2021-2022学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修1_第1页
2021-2022学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修1_第2页
2021-2022学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修1_第3页
2021-2022学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修1_第4页




1、2021-2022学年高中英语 module 3 my first ride on a train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修12021-2022学年高中英语 module 3 my first ride on a train英美文化欣赏课时分层作业外研版必修1年级:姓名:module 3 my first ride on a train【导读】远大前程又译孤星血泪,是英国作家查尔斯狄更斯晚年写成的长篇小说。故事背景为1812年圣诞节前夕至1840年冬天,主角孤儿皮普(pip)以自传式手法,叙述从7岁开始的三个人生阶段。此小说贯彻了狄更斯文以载道的风格,透过剧中孤儿的跌宕起落,表达他对生

2、命和人性的看法。great expectations(excerpt)my first name was philip,but when i was a small child i could only manage to say pip.so pip was what everybody called me.i lived in a small village in essex with my sister,who was over twenty years older than me,and married to joe gargery,the village blacksmith.my

3、parents had died when i was a baby,so i could not remember them at all,but quite often i used to visit the churchyard,about a mile from the village,to look at their names on their gravestones.my first memory is of sitting on a gravestone in that churchyard one cold,grey,december afternoon,looking ou

4、t at the dark,flat,wild marshes divided by the black line of the river thames,and listening to the rushing sound of the sea in the distance.dont say a word!cried a terrible voice,as a man jumped up from among the graves and caught hold of me.if you shout ill cut your throat!he was a big man,dressed

5、all in grey,with an iron chain on his leg.his clothes were wet and torn.he looked exhausted,and hungry,and very fierce.i had never been so frightened in my whole life.oh!dont cut my throat,sir!i begged in terror.tell me your name,boy!quick!he said,still holding me.and show me where you live!my names

6、 pip,sir.and i live in the village over there.he picked me up and turned me upside down.nothing fell out of my pocket except a piece of old bread.he ate it in two bites,like a dog,and put me back on the gravestone.so where are your father and mother?he asked.there,sir,i answered,pointing to their gr

7、aves.what!he cried,and was about to run,when he saw where i was pointing.oh!he said.i see.theyre dead.well,who do you live with,if i let you live,which i havent decided yet?with my sister,sir,wife of joe gargery,the blacksmith.blacksmith,you say?and he looked down at his leg.then he held me by both

8、arms and stared fiercely down into my eyes.now look here.you bring me a file.远大前程(节选)我名叫菲利普,但是在我还是个小孩子的时候,我仅会说皮普。因此,皮普就成了大家对我的称呼。我与姐姐住在埃森克斯的一个小村庄,姐姐比我大20多岁,她与村里的铁匠乔葛吉瑞结了婚。当我还是一个婴儿时,父母就离世了,所以我不记得他们的一切情况,但是,我常常去离村庄大约1英里的教堂墓地,瞻仰墓碑上他们的名字。我最初的记忆是在十二月份一个寒冷的、天色阴沉的下午,正坐在那个教堂墓地的一块墓石上。看到的是被那黑色泰晤士河分割成的一片黑压压的沼泽


10、的坟墓回答。当他看到我所指的地方时,什么!他叫起来拔腿就要跑。噢!他说。我明白了,他们已经死了。嘿,你跟谁一起生活?但是,我是否让你活着还没决定。和我姐姐在一起,先生,铁匠乔葛吉瑞的妻子。你说,铁匠?他低下头看看自己的腿。然后抱住我,用凶狠的眼光盯着我的双眼。你看这儿,给我带把锉刀来。知识积累1manage vi.设法做成;运用2blacksmith n铁匠;锻工3gravestone n墓碑,墓石4marsh n沼泽;湿地5file n锉刀6he was a big man,dressed all in grey,with an iron chain on his leg.分析:该句为简单句,形容词短语dressed all in grey修饰a big man作后置定语,with复合结构也作定语,修饰a big man。文化链接小说故事的发展大致可分成三个部分。第一部分记述了皮普在乡间的质朴的童年生活。一次偶然的机会他遇见了一名逃犯,并偷了家里的东西帮助他。不久,皮普受邀到哈维沙姆小姐的萨蒂斯大院玩耍,从此内心发生变化。他爱上了美丽却冷漠的埃斯特拉,开始为自己的出身及亲人感到害臊。一天,皮普突然受到一位不愿透露姓名的人士资助。被送到伦敦接受上等人的教育,他为此欣喜若狂。故事的第二部分主要描写了皮普在伦敦接受教育的经


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