新课标PEP小学六年级下册《U3 A Let’s read. Let’s play》精品教案_第1页
新课标PEP小学六年级下册《U3 A Let’s read. Let’s play》精品教案_第2页
新课标PEP小学六年级下册《U3 A Let’s read. Let’s play》精品教案_第3页




1、新课标pep小学六年级下册u3 a lets read. lets play精品教案教学内容:a lets read. lets play. 教学目标:1.能听、说、认读lets read部分的内容,。能够读懂短文,并完成相应活动。2.掌握如何描述过去的时间内发生的事情。教学重点:理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。教学难点:1.理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2.理解:was, busy.教学准备:录音机、磁带、词卡等教学过程:step 1 warm-up.1.利用词卡复习动词的过去式。 2. free talk.a.师生对话,感知渗透was t:what day

2、 is it today?ss:it is wednesday.( 生回答后板书:it is wed.)t: what about yestaday?ss: it.(师帮助学生回答it was tue.并板书)b.学说运用was,引入weekendt: what about 3 days ago?ss:it was sunday.t: what about 4 days ago?ss:it was saturday.c. 描述自己或询问他人的周末生活 t:we call saturday and sunday weekend.i want to know what did you do las

3、t weekend.( t-s 师生对话,s-s生生对话,s1-s2-s3.开火车问答lets play)step 2 pre-reading.a. 接上一环节,老师复述最后一名同学的周末生活,引入: was busy last weekend并板书呈现。在学生理解的基础上分层次教学此句busy, busy/ was busy /was busy / was busy last weekend.b. 师生对话教学cooked noodles. i was busy too.who want to know what did i do last weekend.s:what did you do

4、 last weekend?t;i cooked noodles. 音标教学ed/t/step 3 in-reading. 1. general reading.(略读) 让学生回答(1) was wu yifan busy last weekend?(2) who is wu visited last weekend?2. detailed reading(细读)回答下面的几个问题。(1) what did wu yifan do on saturday morning?(2) what did wu yifan do on saturday evening?(3) what did wu

5、yifan do on sunday morning? (4) what did wu yifan do on sunday afternoon? 学生合作学习完成黑板板书 3. read and write (读写) a. 再读回答:待添加的隐藏文字内容3(1) why did wu visited his grandma?it was his grandmas birthday.侧板书(2)who did wu palyed football with? he palyed football with his friends.侧板书b.完成课本上的问题。 4 .listen and follow the tape. 5. read after teacher6.read aloud7. read in groups.step 4 post reading 1.看板书复


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