differentiate themselves in an increasingly competitive world._17_after all, as man

50、y employees quietly admit during training workshops: “not all of us can paint or draw.” the good news is that creativity comes in all sorts of forms. the most common type of creativity is simply allowing our brains the space to imagine different. connections, patterns and possibilities. but how can

51、you improve your creativity at work? here are three approaches:get curious. a big part of creativity is curiosity. it helps you to focus your attention as you explore dynamic mental simulations based on personal past experiences, thoughts about the future and exploration of alternative perspectives

52、and scenarios to the present. use your curiosity to explore why things happen, how they work, what impact they have. _18_be willing to fail._19_likewise if organizations wish to cultivate (培养)creativity, they need to establish cultures where the risk of failure is accepted as part of the deal. the t

53、ruth is that if youre not failing some of the time, youre not stretching far enough outside of your comfort zone to keep learning and growing.cultivate positive emotions. positive emotions such as gratitude, compassion, joy, and inspiration have been found to help you broaden your thinking. _20_to c

54、ultivate more positive emotions at work, you can promote high-quality connections with others, gratitude, kindness, hope, and find ways to make the most of your strengths.a. people can manage their own emotions better.b. behind every creative genius are stories of failure.c. if youre nodding your he

55、ad, youre in good company.d. ask questions without fearing that you will appear stupid.e. we gradually lose our curiosity and rely more on our experience.f. but do you ever secretly worry that you lack the artistic talent for creativity?g. also, they can build your capacity to see more possibilities

56、 and think more creatively.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。my heart was pounding as i climbed onto the school bus on the first day of middle school. i _21_ my backpack as i looked for a place to sit. my eyes _22_ on two girls sitting next to each other. they smiled at me and _23_ the seat next to theirs.“hey!” the blond said. “my name is heather. whats yours?“rach


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