1、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处:research on menu-typed man- machine interaction system of digital tig welding machine 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:中文翻译基本符合英文原意。 签名: 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。附件1:外文资料翻译译文 数字化tlg焊机菜单式人机交互系统的研究何建萍,张春波 ,吴毅雄 ,焦复杰摘要: 在采用tms320f240数字信号处理器和at89c2051弹片机的dsp-mcu双处
2、理器实现集实时信息采集、实时信息处理、实时控制算法运算、实时控制等为一体的全数字化tig焊机多任务系统的基础上,用菜单式键盘输入和液晶显示(lcd-liquid crystal display)数字化输入/输出设备,实现了面向用户、操作灵活方便的可进行tig焊接工艺参数设置修改和焊接现场信息显示参数修改的数字化信息化人机交互系统。这种人机交互系统作为全数字化tig焊机多任务系统的一项任务,与其他任务的时间协调是影响其稳定可靠操作的关键。实验结果表明:该系统运行稳定,操作灵活,现场显示明了;参数设置精度高,抗干扰能力强。关键词: 人机交互系统; 数字化; 双处理器; 菜单引言自20世纪90年代第
3、一台fronius数字化焊机问世以来有关焊机的数字化研究越来越多,并逐步成为焊接电源的主要发展方向之一。数字化tig焊机包括数字化的电源主电路、数字化的控制系统和数字化的人机交互系统,其中控制和主电路是实现数字化焊接电探的关键,人机交互系统是数字化焊接电源的外在表现。 人机交互系统是人机最直接的操作界面,是操作者向计算机输入信息、发出指令及观察现场参数和信息的窗口,它应具有友好性、灵活性、功能性、明确性、一致性、可靠性等特点。国外已有焊机将液晶显示和键盘操作相结合+进行焊接方法、焊接工艺参数设置和信息显示等的人机交互过程,如奥地利fronius公司的transsynergic 40005000
4、及transpuls svnergi270o ,5000全数字化焊机,具有脉冲mig、直流mig手弧焊、tig 焊等多种工艺方法的不同材质、不同焊丝直径的多功能焊接人机界面;美国mk(mike kensrue)产品集团公司的mk cobratig150焊机,具有用户友好的lcd(liquid crystal display)编程界面;美国miller公司基于微处理器控制的automaticm型焊机,可在一个人机界面上进行mig、脉冲mig和自适应的脉冲mig焊。上述焊机均是基于微处理器,由键盘设置功能和参数,通过lcd显示的人机界面,并以功能键的人机交互方式为主。文4介绍了一种基于pc(per
5、sonal computer)机的人机界面。国内有关焊接电源的mcu或mpu控制,但多局限于控制系统,尚未有详尽的有关人机交互系统数字化的研究和报道。1 人机交互方式的选择人机交互的常用方法有问答式对话、菜单交互、功能键、图符、命令语言界面、查询语言界面、自然语言界面等。其中前3种适合于过程控制现场的人机交互,后4种则适合于后台操作的人机交互。焊机的人机交互可分为焊前准备的人机交互和焊接过程中的人机交互,为过程控制现场的人机交互情况。因此,本研究中就问答式对话、菜单交互、功能键这3种人机交互方法进行展开讨论。问答式对话是最简单的人机交互方式,它是由系统起动的对话,系统使用自然语言指导性提问,提
6、示用户进行回答。其优点是:容易使用、容易学习,软件编程实现容易,用户回答范围小,因此不易出错。缺点是:效率不高,速度慢,灵活性差,修改扩充不方便。使用功能键可代替输入命令等完成系统功能。其好处不言而喻,如:减少用户的记忆负担,加快操作,减少输入量,较少出错率。但缺点也很明显,如:功能键定义带任意性,缺少标准化;不标准或不一致的功能键定义会引起记忆和操作上的麻烦;如果系统功能过多,则需要过多的功能,需要增加功能键数。也就容易引起混淆。2 tig 焊人机交互系统的设计思想 焊接电源的人机交互系统要完成焊接参数的设置、焊接工艺的选择、焊接过程中参数的修改、焊接过程提示、焊接参数动态显示等一系列功能,
7、并且为了减少硬件,采用尽可能少的键来完成操作。 本研究中,采用了“menu”、“confirm”、“up,、“down”4个键。并把显示的内容主要分为6个界面:友好界面、menu界面、参数预置界面、参数修改界面、焊接等待界面、焊接现场界面。这4个键操作和6个界面显示的人机交互过程如图l所示。 开机时。系统首先显示友好界面,并监测键盘操作,当检测“menu”键按下,则系统进入菜单界面。根据tig焊机工作的2大部分,菜单界面中有3个选项:预置(preset)、焊接(weld)、退出(exit,可通过“up”、“down”键移动光标进行选择,当光标在pre-set位置时按下“confirm”键,系统
8、进入参数预置界面。即进行焊机焊接前的准备工作;当光标在weld位置时按下“cofirm”键,系统进入焊接等待界面;当光标在exit位置时按下“confirm”键。系统回到友好界面。 根据焊接过程所需参数的个数,参数预置有相应的页数。本研究根据rrig焊焊接过程的需要,设置了8个参数:预气时间、延气时间、电流上升时间、电流下降时间、引弧电流、初始电流、焊接电流、终止电流。在参数预置界面。通过“up”、“down”键选择参数。显示相应参数的提示页,当某一参数选择之后按下“confirm”键,进入参数修改界面,用“up”、“down”键进行该参数的设置,当该数设置完后再按“confirm”键,可回到
9、参数预置界面,继续通过“up”、“down”键选择其他参数进行设置,直到所需的参数均预置完后,按“menu”键可回到菜单界面。 在焊接等待界面,当可靠检测到焊枪合上时,则系统进入焊接现场界面,即进入焊机焊接时对各部分的检测、采集及控制,这时系统一方面动态显示焊接过程的各阶段及相应阶段的现场主要参数,另一方面可通过“up”、“down”键修改焊接现场的焊接电流值,直到焊接过程结束时,系统回到友好界面。3 tig 焊人机交互系统的工作原理31 tig焊人机交互系统的硬件原理 本研究的双cpu人机交互系统采用了美国ti公司的tms320f240数字信号控制器(dsps)以及atmel公司的at89c
10、2051芯片(单片机),并以tms320f240为主控芯片,以at89c2051为液晶显示控制,液晶显示采用字符型液晶显示模块mdls16465。在人机交互的过程中,tms32of240实时地进行键盘扫描,扫描的键盘操作经过键值判断和过程判断后,将相应的信息传送给205l进行显示;在焊接过程中,tms320f240通过 实时地采集焊接现场数据,并经过数据处理后发送给at89c2051进行现场信息的动态显示。图2是以tms320f240为核心的人机交互系统工作原理结构图。tms32of24o与at89c2051之间的通信采用软协议的异步通信,tms32of240通过发送信号线dsprxd向a1
11、051发送状态和数据,通过dsprxd从at89c2051接收数据。4个键盘在硬件上按照一行排列,因此键盘接口只需1根行线和4根列线,其中,行线是输出扫描线,由tms320f240的pc7接行线;列线是列值读入线,由tms320f240的pa口接列线。tms320f240通过片上的md转换器ad0、ad1经过焊接电流检测电路和焊接电压检测电路实时地采集工作现场的数据焊接电流和焊接电压。32 tig焊人机交互系统的软件程序原理人机交互系统dsps的主控程序流程图,如图3所示。根据前面设计思想中分析的tig焊人机交互系统的6个显示界面,该系统的操作分为6个阶段:友好显示阶段、菜单选择阶段、参数设置
12、选择阶段、参数修改阶段、焊接等待阶段、焊接现场监控显示阶段,分别表示为阶段l、2、3、4、5、6。开机后直接进人的友好显示阶段,显示内容不是固定的,根据焊机的不同而定,也根据需要而定,作为tig焊机,可显示“weleome to use tig welding system!”。 dsps程序的主要任务是不断进行键盘扫描,根据扫描得到的不同的键,进行相应的键值处理,并根据要求,进行操作阶段的切换。在“menu”键按下时,即可进人菜单选撵阶段。由于菜单选择参数设置选择、参数修改、焊接等待、焊接现场监控显示这5个阶段的“up”键、“down”键和“confirm”键的操作含义不同,因此,在图4中当
13、检测到“up”、“down”或“confirm”中的某一键按下时,先耍判断是在哪个阶段,然后再进行该键在相应阶段的处理,并与单片机通信进行相应阶段的信息显示及必要的阶段切换。这4个键在不同阶段操作的含义,见表1。4 实验结果 本研究的由1lms320f24o和at89c2051双cpu完成的键盘输人 mdlsl6465液晶显示的人机交互系统的实验调试部分显示如图3所示。表1 键盘操作在不同阶段的含义键阶段2阶段3阶段4阶段5阶段6menu不变到阶段2到阶段2到阶段2到阶段2up选菜单选参数参数加1不变电流加1down选菜单选参数参数减1不变电流减1confirm预置到3到阶段4到阶段3不变不变
14、焊接到5推出到1图3 焊接的关于 tig 的机器交互作用的主要展览接口其中,图3a是友好界面显示内容可根据实际晴况和用户要求改变;图3h是菜单选择界面图中,光标在pre-set选项上,在此界面,可用“up”和“down”键进行选择,当选择好后,可按“confirm”键进入参数预置界面或焊接等待界面或回到友好界面;图3c和图3d是参数修改界面的预气时间和焊接电流设置页,该2页是在参数预置界面中用“up”和“down” 键分别选择了预气时间和焊接电流参数再按“confirm”键得到的;图3e是焊接等待界面。这时,当系统检测到焊枪开关可靠台上系统将进入焊接过程,并进行焊接过程的人机交互操作而当焊枪开
15、关并未合上,但“menu”键按下,则系统回到菜单界面;图4f是焊接现场界砸中在焊接电流上升时的一个动态显示画面,第一行提示为焊接电流上升过程,第二行显示表明上升时间还剩1 s,第三行是动态显示焊接电流和焊接电压。5 结论 a数字化人机交互系统是数字化焊接电源的一个主要组成部分,操作上的灵活方便和显示上的直观明了是该系统的基本要求。本研究中采用了过程显示、参数设置显示、现场信息显示,并结合实际情况,进行了必要的提示。b实验表明 ams320f240 、at89c2051双cpu的人机交互系统可靠性关键有2个:一是ams320f240和at89c2051之间的可靠通信,二是键盘的手工操作、液晶显示
16、及ams320f240和at89c2051的指令执行等之间的速度匹配。参考文献: 1 刘嘉,殷树言,丁京柱 数字化焊机及其特点j 电焊机,2001,31(6):8-10,16 2 刘嘉,卢振洋,殷树言,等 电焊机数字化j 焊接学报,2002,23(1):88-933 朱志明,罗小锋,吴文楷多功能逆变式弧焊机智能化人机界面设计j电焊机,2002,32(2):4-6 附件2:外文原文research on menu-typed man-machine interaction system of digital tig welding machinehe jianping,zhang chunbo,
17、sun guang,wu yixiong and jiao fujieabstract: a digital man-machine interaction system controlled by communications between two processors of tms320f240 and at98c2051 w researched in the paperthe system is easy to set and modify welding process parameters 69,keyboards,and information of welding site
18、by lcd(liquid crystal display)as one part of multitask system about tig welding machine,the coordination of man-machine interaction system with other tasks is the main point to the stability and reliability its operationexperiments result indicates that the system is stable,operation-flexible, high
19、precision,and anti-interference.key words :man-machine interaction system,digitalization,two processor,menuintroductionmore and more research on digitalization machines has occurred since the first digital wof welding machine of the world was manufactured by fronius company in 1990s,which has become
20、 a main trend of the development of welding machinesmanmachine interaction system is external appearance of digital welding power source.man machine interaction system is the direct operation interface between human and machine,which is a window for the operator to send messages an d instructions to
21、 machine an d observe parameters and information about working siteas an interface,it must be friendly,flexible,multifunction,reliable,compatible,positive,and etc. some big welding manufacturers have had products witl manmachine interaction system through lcd (liquid crystal display)and keyboards to
22、 set welding process and welding process parameters,and display information about work sitefor example,transsynergic 4000 f5000 an d transpuls synergic 270040005000 made by fronius company in austria,which has a multifunction manmachine interface for pulse mig welding,dc mig welding,manual welding,a
23、nd tig welding,with different materials and different diameters of welding wire. mk cobratig 150 made by mk products,incin america,which has friendly programming interface with lcd;automatic m microprocessor based weld control made by miller electric mfscowhich can be used for mig welding,pulse mig
24、welding,and self-adapting pulse mig weldingall above have manmachine interface processor based to set functions an d parameters through keyboards and display by lcd,which focus on the way of function keyboardsarticle introduced a manmachine interface based on pc(personal computer)the research in chi
25、na,unfortunately,on welding power sources based on microprocessors is limited to control systems,with few researches and reports about digitalization of manmachine interaction system in welding machines1 selection of man-machine interacting wayssuitable ways for manmachine interacting in working sit
26、e of process control are menu or asking-answering conversation or function keyboardsaskinganswering conversation is low efficient,less flexible,low speed,inconvenient to modify and expand function keyboards are so arbitrary with less standardization as to cause trouble in memorization and operation
27、menu is the most extensive and earlier used man-machine interacting way by which the operator can choose one from a series of items,and every possible item can be displayed on the screen with the form of menuoperators can learn and use the menu interaction quicklymeanwhile,in menu interface,the oper
28、ator selects menu items with fewer inputs,which is difficult to make mistakes a friendly menutyped manmachine interaction system was implemented in this research through the communication between two processors :one controls the display of liquid crystal,another controls the operation of keyboards a
29、nd working siteduring welding ,the operator can be under the guide of the system and finish the process of man machine interacti0n2 design idea of man-machine interaction system about tig welding menu-typed man -machine interaction systems in respect of welding machines can be used to accomplish a s
30、eries of functions for example, setting welding parameters,choosing welding process,modifying and displaying parameters dynamically,indicating welding moments during welding,an d etcmeanwhile,it is important to use fewer possible keyboards to fulfill required functions in order to reduce hardware fo
31、ur keyboards, “menu”, “confirm ”,“up”,“down”,were used in the research,and the display content was distributed to six interfaces:friendly interface,menu interface,parameter preset interface,parameter。modifying interface, welding waiting interface,and welding site interface man-machine interacting pr
32、ocess with the four keyboards and the six interfaces is showed in fig1as long as the welding machine on,a friendly interface is displayed,meanwhile the system monitors users keyboard operationwhen “menu” is detected by dsp,the system enters menu interface. there are three option sin it:preset,weld,a
33、nd exituser moves the easier and choices items by “up” and “down”when “confirm,is detected on preset item,system enters parameter preset interface,it is in this interface that the operator does preliminary work by the systemwhen “confirm is detected on weld item,system enters welding waiting interfa
34、cewhen “confirm” is detected on exit itemthe system will be back to friendly interface. the number of pages regarding parameter preset interface is corresponded to the number of parameters required by welding processso eight parameters are needed for tig welding process:pre-gas time,post-gas time as
35、cending time of welding current,descending time of welding current,igniting current, welding current,initial current,ending currentthe operator can choose parameter pages by“up” and “down”when “confirm is detected on some parameter page,system enters parameter-modifying interface,the operator can mo
36、dify the va1ue of the chosen parameter by “up and “down” until are required keyboard value is set,then the system goes back to parameter pre-set interface by “confirm”the operator can use this way to modify values of other parameters until every single parameter is set,then system can be back to men
37、u interface by “menu” when the welding torch on detected in welding waiting interface,dsp controls the system to enter welding sit interface in which dsp monitors,samples and controlsthe manmachine interaction system displays dynamica11y every moment of welding process and main relevant parameters,m
38、eanwhile,title operator can modify the welding current value of working site by “up”,“down” the system will be back to the friendly interface automatically at the end of welding process.3 working principle of mall-machine interaction system in tig welding machine3.1 hardware principle of man-machine
39、 interaction system in tig welding machine tms320f240 digital signal processor was used in our research as the main purpose of tig welding control,and at89c2051 singlechip processor was dedicated to real time display of welding field by communicating with tms320f240a display block of liquid crystal
40、based on character,mdls16465,was used to meet the need of dynamical display. during the process of manmachine interacting,tms320f240 scans the keyboards in real timethe keyboard scanned can be judged by the keyboard valueafter process judgment,corresponding message is sent to at89c205 1 to display,w
41、hich will be dynamical display about welding siteduring welding,tms320f240 samples parameters from the working site in real time through ad,and sends data disposed to at89c205 1 to display dynamicallythe working principle of the man-machine interaction system centered by tms32017240 is showed in fig
42、2 the communication between tms320f240 and at89c2051 is asynchronous based on software protoco1.tms320f240 transmits flags and data to at89c2051 and receives data from at89c2051 by serial communication based on signals dsptxd and dspexdthe four keys ale arrayed in a line,so a line wire (pc7)and four
43、 row wires(da0-da3)are required.tms320f2do samples welding voltage and current through adin0 and adin1 as a data port, the p1 of at89c2051 sends control bytes and display codes to mdls16465,at89c2051 receives flags and data transmitted by tms320f240, according to flags,displays information according
44、 to data32 programming principle of man-machine inter lion system in tig welding machine a dsp main-controlled process of man-machine interaction system are involved six moments that are distributed to the system work based on the six display interfaces discussed above:friendly display moment,menu s
45、electing moment,parameter selecting moment,parameter modifying moment,welding waiting moment,and welding operation moment,which can be represented as moment 1,2,3,4,5,6 easy to discussthe friendly interface is displayed while the machine is switched on,which is determined by different machines and d
46、ifferent requirements,and display“welcome to use tig welding system!”。 the main task is to scan keyboards continually,dispose keyboard value,and switch operation moment if necessarymoment 2 can be entered when “menu” pressedthe operation meanings of “up”, “down”,and “confirm” are different in moment
47、 2,3,4,5,and 6,therefore,when one of this three keyboards detected,dsp is supposed to judge which moment of the system is inthe operation meanings of keyboards in different moments are showed in table 14 experimental resultssome experimental results of the machine interaction based oil keyboard inpu
48、t and mdl16465 display through two processorstms320f24o and at89c2051 is showed in fig 3fig 3a is a friendly interface,the content of display can be changed according to practical situation and users requirement fig 3 b is selection interface and the ,set item fig3c and fig 3d are gas time page and welding current page in interfacefig 3 welding waiting in this normalwhen the system has detected the welding total1 0ii crediblyit will the welding less and between man ant machine during welding process otherwisewhen the system detects the welding torc
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- 2023年上海高考语文试卷(含答案)
- 基础梁架空施工方案
- 橡胶制品施工方案
- 2025年四爱属性测试题及答案
- 5年级下册英语外研版第一模块课文
- 2025年卵巢囊肿的试题及答案
- RFJ02-2009 轨道交通工程人民防空设计规范
- 曲臂车高空作业车施工方案
- 《四季的色彩》说课 课件
- 【高中语文】《记念刘和珍君》《为了忘却的记念》课件 统编版高中语文选择性必修中册
- 高中音乐鉴赏 《舞动心弦-中国舞蹈音乐》
- YS/T 952-2014铜钼多金属矿化学分析方法铜和钼量的测定电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
- GB/T 4211.1-2004高速钢车刀条第1部分:型式和尺寸
- GB 9688-1988食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准
- 种族民族与国家
- 最新-吡格列酮研究进展-课件
- 单相电和三相电课件