已阅读5页,还剩27页未读 继续免费阅读




1、木材科学专业词汇大全Mechanical Properties of Wood木材的力学性质木材流变学rheology of wood弹性elasticity塑性plasticity 弹性模量modulus of elasticity蠕变creep 蠕变恢复creep recovery应变strain 应力stress 应力应变曲线stress-strain curve分应力stress component 分应变strain component应力松驰stress relaxation松弛失效failure byrelaxation疲劳fatigue 刚性模量modulus of rigid

2、ity 变形deformation 载荷loading各向异性anisotropy 正交对称性rhombic symmetry 弹性形变elastic deformation 弹性常数elastic constant木材弹性异向性the anisotropic elasticity of wood对称轴axis of symmetry柔度compliance 泊松比Poissons ratio 压缩系数compressibility体积模量bulk modulus 理想弹性变形ideal elastic deformation 粘滞流动形变viscous flow deformation 木材

3、硬度hardness of wood屈服点yieldpoint拉伸tension 压缩compression 弯曲bending木材冲击韧性toughness of wood 木材抗劈强度cleavage strength of wood 木材抗弯强度bending strength of wood 木材静曲弹性模量the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood 木材顺纹抗剪强度shearing strength parallel to grain of wood 木材顺纹抗拉强度tensile strength parallel to

4、grain of wood 木材顺纹抗压强度compressive strength parallel to grain of wood 木材横纹压力compression perpendicular to grain of wood 木材横纹抗压弹性模量modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood静力试验测定determination by static test 动态试验测定determination by dynamic test木材断裂力学Fracture Mechanics ofWood断裂韧性

5、FractureToughness裂纹shake(check) 径裂heart shake轮裂ring shake 环裂round shake 弧裂cup shake 冻裂frost crack 干裂drying shake 贯通裂through shake脆性破碎(brittle/brash fracture):又称做胡萝卜破碎。破碎的表面很象新鲜的胡萝卜表面的破裂。裂片状破splintering fracture略脆的破碎brittish fracture剪切破坏shearfailure疲劳破坏failure due tofatigue弯曲curvature 斜纹cross grain 翘

6、曲distortion(warp)顺弯bow(camber) 横弯crook 扭曲twisting 纹理方向grain orientation应力木reaction wood应压木compression wood 应拉木tension woodA- Abele银白杨 Abnormal wood 异常(木)材 Acoustic acid board 吸音纤维板 Acoustical board 吸(隔)音板 Adjustable template 可调节的样板 Adult wood 成年材 African blackwood 非洲黑木黄檀 African ebony 非洲乌木 African m

7、abogany 非洲桃花心木 African padauk 非洲紫檀 Aging 老化,陈化 Air drying 大气干燥 Air seasoning 天然干燥 Alaska fir 阿拉斯加冷杉木 Alaska yellow cedar 阿拉斯加柏木 Alder 赤杨类 American ash 美国白蜡木 American beech 美国山毛榉 American eim 美国榆,白榆 American plane 美国悬铃木 American tulipwood美国鹅掌揪 Annual ring 年轮 Apron 望板 Armor-plywood 金属贴面板 Arris 棱 Artif

8、icial slabs人造板 Artificial timber 人造木材 Ash 白蜡木 Aspen 白杨类 B- Babool 阿拉伯胶树 Back 背板 Back board背板 Back veneer 衬板 Bald cypress 落羽杉 Bamboo 竹子 Basswood 椴木,美国椴木 Batten board 条板心细木工板 Beech 山毛榉木 Beech parquet 山毛榉拼花地板 Bent wood (弯)曲木 Birch白桦, Birdseye maple雀眼枫木板 Block塞角 Block floor拼花地板 Blockboard细工木板 Board板材 Bo

9、ttom底板 Bowing顺弯 Branch wood枝条材 Brazilian mahogany巴西桃花心木 Bright sap净面边材,无皮边材 Broad leaf wood阔叶材,硬材 Brown ash美国深色白蜡木 Burl树疤,树瘤 C- Caul 垫板,衬板 Cedar雪松,杉木 Ceylon ebony乌木 Cherry樱桃木 Chile pine智利松 Chinese chi(中国)漆树 Chip木屑 # 1 common普一级 #2 common普二级 compreg 胶压木 compressed wood 压缩木 coniferous species针叶树种 cont

10、inuous layer board多层板 cork 软木 cottonwood三角叶杨,杨木(毛白杨类) crook弯曲木 cross rail拉档 crotch丫权 cupping翘弯 curly birch皱纹桦木板 curved laminated wood 弯曲层积材 curved plywood曲型合板 cypress针叶树 D- Dado护墙板,墙裙 Damp room panel 防潮镶板 Decay初腐 Deciduous species阔叶树种 Dcor panel镶板,装饰板 Delta wood多层木 Densified wood强化木材 Density of wood

11、木材密度 Dent啃头 Depth of cut切削量(深度) Diffuse porous wood 散孔材 Dimension 规格 Dimension stock规格材 Dimple djohar波纹 Door frame 鸡翅木 Door lining 门框 Dovetail门衬板 Dowel 燕尾榫 Drawer front 圆榫 Drawer side屉旁板 Dressed timber净材 E- Eastern cottonwood(美国)东部杨木 Eastern hemlock(加拿大)铁杉 Eastern larch落叶松 Eastern white pine(美国)白松 E

12、bony 乌木 Edge cutting封边 Elm榆木 Elm burl榆木树瘤薄木板 End cutting 截头 English plane 英国悬铃木 Eucalyptus 桉木,桉树(类) Eucalyptus pom 柠檬铁皮桉木板 Europe cherry 欧洲樱桃木板 Eropean ash 欧洲白蜡木 European beech 欧洲桦木 European birch 欧洲桦木 European chestnut 欧洲栗木 European hop-hornbeam 欧洲穗子榆 European horse-chestnut 欧洲七叶树 European larch 欧洲

13、落叶松 European lime 欧洲椴木 European spruce 欧洲云杉 European yew 欧洲紫杉 Excelsior-board 木丝板 Exotics 外来木 Exterior plywood 室外用胶合板 F- Face veneer 表面单板 FAS 一级和二级 FAX 1F 单面一级 Fibre board纤维板 Fiddle back提琴背(板) Fiddle butt 乐器用材 Figured 影木 Figured sycomore 梧桐影木 Fine wood board 纤维板 Flakeboard 碎料板 Flakes 薄片刨花 Flame-reta

14、rdant fibre building board 耐火纤维板 Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材 Flooring 地板 Flush panel 平(光)镶板 Formed plywood 模压(成型)胶合板 Frame core flush panel 中空合板 From sustainable forests 来自可持续发展的森林 Furniture dimension stock 家具规格材 Furniture plywood家具胶合板 Furniture veneer制作家具用的薄片 G- Gap 离缝 Giant cedar (美国)侧柏 Gloss 光泽度 Grad

15、e 等级 Grade of lumber 成材等级 Graded分等级 Grain 纹理 H- Hackberry 朴树 Band selected 手工挑选 Hard board 硬质纤维板 Hard maple 硬枫木,械树 Hardy catapa (美国)梓树 Heat board 心板 Hickory 山核桃木 High-density plywood 压缩胶合板,高密度胶合板 High gloss 超光泽度 High moisture resistant(HMR) 高强度抗湿 Hipboard 细木工板 Hole drilling 打眼 Honey-comb core plywoo

16、d 蜂窝心胶合板 Huanghauli wood 黄花梨木 I- Identification of timbers 木材识别 Imitation wood 仿制材 Imported timber 进口材 Impregnated wood (合成树脂)浸渍木 Indian camphor 印度樟木 Indian chestnut 印度栗木 Indian cinnamon印度肉桂 Indian ebony 印度乌木 Indian “laurel” 印度“月桂树” Insect attack虫眼 Inserting panel 装板 Install wood strip flooring 安装地板

17、条 J- Japanese beech 日本山毛榉 Japanese larch 日本落叶松 Japanese(red)pine 日本赤松 Japanese thuja 罗汉柏 Japanese white pine 日本五须松 Joint flooring 企口地板 Jointless flooring 无缝地板 K- Karelian birch克若利安桦木板 Kerf width 锯路宽度 Khaya 非洲桃花心木 Kiln dried pine 窑干松木 Kiln drying 人工窑干燥 Kind of timber 材种 Kirl 紫花泡桐 Knob 节子 Knock-down c

18、arcass 可随时拆卸的框架 Knot 木节,节疤 L- Laminate 层压 Laminated wood 层积材,多层胶合木 Leg 腿,脚 Liquid cutting of wood 木材水力切割 Log 原木 Log grade 原木等级crook弯曲木Dimple djohar波纹Door frame 鸡翅木Door lining 门框Dovetail门衬板Dowel 燕尾榫Drawer front 圆榫Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架Flat-grain lumber 平切纹板材工业糠醇 Technical furfurylalcohol 工业糠醇试验方

19、法 Technical furfurylalcohol test methods 工业糠醛 Technical furfural 工业糠醛试验方法 Technical furfural test methods 罐道木 Sawn timber for shaft lifting guide 合成樟脑 Synthetic camphor 黑荆树栲胶单宁快速测定方法 Quick test method for determination of tannin in wattle bark extracts混凝土模板用胶合板 Plywood for concrete form 集约经营用材林基地造林总

20、体设计规程 Forestation overall design regulations for intensively managed timber-forest base胶合板 测试胶合板的抽取方法 Plywood-Sampling of test plywood panels 胶合板 分类 Plywood-Classification 胶合板 含水率的测定 Plywood-Determination of moisture content 胶合板 胶合强度的测定 Plywood-Determination of glue bond strength 胶合板 普通胶合板标志、包装、运输和贮

21、存 Plywood-Marking, packaging,transportation and storage of plywood for general use 胶合板 普通胶合板尺寸和公差技术条件 Plywood-Specification for dimensions and tolerances of plywood for general use 胶合板 普通胶合板检验规则 Plywood-Inspection codes for plywood for general use 胶合板 普通胶合板通用技术条件 Plywood-General specification for pl

22、ywood for general use 胶合板 普通胶合板外观分等技术条件 Plywood-Specification for classification by appearance of plywood for general use 胶合板 试件尺寸的测量 Plywood-Determination of dimensions of test specimens 胶合板 试件的锯割 Plywood-cutting of test specimens 胶合板 术语和定义 Plywood-Terms and definitions 浸渍胶膜纸饰面人造板 Surface decorated

23、 wood-based panels with paper impregnated thermosetting resins 锯材材积表 Sawn timber volume table 锯材干燥质量 Drying quality of sawn timber 锯材检验 Swan timber inspection 锯材缺陷 Defects in sawn timber 锯切用原木树种、主要用途 Ripping logs-Species-Main application 军用紫胶片 Shellac used for arms 颗粒紫胶 Seed lac-Specification阔叶树锯材 B

24、road leaves sawn timber 阔叶树锯切用原木尺寸、公差、分等 Broad leaves ripping logs-Dimensioms-tolerances and grade classification 林木良种审定规范 The standard of examination and approval of improved varieties of forest tree 林木引种 Introduction of exotic forest trees 林木种质资源保存原则与方法 Conservation principle and method of germpla

25、sm resources of forest trees 林木种子 Forest seed 林木种子检验方法 Inspection method of tree seeds 林木种子贮藏 Tree seed storage 林业资源分类与代码 林木害虫 Classification and codes for forestry resources-Injurious tree-insects 林业资源分类与代码 森林类型 Classification and codes for forestry resources-Forest types 林业资源分类与代码 自然保护区 Classifica

26、tion and codes for forestry resources-Natural reserves 马来松香 Maleated rosin 模压刨花制品 家具类 Molding articles from wood particle for furniture 木材PH值测定方法 Method for determination of PH of wood 木材冲击韧性试验方法 Method of testing in toughness of wood 木材防腐术语 Glossary of terms used in wood preservation 木材干缩性测定方法 Meth

27、od for determination of the shrinkage of wood 木材干燥术语 Terminology in wood drying 木材工业胶粘剂用脲醛、酚醛、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂 Wood adhesives-urea-formaldehyde,phenol-formaldehyde and melamine-formaldehyde resins 木材含水率测定方法 Method for determination of the moisture content of wood 木材横纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile st

28、rength perpendicular to grain of wood 木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood 木材横纹抗压试验方法 Method of testing in compression perpendicular to grain of wood 木材缓冲容量测定方法 Method for determination the buffering capacity of wood木材胶粘剂及

29、其树脂检验方法 pH值测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of pH 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 沉析温度测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of precipitation temperature 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 固化时间测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-

30、Method for determination of gelation time 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 固体含量测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of solid content 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 含水率测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of moisture content 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 碱量测定法 Test

31、ing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of alkali content 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 聚合时间测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of curing speed 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 可被溴化物测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determin

32、ation of brominable substance 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 密度测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of density 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 木材胶合强度测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of wood glue bond strength 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 适用期测定法 Testing metho

33、ds for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of pot life木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 水混和性测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of miscibility with water 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 外观测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of

34、appearance 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 游离苯酚含量测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of free phenol content 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 游离甲醛含量测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of free formaldehyde content 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 粘度测定法 Testing methods

35、 for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of viscosity 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 贮存稳定性测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of storage stability 木材胶粘剂及其树脂检验方法 羟甲基含量测定法 Testing methods for wood adhesives and their resins-Method for determination of m

36、ethylol content 木材抗劈力试验方法 Method of testing in cleavage stregth of wood 木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood 木材抗弯强度试验方法 Method of testing in bending strength of wood 木材密度测定方法 Method for determination of the density of wood 木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法 Method

37、 for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood 木材湿胀性测定方法 Method for determination of the swelling of wood 木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法 Method of testing in shearing stength parallel to grain of wood 木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood 木材顺纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 M

38、ethod for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compressive parallel to grain of wood 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法 Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood 木材天然耐久性试验方法 木材天然耐腐性实验室试验方法 Method for laboratory test of natural decay resistance of woods 木材天然耐久性试验方法 木材天然耐久性野外试验方法 Method f

39、or field test of natural durability of wood 木材握钉力试验方法 Method of testing nail holding power of wood 木材物理力学试材采集方法 Method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood 木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法 Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of

40、wood 木材物理力学试验方法总则 General requiements for physical and mechnical tests of wood 木材吸水性测定方法 Method for determination of the water absorption of wood 木材硬度试验方法 Method of testing in hardness of wood 木炭和木炭试验方法 Wood charcoal and test methods of wood charcoal 木质净水用活性炭 Wooden activated carbon for water purifi

41、cation 木质颗粒活性炭对四氯化碳蒸气吸附试验方法 Test method of wooden granular activated carbon adsorption to CCl vapor 木质味精精制用颗粒活性炭 Wooden granular activated carbon for refining of sodium glutamate 浓缩天然胶乳 硫化胶乳 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Prevulcanized rubber latex 浓缩天然胶乳 硫化胶乳 溶胀度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentra

42、te-Prevulcanized rubber latex-Determination of swelling capacity 浓缩天然胶乳 硫化胶乳 粘度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Prevulcanized rubber latex-Determination of viscosity 刨花板 Particle board 刨切单板 Sliced veneer 刨切单板用原木 Log of sliced veneer漂白紫胶 Bleached lac 漆蜡 Lacquer wax 氢化松香 Hydrogenated rosin 热带阔叶树材普

43、通胶合板 General use plywood of tropical broadleaved species 热固性树脂装饰层压板 表面耐磨性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to surface wear 热固性树脂装饰层压板 表面耐污染性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to surface s

44、taining 热固性树脂装饰层压板 尺寸稳定性性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of dimensional stability 热固性树脂装饰层压板 技术条件 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Specification 热固性树脂装饰层压板 抗拉强度的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determin

45、ation of tension strengths 热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐冲击性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to impact 热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐沸水煮性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to immersion boiling water热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐干热性能的测定 Deco

46、rative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to dry heat 热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐开裂性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistance to cracking 热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐老化性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determinat

47、ion of resistance to weathering 热固性树脂装饰层压板 耐香烟灼烧性能的测定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of resistane to cigarette burns 热固性树脂装饰层压板 试件尺寸的规定 Decorative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of dimensions of test pieces 热固性树脂装饰层压板 滞燃性能的测定 Dec

48、orative laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins-Determination of reaction to fire 人造板及饰面人造板理化性能试验方法 Test methods of evaluating the properties of wood-based panels and surface decorated wood-based panels 森林抚育规程 Regulations for tending of forest 杉原条 Chinese firtree poles 杉原条材积表 Volume table of

49、chinese firtree poles 生漆 Raw lacquer 实木地板块 检验及试验方法 Solid wood blocks-Examination and test methods for physical and mechanical characteristics 实木地板块 平接地板块技术条件 Solid wood blocks-Flate join specifications 实木地板块 竖木地板块技术条件 Solid wood blocks-Vertical paving block specifications 实木地板块 镶嵌地板块技术条件 Solid wood

50、blocks-Mosaic parquet specifications 实木地板块 一般规定 Solid wood blocks-Greneral rules 实木地板块 榫接地板块技术条件 Solid wood blocks-Mortise join specifications 松节油分析方法 Analytical methods of turpentine 松香试验方法 Test methods of rosin 糖液脱色用活性炭 Activated carbon for refining of suger 特级原木 Logs of super grade 天然胶乳 锰含量的测定 (高

51、碘酸钾光度测定法) Natural rubber latex-Determination of manganese content-Potassium periodate photometric method 天然胶乳 铜含量的测定 Natural rubber latex-Determination of copper content 天然浓缩胶乳 氨保存离心胶乳的规格 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Centrifuged ammonia preserved type-Specification天然浓缩胶乳 残渣含量的测定 Natural rubber l

52、atex concentrate-Determination of sludge content 天然浓缩胶乳 干胶含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of dry rubber content 天然浓缩胶乳 挥发脂肪酸值的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of volatile fatty acid number 天然浓缩胶乳 机械稳定度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of mechani

53、cal stability 天然浓缩胶乳 碱度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of alkalinity 天然浓缩胶乳 凝块含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of coagulum content 天然浓缩胶乳 硼酸含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of boric acid content 天然浓缩胶乳 氢氧化钾值的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate-Determination of KOH number 天然浓缩胶乳 取样 Natural rubber latex concen


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