已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译及原文翻译 本科毕业设计论文外文翻译译文 学生姓名 王 惠 院 系 电子工程学院仪器系 专业班级 测控0701 指导教师 刘 选 朝 完成日期 20 11 年 3 月 7 日 咨询应用工程师- 33关于直接数字频率合成器的问题作者 eva murphy evamurphyanalogcomcolm slattery colmslatteryanalogcom什么是直接数字频率合成器 直接数字频率合成器dds是一种产生模拟波形通常是正弦波的仪器这种仪器是生成一个数字形式的时变信号然后执行数字到模拟的转换因为用一个dds设备操作主要是数字形式所以它可以提供输出频率之间的快速

2、转换较高的频率分辨率并且可以在一个宽频带上进行操作随着设计和工艺技术的进步现在的dds器件都非常小巧在低功率下也可以工作 为什么我们要使用直接数字频率合成器dds难道就没有其他产生频率的简单方法吗 能够准确地产生和控制各种频率和轮廓的波形的能力已成为一个通用于多个行业重要要求在通信系统中能否利用良好的杂散性提供低相位噪声可变频率的活跃来源或仅产生用于工业或生物医学测试设备的应用的频率刺激便利简洁和低成本是重要的设计考虑因素频率产生的多种可能性对设计师来说是开放的从锁相回路pll极高频率合成的基础技术到以数模转换器dac的动态编制程序输出来产生低频任意波形但是dds技术迅速在解决频率或波形产生的

3、通信和工业应用要求上得到接受因为单芯片集成电路器件可以简单的产生可编程模拟输出波形具有较高的分辨率和精度此外在这两种工艺技术和设计的不断改进也使得成本和功耗较从前降低了许多例如ad9833基于dds的可编程波形发生器图1在55 v的电压下工作工作具有25 mhz的时钟消耗的最大功率为30毫瓦图1单片波形发生器使用直接数字频率合成器dds的主要优点有哪些 像ad9833 之类的dds器件都可通过一个高速串行外设接口spi进行编程并且只需要一个外部时钟来生成简单的正弦波 dds器件现已能产生频率从不到1赫兹到高达400兆赫以1ghz的时钟为准其低功耗低成本单一小包装固有的优良性能和能对输出波形的进

4、行数字编程和重新计划的能力相结合的特点使dds器件成为非常吸引人的解决方案比包括离散元素的聚合的不太灵活的解决方案更好哪种输出才能生成一个典型的dds的设备 dds器件不仅限于单纯的正弦波输出图2显示了由ad9833产生的方三角和正弦输出listenread phoneticallydictionary - view detailed dictionary图2dds的方波三角波正弦波输出dds的设备如何产生正弦波 下面是一个dds器件的内部电路故障其主要组成是相位累加器相幅转换方法通常是通过正弦查找表和一个数模转换器这些区块入图3所示listen图3直接数字频率合成器组成框图直接数字频率合成器

5、产生一个给定频率的正弦波频率取决于两个变量参考时钟频率和编入频率寄存器的二进制数控制字 频率寄存器中的二进制数提供了相位累加器的主要输入在使用正弦查找表时相位累加器为查找表计算相位角的地址它输出相角的正弦相应的幅度数字值至数字模拟转换器反过来数字模拟转换器将这个数字转换为模拟电压或电流的相应值要生成一个固定频率的正弦波需要给每个时钟周期的相位累加器一个定值相位增量决定于二进制数如果相位增量很大相位累加器会加速正弦查找表过程从而产生一个高频率的正弦波如果相位增量很小相位累加器将进行更多的步骤因此产生波形较慢一个完整的数字模拟转换器是什么意思 将d a转换器和dds集成到一个芯片上称为一个完整的d

6、ds解决方案对所有 dds器件均通用 让我们进一步谈一谈相位累加器它是如何工作的 连续时间正弦信号具有0至2重复的固定相值范围数字实现过程相同计数器携带的功能允许相位累加器在dds过程作为一个相轮要理解这个基本功能我们将正弦波振荡设想为一个绕圆圈旋转的矢量见图4相轮上的指定点对应正弦波的等效点由于矢量左右相轮转动设想该角的正弦值产生相应的输出正弦波矢量以恒定的速度围绕相轮的一个循环形成一个输出正弦波的完整周期相位累加器提供随相轮线性转动向量的等距相位角值相位累加器的内容对应于输出正弦波循环的主要点 图4数字相轮相位累加器实际上是一个模- m的计数器存储数量增加一次接收一次时钟脉冲递增量级是由二

7、进制输入编码字决定m这个字在参考时钟更新之间形成相位步长有效地设置需要跳过的相轮点的数量阶跃越大相位累加器溢出越快并能完成与之等效的一个正弦波周期 相轮上的离散点的数量是由相位累加器n的分辨率决定这也就决定了直接数字频率合成器的调谐分辨率对于n 28位m值为0000 0001的相位累加器将使228个参考时钟周期增量后的增量溢出相位累加器如果m值改为0111 1111相位累加器只在2个参考时钟周期后溢出奈奎斯特定理要求的最低限度此关系是在直接数字频率合成器结构的基本方程中发现的 其中 fout 直接数字频率合成器的输出频率 m 二进制谐调字 fc 内部参考时钟频率系统时钟 n 每组相位累加器的长

8、度用位量度 m值的变化引起输出频率直接和相位连续的变化锁相环中无环路建立时间由于输出频率的增加每个周期的样本数量减少由于采样定律决定了每个周期至少有两次采样才能重建输出波形最大的dds输出频率为fc 2然而实际应用中为了提高重建波形的质量并对输出进行滤波输出频率一般小于fc 2当频率恒定时相位累加器的输出呈线性增加所以它产生的模拟波形是一个斜坡那么线性输出如何转换成正弦波呢 一个幅相查找表用于转换相位累加器的瞬时输出值28 ad9833位它将正弦波的振幅信息传给10位的d a转换器 dds的组成充分利用正弦波的对称性和映射逻辑将累加器中四分之一的正弦波合成为一个完整的正弦波相幅查找表通过通过从

9、前向后浏览查找表的产生剩余数据这个过程形象地呈现在图5中图信号在dds系统中的流经途径dds的普遍用途是什么 目前使用的基于dds的波形发生器的应用程序主要为以下两种主要类型通讯系统设计人员需要活跃即立即响应的具有好的相位噪声性能的频率资源并且低杂散频率源往往选择其光谱性能和频率调谐分辨率相结合的dds 这些应用包括用dds进行调制作为参考锁相环来提高整体频率可调性作为本地振荡器lo甚至可以作为直接的射频传输 另外许多工业和医学领域将dds作为一个可编程的波形发生器因为dds是数字可编程的波形的相位和频率可以很容易调整而不像传统的模拟程控波形发生器需改变外部元件 dds在实时控制时允许简单的频

10、率调整来定位谐振的频率或补偿温度漂移 这些应用包括在可调频率源中使用dds来测量阻抗例如在基于阻抗的传感器中为微刺激产制造脉冲波调制信号或检查局域网或电话电缆中是否有衰减 你认为对于设备和系统的设计者们dds的关键优势是什么 当今成本低高性能功能集成的dds芯片广泛应用在通讯系统和传感器领域他们吸引设计工程师的优势包括 数字控制微赫兹的频率调整和副级逐步优化功能 调整输出频率或相位的速度极快相位连续频跳无过冲下冲或相关模拟的循环建立时间异常现象 dds的数字结构省去了手动调谐及由于元件老化和温度漂移对模拟合成器调整的需要 dds的结构有利于实现系统中数字控制接口远程控制并保证了在处理器的控制下

11、的高分辨率 怎样使用dds的设备进行频移键控fsk编码 二进制频移键控通常简称为fsk的是最简单的数据编码形式之一通过将连续载波频率移到二分之一此后均为二进制离散频率来传输数据频率f1或许更高为标志频率二进制1f0为空间频率二进制0图6显示了标记空间数据和传输信号之间关系的例子listen图6频移键控调制这种编码方案用dds很容易实现代表输出频率的dds频率控制字生成f0和f1因为它们在0和1模式时进行传输用户在传数据之前将两个调整字编入仪器在ad9834的条件下两个频率寄存器便于fsk编码在设备上fselect的专用针接受调制信号并选择适当的控制字或频率寄存器图7演示了的fsk编码的实现框图

12、图7基于dds的频移键控编码器psk编码的实现过程又是如何呢 相移键控psk是另一种数据编码的简单形式在psk过程中载波频率保持不变通过传输信号的相位变化来传输信息完成psk的方法中最简单的是二进制bps码bpsk它仅需要两个信号相位0度和180度bpsk编码相移0为逻辑1输入180为逻辑0输入每个位的状态由前一位的状态决定如果波相位不改变信号状态保持不变低或高如果波相位反转180度的变化那么信号状态变化从低到高或从高向低 psk的编码用dds芯片很容易实现大多数的设备是单独的输入寄存器相位寄存器可以分别载入一个相位值这个值直接添加到载波相位不会改变其频率通过改变该寄存器的内容来调变载波相位从

13、而产生psk的输出信号对于需要高速调制的应用ad9834用专用切换输入引脚pselect来选择预载相位寄存器这需要在寄存器和调控的载体之间选择 更复杂的psk形式采用四或八个波阶段这使二进制数据以每相变比bpsk调制更快的速度传播成为可能在四相调制正交psk或qpsk可能的相角为090-90和180度每相移可以代表两个信号因子ad9830ad9831ad9832和ad9835有四个相位寄存器它们通过给寄存器持续更新不同的相位偏移来执行复杂的调制方案多个dds器件可以实现如智商能力的同步吗 用运行在相同主时钟上的两个单dds器件输出两个可直接控制相位关系的信号是可以实现的在图8中两个ad9834

14、使用一个参考时钟进行编程并用相同的复位引脚同时更新两个部分使用这个装置可以实现iq调制图8多个dds芯片的同步模式 置电和传输数据之前必须复位这使得dds输出已知相位它作为共同的参照点实现多个dds器件同步当新的数据同时发送到多个dds单元时它可以使相位关系保持一致并且它们的相对相移可以通过相移寄存器目的性的转移 ad9833和ad9834的相位分辨率有12位有效分辨率为01度 有关多个dds单元同步详情请参阅应用笔记an - 605基于dds系统的主要性能指标是什么 相位噪声抖动和无杂散动态范围sfdr 相位噪声是用来衡量振荡器的短期频率不稳定性dbc hz据测定频率变化引起的单边带噪音在振

15、荡器的工作频率下有两个或更多的频移以下振荡器的工作频率在均为1 hz这种测量方法已用在模拟通信行业的特殊应用上dds器件是否具有良好的相位噪声 采样系统中的噪音取决于许多因素参考时钟抖动是dds系统中的基本信号的相位噪声相位截断可能引入错误的级别这根据码字选择而定对于完全由截断二进制编码字表示的比率是没有截断误差的需要更多的比特率时所产生的相位噪声截断误差表现在光谱图的尖峰上他们的大小和分布取决于选择的代码字dac也会引入噪声 dac的量化或线性误差会产生噪声和谐波图9显示了ad9834下dds典型的相位噪声图图9ad9834的典型输出相位噪声曲线输出频率为2 mhzm的时钟是50兆赫什么是抖

16、动呢 抖动是数字信号边沿的动态位移偏离平衡位置的程度用均方根来衡量一个完美的振荡器的上升和下降沿时间是精确发生的绝不会变化这当然是不可能的因为即使最好的振荡器也是由含有噪音源和其他干扰的实际部件组成的高品质低相位噪声的晶体振荡器在超过几百万时钟边沿积累下的抖动小于35皮秒ps振荡器中的抖动由热噪声造成振荡器中电子不稳定外部干扰通过电源轨地面甚至输出进入系统其他干扰包括外部磁场或电场如射频发射器附近的干扰这将使抖动影响振荡器的输出即使是一个简单的放大器变频器或缓冲区都会引起抖动信号 因此一个dds设备输出增加一定的抖动信号由于每个时钟已经有抖动选择一个低抖动振荡器是至关重要的开始划分一个高频时钟

17、频率是减少抖动的一种方法随着频率的划分相同数量的抖动发生的时间更长这降低其在系统时间中的比例 一般情况下为了减少抖动来源并避免引入额外的噪声应该使用一个稳定的参考时钟避免使用信号和电路转换慢使用频率最高的参考频率以便增加采样无杂散动态范围sfdr是指最高基本信号和最高噪声信号的之间的比率以分贝衡量该信号包括频谱中最高的相关频率和谐波成分要保证sfdr的值最合适必须用好的振荡器在与其他通信通道和应用程序共享的频谱应用中sfdr是重要的性能指标如果发送器的输出发送到其它频段就可能会损坏或中断邻近的信号 典型的主时钟为50- mhz的ad983410位dds输出如图10所示在a图中输出频率正好是13

18、主时钟频率mclk由于频率的正确选择25兆赫窗口下的频率无谐波也称最小化所有波峰信号都在80分贝以下sfdr 80分贝b中低频情况下波形含有更多的点但对于理想波形并不足够并给出了一个更真实的图第二个谐波频的最大冲击大约是50分贝sfdr 50分贝listenw z sn dngti fnwi sfdr sh zh b y fnbi hngling zh jin de jbn xnho de zugo shupng rnh xji de xnho boku zugo jbi de bimng xinggun de pnl hxi b chngfn zi pnp duy zu ho de sfdr

19、 bx y kish ji yu yg go pnzh de zhndng q图10 输出的ad9834具有50 mhz的主时钟 a fout 16667 mhz ie mclk3 b fout 48 mhz你有更容易进行编程和预测dds性能的工具吗 在线互动设计工具是选择控制字的得力助手需要给定一个参考时钟和所需的输出频率和或相位选择所需的频率待外部滤波器重建后谐波和理想化输出例如图11所示表格数据也提供了主要的图像和谐波listen图11 屏幕演示互动式设计工具一个sinx x的典型设备的输出图形n yu gngj sh rnmen gng rngy jnxng binchng h yc

20、dds de bioxinzi wngshng hdng shj gngj sh xunz tiozhng dehu zhshu gi dng yg cnko shzhng h su x de shch pnl hhu jidun xunz su x de pnl xi b h lxing hu de shch hu xinsh wib chngjin flter ddo le yngyng yg lzi sh r t 11 su sh biog shj y tgng le zhyo de txing hxi bdictionary - view detailed dictionarydict

21、ionary - view detailed dictionary怎样利用这些工具对dds进行编程 仅需要要求的频率输出和系统的参考时钟频率该设计工具将输出全部程序以图12为例mclk为25兆赫兹所需的输出频率为10兆赫兹一旦启动按钮完整程序的一部分就包含在初始化进程中 图12 窗体顶端图12 典型的编程序列演示怎样评价dds器件 所有已购买的dds器件都有一个评估板携带在专用软件中用户在几分钟内就能进行测试评估每一个包含评估板的技术说明都有图示并展示了最佳的电路板设计和布局listenask the application engineer33all about direct digital

22、 synthesisby eva murphy evamurphyanalogcom colm slattery colmslatteryanalogcomwhat is direct digital synthesisdirect digital synthesis dds is a method of producing an analog waveformusually a sine waveby generating a time-varying signal in digital form and then performing a digital-to-analog convers

23、ion because operations within a dds device are primarily digital it can offer fast switching between output frequencies fne frequency resolution and operation over a broad spectrum of frequencies with advances in design and process technology todays dds devices are very compact and draw little power

24、 why would one use a direct digital synthesizer dds arent there other methods for easily generating frequenciesthe ability to accurately produce and control waveforms of various frequencies and profles has become a key requirement common to a number of industries whether providing agile sources of l

25、ow-phase-noise variable-frequencies with good spurious performance for communications or simply generating a frequency stimulus in industrial or biomedical test equipment applications convenience compactness and low cost are important design considerationsmany possibilities for frequency generation

26、are open to a designer ranging from phase-locked-loop pll -based techniques for very high-frequency synthesis to dynamic programming of digital-to-analog converter dac outputs to generate arbitrary waveforms at lower frequencies but the dds technique is rapidly gaining acceptance for solving frequen

27、cy- or waveform generation requirements in both communications and industrial applications because single-chip ic devices can generate programmable analog output waveforms simply and with high resolution and accuracy furthermore the continual improvements in both process technology and design have r

28、esulted in cost and power consumption levels that were previously unthinkably low for example the ad9833 a dds-based programmable waveform generator figure 1 operating at 55 v with a 25-mhz clock consumes a imum power of 30 milliwatts what are the main benefts of using a ddsdds devices like the ad98

29、33 are programmed through a high speed serial peripheral-interface spi and need only an external clock to generate simple sine waves dds devices are now available that can generate frequencies from less than 1 hz up to 400 mhz based on a 1-ghz clock the benefts of their low power low cost and single

30、 small package combined with their inherent excellent performance and the ability to digitally program and re-program the output waveform make dds devices an extremely attractive solutionpreferable to less-fexible solutions comprising aggregations of discrete elements what kind of outputs can i gene

31、rate with a typical dds devicedds devices are not limited to purely sinusoidal outputs figure 2 shows the square- triangular- and sinusoidal outputs available from an ad9833how does a dds device create a sine wave heres a breakdown of the internal circuitry of a dds device its main components are a

32、phase accumulator a means of phase-to-amplitude conversion often a sine look-up table and a dac these blocks are represented in figure 3a dds produces a sine wave at a given frequency the frequency depends on two variables the reference-clock frequency and the binary number programmed into the frequ

33、ency register tuning word the binary number in the frequency register provides the main input to the phase accumulator if a sine look-up table is used the phase accumulator computes a phase angle address for the look-up table which outputs the digital value of amplitudecorresponding to the sine of t

34、hat phase angleto the dac the dac in turn converts that number to a corresponding value of analog voltage or current to generate a fixed-frequency sine wave a constant value the phase incrementwhich is determined by the binary number is added to the phase accumulator with each clock cycle if the pha

35、se increment is large the phase accumulator will step quickly through the sine look-up table and thus generate a high frequency sine wave if the phase increment is small the phase accumulator will take many more steps accordingly generating a slower waveformwhat do you mean by a complete dds the int

36、egration of a da converter and a dds onto a single chip is commonly known as a complete dds solution a property common to all dds devices from adilets talk some more about the phase accumulator how does it work continuous-time sinusoidal signals have a repetitive angular phase range of 0 to 2 the di

37、gital implementation is no different the counters carry function allows the phase accumulator to act as a phase wheel in the dds implementationto understand this basic function visualize the sine-wave oscillation as a vector rotating around a phase circle see figure 4 each designated point on the ph

38、ase wheel corresponds to the equivalent point on a cycle of a sine wave as the vector rotates around the wheel visualize that the sine of the angle generates a corresponding output sine wave one revolution of the vector around the phase wheel at a constant speed results in one complete cycle of the

39、output sine wave the phase accumulator provides the equally spaced angular values accompanying the vectors linear rotation around the phase wheel the contents of the phase accumulator correspond to the points on the cycle of the output sine wavethe phase accumulator is actually a modulo-m counter th

40、at increments its stored number each time it receives a clock pulse the magnitude of the increment is determined by the binary-coded input word m this word forms the phase step size between reference-clock updates it effectively sets how many points to skip around the phase wheel the larger the jump

41、 size the faster the phase accumulator overfows and completes its equivalent of a sine-wave cycle the number of discrete phase points contained in the wheel is determined by the resolution of the phase accumulator n which determines the tuning resolution of the dds for an n 28-bit phase accumulator

42、an m value of 00000001 would result in the phase accumulator overfowing after 228 reference-clock cycles increments if the m value is changed to 01111111 the phase accumulator will overfow after only 2 reference-clock cycles the minimum required by nyquist this relationship is found in the basic tun

43、ing equation for dds architecturewhere fout output frequency of the dds m binary tuning word fc internal reference clock frequency system clock n length of the phase accumulator in bitschanges to the value of m result in immediate and phase-continuous changes in the output frequency no loop settling

44、 time is incurred as in the case of a phase-locked loopas the output frequency is increased the number of samples per cycle decreases since sampling theory dictates that at least two samples per cycle are required to reconstruct the output waveform the imum fundamental output frequency of a dds is f

45、c2 however for practical applications the output frequency is limited to somewhat less than that improving the quality of the reconstructed waveform and permitting fltering on the output when generating a constant frequency the output of the phase accumulator increases linearly so the analog wavefor

46、m it generates is inherently a rampthen how is that linear output translated into a sine wavea phase-to-amplitude lookup table is used to convert the phase-accumulators instantaneous output value 28 bits for ad9833 with unneeded less-signifcant bits eliminated by truncationinto the sine-wave amplitu

47、de information that is presented to the 10-bit da converter the dds architecture exploits the symmetrical nature of a sine wave and utilizes mapping logic to synthesize a complete sine wave from one-quarter-cycle of data from the phase accumulator the phase-to- amplitude lookup table generates the r

48、emaining data by reading forward then back through the lookup table this is shown pictorially in figure 5what are popular uses for dds applications currently using dds-based waveform generation fall into two principal categories designers of communications systems requiring agile ie immediately resp

49、onding frequency sources with excellent phase noise and low spurious performance often choose dds for its combination of spectral performance and frequency-tuning resolution such applications include using a dds for modulation as a reference for a pll to enhance overall frequency tunability as a loc

50、al oscillator lo or even for direct rf transmissionalternatively many industrial and biomedical applications use a dds as a programmable waveform generator because a dds is digitally programmable the phase and frequency of a waveform can be easily adjusted without the need to change the external com

51、ponents that would normally need to be changed when using traditional analog-programmed waveform generators dds permits simple adjustments of frequency in real time to locate resonant frequencies or compensate for temperature driftsuch applications include using a dds in adjustable frequency sources

52、 to measure impedance for example in an impedance-basedsensor to generate pulse-wave modulated signals formicro-actuation or to examine attenuation in lans ortelephone cables what do you consider to be the key advantages of dds to design-ers of real-world equipment and systems todays cost-competitiv

53、e high-performance functionally integrated dds ics are becoming common in both communication systems and sensor applications the advantages that make them attractive to design engineers include digitally controlled micro-hertz frequency-tuning and sub-degree phase-tuning capability extremely fast ho

54、pping speed in tuning output frequency or phase phase-continuous frequency hops with no overshootundershoot or analog-related loop settling-time anomalies the digital architecture of dds eliminates the need for the manual tuning and tweaking related to component aging and temperature drift in analog

55、 synthesizer solutions and the digital control interface of the dds architecture facilitates an environment where systems can be remotely controlled and optimized with high resolution under processor controlhow would i use a dds device for fsk encoding binary frequency-shift keying usually referred

56、to simply as fsk is one of the simplest forms of data encoding the data is transmitted by shifting the frequency of a continuous carrier to one of two discrete frequencies hence binary one frequency f1 perhaps the higher is designated as the mark frequency binary one and the other f0 as the space fr

57、equency binary zero figure 6 shows an example of the relationship between the mark-space data and the transmitted signalthis encoding scheme is easily implemented using a dds the dds frequency tuning word representing the output frequencies is set to the appropriate values to generate f0 and f1 as they occur in the pattern of 0s and 1s to be transmitted the user programs the two required tuning words into the device


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