2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册_第1页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册_第2页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册_第3页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册_第4页
2020-2021学年高中英语 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册_第5页
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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 environmental protection period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册2020-2021学年高中英语 unit 3 environmental protection period 4素养检测新人教版选择性必修第三册年级:姓名:unit 3 environmental protection课时素养检测 十二unit 3period 4. 阅读理解the world celebrates earth day every year on april 22. but one school in potomac, maryland

2、 tries to celebrate earth day every day. very young children are learning about the environment and taking action to show their love for the earth. a childs world is the world of playing. they love being outside in the open air, running, sliding and swinging on playground equipment. but children at

3、st. james childrens school also add to that fun by picking up rubbish in the school. inside, they learn to save water and electricity. they also recycle and reuse things. and every spring they get the soil ready to plant flowers and vegetables in the school garden. the children at st. james range fr

4、om six weeks to six years old. the environmental study begins at age two. rebecca boker teaches the children the importance of taking care of the earth. boker says every day at st. james is earth day. she points to books in all the classrooms and in the library. most contain materials that urge chil

5、dren to do something to help the environment and protect the earth. st. jamess children observe the growth of plants from seeds to sprouts (苗; 芽) in cups kept in the classroom. then they watch the plants continue to grow after placing them in the garden. the students also observe the lifecycle of so

6、me insects. after that, they know it is their job to respect their home just like they want others to respect theirs. but do these very young children really get the message that their teachers try to communicate? ms boker says yes. on april 22 the kids at st. james will go out to the schools garden

7、 for the yearly clean-up. but for them, earth day will continue for the school days ahead as well. 【语篇概述】本文主要介绍了一所叫圣詹姆斯的儿童学校, 这所学校每天让孩子了解有关环境的知识以及采取行动让孩子尊重地球, 在这里每一天都是地球日。1. when will the children start the environmental study? a. at the age of six weeks. b. at two years old. c. at the age of six. d

8、. at the age of seven. 【解析】选b。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“the environmental study begins at age two. ”可知, 在圣詹姆斯学校的孩子两岁开始学习保护环境。2. whats the purpose of observing the growth of plants and insects in the classroom? a. to teach the importance of respecting the earth. b. to help the children write better compositions

9、. c. to enrich the childrens knowledge in agriculture. d. to make the children enjoy the growth of life. 【解析】选a。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“after that, they know it is their job to respect their home just like they want others to respect theirs. ”可知, 通过观察植物和昆虫可以教孩子知道尊重地球的重要性。3. which might be the best title for

10、 the passage? a. earth days at st. james childrens schoolb. how to celebrate earth dayc. how to protect the environmentd. young childrens love and respect for the earth【解析】选a。主旨大意题。根据第一段中 “but one school in potomac, maryland tries to celebrate earth day every day. ”以及全文内容可知, 本文主要讲述了在圣詹姆斯儿童学校的每一天都是地球

11、日。. 阅读填句根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。its important to learn how we can protect the environment. here are 5r rules for us. reduce. if you want to reduce waste, you should use things more wisely. 1 if everyone uses paper carelessly, soon we would not have any trees left. other things are

12、 also being wasted, and people dont know what to do with the waste in big cities. so it is necessary to reduce the amount of waste we produce. reuse. you should always think of reusing things before throwing them out. for example, 2in a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sis

13、ters. recycle. bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. by doing so, we can save lots of time and money. for example, 3the metal can be used to make new coke cans. recover. 4you have two choices: one is to throw the apples away, the second is to throw the rotten ones and keep the good ones. i

14、n this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food. repair. if one of the legs of your table is broken, you should repair it. if you want to buy something newer and better, it is better for you to sell the old table, or 5 learn the rules to protect our environment. lets try our best to make th

15、e earth cleaner and more beautiful. a. give the clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. b. coke cans are sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat and melted. c. a large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. d. trees are planted every year. e. give it to

16、people who can use it after repairing it. f. dont throw it away if you can use it. g. when you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten ones. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了保护环境的5r规则。1. 【解析】选c。根据下文we would not have any trees left. 可知此处是指现在有大量的树正在被砍伐。2. 【解析】选a。小标题reuse意为“重复使用”。a项“把不穿的衣服或太小不能穿的衣服送给贫困的人穿。”符合此意。3. 【解

17、析】选b。根据下一句the metal can be used to make new coke cans. 可知此处是指把可乐瓶送回到工厂进行粉碎融化, 符合本段recycle的主旨大意。4. 【解析】选g。根据下文you have two choices: one is to throw the apples away, the second is to throw the rotten ones and keep the good ones. 可知此处用g项来承接下句。意思是“买了一箱苹果, 里面有几个烂苹果”。5. 【解析】选e。根据本段段意“东西坏了, 应该修理; 修理好之后要么卖了

18、, 要么送给别人。”可知e项符合段意。. 完形填空it is 1971. sally with josh and martin discovers a massive whale stranded (搁浅) on the beach near their home. the three children1their sweaters into the cold sea water and rush back to wet the2animal. realizing the urgency, josh runs for help and people gather to3. though the

19、y do all they can, it becomes clear that their efforts are 4. sitting by the whale, sally tells him hes strong and beautiful, and that she will5him no matter what happens next. as sally talks to him, the animal lets out “a deep6 like the wind off the ocean” and dies. the stranded whale is a7book for

20、 children carrying a bitter life lesson about accepting the8of ones power. master storyteller yolen and illustrator (插画家) cataldo have9an honest picture of human weakness that is moving. yolen10sets her story in 1971, when the lack of cell phones would delay the11of both helpers and broadcasters. ca

21、taldos paintings employ gentle and soft colors, providing vast12views and conveying the childrens helplessness. the ending is13. sally expresses the irony(讽刺; 嘲弄)to herself when presented with a medal by the community. “so, the whale died and we were heroes. ” 14they have made great efforts to rescu

22、e the whale, sally and her brothers learn that not all living creatures can be saved. this is an important truth for15. 【语篇概述】本文讲述了yolen和cataldo共同创作的一部作品。在故事中 sally, josh还有martin三个孩子在他们家附近的海滩上发现有一条巨大的鲸鱼搁浅了。尽管他们尽力去营救, 但鲸鱼还是死了。通过这个故事向孩子们讲述了“并不是所有生物都能被救活”的道理。1. a. squeezeb. dipc. throwd. melt【解析】选b。词义辨

23、析题。squeeze“挤, 压榨”; dip“浸”; throw“扔”; melt“融化”。句意: 这三个孩子想用浸了海水的毛衣来拯救搁浅的鲸鱼。2. a. dangerousb. desertedc. dyingd. staring【解析】选c。逻辑推理题。分析语境可知鲸鱼由于搁浅快死了。3. a. respondb. fightc. witnessd. broadcast【解析】选a。词义辨析题。respond“回复”; fight“斗争”; witness“目击; 见证”; broadcast“广播; 传播”。 句意: 意识到事情的紧急程度, josh跑去寻求帮助, 很快人们聚在一起想办

24、法。4. a. worthwhileb. in vainc. at lossd. awarded【解析】选b。逻辑推理题。根据though可知他们的努力并没有成功。worthwhile“有价值的; 值得做的” ; in vain“徒劳的”; at loss“感到困惑不解” ; awarded “得到奖励的”。5. a. saveb. releasec. understandd. miss【解析】选d。逻辑推理题。句意: 不管接下来发生什么, 她都会想念他的。分析可知sally也知道可能无法拯救鲸鱼, 心里已经做好了鲸鱼会死的准备, 所以说不管怎样都会想念他。6. a. sighb. cough

25、c. screamd. yawn【解析】选a。背景常识题。根据下文的like the wind off the ocean和dies可知是叹息声。句意: 当sally和鲸鱼说话的时候, 鲸鱼发出了一声深深的叹息, 就像风吹过海面。7. a. drawingb. picturec. referenced. writing【解析】选b。上下文语境题。根据下文master storyteller yolen and illustrator cataldo have_an honest picture可知这是一本图画书。 8. a. failuresb. mistakesc. limitsd. sho

26、rtcomings【解析】选c。逻辑推理题。根据前文可知尽管孩子们竭尽全力去拯救鲸鱼, 但鲸鱼还是死了, 说明个人的能力是有限的。9. a. foreseenb. undergonec. inventedd. created【解析】选d。词义辨析题。foreseen“预测”; undergone“经历”; invented“发明”; created“创造”。分析可知yolen和cataldo在图画书中创作了一幅图画。10. a. wiselyb. especiallyc. randomlyd. frequently【解析】选a。逻辑推理题。yolen把故事设置在很久以前是很明智的, 因为那时没

27、有手机, 援救者不能及时赶到, 与鲸鱼最后死了这个现实的结尾是相呼应的。11. a. messageb. transferc. arrivald. protection【解析】选c。词义辨析题。message“信息”; transfer“转移; 换乘”; arrival“到达”; protection“保护”。句意: 1971年手机的缺乏推迟了救援者和广播员的到来。12. a. seashoreb. islandc. countryd. outdoor【解析】选a。上下文语境题。根据第一段stranded on the beach可知拯救鲸鱼的故事发生在海边, 所以cataldo的画展现的是海

28、岸边的景色。13. a. touchedb. realisticc. abstractd. comforting【解析】选b。逻辑推理题。从文中可知孩子们竭尽全力拯救鲸鱼, 但鲸鱼还是死了。事情的发展并没有因为孩子们的努力而改变, 说明故事的结局是很现实的。touched“感动的”; realistic“现实的”; abstract“抽象的”; comforting“令人欣慰的; 安慰的”。 14. a. as long asb. as thoughc. if onlyd. even though【解析】选d。逻辑推理题。句意: 尽管他们做出了巨大的努力去拯救鲸鱼, sally和她的弟弟们意识

29、到并不是所有的生物都能被救活。15. a. childrenb. animalsc. writersd. illustrators【解析】选a。逻辑推理题。因为故事中的sally和她的弟弟们都是儿童, 并且the stranded whale是一本为孩子设计的图画书, 所以这个道理是讲给孩子们听的。句意: 这对于孩子们来说是一个非常重要的道理。 . 语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。do you ever stop and think about this big, beautiful world we live in? its home 1. _so

30、many people and animals. we all live in this amazing place, so we all have the 2. _ (responsible) to take care of it, too. a long time ago, i started thinking about what i could do to help take care of the planet. i wondered 3. _ i could use my talents for good. i love creating websites and making a

31、rt and designing clothes. thats what 4. _ (inspire) me, at age 8, to start an online company. i donated part of my profits to organizations 5. _(try) their best to save our environment. after i launched my business, i started getting 6. _(invite) to give presentations to young people about my compan

32、y and the environment. i also talk about something else that 7. _(be) meaningful. one thing ive learned is that a lot of people feel like 8. _ small contribution to any cause is just a drop in the bucket and wont make a difference. but thats not true! 9. _ (actual) when it comes to saving our enviro

33、nment, every small action counts. the 10. _ (tiny) thing is better than the greatest intention. 【语篇概述】保护环境, 从我做起; 拯救地球, 从小做起。作者8岁时创立网络公司, 把一部分利润捐给热衷环保的组织。最小的行动胜过最大的打算。 1. 【解析】to。考查固定搭配。be home to意为“是的栖息地, 是的家园”。 2. 【解析】responsibility。考查词性转换。根据空前的定冠词the可知此处应填一个名词, responsibility意为“责任, 职责”。 3. 【解析】how

34、。考查关系副词。分析句子结构可知, 空处引导的从句作wondered的宾语, 且表示方式, 所以用how引导该从句。句意: 我想知道我如何能把我的才能发挥好。 4. 【解析】inspired。考查动词时态。 根据空后的时间状语“at age 8”可知, 此处描述的是过去发生的事情, 应用一般过去时。 5. 【解析】trying。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, organizations与try之间是逻辑上的主谓关系, 故此处应用现在分词形式作后置定语。 6. 【解析】invited。考查非谓语动词。此处是get done“被”的结构, 故用过去分词。 7. 【解析】is。考查主谓一致。th

35、at引导定语从句并在从句中作主语, 指代something else, 所以从句谓语动词用单数形式。此外, 这里表示客观的情况, 应用一般现在时。 8. 【解析】a。考查冠词。contribution是可数名词。此处用不定冠词表示泛指。 9. 【解析】actually。考查副词。空格处作状语修饰整个句子, 所以用副词。actually意为“事实上”。 10. 【解析】tiniest。考查形容词最高级。根据空前的the可知此处填tiny的最高级与下文的the greatest形成比较。阅读理解 with their pipes and lids to avoid spills, coffee c

36、ups have long been the substitute for adults. now starbucks is going all in on the concept by swearing to get rid of straws by 2020and its all for a very good reason. this move is an answer to our own partners about what we can do to reduce the need for straws. not using a straw is the best thing we

37、 can do for the environment. in place of plastic straws, starbucks plans to offer recyclable lids for all iced drinks and paper straws for coffee. the transition is already taking place in starbucks hometown of seattle, where a ban on plastic straws went into place on july 1. by rolling this out in

38、all 28, 000 of their stores by 2020, the company says they are annually removing more than one billion straws from going into circulationand potentially the ocean. starbucks decision to gradually stop using single-use plastic straws is a shining example of the important role that companies can play

39、in stopping the tide of ocean plastic. with eight million metric tons of plastic entering the ocean every year, we cannot afford to let industry sit on the sidelines. marine life has a 50% death rate when it swallows plasticyet researchers believe there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by

40、 the year 2050 if this rate of litter continues. that means there can be an immediate positive impact if we swap plastic straws for environmentally friendly alternatives. the smart design on the cup for cold drinks comes from starbucks in-house team of designers and has been in development for two years. however, the announcement comes as outcry (尖叫; 倒彩) increases over the dangers that plastic straws can cause to marine life. other co


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