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1、剑桥小学英语2下学期重点单词及句型Unit 5 Time1. 单词和短语:bathroom浴室 check 检查 clock 钟crazy 疯狂的,蠢的downstairs楼下的,底楼的 everywhere 到处,处处 garden花园 hall大厅 midnight 午夜 police 警察 quick 快的,迅速的 watch表oclock halfpast numbers 1 to 12(从一到十二的数字单词)2. 句型: 1.What time is it?/Whats the time几点了?2.Its eight oclock.(1:00-12:00)八点整3.Its half

2、past eight.(1:30-12:30).八点半4.Its twenty past eight(分钟数小于30用past)八点二十5.Its twenty to eight (分钟数大于30用to) 七点四十,离八点还差二十分钟6.Its time for (supper).是该吃晚饭的时候了.7.Its half past three on the clock on the table.桌子上的钟是三点半8.Its five oclock on the watch in the box.盒子里的表是五点整9.Its half past four on the watch on the

3、chair.椅子上的表是四点半10.Its five oclock on the clock in the box. 盒子里的钟是五点整Unit 6 Friends1. 单词和短语: sport运动 music音乐spiders蜘蛛(复) butterflies 蝴蝶 (复) rats鼠(复) kites风筝(复) dogs狗(复) cats 猫(复) caps帽子(复) cars小汽车(复) books书(复) frogs 青蛙(复)he(他) his(他的) she(她) her(她的) friend(朋友)afternoon下午 chicken鸡 2. 句型:1. He / She is

4、 my best friend. 他 / 她是我的好朋友。2. He / She likes music and sport. 他 / 她喜欢音乐和运动。3. He / She has got a white cat. 他 / 她有一只白色的猫。4. His name is Terry. ( Her name is Linda. )他的名字是Terry。 她的名字是Linda。5.He/She is ten yeas old.他/她十岁了.6.His/Her favourite food is chicken.他/她最喜欢的食物是鸡.7.His/Her favourite colour is

5、green. 他/她最喜欢的颜色是绿色.8.His/Her birthday is in May. 他/她的生日是在五月.三.重要问句1.Are you all right? 你还好吧?2.Can you come to my place this afternoon?你今天下午能来我家吗?3.Is Lucy your best friend? Lucy是你最好的朋友吗?4.Whos your best friend? 你最好的朋友是谁?5.How old is she/he? 他/她多大了/几岁了?6.When is his /her birthday?他/她的生日是什么时候?7.Whats

6、 his/her favourite food/colour?他/她最喜欢的食物/颜色是什么?Unit 7 Animals1. 单词lion狮子 pig猪 cow奶牛 hippo 河马 fox 狐狸 wolf 狼 sheep 绵羊 snake蛇 duck鸭子 elephant大象 crocodile鳄鱼 mice老鼠(复)rabbit兔子 budgie(长尾巴)鹦鹉 animal动物 farm农场 fat肥胖的 leg 腿animal动物 ready准备好的 favourite 特别喜爱的 guess 猜 here 这,这里2. 短语My favourite animal.我最喜欢的动物. O

7、pen/close your eyes.睁开/闭上你的眼睛Are you ready? 准备好了 other animals 其他的动物. Live in Africa 住在非洲三句型1. Does it live in Africa / on the farm? - Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt. 它住在非洲 /农场吗? 是。 不是。2. Does it eat grass / other animal? - Yes, it does. / No, it doesnt. 它吃草/其它动物吗? 是。 不是。3. Has it got big ears/four l

8、egs? - Yes, it has. / No, it hasnt. 它有大耳朵/四条腿吗? 有。 没有。4. Can it fly/sing? - Yes, it can. / No, it cant. 它会飞/唱歌吗? 会。 不会。5. Is it a sheep/orange? - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 它是绵羊/橙色的吗? 是。 不是。 Unit 8 My room1. 单词和短语: mirror 镜子 wardrobe衣柜 clock 钟 lamp台灯 sofa 沙发 window窗 table桌子 curtains 窗帘(复) chair椅子 fl

9、oor地板 light 灯 door门 climb爬 picture画,照片 in 在。里面 on 在。上面 under在。下面 behind在。后面 in front of在。前面 where哪里 Clean and tidy.干净整洁 twenty desks 20张桌子 forty chairs 40把椅子二句型:1. Where is my pencil? - Look under the wardrobe. 我的铅笔在哪? - 衣柜下面找找看。2. The book is in / on / under / behind / in front of the desk.书在桌子的里面/

10、 上面/ 下面/ 后面/ 前面。3. There is a mirror on the table.有一个镜子在桌子的上面。4. There are five chairs in the room.有5张椅子在房间里。5.There is a snake behind the wardrbe.衣柜后面有一条蛇.6.There are two mice on the clock.钟表上有两只老鼠.7.There is a rabbit behind the curtain.窗帘后面有一只兔子8.There are two sheep in the bed. 床上有一只羊.9.There is a

11、 duck under the table. 桌子下有一只鸭子.10.There is a chair in front of the wardrobe. 衣柜前面有一把椅子.11. tiger is on the left.The TV is on the right.老虎在左边,电视在右边.12. classroom is big and bright.我们的教室宽大明亮.注意:There be (is/are)+人/物+其他 Is后接单可数名词或不可数名词 Are后接可数名词复数.Unit 9 Games1. 单词: triangle三角形 circle圆形 rectangle 长方形

12、square正方形 game 游戏,比赛 goldfish 金鱼 hit 打,击 paper 纸 poem 诗,诗篇 prize奖品,奖赏 shape形状 stick 粘住,贴住 today 今天 prize奖品,奖赏. Yummy美味的2. 短语:1. Lets play games. 我们一起玩游戏。 2. Miss a turn. 暂停一次。3. Throw again. 再投一次。 4. Go back to twelve. 返回12。5. Start. Finish. 开始。 结束。 6.a box full of chocolates. 满盒的巧克力7.from the box i

13、nto my tummy.从盒子里到我的肚子里三.句型:1.How much/what is twenty puls/minus twelve ?二十加上/减去十二是多少?2.Whats you telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?3.Whats your favourite day/colour/food?你最喜欢的日子/颜色/食物是什么?4.Name three farm animals/colours/months. 列举出三种动物/颜色/月份.5.How many boys/girls/windows/doors/desks are there in your cl

14、assroom?你的教室里面有多少个女孩/男孩/窗户/门/桌子?6. How many triangles/circles/rectangles/ squares are there? - There are thirteen triangles/circles/rectangles/ squares . 有多少个三角形/圆形/长方形/正方形? 有十三个.注意:How many +单数可数名词/不可数名词/复数名词+地点?7. Can you find a pair of shoes in the wardrobe?- Yes, I can. / No, I cant.你能在衣柜里找出一双鞋子

15、吗? 能。 / 不能。8.Can you find two pairs of trainers? - Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 你能找出两双运动鞋吗? 能 / 不能注: can you find +单数可数名词/数词+名词复数+地点状语.?9. Here are pictures of the Fete at our school.这是Fete在我们学校的照片.10. Here are the pictures of the games we play. 这时我们在玩游戏时的照片.11. There are stalls where sweets, second-ha

16、nd toys, books and goldfish are sold.那里有许多卖甜点糖果,二手玩具,书以及金鱼的商店摊位.12. The children play lots of games. 孩子们玩很多的游戏.Unit 10 Holidays1. 单词:holiday假日,假期 bright明亮的 hockey曲棍球 idea思想,主意 kitchen厨房 moon月亮 pack公园 pool 水坑,水塘 talk 说话,交谈 tonight今晚2. 短语: painting a picture 正在给画涂色riding a bike 正在骑自行车 playing table te

17、nnis 正在打乒乓球 swimming正在游泳 playing football 正在踢足球 singing a song 正在唱歌 eating spaghetti 正在吃意大利面 riding a horse正在骑马 eating pizza 正在吃披萨 watching TV正在看电视 eating chicken正在吃鸡腿 have a nice day 玩的愉快in the bathroom 在浴室 in the bedroom 在卧室3. 句型:1. What are you doing? - Im painting pictures. 你正在干什么? 我正在画画。2. What is he / she doing? - He / She is playing the guitar. 他/她正在干什么? 他/她正在弹吉它。3. What are they doing? - They are swimming. 他们正在干什么? 他们正在游泳。4. We are on holiday in England this year.我们今年在英国度假.5. We are visiting my uncle in Toronto. 我们在多伦多拜访我的叔叔.6. In Toronto theres


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