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1、On the Different Attitudes of Pecola and Cholly Towards Black Culture in The Bluest Eyes 论最蓝的眼睛中佩科拉和乔利对黑人文化的不同态度Literature ReviewAbstract: Toni Morrison is a renowned black woman writer in America. Most of her works are about the miserable life of black people in America. As Toni Morrisons first and

2、 most famous novel, The Bluest Eye established her literary reputation in America black literature. During many years, people outside and inside have made many researches on The Bluest Eye from different aspects, such as such as the tragedy of Pecola, the reasons of her tragedy, the meaning of black

3、 community, the contrast of Pecolas and Claudias fate, and so on. This article tries to analyze the author, work and others comments and points out this papers significance. 摘要:托尼莫里森是美国著名的黑人女作家。她的大部分作品是关于美国黑人的痛苦命运的。最蓝的眼睛是托尼莫里森的第一部也是她最有名的一部作品,它确立了托尼莫里森在美国黑人文学中的文学地位。多年来, 古今中外从不同角度对最蓝的眼睛的研究颇多,比如关于佩科拉悲剧

4、,她悲剧的原因,黑人社区对黑人的意义,佩科拉和克洛迪娅的命运对比,等等。本文通过对作者,作品和外界的评论分析,指出自己目前所研究课题的意义。Toni Morrison, born in 1931, is one of the most influential American black woman writers. The Bluest Eyes in 1970 was her first novel and 30 years later it established her literary reputation in American black literature. Then, To

5、ni Morrison went on exploring life of black people, especially the suffering of black women. In 1973, she created Sula, which shows rebellion spirit of black people. In 1977, she finished her most famous Song of Solomon. Her work Beloved in 1987 had won Pulitzer Prize. In the 1990s, Toni Morrison ha

6、d her long novels Jazz and The Paradise published. Toni Morrisons works unveiled the paradox and conflicts between white civilization and black tradition with the big background of American racist oppression and tried to find out ways for black people to get free. In her works, Toni Morrison made us

7、e of black folk literature and legend myths to create a different atmosphere, and also learned from the writing methods of Magicalism to give the environment and characters a mysterious coloring. Her diction is quite colloquial and dialogues between characters are very vivid. All these characteristi

8、cs made Toni Morrison the representative of American black literature. She won the Nobel Literature Prize in 1993,being the only black woman writer who has won it. She was devoted to protect and develop black culture. All her works are created to expose black peoples history, fate, and spiritual wor

9、ld. And certainly she had influenced black people a lot and was sincerely respected by people.The Bluest Eye as a representative novel by Toni Morrison has its special significance. Instead of focusing much more on the suffering of black people in America just like other works do, The Bluest Eye pay

10、s more attention to show that under the impact of white peoples culture black people should rely on themselves to change their fate. It plays a very important role in black peoples struggle against racial prejudice and discrimination.As the first novel of Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eyes tells a story

11、 about a 11-year- old black girl named Pecola. Because of her black appearance, her mother, who appreciated anything of white people, hated her a lot. Her classmates and teachers played tricks on her, bullied her. Even the owner of the candy shop would not take a glance at her and avoided touching h

12、er ugly black hands when she paid. Pecola felt very sad and inferior. She thought that only when she became beautiful like a white girl, or at least had a pair of beautiful blue eyes, she would be loved and respected. For black girls at that time generally believed that “Black people with blue eyes

13、are most beautiful.” Pecola wished to have a pair of blue eyes day and night. She spent all her pocket money buying candies advertised by Mary.Janes,a beautiful white girl with big blue eyes. She liked drinking milk in Shirley Temples glass3. Pecola thought she would own a pair of blue eyes once she

14、 ate candies and used glass with white girls on them. However, there was a great contrast between sweet dreams and the ugly and cruel reality. Pecola failed to make her dream come true. Instead, she was raped by her own father and became pregnant, falling into a more miserable situation. The conflic

15、ts between dreams and reality made Pecoal insane. She had an illusion that she had got a pair of very beautiful eyes, which was the bluest, but her life stayed the same miserable.The Bluest Eyes describes black people soul twisted under the impact of white culture. It tells us black people will suff

16、er from confusion and insanity if they take white culture and white peoples way of life. They will be lost in white culture if they abandon black culture. Black people should be both politically and economically independent and make their life better.According to Winthrop D. Jordan, in his book Whit

17、e Over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812. racism did not initially drive the colonists to enslave blacks. Slavery was just recognized as one labor system. American white peoples attitudes toward black people originally came from the English attitudes of Africans. But Jordan sugge

18、sts that the English were more interested in slavery as the most efficient form of labor available to them and not necessarily as a way to exercise their preconceived notions concerning the inferiority of Africans. Unlike English people, white people in America appealed to innate, hereditary inferio

19、rities that could never be erased just in order to keep the black slave. As Jordan points out that hardening of slavery and the separation of free and religious Negroes from the white community in virtual lockstep with economic changes, with the integration of the unified nation, with the course of

20、antislavery, and with the pattern of slave rebelliousness. Just like in The Bluest Eye, white people forced black people to receive their white culture through different ways. Their prejudice and discrimination against black people not only made black people suffer a lot but also prevented America f

21、rom true unification and better development. Though Jordan failed to point out what slaves possibly brought into the institution when he took a look at African culture, his research has provided a good foundation upon which to build a history of the origins and development of American slavery.Huang

22、Yi has made some research on The Bluest Eye from the impact of white culture on others. As she points out in a periodical, the impact of white peoples culture is mainly through education of primary schools and media such as films and TV series. Just like what is written in The Bluest Eye, Pecola is

23、discriminated in school by teachers and bullied by classmates because of her blackness. Even some black people who are a little whiter than her look down upon her. Thus self-hatred is aroused in her deep heart and she makes up her mind to change her appearance. Finally Pecola totally abandons her id

24、entity as a black. Pecola thinks if only she gets a pair of the bluest eyes she will live a happy life just as white people do. But what is waiting for her ahead is a even more miserable situation. She should have stood up to face the impact of white culture just as Claudia and her family did. With

25、regard to Pecolas final tragedy , Huang Yi dug out the importance of black peoples being culturally independent. But she failed to mention another tragedy. That is Pecolas father, Cholly. Under the impact of white culture, he was totally confused with what he should do with white culture. In an arti

26、cle written by Zhang Hongwei, she analyzed The Bluest Eye from a cultural perspective. She mainly analyzed three aspects of culture presented in the novel. They are aesthetic value, sex culture and belief of God. Compared with Pecolas being lost in white culture, Cholly took a positive attitude towa

27、rd his wifes and his daughters blackness and he loved her wife very much before she changed. So she turned his love to his daughter and his ripping her led to his final tragedy. But Cholly was influenced a lot by white peoples culture when he made love with a girl for the first time. He was forced t

28、o continue making love under the observation of the two white people. He was very angry. Chollys anger shows his cultural awareness in his deep mind. But he fears white people. He fears their white culture. But he does not want to give up his own culture, either. He is weak. He is not brave enough t

29、o fight against white culture. Cholly chose to drink to escape the reality.A lot of researches have been made on the reasons of Pecolas tragedy., such as Ding Yans article, The Origin of Pecola Tragedy in The Bluest Eye. In the article, Ding Yan analyzed three reasons responsible for Pecolas tragedy

30、. They are the impact of white peoples culture, her familys failure to provide love, and education. But she failed to point out the failure of black community which should help black people build their own identity.There is no even a piece of research about the tragedy of Cholly and different attitu

31、des of Pecola and Chollys towards black cultureamong the researches. And I think further researches should be made on Cholly. Based on these peoples researches and views, this paper finds its own theme, which is on the different attitudes of Pecola and Cholly towards their own culture. In this paper

32、, it concludes introduction, their different attitudes and reasons and conclusion. Here, this paper offers its own views on the novel. In this papers introduction, this paper introduces the present research situation and this papers main task and purpose. And then it gives a brief introduction to To

33、ni Morrison and The Bluest Eye. In the attitudes part, it mainly analyzes Pecolas and Chollys attitudes by showing some details found in the novel. In the reasons of their different attitudes, it mainly analyzes from society, family and education. These three factors have great efforts on their form

34、ing different kinds of attitudes. In the part of conclusion, it mainly points out that neither should black people abandon their own culture nor should they hold a confusing attitude. Different people may have different culture. What black people should cry out to fight against the impact of white culture and try to form their own characteristics and stick to their own culture.In a word, great efforts have been made to complete th


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