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1、2012 届高考一轮复习三维设计方案能力训练- 牛津英语模块一unit1 .完形填空词数381 难度系数建议用时15(2011 淮南质量检测 )lucky to have himwhen i met him , i had a lot of anger inside of me. i never had a father , though in myneighborhood thats not_1_. i know some kidsjust like me. you have to _2_ yourself. thereare fights and killings all the time

2、. i have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant. i could haveended up that way, too, _3_ mr clark and my mom wouldnt let that happen.mr clark worked long hours, making sure i did my work. my grades rose. in fact,i did sowell that in sixth grade ,i entered the _4_ class,and mr clark was the teacher

3、. i felt so _5_ to have him for a second year!he took our class to see the phantom of the opera. before the show , he _6_ us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. we didnt want to let him _7_ , so we listened to him attentively._8_ of us were surprised when mr cla

4、rk was selected as disneys 2000 teacher of the year. when he learned hed won , he said he would _9_ three names out of a hat; he would go to losangeles to get the _10_ with those students. but _11_ it came time to draw names , mr clarksaid, “ youre all going.”he got _12_ to fly all 37 of us out to d

5、isneyland in california and put us up at the hilton.people were _13_, but mr clark really cared about us. theres no way i can _14_ mostteachers doing that. no way. but he saw something in us that nobody else saw.on graduation day , there were a lot of tears. we didnt want his class to _15_. in the n

6、ewschool year, we were all happy when mr clark _16_ in our class once again. hes been a _17_ in our lives.in 2003 , mr clark took some of us on a trip to south africa to _18_ school supplies and visit orphanages. it was the most amazing _19_ of my life. its now my _20_ to one day start a group of wo

7、mens clubs , helping people from all backgrounds.语篇解读: “我 ” 没有父亲, 从小生活在充满暴力和杀戮的街区,但是 “我 ” 并没有像“我 ” 的一些朋友那样进入监狱,原因正是 “我 ” 有克拉克老师。 在他的帮助下, 我圆满完成了学业,现在“ 我 ” 的梦想就是开办妇女俱乐部,帮助各个阶层的人们。1 a.commonb normal用心爱心专心1creald unusual解析: 从下句 i know some kids just like me可知:像我这样没有父亲的(现象 ),在我们街区是很普遍的。common“ 普通的 ” ;nor

8、mal “ 正常的 ” ;real“ 真正的 ” ;unusual“ 不寻常的 ” 。答案: d2 a.encourageb watchc comfortd tolerate解析: 从下句 there are fights and killingsall the time 可知:你必须要小心点。watchyourself “ 小心,保重 ” 。答案: b3 a.butb thereforec otherwised or解析:我有朋友最后进了监狱或怀孕了。我本来也会是那样的结局,但克拉克先生和我母亲没让那样的事情发生。前后句子之间是转折关系,故用but。答案: a4 a.localb gener

9、alc giftedd sacred解析:从前面的i did so well that in sixth grade可推知: 因我功课学得好,所以我上了才能班。 gifted “ 有才能的 ” 。答案: c5 a.suddenb luckyc annoyedd anxious解析:联系上下文可知:多亏有了克拉克先生,所以说我是幸运的。sudden“ 突然的 ” ;lucky “ 幸运的 ” ; annoyed“ 烦恼的 ”; anxious“ 焦急的 ” 。答案: b6 a.treatedb directedc showedd swapped解析: 从 at a restaurant 可知:他

10、请我们吃饭。treat sb. to dinner“ 请某人吃饭 ”。答案: a7 a.offb out用心爱心专心2c upd down解析: 从 so we listened to him attentively可知:我 不想 他失望。let sb. down “使某人失望 ” 。答案: d8 a.someb anycnoned many解析: 当克拉克先生被 “ 年度教 ” ,没有人感到惊 。答案: c9 a.giveb drawc enterd register解析: 系下文 .it came time to draw names 可知答案。答案: b10 a.rewardb bonu

11、scdiplomad award解析: 他要去洛杉 。reward “ 酬 ” ; bonus“ 利,津 ” ; diploma “ 文凭” ; award“ 金, 品 ” 。答案: d11 a.afterb whencbefored since解析: 但是当到了抽名字的 候,他却 :“ 你 都去吧。 ” when“当 时 ”。答案: b12 a.donationsb suggestionscrequestsd messages解析: 他得到了 助,我 全体37 名学生乘 机到了加州的disneyland 。donation“ 赞助” ; suggestion“ 建 ”; request“要求

12、 ” ;message“ 信息 ” 。答案: a13 a.excitedb satisfiedcashamedd amazed解析: 从上句可知:看到我 么多学生,人 都很惊奇。excited“ 激 的 ” ;satisfied“ 意的 ” ; ashamed“羞愧的 ” ;amazed“ 吃惊的,惊奇的” 。用心爱心专心3答案: d14 a.suggestb advocatecimagined complain解析: 联系上句可知,我能想象出大多数老师不会这样做。而我们的老师能这样做。suggest“ 建议 ” ; advocate“提倡 ” ; imagine“ 想象 ” ; compla

13、in “抱怨 ” 。答案: c15 a.endb startccontinued last解析: 联系文章内容可知,我们对老师恋恋不舍,不希望他的课程结束。end“ 结束 ” 。答案: a16 a.picked upb showed upcrang upd packed up解析: 新学年开始,当克拉克老师又出现在我们教室时,我们都非常高兴。pick up“ 捡起” ; show up“ 出现 ” ; ring up “打电话 ”; pack up“打包,收拾 ” 。答案: b17 a.colleagueb sponsorcsuccessd constant解析:他一直跟随着我们。 colle

14、ague “同事 ” ;sponsor“ 赞助者 ” ;success“ 成功的人 ” ;constant“ 不变的事物,常量” ,这里指老师一直跟我们在一起。答案: d18 a.deliverb collectcdisplayd recommend解析:从 orphanages 可知,老师是带我们去南非分发生活用品的。deliver “分发,递送 ” ;collect“ 收集 ” ;display “ 展出 ” ; recommend“ 推荐 ” 。答案: a19 a.adventureb experiencecvacationd interview解析: 这是我生命中最有意思的经历。adv

15、enture“ 冒险 ” ; experience“ 经历 ” ;vacation“ 假期 ” ; interview “ 采访 ” 。答案: b用心爱心专心420 a.turnb conclusioncdreamd demand解析: 现在我的梦想就是开办妇女俱乐部,帮助各个阶层的人们。turn“ 轮次 ” ;conclusion “ 结论 ” ; dream“ 梦想 ” ; demand“要求 ” 。答案: c .阅读理解词数292 难度系数建议用时6(2011 福州质测)on the firstday ofmynewhigh school , ialmost had a nervousb

16、reakdown.everything about the school seemed so difficult.when i got home, my parents said ,“ yourenervous and thats okay.everyone is afraid of high school. ”deniedi it.i wanted to be strong, so i refused to let anyone know about my fear ,even my closest friends.on the first day i was late for every

17、class and was constantly lost.the school seemed like apuzzle that i couldnt figure out.was this how the wholeyear was going to be ? i didnt thinkicould rise to this challenge ,especially carrying a huge backpack that i could hardly lift.it was so big that i could knock someone out with it ! the scho

18、olmates seemed to regard me as a fool, andthey were probably right.despite my fears, after the first week i finallyhad my schedule figuredout.withtheexception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at, high schoolwas turning out to be not so bad.it was actually much

19、better than middle school and much more challenging.since then,ive been elected vice monitor of my class ,which wasnt much of a victory sinceonly three people ran for the four positions.it is normal to be scared about a new school.take a deep breath and relax.high school issomething that any student

20、 can overcome.make sure you participate in some out- of- class activitiesbecause youll find it easier to make friends.try to do your best , even if it isnt straight as.most important of all ,be who you are, whether youre a “ fool,”an athlete, or a lowergrader.dont try to pretend to be someone youre

21、not.nowyou know the true secrets of highschool.一、新新单词challenge /t?lind ?/ n挑战,考验participate /p ? tisipeit/ vi.参加,参与二、常用短语figure out弄清楚,明白take a deep breath深呼吸用心爱心专心5三、靓点句式with the exception of falling up and down the stairs a couple of times and getting laughed at,high school was turning out to be n

22、ot so bad.with the exception of. 在句中做伴随状语。句意:除了偶尔几次在楼道内徘徊,以及遭到别人嘲笑,高中生活似乎并不是那么糟糕。语篇解读: 高中生活艰难吗?作者通过自己的经历告诉我们,答案显然是否定的,他认为高中生活比初中生活更好,更有挑战性,最主要的是 要做回你自己。1 the main reason for the authors fear on his first day is that _.a he was unable to work out the puzzlebhis schoolmates were unfriendly to himche w

23、as not familiar with the new surroundingsd his schoolbag was too heavy for him to carry解析: 推理判断题。从第一段中的everything about the school seemed so difficult和第二段中的 the school seemed like a puzzle 等可以知道,作者在高中第一天担心与紧张的原因是他还不熟悉新的高中生活,不了解新学校,所以答案选c 项。答案: c2 from the authors first day experience we can infer th

24、at _.a his home was far from the schoolbhe got to school after classes beganche didnt get any school scheduled he didnt know the right way to class解析:推理判断题。 从第二段中的was constantly lost.the school seemed like a puzzle thati couldnt figure out 可知,作者第一天上学每节课都迟到,对他而言,学校像是一个迷宫,他不知道如何走,所以答案选d 项 “作者不知道如何找到上课

25、的教室的正确道路”。答案: d3 after his first week at school , the author _.a was still not accustomed to the schedulebgradually adjusted himself to the new schoolcfound high school not so challenging as he had imaginedd ran for monitor of his class against three other students解析: 细节理解题。 从文章第三段的内容可知,作者通过一个星期的适应后

26、,他已经习用心爱心专心6惯了在新高中学校的学习和生活,故选b 项。答案: b4 according to the passage, the secret of the authors success lies mainly in _.a making more friendsbgetting more as at schoolcbeing who he really isd joining in out- of-class activities解析:推理判断题。 文章最后一段告诉我们“ 最重要的是, 要做回你自己, 而不要假装,掩饰自己, 只有做回自己才能真正享受到高中生活的快乐” ,由此可知

27、, 作者成功的秘诀在于做回他自己。答案: c .任务型阅读 /读写stress is an uncomfortable feeling in the mind from any situation or thought that makes youfeel frustrated , angry, or anxious.stress is often accompanied by physical symptoms , includingtwitching or trembling ,muscle tension,headaches,sweating,dry mouth ,difficulty

28、swallowing,rapid or irregular heart rate , rapid breathing , fatigue , loss of temper ,sleeping difficulties and nightmares, decreased concentration.stress is a normal part of life.in small quantities ,stress is good it can motivate you and help you be more productive.however ,too much stress,or a s

29、trong response to stress,is harmful.it can cause general poor health as well as specific physical or depression.persistent and never- ceasingstress often leads to anxiety and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and abuse of alcohol or drugs.certain drugs can lead to symptoms of stress due to side ef

30、fects.such drugs include caffeine , alcohol ,nicotine ,cocaine and diet pills.a poor diet for example ,low levels of vitamin b12 can also contribute to stress or anxiety.performance stress is related to specific situations ,like taking atestor making a presentation in public.posttraumaticstress deve

31、lops after an unforgettablyshocking event like war , physical attacks, or a natural disaster.any effective ways to cope with your stress or anxiety? one step is to make a list of whatyouthink might be making you “ stressout ”: what do you worryaboutmost? is somethingconstantly on your mind ? does an

32、ything in particular make you sad or depressed?then, find someone you believe in who will listen to you.often,just talking to a friend orloved one is all that is needed to relieve anxiety.most communities also havesupport groups andhotlines that can help.social workers ,psychologists,and other menta

33、l health professionals may be用心爱心专心7needed for therapy and medication( 疗法和打坐 ) also ,find healthy ways to deal with stress.for example ,eat a well-balanced,healthy diet , dont overeat,get enough sleep,exercise regularly ,limit caffeine and alcohol.dont use nicotine ,cocaine,or other recreational drugs.learn and practice relaxation techniques like yoga and tai chi.take breaks from work.make sure to


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