



1、历史专业“个人陈述”样本编者按: My most important aim for the next few years isto further my studies of History. Study ing the subject at GCSE and A Level h. My most importa nt aim for the n ext few years is to further my studies of History. Studying the subject at GCSE and A Level has extended my interest in Soci

2、al and Europea n History, and how this relates to world History. The subject has enhanced my understandingand interest ofcurre ntaffairs and con temporaryissues, which I enjoyfollowi ng closely. As a stude nt of History, I aim to exte nd my analytical and presentationalskills. Once given an area tos

3、tudy, I like to research in depe nden tly, but also work ing with others. My time at Sixth Form College has enabled me to improve my reliability,pun ctualityand ability to workin dividually,while cop ing with the dema nds of exams anddeadli nes. The AS levels I selected; En glish, Geography, History

4、 and Politics complemented each other well, enablingme touse the kno wledge of one subject to develop my understandingof another.They have also extended myabilities in research, essay and report writing.My AS resultsproved pleasing, after analysing my results, they have given me realistic targets fo

5、r the year ahead. I have evaluated my progress of my first year in order to find weak nesses in exam and study tech nique and I am work ing on these for a hopefully successful outcome for the years ahead.In additionto my academic studies, I have achievedqualificatio ns in first aid, and I feel con f

6、ide nt to admi nister first aid in un likely situati ons. Over the past two years, I have helped with a youth holiday scheme connected with my Church where I had resp on sibility for look ing after and help ing childre n. In my spare time, I enjoy readi ng non-ficti on books, and travelli ng to see

7、many parts of the coun try. My Duke of Edi nburgh award scheme en abled me to deal effectively with decisi on maki ng within a group.Out of College, a part-time job at a n ewsage nt, over thepast two years has given me responsibilitiessuch as dealingwith customers, stock and large amounts of mon ey,

8、 and also being orga ni sed and pun ctual. At my sec on dary school, I helped to set up a student council, as I felt that there were stude nt issues that n eeded to be dealt with. Other resp on sible positi ons I have held are both prefect, and fifth year represe ntative at my previous school, and f

9、orm represe ntative on the stude nt coun cil at my prese nt college. Work experie nee at an Estate Age nt in Cambridge gave me good experie nee of work ing in a city and commuti ng, and also in sight into an area of bus in ess. I hope to travel and work at an orpha nage n ear to Jakarta, which I have mai ntai ned links with, and also to New Zeala nd. My career prospects are left ope n for now, but I do have in terests in research and educati on.My main priority for now is to complete my A Levels to the best of my ability and to go on to U


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