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1、The research of the vision of love in NotreDame de ParisWritten by Yu He chuanSupervised by lecturer Zhang NiA Thesis Submitted toLanzhou University of Technologyin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of Bachelor of Artsin English EducationForeign Languages College, Lemzhou Univers

2、ity of TechnologyJune2013贞脚.CONTENTSAbstract II摘要.-II 1Introduction 11. 1 The Writing background of Notre Dame DE Paris 11. 2 The Writing background of Notre Dame DE Paris11. 3 The main content of the novel2 2 Different kinds of love in Notre Dame DE Paris and the comme nt on Esmeralda * svisionoflo

3、ve22. 1Differe nt kinds of love in Notre Dame DEParis22. 1. 1 The cowardly love22.1.2Theselfishandsuperficiallove32. 1. 3 The extreme and abnormal love42. 1. 4The menial love52. 5 The pitiful and painful love52.2 The Comment on Esmeralda * s character andvisionoflove72.2.1Esmeralda * signoranceandhu

4、mbleness72. 2. 2 Superficial love93 Conclusion1011Bibliography贞脚.Acknowledgements12贞脚.ABSTRACTThe famous French writer, Victor Hugo, had created four characters in the novel wNotre Dame DE Paris , and each character has a different nature and vison of love The hypocrite pursuing money 、 position and

5、 beauty was Phoebus Pierre Grangoi who just was an sorehead poet pursues his love based on a Sham marriage Quasimodo was the bell ringer having good heart and pursuing love .There were also a suffragan Claude who was distorted humanity by religious and lost his love They loved one person Gypsy Esmer

6、alda who pursue her pure love This paper would compare the four person s characters and the vision of love. Then,it would analyse Gypsy Esmeralda s choose and the attitude towards the four kinds of love Finally,we analyse the leading lady Esmeralda s value of love through the analysis of the four pe

7、rson.Key words: Notre Dame DE Paris pursue love摘要法国著名作家维克多雨果在小说巴黎圣母院中塑造了众多的人物形象, 而这些形象对爱情所持的态度各不相同。有对金钱、地位、美貌追逐的伪君子孚 比斯;图有婚姻躯壳的落魄诗人格兰古瓦;有美好心灵与追求爱的升华的撞钟人 卡西莫多;被禁欲扭曲了人性导致爱情破灭的副主教克洛德。他们都爱上了追求 自己纯洁爱情的艾斯米拉达;本文通过对比这四个人物的性格特点与爱情观,然 后分析艾斯米拉达对爱的选择和对四种不同爱的态度。最后通过以上分析的整合 来分析女主角的爱情观。关键词:巴黎圣母院、追求、爱情观.页脚.L Introd

8、uctionL IThe the brief introduction of Victor HugoVictor Hugo (18021885) was the leader of the French Romantic school He is one of literary historyrs greatest writers in France His life sparrned almost the entire 19th century and his literary career has always kept enduring creativity since 60 years

9、 ago. His romantic novels permanently attracted readers due to impressive and powerful storyline Hugo was born in 1802 in southern France His grandfather was a carpenter, and his father was an officer of the republic army who had been granted military ranks by the king of Spain, Joseph, who is Napol

10、eons brother, and his father also was trusted ministers of the King Hugo was very bright and intelligent at 9-year-old and began to write poetry. At 15-year-old ,he wrote the Joy of Reading which was awarded by his school And he won the first place in the race of writing poem at his seventeen years

11、old At the age of 20, he published collection of poems In 1827, Victor Hugo published the scripts Cromwell and the preamble Although the script was failed to perform, but it was considered as a French romantic Declaration, becoming a landmark document in literary history. It played a great role in t

12、he development of the French romantic literature In 1830, Hugo s scripts that Kennedy Europe gave a public performanee at the French Academy of Theatre, and had a great influence It established a dominant position in French Romantic literary. In July 1830, Franee had July Revolution, the revival of

13、the feudal monarchy was destroyed Hugo warmly praised the revolution and the revolutionaries, and wrote poems to condole those heroes who died in the revolution. In 1831 Victor Hugos Notre Dame de Paris is the most romantic novels This novel is dramatic and legendary.L 2 The Writing background of No

14、tre Dame de ParisThe novel Notre Dame de Paris was an art which had reproduced the real贞脚.history that happened more than 400 years ago during the reign of King Louis Jus It described how the palace and the Church court oppressed the masses of the person, how the person struggled bravely with the tw

15、o forces The rebellious gypsy girl Esmeralda and the person with ugly facetykds Quasimodo as the real of the embodiment of beauty show ing in fro nt of the reader, however, we only saw the cruel empty heart and the evil passions from suffragan Claude and noble soldiers Phoebus The authors combined t

16、he vivid story and the rich dramatic seenes together organically, so that the novel was highly readableL 3 The main content of the novelNotre Dame de Paris was published by Victoria Hugo in 1831 which was his historical and first large-scale romantic novel. It told a story by strange and contrast sk

17、ills about the 15th century of France In Fools Day,r, vagrant gypsy performers dance in the square, there was a gypsy girl called Esmeralda attracting passers-by, who looked beautiful and her dance was also very beaut if ul. At this time, the Notre Dame de Paris archdeacon Claude Frollo suddenly was

18、 obsessed with the beautiful Esmeralda , he was burning the fire of lust and madly fell in love with her Then he ordered the church bell tin ger Quasimodo who looks odd ugly to steal Esmeralda As a results . the king of France captain Phoebus saved Esmeralda and catch Quasimodo. He put the man to th

19、e square to flog him the gypsy girl not only forgave him but gave him some water to drink. The Bel 1 ringers heart was pure though he had a ugly appearanee, he was very grateful for Esmeralda s help, and fell in love with her The naive Esmeralda fell in love with Phoebus at first sight When they had

20、 a date, Frollo following them silently behind out of jealousy, he stabs Phoebus with the sword and escape Esmeralda had been sentenced death for murder Quasimodo took Esmeralda out from the gallows hiding her in the Notre Dame de Paris Claude Frollo took advantage of the occasion to threat贞脚. the g

21、ypsy girl to meet his lust When rejected, he gave her to the kings army, and the innocent girl was hanged .Quasimodo pushed Claude down the church angrily , then he held Esmeraldas body and dead2. All kinds of love in Notre Dame DE Paris and the Comment onEsmeralda s vision of love2. 1 All kinds of

22、love in Notre Dame DE Paris2. 1. 1 The cowardly lovePierre Grangoi was a poet who can not rely on writing poetry to feed himself in today society. However,the poet also can not write to feed themselves in Paris two hundred years ago, so he had to stay in the kingdom of beggars crowd to survive Unfor

23、tunately, a poet even can not pass the beggar * s skill test, as a result, Pierre Grangoi was not qualified as a beggar and sent to the gallowsHowever scholars had known their limitations, when he was refused by the person he loved, immediately he chose to give up, because he felt ashamed When Quasi

24、modo ordered Esmeralda, he did not have the courage to save her, yet his own life was saved relying on Esmeralda * s mercy Facing with such a woman, he did not expect anyth ing as love if only there was a little self-esteem. So after their marriage, he would like to act as a replacement husband, and

25、 went out with Esmeralda to busk dance in the street every day. Though this kind of marriage could not get love what he want, but there was a marriage to survive at leastIf Pierre Grangoi had ever loved Esmeralda, so we can only think the reason that she gave him the means to get the house and bread

26、 On his opinion , food, house and a nominal marriage are enough for him in life He didn t knows about Esmeralda at all. So, there is not love at all. Claude is the direct murderer to kill Esmeralda, but the real reason of Esmeraldas death is Grangoi s weak2.1.2 The selfish and superficial lovePhoebu

27、s was the captain of the Royal Guard ,a man with handsome striking贞脚. appearance, and circulated at the upper class every day. He was the ideal prince, charming in the eyes of the rich lady. Bright Phoebus was very good at using his resources, he chose the cousin Lily with rich dowry as his fiancee,

28、 at the same time he chased Esmeralda for her beauty The vileness of Phoebus was that he only love Esmeralda, s beauty, not cared Esmeralda s life Esmeralda was sentenced to death due to murder Phoebus , but Phoebus did not pick the real murder to save her when he wakes up in the hospital after esca

29、ping in order not to exposed his scanda1If Pierre* s love is weak , Phoebus, love is selfish and superficia1He excelled in coaxing rich girl depending on his beautiful appearance to cajole rich girls,and often said the same sweet words and vows of eternal love for them. He had a handsome appearance

30、but his heart was evil. Alcohol abuse and saying crude words are his hob by. He is proud of sleeping around and playing with women. We only see a kind of image of beautiful man that a foul soul hides under the beautiful body.2. 1.3 The extreme and abnormal loveIf Phoebus was hypocrite we consider of

31、 in our life, Claude was devil of love we consider of At the age of thirty-six, Claude Frollo was the deputy leader of the church.He grew up in church schools and accepted church education. After decades years efforts, he climbed up the powerful position finally But the inhuman church discipline cou

32、ld not eliminate his heart * s desire, and such instinctive desire in the extreme oppression had become more in tense and crazy When his love for Esmeralda broke the religion* s long-suppressed, his instinctive desire which is like a volcano erupting,becoming uncontrollable We could not deny Claude*

33、 s love for the reason that Esmeralda was wholehearted 、 enthusiastic and irreplaceable, and he was even willing to give up everything together with his belief of decades for Esmeralda1 s love But his love was extreme selfish, his views on love is as follow Mif I cant have, and I will destroy贞脚. her

34、!,r So he instructed his son Quasimodo to rob Esmeralda in the middle night, after failing, he assassinated his rival Phoebus further, and put the blame on Esmeralda When Esmeralda was taken to Notre Dame de Paris to take refuge, then he used his power to make Esmeralda lose the protection of Notre

35、Dame de Paris He threated her with a death forcing Esmeralda to accept his love In ordinary life,some person liked Claude Frollo begot hatred due to love or begets enmity because of love ,becoming human tragedy , because of Claude s extreme selfishnessHe only wanted to satisfy their own meet, not co

36、nsidering other person s willing and he never understand loveClaude s love is crazy and extreme Every time he shows his love to Esmeralda with most classical words. He can give up his belief and power, even everything of him for that gir 1. He wants to give her the prefect love His love is the bigge

37、st challenge towards religious asceticism .At the same time,his love also is extremely selfish and narrow. And his desire becomes very strong because of long time sexual repression.So Claude, s love is extreme and abnorma1.2. 1. 4The menial loveIf Pierre Grangoi s marriage without love was unhappy,

38、relatively speaking,Quasimodo was miserable Quasimodo had extreme bad own conditions, but he had high sights towards love Archdeacon Claude Frollo adopted Quasimodo who was a abandoned baby because he was a deformed childHe never enjoyed the warmth of family,Since he grew up in church from childhood

39、,After growing up, he continued staying in the church to ring bells, so he loved only two person, one was the auxiliary Claude, another was the no life church bel1. However, when beautiful Esmeralda appeared, she awoke his desire for love However, this awakening desire did not bring any happiness, b

40、ut made him feel more deeply mentai pain due to the physiological defectsFacing with Esmeralda* s beauty, he was贞脚. so humble and pain,and he was eager to close Esmeralda, but he was afraid of that his ugliness would make Esmeralda uncomfortable and scared Quasimodo did not expect anything from Esme

41、ralda, as long as he can stay in her side However, even such a hope was also taken by his stepfather Desperate Quasimodo killed his adoptive father archdeacon Claude angrily, and killed himself fin all y. he hugged Esmeralda1 s body went into another worldQuasimodo falls in love with Esmeralda wildl

42、y because of her kindness and beauty .He chooses the most simple and hon est way to treat Esmeralda, and love her with the most selfless and humble heart .He even pays with his life to protect her .Quasimodo is putti ng al 1 his life and enthusiasm on Esmeralda .He would like to go through fire and

43、water for her,and sacrifice himself all for her happiness .This kind of love is self less without han ker ing to get someth ing in retur n. It is the true love 2. 1.5 The pitiful and painful loveFirst of all, Esmeralda lived in street and grew up with gypsy .She always did good things for others and

44、 shoot square with each other Her nature contained passionate、 naive 、 bluffness and optimistic In her world ,person should sympathize and help each other It was the quality which made her be loved and respected by Quasimodo、beggars country tours and other person. Esmeralda was a female who was full

45、 of loving compassion, and she was a kind girl with the spirit of kindheartedness which was the heart of spiritual beauty Secondly, Esmeralda was not only kindness and has courage to risk her life for an other, but also she was girl with a iron hand in a velvet glove , That was to say she was faithf

46、ul and unyielding on anoth巳r side In front of Claude* s despotic power, she would like to die rather than submit What s more, Esmeralda was a pure and dedicated person. A young girl had a pure and persistence character who was lovely. Her love was unconditional and no utilitarian. She loved him贞脚. n

47、ot for her own interests , only to love him due to love him Her love was so noble and holy This pure and beautiful heart was so extraordinary in our lifeEsmeralda was a sixteen years old beautiful girl who was good at singing and dancing. She was stolen by the Gypsies from her family since she was v

48、ery young ,and she grew up in the street to perform artists to feed herself So he was not accepted the hierarchical high society at that time When she was robbed in the middle of night, the hero handsome Royal Guard Captain Phoebus saved her, she fell in love with him at first sight, and he was also

49、 captured by her beauty Like all heroine in novels,Esmeralda was flinging caution to fall in love with each other as long as meet her real one. Regardless of whether the person really love her and what the result was Even she knew this love can be no results and he was not really love her, but she s

50、till devoted her life to love and believed their love .She though all things is perfect and always lived in her illusion.Esmeralda not only had the pink of perfection of the body, but also there was a noble and pure good heart When the poet Pierre would be hanged by the beggar Kingdom , she did not

51、hesitate to marry him to save the poet in the critical moment. The poet was shocked by her beauty and nobility ,and involuntarily fell in love with her immediately. And he hoped to become her nominal husband. But Esmeralda calmly refused him for her idol in the heart, and say: T can only love the ma

52、n. who can protect me And told him, she married him just to save his life, so he could only maintain the relationship of nominal husband When archdeacon Claude forced Esmeralda to accept his love by various despicable means, Esmeralda refused to submit even death In prison in order to get Esmeralda?

53、 s love, Claude cheated her that her lover Phoebus had been killed, and let she should not have any illusions He could save贞脚. her out of the death penalty as long as she accept his love. Esmeralda replied if he is dead, why you still advised me to live? Claude told Esmeralda make a choice before th

54、e gal lows finally, although Esmeralda already knew her Phoebus was still alive in that time, and she found her own mother who lost more tha n fifteen years She wan ted to live, but faci ng Claudes courtship, she only say: I am disgusted with you rather than the gallowsIn the novel, the incarnation

55、of ugly Quasimodo first appeared in front of Esmeralda as Esmeralda* s persecutor .He was ordered to rob Esmeralda in the middle of night When Quasimodo was arrested by royal guards after failure When he was tied in the of shame pillar in the sun to be lashed in public, he Ionged for the crowd give

56、him some water but no one care him Esmeralda not only forgot his guilt in the past but also bravely gave him water to drink in eyes of the person. Esmeralda was the angel in that time Misshapen appearanee was always the big gap between him and Esmeralda which never be able to cross Author let they a

57、cross the gap at the end of the n ovel by the manner of death fin ally , It may be the only feasible method2. 2 The Comment on Esmeralda, s character and vision of love2. 2. 1 Esmeralda s ignorant and humbleEsmeralda is ignorant.0bjectively, she choses her love based on intuit and utility In the wor

58、ks, because she more than once tells others that she can only love one who can protect her. She often dreams a officer who can save her life In the Kanawha window section, Esmeralda tells Phoebus you saves me and you are pleasant and beautiful , I have dreamed of you before I knew you My Phoebus,you are wearing beautiful unifonus in the dream, the man in the dream also has a pair of a sword with elegant appearance However, on her objective select


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