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1、完型填空1when a friend was visiting david, it began 1. so david told him 2that night. “you may stay here3the night,” he said. “ok,” answered his friend.but4minutes5, the friend went out. he didnt tell david where6going nor(也没有)did he ask for an umbrella.when david was about7, his friend8. he was all wet

2、 through.“where9you 9?”asked david.“i have been10,”answered the friend, “to tell my mother that ill not go home tonight because of the rain.”1. a. rainingb. to rainc. raind. rains 2. a. to go not home . dont to go home c. not to go home d. doesnt to go home 3. a. forb. to.of. up 4. a. fewb. littlec.

3、 a littled. a few 5. a. late. afterc. latelyd. later 6. a. is heb. was hec. he is. he was 7. a. to go to sleep b. to go to bed c. going to bed d. go to bed 8. a. returnedb. returns. to returnd. returning 9. a. havegone b. havebeen to c. hasgone d. havebeen 10. a. to home b. home toc. homed. homed 完型

4、填空2 germs (细菌) are everywhere. they are very small and you 1 see them. they are like the seeds of plants, but they are 2. there could be hundreds of them on the point of a needle (针). we can not see the germs 3, but we can see them with a microscope (显微镜).germs are always found 4. when we 5 dirty wa

5、ter under the microscope, we shall see them in it. germs are not found only in water. they are found in the air and in dust, too. 6 you cut your hand, some of them will go into your hand. your hand would become big and red and you would have much pain in it. sometimes the germs would go 7 your body,

6、 and you would have pain everywhere.8 these kinds of germs!1. a. arent b. didnt c. dont d. cant2. a. much small b. much smaller c. very big d. much bigger3. a. with the eyes b. with your own c. with our own eyes d. in your own eyes4. a. in dirty water b. on dirty water c. under the water d. under di

7、rty water5. a. look b. have a look c. look at d. take a look6. a. unless b. until c. if d. before7. a. all over b. into c. to d. up8. a. careful of b. be careful c. be careful of d. be careful that 完型填空3 that day was like any other day in his life. after school michael walked past the shop in the st

8、reet corner. he stopped to l the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. he 2 wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday.he walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. he knew she would give him3 if she could. but he also knew very well she had 4 money. he decided not t

9、o go home 5,as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. so he went to the park and sat down on the grass. then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. he noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. michael looked at him carefully and was 6 to see that the boy had no feet. he looked 7 at hi

10、s own feet. “it is 8 better to be without shoes than 9 feet.” he thought. there was no reason for him to 10 so sorry and sad. he went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.l. a. see b. look at c. hear d. notice2. a. gladlyb. nearlyc. really d. quickly3. a. something b. whatc. nothi

11、ng d. anything4. a. littleb. a littlec. muchd. lots of5. a. at onceb. thenc. just nowd. at all6. a. pleasedb. excitedc. surprisedd. interested7. a. upb. throughc. out d. down8. a. much b. still c. even d. less9. a. out of b. withc. withoutd. having no10. a look b. feel c. appear d. seem 完型填空4 a tram

12、p (流浪汉) was sleeping on a park bench late at night. a man and a woman were walkingl. one of them tapped him 2 and asked, “3. whats the time?” the tramp was very angry 4. “i dont know!” he said angrily. “i havent got a watch.” and he went back to sleep.5 later another man was passing. he woke the tra

13、mp up and said, “i am sorry to bother you, but i 6 if you could tell me 7.”again the tramp said he 8. by now he was very fed up (厌烦之极) , so he got a pen and a piece of paper and wrote i dont know what the time is on it and went back to sleep. half an hour 9, a policeman was passing. he 10 the sign,

14、woke the tramp up and said, “its 2:30, sir!”l. a. past b. passed c. to pass d. passing 2. a. on his shoulder b. on the shoulder c. to his shoulder d. to the shoulder 3. a. sorry b. hello c. excuse me d. pardon 4. a. by being woken up b. to be woken up c. at being woken up d. being woken up 5. a. som

15、etimes b. sometime c. some times d. some time 6. a. know b. ask c. wonder d. wait 7. a. what time is it b. what is the time c. what time it is d. what was the time 8. a. knew nothing b. didnt know c. knew nobody d. didnt answer 9. a. after b. late c. past d. later 10. a. read b. was reading c. reads

16、 d. reading 完型填空5 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。“beijing, toronto and paris are the most 1cities bidding (申办) for the olympic games of 2008,” said richard w. pound, the iocs first vice president.“the host (主办)city of the olympic games of 2008 will be 2 at the iocs meeting in moscow in 2001. be

17、ijing is ready on its way because it 3 became the host of the olympic games of 2000, and toronto and paris also have 4 power,” said pound at an ioc meeting.about ten cities are 5 in bidding for the olympic games of 2008, of which, there are three most important cities. they are beijing, toronto, par

18、is. some of 6 cities are osaka, havana, istanbul and cairoete.for the first time, the host city will be decided 7 ioc members visiting the places. the bidding scandals (丑闻)of the salt lake city have made the ioc find new 8 of bidding. that is 9 the ioc members will not be allowed to 10 the bidding c

19、ities. 1. a. difficult b. important c. exciting d. 2. a. decidedb. cleanedc. builtd. taken 3. a. hardly b. always c. nearlyd. sometimes 4. a. smallb. strongc. nod. a little 5. a. interestedb. worriedc. amazedd. moved6. a. the other b. otherc. another d. others 7. a. with b. when c. withoutd. by 8. a

20、. ideas b. roadsc. questionsd. ways 9. a. what b. howc. whyd. where 10. a. visitb. leavec. touchd. choose 完型填空6 once a man wanted to go 1 one side of a river to 2 in a boat. he 3 take 4 him a sheep, a wolf and a basket of vegetables. but he could take only one of them 5 , because the boat was very 6

21、 . “if i 7 the wolf and the sheep together, the wolf may eat the sheep,” he said to 8 .“if i leave the sheep and the vegetables together, the sheep may eat the vegetables.” he thought and thought. at last, he had an idea. and he 9 able to get to the other side of the river with the sheep, the wolf,

22、and the vegetables. do you know 10 ?1. a. onb. in c. from d. with 2. a. another b. the otherc. others d. other 3. a. had to b. has toc. have to d. must 4. a. afterb. withc. about d. up 5. a. once a time b. at time c. in time d. at a time 6. a. largeb. bigc. small d. beautiful 7. a. will leave b. lef

23、t c. leave d. have left 8. a. oneselfb. myself c. itselfd. himself 9. a. wasb. is c. be d. can 10. a. how did he it b. what did he it c. how did he do it d. how he did it完型填空7 完形填空。根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。a thousand years ago hong kong was covered by a thick forest. as more and more people came to 1 in hong

24、kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. now there is 2 forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. we call these woods.elephants, tigers and many 3 animals were living in the thick forest. when people came to live in hong kong, the 4 began to die out. early farmers gr

25、ew rice and 5 pigs and chickens in the valleys. they cut down the trees and burnt them. they needed 6 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them. 7 did most of the wolves and t

26、igers. monkeys and many other animals soon 8 in the same way.you might think that there are no longer any animals in hong kong 9 in the zoos. but there are still about 36 different animals 10 there. one of the most interesting of hong kongs animals is the barking deer. these are beautiful little ani

27、mals 11 a rich brown coat and a white patch (补丁) under the tail. they look like deer but they are much smaller. they are less than two feet 12. they make a noise rather like a dog 13. in hong kong the barking deer has only a real enemy-14. people hunt these little animals though it is illegal (违法的).

28、 there are now not many barking deer left. so it is important 15 people to protect wild animals.1. a. work b. study c. live d. enjoy 2. a. manyb. a few c. no d. not 3. a. other b. othersc. the other d. another 4. a. peopleb. animals c. plants d. things 5. a. grewb. madec. got d. kept 6. a. fireb. ho

29、tness c. heat d. stoves(炉子) 7. a. sob. suchc. as d. nor 8. a. lived b. died c. came d. left 9. a. besidesb. exceptc. andd. or 10. a. live b. to live c. livedd. living 11. a. have b. without c. with d. get 12. a. high b. higherc. shortd. shorter 13. a. shoutingb. crying c. barking d. talking 14. a. t

30、igersb. men c. wolvesd. elephants 15. a. to b. forc. like d. of 完形填空8 do you know eskimoes? let me tell you something about their life. the eskimoes live near the north pole. there are only two seasons there: winter and summer. there is no spring 1 autumn there. the winter nights are long. you cant

31、see the 2 for more than two months, even at noon. the summer days are long. for more than two months, the sun never 3 and there is no night. the eskimoes have 4 clothes. their clothes are made of the skins of animals. from skins they make coats, caps and 5 . near the north pole trees cant grow, for

32、it is 6 there. the eskimoes 7 make their houses from skins, stones or snow. when they 8 in a storm and cant get back home, they make houses of snow. they 9 these snow houses when the storm is over. life is hard for the eskimoes, but they still 10 to live there.1. a. not b. or c. and d. neither 2. a.

33、 sun b. moon c. earth d. star 3. a. risesb. goes upc. rises upd. goes down 4. a. cottonb. solid c. warm d. cold 5. a. food b. drinksc. medicined. shoes 6. a. too cold b. too hot c. either cold or hot d. neither cold nor hot 7. a. willb. shouldc. neverd. have to 8. a. go outb. go over c. go on d. go

34、up 9. a. take b. carry c. leave d. lift 10. a. enjoyb. like c. wish d. hope 完型填空9 nobody in the street knew miss hilton. while she lived,her front gate was always locked and no one 1 saw her leave or saw 2 go in. so even if you 3,you couldnt feel sorry and 4 that you 5 miss hilton.when i think of 6,

35、i see just two colours, grey and green. the green of mango(芒果) tree, the grey of the house and the grey of the high iron fence that kept you off the mangoes.if your football 7 miss hiltons garden, you never 8. it wasnt the mango season 9 miss hilton died. but we got back about ten 10 twelve of our f

36、ootballs.at the end of the week a sign 11 the mango tree: for sale.we were ready to dislike 12 even before they came. i think we 13. already we had one man who kept on complaining about us 14 the police. he complained that we played football near his house and if we werent playing football he compla

37、ined that we were making 15 noise anyway.1. a. had b. had c. ever d. even 2. a. anybody b. nobody c. somebody d. everybody 3. a. wanted b. wanted to c. wanted to see d. were wanted 4. a. say b. said c. to say d. saying5. a. were missing b. were missed c. missing d. missed 6. a. her photo b. her hous

38、e c. her car d. her houses 7. a. fall inb. felt in c. fell in d. filled in 8. a. could get itb. should get itc. got it backd. got in 9. a. when b. that c. whether d. as 10. a. and b. but c. over d. or 11. a. put on b. was put in c. showed on d. was shown on 12. a. a new lady b. the new people c. an

39、old person d. the old children 13. a. were no worry b. were not worry c. were a little worried d. were a lot worried 14. a. to b. on c. for d. with 15. a. so little b. too many c. much too d. too much完型填空10 doctors tell us that holidays are necessary(必需的).we must rest from 1 for a week or two weeks

40、every year. “if it is possible(可能的),”they say, “we must 2 our homes and go to another 3 of the country. we must go 4 for a holiday. then after the holiday, we are 5 home fresh and strong(精力充沛) and ready for another 6 of work.”this seems(似乎) to be right for most adults(成年人) but not for 7. some people

41、 dont like to leave their homes to stay in strange(陌生的) 8. for young children it is usually quite different. they dont like to go far away from their 9. they like their homes 10 of all.1. a. workingb. playingc. swimmingd. running 2. a. stay b. leave c. live d. go 3. a. city b. town c. village d. par

42、t 4. a. afterb. up c. down d. away 5. a. away b. back c. out d. at 6. a. yearb. month c. week d. day 7. a. children b. womenc. all d. both 8. a. countriesb. partsc. places d. towns 9. a. citiesb. schools c. families d. homes 10. a. bestb. better c. well d. good 完型填空11 a man was sitting in the doctor

43、s office. he was telling the doctor about his 1.“i like football,doctor,”he said. “please help me. my life has 2been a good one since i became 3 in football and it is getting worse and worse. i cant even 4 well at night. when i close my 5,im out there in the football field 6 after a flying ball. whe

44、n i wake up,im more 7than i was when i went to bed. what am i going to do?” the doctor sat back and said,“first of all,you 8 to do your best not to dream(梦) about football. before you are falling asleep,try to 9 about something else. try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give

45、you several million dollars.” “are you crazy(发疯的)?”the man shouted. “ill 10 the ball!”1. a. problemb. family c. sport d. journey 2. a. always b. alreadyc. never d. often 3. a. interested b. carefulc. deep d. sleep 4. a. work b. play c. do d. sleep 5. a. doors b. windows c. books d. eyes 6. a. lookin

46、g b. playing c. running d. waiting 7. a. worriedb. tired c. surprised d. pleased 8. a. want b. hope c. have d. decide 9. a. hear b. write c. talk d. think 10. a. miss b. playc. catchd. pass 完型填空12 a good memory is a great help in learning a language. everybody,1 his own language by remembering what

47、he 2 when he is a small child. some boys and girls who live in foreign countries 3 their parents seem to learn two languages almost as 4 as one. in school it is not easy to learn 5 second language because the pupils have 6 time for it,and they are busy with other subjects,too.a man s mind is rather

48、7 a camera,it takes photos not only of what we see,but of what we feel,hear,smell and taste. 8 we take a real photo with a camera,we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to 9 to our friends. in the same 10 there is much work to be done before we can take a picture for ever in our m

49、ind.1. a. study b. learnsc. watchesd. learn from 2. a. hearsb. listensc. hear of d. listen to 3. a. inb. on c. togetherd. with 4. a. easyb. easierc. easilyd. much easily 5. a. an b. a c. the d. one 6. a. such littleb. so littlec. so fewd. such few 7. a. same b. as c. like d. unlike 8. a. where b. wh

50、oc. why d. when 9. a. showb. on showc. gave itd. lend 10. a. idea b. way c. time d. street 完型填空13 we know 1 about the universe. it means the earth,the sun,the moon and the stars,and the space 2 them. most of the stars are much 3 than the moon,hut they look smaller 4 they are far away from the earth.

51、 at night,the moon is high in the sky 5 a light. but the moon has6 light of its own. the light of the moon comes from the sun. the sun gives us light,heat and life. and the 7, animals and men will die without the sun.the earth is going round itself 8. when the part of the earth 9 to the sun,it is da

52、y. the 10part of the earth is night.the earth is our homeland. we should love it.1. a. manyb. muchc. fewd. lot 2. a. between b. amongc. ford. in 3. a. warmerb. fartherc. bigger d. nearer 4. a. butb. soc. tilld. because 5. a. looksb. asc. liked. look like 6. a. notb. noc. littled. less 7. a. fruitsb. treesc. vegetables d. plants 8. a. all the time b. in the day-time c. a long time d. a lot of time 9. a. points b. getsc. turnsd. changes 10. a. sameb. following c. front d. opposite 完型填空14 “ordinary”was the worst word my mother could find for anything. i remember her taking me 1 and taki


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