1、科技英语综合练习复习资料阅读理解Unit 11.The term “games” in game theory all shares the characteristic of_?A.integrityB.interferenceC.interactionD.interdependence参考答案:D2.According to the passage, recent research of game theory lays its emphasis onA.zero-sum gamesB.pure conflictC.pure cooperationD.competition and coo
2、peration参考答案:D3.In simultaneous-move games, the player shouldA.watch how the other players respond and then respond in turnB.be conscious of the other players5 current actionsC.be thinking in a linear chain of reasoning and calculate the possible outcomeD.try to select his best response to what the
3、others do参考答案:D4.In the sentence Other games were considered in a cooperative form. That is, the participants were supposed to choose and implement their actions jointly”,the underlined word “implement” means._A.selectB.fulfill 履行C.diversifyD.quantify参考答案:B5.We can infer from “The Prisoners Dilemma”
4、 of game theory that_:A.it belongs to the so-called zero-sum games because the interests af the prisoners conflict totallyB.an equilibrium can be reached in repeated plays of the game in order to avoid mutual lossC.the prisoners are ignorant about whether their partner cooperates with them or confes
5、ses to the authoritiesD.a precondition has been set that each prisoner personal best option will turn to a jointly optimal outcome参考答案:B6.According to the authors, which of the following statements il true?A.Nashs concept of equilibrium addresses the issues of both sequential-move and simultaneous-m
6、ove games.B.The pursuit of an equilibrium should end up looking for dominant strategies or eliminating dominated players.C.Nashs concept of equilibrium doesnt specify the dynamic process which can result in an equilibrium.D.An equilibrium will ultimately be arrived at in simultaneous-move games.参考答案
7、:C7.To keep the rival guessing or losing, the use of mixing moves can be found in _A.lumberjack chopping woodB.Cortes conquering Mexico in 16th centuryC.Polaroid securing a monopoly marketD.a tennis player hitting a passing shot 一个网球运动员参考答案:D8.In the sentence When we say that an outcome is an equili
8、brium, there is no presumption that each persons privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result”, the underlined word “presumption” means _.A.hypothesis 假设B.conclusionC.meditationD.anticipation参考答案:A9.Which of the following ways can enhance the credibility of threats and promise to
9、 affect the opponent in a strategic interaction?A.Keeping the rival guessing.B.Using the strategy of brinkmanship.C.Bargaining to have a better outcome.D.Concealing and revealing information.参考答案:B10.In the sentence “A player can use threats and promises to alter other players expectations of his fu
10、ture actions, and thereby induce them to take actions favorable to him or deter them from making moves that harm him”,the underlined word “deter” means_A.alterB.remindC.stimulateD.prevent 阻止参考答案:DUnit 441.Cable operators can offer their subscribers services like reserving bandwidth for specific appl
11、ication by using _specification.A.DOCSISB.PCMMC.TDMD.VoIP参考答案:B42.The PCMM standard creates a framework that allows the_ to control and change the allocated bandwidth for various services.A.cable modemB.record keeping serverC.application managerD.end-user devices参考答案:D43.In the sentence “The seamles
12、s Wi-Fi roaming technology would alert the mobile carrier when a user migrates into a Wi-Fi zone”, the underlined word “migrates” meansA.switchesB.residesC.settlesD.dwells参考答案:A44.Which of the following-is a compelling reason for promoting cellular roaming?A.Saving operating expenditure.B.Expanding
13、cell, phones markets.C.Increasing entertaining functions.D.Improving overall communications. 通信参考答案:D45.Meshed networks are moving toward the concept _A.hot spotB.access pointC.metro spot地铁站点D. network node参考答案:C46.Which of the following is the characteristic of meshed wireless network?A.Self-search
14、ing. B.Self-configuring.C.Self-checking.,D.Self-upgrading.参考答案:B47.In the sentence “A hybrid TDM/IP approach can incorporate IP features in conjunction with an existing TDM-based PBX”,the underlined word hybridA.integratedB.combinedC.relatedD.divided参考答案:B48.What does the IP Centrex service use to p
15、rovide all the IP calling features to the enterprise customer?A A context switch and feature server architecture.B A softswitch and management server architecture.C A context switch and management server architecture.D. A softswitch and feature server architecture. 软交换和特征服务参考答案:D49.In the sentence “
16、PON has been heralded as the chosen FTTP path for RBOCs”, the underlined word heralded means.A.proclaimed 宣告B.advancedC.guidedD.signaled参考答案:A410.The actual number of active devices in an active network is less than _ more thain those in a passive network.A.1%B.2%C.10%D.20%参考答案:AUnit 661.What is the
17、 main point of the article?A.The laws of thermodynamics will eventually cause computer system performance to plateau.B.Reversible computing is inevitable in the near future.C.Reversible computing will unlock the power of tomorrows computing platforms.D.The principles of reversible computing.参考答案:C62
18、.Reversible computers, or adiabatic systems.A.cause existing technology to falterB.are an alternative computing technique 代替计算技术C.are quantum computersD.come at a steep price参考答案:B63.The core elements to create a fully functional reversible computer system involveA.reversible circuits, reversible po
19、wer supply and reversible switchesB.reversible power supply and reversible switchesC.reversible circuits, reversible switches and reversible chipsD.reversible circuits, reversible power supply and reversible chips可逆电路、可逆电源、可逆芯片参考答案:D64.Which of the following states why improvements in computing come
20、 at a steep price?A.Conventional computing architectures need to be changed.B.Deleting information inevitably produces heat.C.Hardware designs need to be re-engineered.D.Software and development tools need to be re-designed.参考答案:A65.Researchers have been investigating alternative computing technique
21、s such as _to stave off the problems of conventional computing performance.A.switchesB.routersC.quantum computing 量子计算D.algorithmic-intensive operations参考答案:C66.In the sentence “To stave off these problems, researchers have been investigating alternative computing techniques”, the underlined phrase-
22、&stave off meansA.give way toB.keep offC.reduceD.solve 解决参考答案:D67.Which of the following lists all the fundamental computing performance bottlenecks?A.Hardware and software designs and leakage.B.Tremendous heat dissipation and hardware and software designs.C.Tremendous heat dissipation and thermal n
23、oise.1D.Tremendous heat dissipation, thermal noise and leakage.参考答案:D68.Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree withTdA.Clock speed needs to be reduced to improve the energy efficiency of computing systems.B.A future where systems based on reversible chips become neces
24、sary is out of reach.C.Franks power supply sparks circuit nodes, to new levels,D.Knight persisted in adiabatic systems, knowing the technology would be, important soon.参考答案:A69.Which of the following statements supports the idea that “the energy consumption of laptops remains the same”?A.Do not conf
25、use adiabatic methods with todays power-saying features on laptops.B.The computations of laptops may consume less power, but take twice as long to complete.完成C.Overall energy of laptops is conserved since much of the time they are not running.D.Laptops run the idle loop fast, thus laptops might cons
26、erve power.参考答案:B610.It can be implied from the passage that_.A.adiabatic systems are more necessary for general-purpose applicationsB.a future where reversible systems become necessary is inevitableC.reversible chips will not be more efficient for practical applications even if optimizedD.Knight is
27、 not in favor of adiabatic research参考答案:BUnti 771.In the sentence “As the enterprise considers VoIP and more significantly VoIP over Wi-Fi, the decision to implement location-aware technology will become amatter of legal compliance”, the underlined word “compliance” means _.A.flexibilityB.command 命令
28、C.issueD.assent参考答案:B72.When a caller dials 911, a selective router switch within the phone network sends the call to a local _A.base stationB.PSAP 公共安全应答站C.access pointD.PSTN参考答案:B73.What is the percentage of people in the U.S. who will get E911 service?A.About 93 percent.B.About 95 percent.C.About
29、 88 percent. 88D.About 79 percent.参考答案:C74.Wireless technologies and VoIP present unique problems for E911 because_.A.VoIP phone users are usually able to roam in a large area B.VoIP phones only use base stations to connect to the InternetC.VoIP phones can only work across Wi-Fi networkD.VoIP phones
30、 area codes are tied to its geographic location参考答案:A75.Which of the following is included in the deployment of 911 across cellular networks?A.Phase 0 ensures that E911 calls will get through to a PSAP.B.Phase 1 specifies that VoIP 911 calls will be routed to the local PSAP.C.Phase 2 will bring full
31、 E911 services to VoIP across the PSTN.D.Phase 3 will deliver E911 over IP to devices without telephone numbers.参考答案:A76.In the sentence “It could then offset those costs by passing them on to the application service provider, which could in turn charge the end user”, the underlined word “offset” me
32、ans_.A.counteractB.softenC.decreaseD.slash参考答案:A77.Which of the following is the advantage of A-GPS over GPS?A.The search time is reduced by 10 to 12 seconds.B.It takes several minutes to get the location information.C.It saves precious battery life for mobile phone users.D.It works equally well bot
33、h inside and outside buildings.参考答案:C78.Wi-Fi uses_.A.licensed bandsB.unlicensed bandsC.free bandsD.limited bands参考答案:B79.Which of the following is the function of triangulation?A.To measure the returning signals attenuation.B.To emit test signals into the environment.C.To compare multiple signal st
34、rengths.D.To account for multiple propagation.参考答案:C710.Which of the following examples shows that location-aware presence improves Wi-Fi security?A.It can locate interlopers penetrating the defenses of the Wi-Fi network.B.Within the Wi-Fi environment, consumers can be directed to restaurants.C.Ship
35、ping companies can now track the movement of their vans.D.In hospitals doctors and medical equipment can be quickly located.参考答案:A完形填空Unit 41. A.profits B. handicaps C. benefits促进 D. hindrances2. A. while B. when C. however D. though3. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. however D. though4. A. on B. with C
36、. by D. over5. A. accede B. accelerate促进 C. access D. accept6. A. exceeds超越 B. precedes C. antecedes D. cedes7. A. decline B. arise C. grow种植 D. descend 8. A. converting B. converging合并 C. convecting D. convolving 9. A. interact B. interaction C. interacting D. interactive互动的10. A. coupling B. coupl
37、e C. coupled连结的 D. being coupled11. A. potential潜能 B. latency C. efficiency D. specialty 12. A. but B. however C. therefore D. hence13. A. That B. It C. Which D. What14. A. constitutes构成B. consists C. comprises D. contains15. A. minimum最低限度的B. maximum C. medium D. average16. A. upon B. for C. agains
38、t反对 D. beneath 17. A. nevertheless B. though C. even平的 D. nonetheless18. A. approach B. access接入 C. avail D. admission19. A. uncertainty不确定的B. probability C. certainty D. likelihood 20. A. survive B. evolve使发展 C. revolve D. extend Unit61. A. on B. to C. for D. at2. A. award B. reward C. awards D. re
39、wards报酬3. A. though B. so C. if D. worse4. A. punishment惩罚 B. punish C. information D. judge5. A. detects B. detected C. is detected D. be detected6. A. punished B. unpunished C. punishing D.unpunishing7. A. say B. note记事本 C. understand D. calculate8. A. by accident偶然地B.by instinct C. by intention D
40、. by all accounts9. A. proof B. evidence C. examine D. inspections检查10. A. surrenders B. reasons C. victims受害者 D. causes11. A. having to stay B. having stayed C. staying D. of having to stay12. A. cleared B. revealed显示 C. victims D. causes13. A. lying B. untruthful C. dishonest不诚实的D. unhonest14. A.
41、Unlike B. Like C. With D. For15. A. take B. commit犯罪 C. submit D. perform16. A. be charged B. charged C. charge D. charging17. A. depend B. command C. recommend D. demands18. A. exist B. result C. obtain D. gain19. A. hesitate犹豫 B. refuse C. stop D. lost20. A. confident B. private C. confidential机密的
42、D. valuable 句子翻译Unit 11.The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies.There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence:sequential and simultaneous.博弈的实质是博弈者采取策略之间的相互依赖性。这种策略性的相互依赖表现为两个不同的类别:连续策略之间的相互作用以及联立策略之间的相互作用。2.When we say that an outcome is an equilibrium,there is
43、 no presumption that each persons privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result.当我们把博弈的结果表述为一种均衡的时候,并不是基于以下的假设:即博弈的每个参与者的个人最佳策略将会带来共同的最优化结果。4.Brinkmanship”is the tactic of deliberately letting the situation get somewhat out of hand,just because its being out of hand may be intoler
44、able to the other party and force his accommodation.”边缘政策 “是一种故意使局势变的有些无法控制的策略,正是这种无法控制性可能会使另一方因无法接受而选择妥协。”Unit41.By using the PCMM(PacketCable Mutimedia) specification,cable operator can enhance a users broadband experience by prioritizing or reserving bandwith for latency-sensitive or feature-rich
45、 application通过使用PCMM规范, 有线运营商可以对时延敏感或富有特色的应用给予优先权或预留带宽,从而加深用户对于宽带业务的感受。2.The PCMM architecture consists of six main elements:IP endpoints(PC,gaming consoles or SIP phones),cable modem,CMTS(cable modem termination system),record keeping server,policy server and an application manager.体系结构包括六个主要组成部分:端
46、点(机、游戏控制器或话机)、电缆调制解调器、电缆调制解调器终端系统()、记录保持服务器、策略服务器和应用管理器。Unit62.Reversible computers,or adiabatic systems,recycle their energy to give off extremely little heat,enabling computing power to continue growing where existing technology would falter.可逆计算机即绝热系统,它能够将能量回收,因此只产生很少的热量,使计算能力在现有计算技术无能为力的情况下继续提升。3.To stave off these problems,researchers have been investigating alternative computing techniques.Quantrm computing , has garnered
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