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1、第三章directions; in this section, there are 10 passages. for each passage, there are 10 blanks. you are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. read the passage through carefully before making your choices. each choice in the bank i

2、s identified by a letter. please mark the corresponding letter for each item. you may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.passage 1our first deep companionship is found in family relationships. if we are _1_, we bond to a parent (if we are even more fortunate, we bond to both parents

3、) and siblings (兄妹). we may also have the opportunity to find loving relationships with family outside our _2_ onewith an uncle or aunt, _3_, and cousins.as deeply loving as any of these bonds may be, however, they generally do not _4_ loneliness as effectively as marriage and _5_ do, because most f

4、amily relationships are time-bound. when we become adults, most of us spend much _6_ time with our parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts than we did as _7_. indeed, the nature of the child-parent relationship is such that if it is healthy, we do not spend as much time with our parents when we gro

5、w up. family relationships are limited by _8_ for another reason as we get older, our older relatives begin to die.of course, neither of these reasons _9_ to siblings, and many people do develop ongoing loving relationships with a sibling. this is not the rule, however. brothers and sisters have not

6、 been known for the closeness of their relationships even when they love each other.if we start out life with loving family relationships, our chances for happiness are incalculably increased. it is almost impossible to overstate the importance of those _10_ . but as we get older, other relationship

7、s usually provide greater opportunities for intimacy because they are not time-bound, and these are relationships with peers.a) grandparents i) fortunateb) children j) wantsc) immediate k) sticksd) ease l) appliese) less m) friendshipf) more n) refersg) time o) bondsh) unfortunatepassage 2one of the

8、 advantages of living in uk is that one is permitted to say what he thinks. _1_ or in public, one may criticize the queen, the government, or anything else. in some cities there are even special places where people come to _2_ to speeches on all kinds of questions. in london, people gather in hyde p

9、ark, where speakers _3 _them on various topics. no one attempts to stop such speakers. we feel that if their ideas are _4_ then they deserve to be heard. if the ideas are bad, no one will pay much _5_ to them anyway.not long ago one of these speakers was delivering an _6_ speech in hyde park. he was

10、 criticizing the members of the government in strong terms.“they are _7_ for all our troubles,” he said. “what we should do is burn down the house of commons and buckingham palace.” a large _8_. of people had gathered and had begun to block traffic. at that moment a policeman _9_ along and said;“all

11、 right, gentlemen! lets open a path for the _10_ . all those in favor of burning down the house of commons, move to the right. all those in favor of burning down buckingham palace, move to the left. now move aside, one way or the other.” one by one the listeners walked away, and soon the speaker was

12、 left alone.a) hear i) overtlyb) listen j) privatelyc) address k) goodd) moved l) emotionale) attention m) trafficf) road n) badg) crowd o) cameh) responsiblepassage 3when bob smith was invited to an international conference on tropical disease, he was delighted. the conference was to _1_ place in g

13、eneva and bob thought it would be a good opportunity to take susan on a short journey. they decided that they would go to paris for a week before bob traveled on to geneva for the _2_. susan would then _3_ home.bob and susan _4_ an enjoyable week touring paris. they did a lot of walking and at the e

14、nd of the week they were very tired. bob went with susan to the _5_ and saw her on a plane to london. while he was waiting for his plane to geneva, a mist began to form. _6_, his plane took off. as soon as he sank into his seat, bob fell fast asleep.unfortunately, as the plane flew to geneva, the mi

15、st changed into _7_ fog. it was _8_ to land in geneva because of the fog. when this news was given to the passengers, bob was still in fast sleep. he did not wake up until the plane landed back in paris. still very _9_, he hurried through the airport lounge and found a taxi. he asked the driver to t

16、ake him to the geneva international hotel. the surprised driver looked at bob as if he were mad. he asked bob if he was _10_ he wanted a taxi. bob said he did, since he felt too tired to walk.a) paid i) sureb) return j) takec) spent k) thickd) conference l) thine) eventually m) sleepyf) hence n) rel

17、axedg) airport o) impossibleh) possiblepassage 4old lucy was a very strange woman. the fine house in which she had lived overlooked a lovely valley. but she hardly ever went out. though a servant looked after her, her only real _1_ were two cats. for years she had _2_ to see any of her relations as

18、she felt that all they were interested in was her money.in this she was _ 3_. after her death, the few relations she had, _4_ at the house to hear lucys lawyer read her will. they were all sure that lucy had left a great _5_ and they each demanded a share. this led to _6_ arguments. in particular, t

19、hey quarreled about the house. lucys nephew felt that it should go to him, as he was one of the few people who used to visit his old aunt before she _7_ herself off from her relations. lucys cousin objected to this and there was an angry scene in the living room while they waited for the _8_ to arri

20、ve. when the lawyer entered, the nephew said jokingly that his aunt had probably left hundreds of debts.their lawyer did not even smile at this and asked them all to sit down. he began to read the _9_ ina solemn voice. lucy had indeed been _10_ rich. but she had left her whole of her fortune to her

21、two cats!a) fortune i) rightb) will j) refusedc) companions k) lawyerd) eventually l) violente) immensely m) cutf) pleased n) angrily6) gathered o) wrongh) swarmedpassage 5in recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the united states. both the advantages and th

22、e disadvantages of using faculty (“教师”的总称) from foreign countries in teaching positions have to be _1_, of course. it can be said that foreigners make the faculty member from _2 _an asset (财富) also create problems of adjustment both for the university and for the individual.the foreign research scho

23、lar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a _3_ of protection. however, what he needs is to be fitted with a highly organized university system quite _4_ from that at home. he is faced in his daily work with differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of _5_. both the visi

24、ting professor and his students _6_ background in each others cultures. some concept of what is already in the minds of american students is _7_ by foreign professor. while helping him to _8_ himself to his new environment, the university members also make certain adjustments in order to take full a

25、dvantage of what the newcomer can offer. it isnt always known how to make _9_ use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. teaching is thought to be a _10_ where further study is called for. the findings of such a study will be a value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty.a)

26、different i) fieldb) lack j) teachingc) considered k) thingd) same l) adapte) abroad m) fullf) know n) requiredg) means o) adoptedh) shortageh) shortagepassage 6the elephant is the only animal in the world with a trunk. it uses its trunk in many _1_. it pulls leaves off trees with its trunk and then

27、 puts them into its mouth. it can also use its trunk to _2_ up trees when it wants to make a path through the jungle. it also uses its trunk to drink _3_. the trunk can _4_ a lot of water, as an elephant needs to drink more than three hundred pints of water every day.when an elephant is angry, its t

28、usk can be very _5_. it can attack people. the tusks of an elephant are really its front teeth. people pay a lot of money for the ivory of an elephants tusks. men have _6_ elephants for their tusks. the ivory from the tusks is made into many beautiful things.it has been easy for men to _7_ elephants

29、 in asia. they use elephants to carry heavy things for long _8_.many people say that the kings of siam used to give white elephants to people who they did not like. these white elephants are sacred and they could not be made to work. they could not be killed nor _9_ away. a person who has a white el

30、ephant had to pay a lot of money to keep it properly. after certain period of time, he usually becomes very _10_ . nowadays people in england call a useless thing “a white elephant”.a) hold i) poorb) water j) pullc) places k) huntedd) ways l) pushb) educate m) distancesf) train n) giveng) dangerous

31、o) hith) safepassage 7nature has a perfect system for recycling water. water is used again and again. it falls as rain. then it goes one of three places. it might seep _1_ through the soil as it soaks through into the natural reservoirs underground. it might _2_ into the air by evaporating quickly.

32、it might run off into streams to rivers and to the oceans.there is a problem with this recycling system. it is a balance that can be easily upset by people. natures _3_ system can work well only if people work with the systemnot against it. some ways that people interfere with nature are _4_ to unde

33、rstand. dirty sewage water from homes and factories must not _5_ with thinking water. people would get _6_ from drinking dirty water.there are other ways that people _7_ nature. some of these ways are not so easy to understand. for example, a marshy bog may not be good for everything, but it serves

34、an important purpose. the soft, wet soil of a bog allows water to _8_ the underground reservoirs. what happens to the balance of nature if the bog is filled in? many housing development projects have been built where _9_ once were. the _10_ of the houses are likely to have problems. they are likely

35、to water, to flood in rainy seasons. huge storm sewers are built to carry away with the water from wet areas. these huge pipes prevent wet basements in the houses of the community.a)mix i) marshesb) reach j) easyc) disappear k) hinderd) join l) basementse) greatly m) benefitf) slowly n) recyclingg)

36、sick o) waterh) quality-passage 8at the bottom of the world lies a mighty continent still wrapped in the ice age and, until recent times, unknown to man. it is a great land mass crisscrossed by mountain ranges whose extent and elevation are still uncertain. much of the continent is a complete _1_ on

37、 our maps. a 1,000-mile stretch of the coastline has never been _2_ by any ship. man has explored, on foot, less than one percent of its areas.antarctic _3_ fundamentally from the arctic regions. the arctic is an ocean, _4_ with drifting packed ice and surrounded by the landmasses of europe, asia. a

38、nd north america. the antarctic is a _5_ nearly as large as europe and australia combined, centered roughly on the south pole and surrounded by the most unobstructed water areas of the world, the atlantic, pacific, and indian oceans.the continental ice _6_ is more than two miles high at its center.

39、thus, the air over the antarctic is _7_ more refrigerated than it is over the arctic regions. this _8_ air cascades off the land with such force that it makes the nearby seas the stormiest in the world. and it renders unlivable those regions whose counterparts at the opposite end of the globe are _9

40、_. thus, more than a million persons live within 2,000 miles of the north pole in an area that includes most of alaska, siberia, and scandinavia a region _10_in forest and mining industries. except for a handful of weather stations, within the samedistance of the south pole there is not a single tre

41、e, industry, or settlement.a) sheet i) deeplyb) far j) coveredc) blank k) sead) comfortable l) inhabitede) continent m) reachedf) block n) plentyg) differs o) coldh) richpassage 9every year a million tons of oil are spilled, leaked, or deliberately flushed into the sea. oil contamination is a critic

42、al _1_ for science to solve._2_ for getting rid of oil are many. straw absorbs four times its weight in oil. flamethrowers burn oil off. sand, talc (滑石), and chalk _3_ break it up and sink it. various chemicals disperse the slick (油膜 ) into droplets and enable microbes (微生物) to _4_ the oil more quic

43、kly.some chemicals, however, become more _5_ than the oil itself when they combine with it. in 1967, when the tanker, torrey canyon grounded off cornwall in southwest england, powerful chemicals did more _6_ harm than the oil itself. though the oil killed thousands of birds as it floated ashore, the

44、 detergents used to clean the rocks and beaches destroyed _7_ creatures and upset the balance of marine life. masses of oil reaching shore are fortunately _8_, but few beaches have escaped contamination by oil. some ships do not report spillage, and others _9_ oily wastes at night and depart. to _10

45、_ the culprits (肇事者), oil companies are considering a process involving the electronic analysis of oil. this would make it possible to match any spill with its source and so identify the tanker responsible.a) rare i) poisonousb) remedies j) hardlyc) discharge k) effectivelyd) destroy l) moree) probl

46、em m) lessf) form n) discover0) lasting o) findh) accidentpassage 10all of us communicate with one another nonverbally (非语言), as well as with words. we gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone elses eyes and look away.one of the most potent elements in body language is _1_ behavior. americans a

47、re careful about how and when they _2_ one anothers eyes. in our normal _3_, each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both individuals look away. when two americans look searchingly into each others eyes, emotions are heightened and the relationship becomes more _4_. however, we care

48、fully avoid this, except in _5_ circumstances.proper street behavior in the united states _6_ a nice balance of attention and inattention. you are supposed to look at a passerby just enough to show that you are aware of his _7_. if you look too little you _8_ haughty (傲慢的) or secretive (遮遮掩掩); too m

49、uch, and you are inquisitive (好奇的). usually what happens is that people eye each other until they are about eight feet apart, at which point they cast down their eyes. even in parts of the far east, it is _9_ to look at the other person at all during conversation. in england the listener stares at t

50、he speaker _10_ and blinks his eyes occasionally as a sign of interest. that eye-blink says nothing to americans, who expect the listener to nod or to murmur something such as “mmhmm”.a) sign i) impoliteb) presence j) politec) appear k) requiresd) appropriate l) appliese) arrive m) intimatef) attent

51、ively n) angrilyg) meet o) conversationh)eye第四章directions: here are 15 passages in this section. each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choices marked a), b), c), and d). you shoulddecide on the best choice. passage l does money buy happi

52、ness? not! ah, but would a little more money make us a little happier? manyof us smirk (傻笑)and nod. there is, we believe, some connection between fiscal fitness andemotional fulfillment. three in four american collegians (大学生) now consider it “very important” or“essential” that they become “very wel

53、l off financially.” money matters.but a surprising fact of life is that in countries where nearly everyone can afford lifes necessities,increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. the correlation between income and happiness is“surprisingly weak,” observed university of michigan researcher ron

54、ald inglehart in one 16-nation study of 170.000 people. once comfortable, more money provides diminishing returns. the second piece of pie , or the second $100,000, never tastes as good as the first. even lottery winners and the forbes 100wealthiest americans have expressed only slightly greater happiness than the average american. makingit big brings temporary joy. but in the long run w


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