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3、去十年间大量的文献已被发表,关于为计量人力资源会计而设置的各种程序。与此同时,理论概念和潜在的会计计量随着大量文献的发展已经在学术界收到相当大的成效。传统的人力资源会计已经不再被认定是物质或是财务资产。“我们所需要的是测量员工的各种能力,在公司的各种层次的生产价值来自于他们的知识和能力,人力资源会计基本上是一个信息系统,可以在任何时候告诉管理者人力资源发生的任何变化人力资源会计还包括对人们的投资和他们的替代成本,而且也包括了人们在组织中的经济价值。” 斯里尼瓦森博士说,作为洲际人力资源会计发展战略专家,是印度的人力资源会计的领军人物。当前会计系统是不能提供员工的能力和知识的实际价值。这个间接影



6、度国家证劵公司、印度石油天然气公司、印度工程师有限公司、印度国家热力公司、矿物质和金属贸易公司、印度马德拉斯石油精炼厂、与石油公司相关联的印度公司、印度集成电路、冶金和工程咨询公司, 印度柯钦造船有限公司等等组织,已经开始在他们的财务报表中披露了有关他们的人力资源的信息。在这里就不必在说明其人力资源的重要性了,但是在二十年前在商业组织中人力资源是常被会计师们忽视的一个重要的因素。早在1980年期间,行为学家们开始突破了传统的会计制度束缚,由于其未能将组织中人力资源价值连同它的其他物质资源一起计量价值。在如今,以一种变迁的角度去看,会计师们在计量货币价值的角色中正扮演着越来越重要的地位,通过赋值


8、的模式被开发出来。在这些方法中的有机会成本方法、标准成本法、现实购买力方法, 经济价值投资法,而列弗与舒瓦兹提出了一种新的模型即未来收益现值模型和随机奖励评枯模型。当然这个模型, 列弗与舒瓦兹的建议是应该要变为一种非常流行方法。在未来收益现值模型方式下,组织中人力资源所创造的未来利润,也包括了直到他们退休时所积聚的部分,并且是一种被打了折扣的资本成本来去计算现值。关于随机奖励评枯模型,随机奖励模型是一个直接衡量一个人的预期条件数值和预期可实现价值。它是基于一个假设,即个人占据的价值产生于组织中的所从事的角色,并使之服务于组织。其前提是,一个人将会在一段具体的时间段中,从一个单体转移到一个群体之




12、提供了关于人力资产的定量信息,能够帮助人力最高管理层作出决定以充足企业的人力资源。并且人力资源会计可以被看作是一种技术性的哲学问题。这是多种的方法背后的一种原因并且它被人力资源会计使用于广泛的目的而加以强调,例如,作为一个为内部和/或外部使用的信息工具(员工、客户、投资者,等等),并且作为人力资源管理的一种决策工具。因此,可以认为,人力资源是不可缺少的,只有发展好人力资源会计才能使企业在现代行业竞争中得到更好的发展。25本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译原文:for indias human resource accounting researchtom albright, india social

13、 science journals,2008.5 the past few decades have witnessed a global transition from manufacturing to service based economies. the fundamental difference between the two lies in the very nature of their assets. in the former, the physical assets like plant, machinery, material etc. are of utmost im

14、portance. in contrast, in the latter, knowledge and attitudes of the employees assume greater significance. for instance, in the case of an it firm, the value of its physical assets is negligible when compared with the value of the knowledge and skills of its personnel. similarly, in hospitals, acad

15、emic institutions, consulting firms etc., the total worth of the organization depends mainly on the skills of its employees and the services they render. hence, the success of these organizations is contingent on the quality of their human resource- its knowledge, skills, competence, motivation and

16、understanding of the organizational culture. in knowledge driven economies therefore, it is imperative that the humans be recognized as an integral part of the total worth of an organization. however, in order to estimate and project the worth of the human capital, it is necessary that some method o

17、f quantifying the worth of the knowledge, motivation, skills, and contribution of the human element as well as that of the organizational processes, like recruitment, selection, training etc, which are used to build and support these human aspects, is developed. success of corporate undertakings pur

18、ely depends upon the quality of human resources. it is accentuated that; human element is the most important input in any corporate enterprise. the investments directed to raise knowledge; skills and aptitudes of the work force of the organization are the investments in human resource. in this conte

19、xt, it is worth while to examine and human resource accounting practices in corporate sector in india.human resource accounting is of recent origin and is struggling for acceptance.it is clearly said that, human resources accounting is an accounting measurement system and a large body of literature

20、has been published in the last decade setting for the various procedures for measurement. at the same time the theory and underlying concepts of accounting measurement have received sizeable attention from academics and a substantial body of literature has developed. the conventional accountings of

21、human resources are not recognized as physical or financial assets.what is needed is measurement of abilities of all employees in a company, at every level, to produce value from their knowledge and capability. “human resource accounting (hra) is basically an information system that tells management

22、 what changes are occurring over time to the human resources of the business. hra also involves accounting for investment in people and their replacement costs, and also the economic value of people in an organization,”say dr.r.srinivasan, the director of strategic development-intercontinental opera

23、tions, of indias human resource accounting leaders. the current accounting system is not able to provide the actual value of employee capabilities and knowledge. this indirectly affects future investments of a company, as each year the cost on human resource development and recruitment increases.dr.

24、r.srinivasan is a post graduate in commerce and management. he received his doctoral degree from alagappa university in 1997. he currently teaches financial management and research methodology subjects in post graduate and research department of corporate secretaryship at bharathidasan government co

25、llege for women (autonomous), pondicherry university, puducherry. before joining bgcw, he was teaching in snr college, coimbatore, sindhi college, chennai& t.s.narayanasamy college, chennai for eight years. he was with the industry for a short term at salzar electronics pvt. ltd, coimbatore. he has

26、about 20 years of teaching experience and having research experience of 15 years. his interests are in accounting and finance, capital market, quantitative methods. he underwent the faculty development programme at indian institute of management ahmedabad during 2000-01. he has presented 20 papers i

27、n national and international conferences and has published twenty papers in the areas of finance and human resource management in national journals. co-authored a book titled, investors protection, published by raj publications, new delhi he has delivered lectures in contemporary finance topics at p

28、ondicherry university. he has supervised a number of research projects in the area of corporate finance and human resource management. in india the development of human resources accountancy plays play a very important role.though human resources accounting was introduced way back in the 1980s, it s

29、tarted gaining popularity in india after it was adopted and popularized by nlc. human resources accounting, also known as human asset accounting, involved identifying, measuring, capturing, tracking and analyzing the potential of the human resources of a company and communicating the resultant infor

30、mation to the stakeholders of the company. it was a method by which a cost was assigned to every employee when recruited, and the value that the employee would generate in the future. human resource accounting reflected the potential of the human resources of an organization in monetary terms, in it

31、s financial statements.even though the situation prevails, yet, a growing trend towards the measurement and reporting of human resources particularly in public sector is noticeable during the past few years. bhel, cement corporation of india, ongc, engineers india ltd., national thermal corporation,

32、 minerals and metals trading corporation, madras refineries, oil india ltd., associated cement companies, spic, metallurgical and engineering consultants india limited, cochin refineries ltd. etc. are some of the organizations, which have started disclosing some valuable information regarding human

33、resources in their financial statements. it is needless to mention here that, the importance of human resources in business organization as productive resources was by and large ignored by the accountants until two decades ago.during the early and mid 1980s, behavioral scientists attacked the conven

34、tional accounting system for its failure to value the human resources of the organization along with its other material resources. in this changing perspective the accountants were also called upon to play their role by assigning monetary value to the human resources deployed in the organization. hu

35、man resource accounting involves the dimension of cost incurred by the organization for all the personnel function. hence the issue is to be addressed is how to measure the economic value of the people to the organization and various cost based measures to be taken for human resources. the two main

36、components of human resources accounting were investment related to employees and the value generated by them. investment in human capital included all costs incurred in increasing and upgrading the employees skill sets and knowledge of human resources. the output that an organization generated from

37、 human resources was regarded as the value of its human resources. human resources accounting is used to measure the performance of all the people in the organization, and when this was made available to the stakeholders in the form of a report, it helped them to take critical investment decisions.a

38、ll the models stressed that human capital was considered an investment for future earnings, and not expenditure.for valuing human resources, different models have been developed. some of them are opportunity cost approach, standard cost approach, current purchasing power approach, economic value app

39、roach,lev and schwartz present value of future earnings model and flam holtzs stochastic rewards valuation models etc. of these, the model suggested by lev and schwartz has become popular. under this method, the future earnings of the human resources of the organization until their retirement is agg

40、regated and discounted at the cost of capital to arrive at the present value. about the stochastic rewards model is a direct way of measuring a persons expected conditional value and expected realizable value. it is based on the assumption that an individual generates value as he occupies and moves

41、along organizational roles, and renders service to the organization. it presupposes that a person will move from one state in the organization, to another, during a specified period of time.about the economic value approach, value of an object, in economic terms, is the present value of the services

42、 that it is expected to render in future. similarly, the economic value of human resources is the present worth of the services that they are likely to render in future. this may be the value of individuals, groups or the total human organization. the methods for calculating the economic value of in

43、dividuals may be classified into monetary and non-monetary methods.human resources accounting system consists of two aspects namely:a) the investment made in human resourcesb) the value human resourcemeasurement of the investments in human resources will help to evaluate the charges in human resourc

44、e investment over a period of time. the information generated by the analysis of investment in human resources has many applications for managerial purposes. the organizational human performance can be evaluated with the help of such an analysis. it also helps in guiding the management to frame poli

45、cies for human resource management. the present performance result will act as input for future planning and the present planning will have its impact on future result. for indias human resource investment patterns usually include the following matters1) expenditure on advertisement for recruitment2

46、) cost of selection3) training cost4) on the job training cost5) subsistence allowance6) contribution to provident fund7) educational tour expenses8) medical expenses9) ex-gratia payments10) employees welfare fundall these items influence directly or indirectly the human resources and the productivi

47、ty of the organization.after analyzing the investment pattern in the human resources of an organization the current cost of human resources can be ascertained. for this purpose, current cost is defined as the cost incurred with which derives benefit of current nature. these are the costs, which have

48、 little bearing on future cost. thus, the expenses incurred for the maintenance of human resources are termed as current costs. current cost consists of salary and wages, dearness allowance, overtime wages, bonus, house rent allowance, special pay and personal pay.amidst this background, it issignificant to mention that the importance and value of human assets were recognized in the early 1990s when there was a major increase in employment in firms in service, technology and other knowledge-based sec


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