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1、第二章第二章 地球的起源地球的起源 The Formation of the Earth 地球起源的问题,不仅是地球科学,而地球起源的问题,不仅是地球科学,而 且是自然科学中的一个基本理论问题。且是自然科学中的一个基本理论问题。 因为地球是太阳系的成员之一,所以地因为地球是太阳系的成员之一,所以地 球的起源和太阳系的起源基本上是一个球的起源和太阳系的起源基本上是一个 问题。问题。 2.1 太阳系与地球太阳系与地球 The Solar System and the Earth 地球只是太阳系中的普通一员。而太阳地球只是太阳系中的普通一员。而太阳 只是银河系中亿万颗恒星中的一名小卒。只是银河系中亿

2、万颗恒星中的一名小卒。 2.1.1 2.1.1 太阳系的成员太阳系的成员 太阳系有九大行星。太阳系有九大行星。 水星(水星(Mercury) )、金星(、金星(Venus)、)、 地球(地球(Earth)、火星()、火星(Mars)、)、 木星(木星(Jupiter)、土星()、土星(SaturnSaturn)、)、 天王星天王星( (Uranus) )、海王星、海王星( (Neptune) )、 冥王星冥王星( Pluto ) 九大行星位置排列示意图九大行星位置排列示意图 太阳、水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王 星、冥王星。 太阳系约有30000多个小行星,最大的小行星叫谷神

3、(Ceres), 直径约730km。 除此之外,除此之外,现已发现在火星和木星轨道现已发现在火星和木星轨道 间至少存在间至少存在30000颗小行星,颗小行星,其中最大的其中最大的 一叫谷神星(一叫谷神星(Ceres),是),是1801年发现的,年发现的, 直径约直径约730km。 九大行星中。大多数都有自己的卫星,九大行星中。大多数都有自己的卫星, 最多的是木星,已发现有最多的是木星,已发现有12个卫星。卫个卫星。卫 星也是太阳系的组成部分。星也是太阳系的组成部分。 慧星也是太阳系的成员。到目前为止,慧星也是太阳系的成员。到目前为止, 已观测到的慧星有已观测到的慧星有1500多颗。多颗。 当慧

4、星从太阳身边路过时,壮丽的慧尾,当慧星从太阳身边路过时,壮丽的慧尾, 耀眼夺目,给人以难忘的印象。慧星的耀眼夺目,给人以难忘的印象。慧星的 出现,并不表明灾难的降临,而是一种出现,并不表明灾难的降临,而是一种 天体的自然现象。它非但不是不吉祥的天体的自然现象。它非但不是不吉祥的 预兆,而且为人类提供了研究太阳系的预兆,而且为人类提供了研究太阳系的 起源和演化的难得的良机。起源和演化的难得的良机。 1 太阳(太阳(The Sun) 太阳是太阳系的中心,是太阳系中质量和太阳是太阳系的中心,是太阳系中质量和 体积最大的天体。体积最大的天体。 This image was acquired from

5、NASAs Skylab space station on December 19, 1973. 质量质量 Mass (kg): 1.989e+30 (330,000 Earths) 赤道半径赤道半径Equatorial radius (km) 695,000 平均密度平均密度Mean density (gm/cm3) 1.410 转动周期转动周期 Rotational period (days) 25.36 平均表面温度平均表面温度 Mean surface temperature 6,000C 注:把地球质量记为注:把地球质量记为1.10123单位。单位。 主要化学成份主要化学成份 Pri

6、ncipal chemistry 氢氢 Hydrogen 92.1% 氦氦 Helium 7.8% 氧氧 Oxygen 0.061% 碳碳 Carbon 0.030% 2 水星(Mercury) 质量质量 Mass (kg): 0.0556 Earths) 平均半径平均半径 Mean radius (km) 2,434 平均密度平均密度Mean density (gm/cm3) 6.03 转动周期转动周期 Rotational period (days) 59.7 平均距太阳距离平均距太阳距离 Mean distance from the Sun (Earth = 1) :0.3871 See

7、 the press release of May 28, 1998 (/pubinfo/pr/1998/ 19/pr.html) for more information. However, the spot in the lower left hand region of the above Hubble image is very likely a large (about 2-3 times the size of Jupiter) planet ejected from a set of young (3% 其它:其它: 二氧化硫二氧化硫

8、Sulfur dioxide, 水汽水汽water vapor, 一氧化碳一氧化碳carbon monoxide, 氩氩argon, 氦氦 helium, 氖氖neon, 氯化氢氯化氢hydrogen chloride, and 氟化氢氟化氢hydrogen fluoride. 4、地球(The Earth) Mass (kg) 1.0000e+00 赤道半径赤道半径Equatorial radius (km) 6,378.14 Mean density (gm/cm3) 5.515 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 149,600,000 Rotational

9、period (days) 0.99727 Rotational period (hours) 23.9345 Image of earth taken from the Galileo probe enroute to Jupiter in 1990 Produced by USGS Flagstaff 轨道周期轨道周期 Orbital period (days) 365.256 Mean surface temperature 15C Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1.013 大气成份大气成份 Atmospheric composition: 氮氮 Nitroge

10、n 77% 氧氧 Oxygen 21% 其它其它 Other 2% 其它观测资料其它观测资料 Other Observations: Has Plate Tectonics 板块构造板块构造 Has Volcanism 火山作用火山作用 Mostly Covered with Water 大部分由水大部分由水 覆盖覆盖 Strong Magnetic Field 强磁场强磁场 月亮(Moon) Mass (kg) 7.349e+22 (1.2% earth) 赤道半径赤道半径Equatorial radius (km) 1,737.4 (27% earth) Mean density (gm/

11、cm3) 3.34 (Light!) Mean distance from Earth (km) 384,400 Rotational period (days) 27.32166 Orbital period (days)27.32166 5、火星(Mars) Mass (kg) 6.421e+23 (11% of earth) Equatorial radius (km) 3,397.2 (50% of earth) Mean density (gm/cm3) 3.94 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 227,940,000 Rotational perio

12、d (hours) 24.6229 Rotational period (days) 1.025957 Orbital period (days) 686.98 Mean surface temperature -63C Maximum surface temperature 20C Atmospheric pressure (bars) 0.007 (0.0068 to 0.009) 大大 气成份气成份 Atmospheric composition : 二氧化碳二氧化碳 Carbon Dioxide (C02) 95.32% 氮氮 Nitrogen (N2) 2% 氩氩 Argon (Ar

13、) 1.6% 氧氧 Oxygen (O2) 0.13% 水水 Water 0.03% Other Observations Has seasons 季节季节- atmosphere but weak Volcanism 火山火山 Weather - water clouds, wind storms, evidence for floods, polar ice caps (CO2 and H20) Appears to have a crust, mantle, and core Extreme topographic variations (-4 to 27 km) Two small m

14、oons Martian South Pole about 400 km wide (smallest extent) 6、木星(Jupiter) Mass (kg) 1.900e+27 (320% earth) Equatorial radius (km) 71,492 (11.2 earths) Mean density (gm/cm3) 1.33 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 778,330,000 (5.3 times earth) Rotational period (days) 0.41354 Orbital period (days) 4332.

15、71 Juipiter as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995 Mean cloud temperature -121C Atmospheric pressure (bars) 0.7 Atmospheric composition 氢氢 Hydrogen 90% 氦氦 Helium 10% Other Observations Extremely strong magnetic field, maybe produced by a metallic hydrogen dynamo Has a ring complex of small du

16、st particles High winds (400 km/hour) observed by probe 16 known moons (4 of which you can see with binoculars) 7、土星(、土星(Saturn) Mass (kg) 5.688e+26 (95 earths) Equatorial radius (km) 60,268 (9.5 earths) Mean density (gm/cm3) 0.69 (Low!) Mean distance from the Sun (km) 1,429,400,000 (9.5 earth) Rota

17、tional period (hours) 10.233 (fast! planet visibly flattened) Orbital period (years) 29.458 Mean cloud temperature -125C Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1.4 Atmospheric composition 氢氢 Hydrogen 97% 氦氦 Helium 3% 发现甲烷发现甲烷 Methane detected Other Observations Rings of unknown composition (but some kind of ic

18、e) 18 confirmed plus 4 maybe moons Also gives off more energy than receives 12000K at center due to Kelvin- Helmholtz mechanism but may also need another source to make it this hot (raining our of He?) Probably has a metallic hydrogen core like Jupiter. Titan - largest moon in the solar system. 8、天王

19、星(Uranus) Mass (kg) 8.686e+25 (14 earths) Equatorial radius (km) 25,559 (4 earths) Mean density (gm/cm3) 1.29 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 2,870,990,000 (20 earths) Rotational period (hours) -17.9 Orbital period (years) 84.01 Tilt of axis (degrees) 97.86 Mean temperature -193C Atmospheric pressur

20、e (bars) 1.2 Atmospheric composition : 氢氢 Hydrogen 83% 氦氦 Helium 15% 甲烷甲烷 Methane 2% but: Uranus is composed primarily of rock and various ices, with only about 15% hydrogen and a little helium (in contrast to Jupiter and Saturn which are mostly hydrogen). Other observations Very few features visibl

21、e on planet, blue from absorption of red by the methane. Also has rings (found before Jupiters) Planets axis of rotation is nearly 90 degrees from the plane of its rotation about the sun! It is rolling like a ball. Has magnetic field (but origin unknown as metallic hydrogen unlikely - not enough pre

22、ssure). The axis of this is tilted at 60 degrees from its axis of rotation. Appears to be cold inside, is not giving off extensive radiation. 9、海王星(Neptune) Mass (kg) 1.024e+26 (17 earths) Equatorial radius (km) 24,746 (3.9 earths) Mean density (gm/cm3) 1.64 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 4,504,300

23、,000 (30 earths) Rotational period (hours) 16.11 Orbital period (years) 164.79 Mean cloud temperature -193 to -153C Atmospheric pressure (bars) 1-3 Atmospheric composition 氢氢 Hydrogen 85% 氦氦 Helium 13% 甲烷甲烷 Methane 2% Other observations The first two thirds of Neptune is composed of a mixture of mol

24、ten rock, water, liquid ammonia and methane. comprised of hydrogen, helium, water and methane. Methane gives Neptune its blue cloud color. Cirrus type clouds seen (see figure) Winds of 2000 km/hour observed Four sets of weak rings Magnetic field tilted at 47 degrees from rotation axis and offset 0.55 the planets diameter from its center! 10、冥王星(Pluto) Mass (kg) 1.27e+22 (0.002 earths) Equatorial radius (km) 1,137 (17% earth) Mean density (gm/cm3) 2.05 Mean distance from the Sun (km) 5,913,520,000 (40 earths) Rotationa


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