Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_第1页
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_第2页
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_第3页
Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_第4页




1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Period 4 Section B 2a2c 【课型】阅读课学习目标1.准确理解并使用词汇:same,love,with,sport,them,only,like,easy,after,class,classmate;会读并了解词组play sports 的意义。2.使用一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句以及but谈论体育活动。3.通过略读、细读、跳读等阅读策略快速获取信息,完成相关的阅读任务,能够读懂叙述运动和体育用品的短文。学习过程【自主学习】1.请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记。same,love,with,sport,the

2、m,only,like,easy,after,class,classmate2.总结本单元相关sports的词汇,写写你所拥有的和未拥有的体育用品。 Things I have Things I dont have 【师生互动】新课导入1.Make a report to your partner first.Eg:I have a soccer ball,a volleyball,two tennis balls,three ping-pong bats.But I dont have a basketball,a tennis bat,a baseball bat.2.Exchange t

3、he chart with your partner.Report your partners sports equipment.Eg:He has a soccer ball,a volleyball,two tennis balls,three ping-pong bats.But he doesnt have a basketball,a tennis bat,a baseball bat.新知学习ReadingBefore reading1.Read the title of the passage and answer the question:What does the passa

4、ge talk about?A.Friends. B.Classmates. C.Balls.While reading2.Skimming:(1)Match the names with the ideas.(2)Answer the question:Who has a soccer ball?3.Detailed reading.(1)Read the passage about Frank Brown.Choose T or F.Frank and Alan are brothers.Frank and Alan play soccer with their friends at ho

5、me.Its not relaxing for Alan to play soccer.(2)Read the passage again and fill in the chart.NamesHasLikesWhen or where to playFrank BrownHe a soccer ball,but Alan .He .They play soccer Its . (3)Read the passage about Gina Smith and fill in the blanks.Gina two soccer balls.She sports, she doesnt them

6、.She only them on TV.(4)Read the passage about Wang Wei and choose T or F.Ping-pong is easy for Wang Wei.After class,Wang Wei plays soccer ball with his classmates.(5)Read the passage about Wang Wei again and fill in the chart.NamesHasLikesWhen or where to playWang Wei 观察与思考观察语篇,本文使用的人称为 ;描写体育活动时,能够

7、从 、 和 方面叙述。使用 词能使你的文章增彩哦!4.RetellingFrank Brown doesnt have.Gina Smith.Wang Wei.After readingGroup work四人一组,与大家分享一下你平时的体育运动吧!NamesHasLikesWhen or where to play 语言提示:Do you have a/an.?Yes,I do.I have a/an./No,I dont.I dont have a/an.1.四人一组,根据表格内容互相询问。2.每人用简单的语言总结下:I have a/an.Tom has a/an.You can rep

8、ort like this:I have a basketball,two ping-pong bats and three ping-pong balls.But I dont have a soccer ball.I love ping-pong.Its easy for me.After class,I play ping-pong with my classmates.Soccer is difficult.I dont play itI only watch it on TV.【课堂练习】一、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.I (have)a volleyball.2.He (have)

9、some basketballs.3.We (play)basketball every day.4.Cindy (watch)TV every night.5.It (sound)like a dog.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空Tom Smith (have)a great sports collection (收藏).He (have)eight tennis bats,nine basketballs,and seven baseballs.He (have)three soccer balls and five volleyballs.But he (not play)sports.He only (watch)them on TV.自我反思1.我的收获:Words an


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