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1、单击此处添课程名 Section V Physical factors-induced occupational disease 单击此处添课程名 Physical Hazards & Their Effects Heliosis is a disease caused by the imbalance between heat production and loss, and the turbulence of water and salt metabolism under heated environments, which is characterized by dysfunction

2、of nerve system and cardiovascular system, and the failure of heat removal by sweat gland. 单击此处添课程名 Opportunities of exposure High temperature and radiation High temperature and humidity Work outside in summer 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Mechanism of Heliosis Sweat Evaporation Heat productionheat loss Heat ba

3、lance Thermal regulatory centre Heated environment 单击此处添课程名 Clinical manifestation Heat Stroke Mechanism: Thermal regulatory failure Symptoms: Dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, Core temperature exceed 40 Confusion, delirium, collapse, unconsciousness Hot and dry skin Shock, heart failure, renal

4、 failure 单击此处添课程名 Heat cramp Mechanism: Turbulence of water and salt metabolism Symptoms: 单击此处添课程名 Heat exhaustion Mechanism: Temporary insufficient blood supply Symptoms: Weakness, nausea, fatigue, headache, confusion Core temperature exceed 38, moist skin 单击此处添课程名 Diagnosis Mild heliosis Severe he

5、liosis 5. Treatment Patient should be moved to a shady cool place Given a balanced salt solution Chemical and physical method simultaneously 单击此处添课程名 Heat cramp Heat exhaustion Heat Stroke Core Temp. Normal or increased slightly Normal or increased slightly More than 40 ReasonTurbulence of water and

6、 salt metabolism Insufficient blood supply Thermal regulatory failure Symp.muscle contractions Weakness, fatigue, headache collapse, unconsciousness SkinMoist and cool skin Moist skinHot and dry skin Blood Pressure NormallowHigh or low Exam.Low Na+NormalLow Na+ Treat.Given a balanced salt solution G

7、iven a balanced salt solution Chemical and physical method 单击此处添课程名 Prevention Physical examination before summer Improve working conditions Health care measures Water:35L Salt:20g Protein:14%15% Nutrition Personal protection 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Deafness induced by noise exposure Conception T

8、hat is one of the occupational diseases which is caused by long exposure to productive noise. 单击此处添课程名 Categories of productive noise Aerodynamic noise: Mechanic noise: Electromagnetic noise 单击此处添课程名 Relative intensity of common noises Noise level (dB)Environmental sourceHuman speech 140Air raid sir

9、en 120Jet takeoff 110Riveting machine 100Pneumatic hammer Shouting in ear 90Subway train Shouting at a distance of 2 ft 80Vacuum cleaner 70Freeway traffic Loud conversation 50Road traffic Normal conversation 30Library Soft whisper 20Broadcasting studio 0Threshold of hearing 单击此处添课程名 Exposed to produ

10、ctive noise 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Clinical manifestation Auditory adaptation (15dB, several minutes) Auditory fatigue (1530dB, ten hours or more) Permanent threshold shift (PTS) (Irreversible damage) Temporary threshold shift (TTS) Noise ind

11、uced deafness (High frequency, talk frequency) 30006000Hz 500, 1000, 2000Hz 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Explosive deafness Ear-drum rupture Ossicular chain damage Inner ear injuries Tinnitus, earache, nausea, dizziness, hearing loss, deafness 单击此处添课程名 Prevention Control or eliminate the noise source Reduce no

12、ise spread Personal protection 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Vibration disease 单击此处添课程名 Opportunities of exposure Tools powered by wind Tools powered by electricity Revolving tools 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Mechanism of vibration disease VibrationBlood vessel Hyperplasia Thickening Fibrosis Stenosis IschemiaWhite finge

13、r 单击此处添课程名 White finger 单击此处添课程名 Blood vessel Thickening Hyperplasia 单击此处添课程名 Clinical manifestation Blood vessel Muscles Bone 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Diagnosis Observation subject Mild segmental vibration disease Severe segmental vibration disease 单击此处添课程名 Test of nail pressed 单击此处添课程名 Test of sensory 单击

14、此处添课程名 Treatment Exercise therapy : Physical therapy : Nutrition therapy : Medicine therapy : Surgical therapy : 单击此处添课程名 Prevention Eliminate or reduce vibration Limit working hours Improve environmental conditions Personal protection Health care Occupational education and training Occupational sta

15、ndard 单击此处添课程名 Heliosis conception Exposure opportunity mechanism Clinical manifestation Heat stroke Heat cramp Heat exhaustion vibration Exposure opportunity mechanism Clinical manifestation noice Deafness induced by noise exposure Categories of productive noise Clinical manifestation 单击此处添课程名 Sect

16、ion VI Occupational tumors 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 Occupational Tumor Tumors which induced by long exposure to occupational carcinogens Occupational tumors Occupational carcinogen Factors which can induce occupational tumors, including chemical, physical and biological factors 单击此处添课程名 Prescribed occupati

17、onal tumors Asbestos lung cancer, mesothelioma Benzidine occupational bladder cancer Benzene leukemia Chloromethyl ethers lung cancer Arsenic lung cancer, skin cancer Vinyl chloride hepatic angiosarcoma Matters released from cokery lung cancer Chromate lung cancer Erionite lung cancer,mesothelioma C

18、oal tar,pitch skin cancer -naphthylamine-bladder cancer 单击此处添课程名 Characteristics (1) Latent period Different occupational tumors have different latent periods Usually is 1225 years Onset earlier than non-occupational population 单击此处添课程名 (2) Threshold Precancerous lesions (hyperplasia, sclerosis) Tum

19、or 单击此处添课程名 单击此处添课程名 (3) Liable site Sites exposed to occupational factors frequently or intensively Adjacent sites Sites far from the primary site Different sites induced by one factors Multiple tumors induced by one factors skin respiratory system 单击此处添课程名 Common occupational Tumor (1) Asbestoslung cancer, mesothelioma Crocidolite Length of service: over 10 years Smoking increase the incidence Lung cancer Mesothelioma Crocidolite Length of service: 1540 years 单击此处添课程名 Benzidine occupational bladder cancer The length of


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