2018牛津译林版八年级英语下册8BUnit1 past and present英文教案_第1页
2018牛津译林版八年级英语下册8BUnit1 past and present英文教案_第2页
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1、8b unit 1 comic strip and welcome to the unit 教学设计teaching aims:1. help the students learn the means of transportation of different times in beijing.2. help the students learn some expressions on transport at different times and arouse the students interest in learning this unit .1. to learn the use

2、 of the present perfect tense and time expressions with it.teaching contents:to introduce the present perfect tense and transport at different timesimportant points:to introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.di

3、fficult points:to introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.teaching methods:communicative methodteaching aids:a projector; a multi-media computer system notesteaching procedures:welcome to the unitstep1 lead in1

4、.教师可创设真实情景向学生提问:how did you come to school this morning?task 1: ts free talk1) how do you go to school every day?2) how do your parents go to work every day?3) if i want to go to the usa, how can i get there?4) can you list more forms of transport?task 2:riddles1) it is a comfortable bus for carryin

5、g people over a long way.2) it is like a bus but has two floors.1) it has many stops to let people to get on and off, but doesnt cost you much.2) its the fastest way of travelling to a place far away, but costs much.5) it is fast and it is under the ground.6) its a car, and you have to pay the drive

6、r to take you somewhere.教师通过游戏谜语的方式引导学生复习这些学过的交通工具:bike、bus、coach 、taxi、train、 ship、plane、underground 。在白板上用图片标出这些交通工具,口头练习。2.让学生 4 人为一组,互相询问对方假期去过的地方和出行方式,然后汇报了解到的情况。1教师说:where did your partner go during the winter holiday and how did he or she go there? 3. 独立完成第 7 页 part a,再在小组中相互检查答案。教师说:weve lea

7、rnt about the different forms of transport. now lets look at part a and write down their names.设计意图: to review the old knowledge and present new knowledge by showing beautiful pictures to attract the studentsinterest. 互动激发兴趣step 2 presentation1 教师说: youve known how your classmates come to school , b

8、ut do you now how your dad went to school when he was a student?激发学生的兴趣,让学生可以展开讨论。教师接着联 系课本内容: do you know how millie s dad went to school when he was a student? let s listen to a conversation and find out the answer. 让学生带着问题听 b 部分的对话,然后回答: he used to go to school by bike.2. 教师再次播放录音,让学生回答更多的问题:list

9、en and answer 1. how did millies dad go to school when he was a student? 2. why didnt millies dad take a bus? 3. how does millie go to school? 4. why does she take a bus?step 3 practice让学生跟读 b 部分的对话,然后让学生自由发挥,鼓励学生,让学生大胆扮演两种角色, 想扮演任何一个角色的就踊跃站起来。同桌两人一组,模仿mille 和 dad 的对话, 根据表 格内的信息编对话。对于基础较好的班级可以让学生发挥想

10、象, 使用更真实的语境。 如: sample conversations1: how did you go to school when you were a primary student?s2: i went to school s1: why didnt you?s2: becauses1: how do you go to school now?s2: i go to school设计意图: to practise what they learn to consolidate the knowledge to pave the way for the topics of the uni

11、t 通过口笔头巩固所学内容, 给学生充足的准备时间,鼓励每个学生,根据 班级能力层次不齐的现象,有组织的安排学生积极参与竞争。同时培养学生的合作学习的 精神,让学生体验情景教学。comic stripstep4 presentation1. 教师说:from millie and her dads conversation, we know that transport has changed a lot over the years. our friends eddie and hobo have also changed. do you know what changes have hap

12、pened to them? lets listen to their conversation and find out the answer.2. 呈现以下问题,播放 comic strip 部分的 flash 让学生听完回答。教师可适当引导并将 flash 再播放一遍。设计意图:此处生动的画面和纯正的英语语言很能激发学生的学习热情和兴2趣。1) does hobo think eddie has changed? why?1) what was in the bowl an hour ago?3) why did eddie eat hobos food?3. act out the d

13、ialogue.4. 教师说: eddie used to share food with hobo, but now he doesn t. hobo used to be kind to eddie, but now he isn t. what happened? 让学生去发现并自行总结,然后教师可以引导学 生,一起总结并得出结论: they have changed.将该句写在白板上, 带领学生初步认识现在 完成时,让学生可以从所学的内容中再去找类似的句子。如:(1) eddie, have you seen my food?(2) ive just eaten it.(3) youv

14、e eaten my food?(1) youve changed, eddie.(1) youve changed too.教师展示这些含有现在完成时的句子,引导学生逐一理解。step 5 practice1 集体朗读 comic strip 部分的对话或分角色朗读。2 鼓励学生根据对话内容适当的增加动作或表情并上台表演。step 6 exercise (present the exercises on the screen )1. fill in the blanks.hobos food _ in the _ an hour ago. but it isnt there now. why

15、? eddie has just _ it because he was _. hobo thinks eddie has _ and he is not _ now because he _ _ share food with hobo.2. translation1)2)3)4) 你看过这部新电影吗? 没看过。 _ you _ this new film? no, _ _.她过去是一名历史老师。she _ _ _ a history teacher.他们过去常常步行上学。they_ _ _ to school _ _. 我们家乡变化很大。my hometown _ _ a lot.home

16、work:1. recite the two conversations.2. remember the new words and phrases by heart.38b unit 1reading ( 1 ) 教学设计teaching aims:knowledge:1. learn some new words and try to master the usage of such words: since, ever, northern, wife, over, pollution, realize, impossible, husband2. learn about the chan

17、ges to sunshine town.skills :1. compare the past of sunshine town with the present of sunshine town, and try to describe them.2. learn about the ways of interviewing and how to talk about the changes to towns.affection, attitude and cultural awareness:to lead and encourage ss to love our hometown ,

18、love our country and love life.teaching aids:text cd , electronic interactive whiteboardteaching methods:task-basic approachteaching procedures:step one lead in1. ask ss to guess which vehicle it is according to the teachers description , such as:it is the fastest way of travelling to a place far aw

19、ay, but it will cost you a lot of money.( a plane)many people use it to go to work or go to school every day. it is fast. it is usually under the ground .( the underground)it is a car with a driver . you have to pay the driver to take you to places. ( a taxi )2. t : what form of transport would you

20、use to travel to beijing? why ? discuss with partners. 【设计意图】以旧带新,从学生熟悉的东西入口,既复习了第一课时的相关内容同时又自 然引到本课话题step two presentation1. show ss two pictures of the city. one is about the past , and the other is about the present. t: herere two photos of our city. are they the same ? what is the difference abo

21、ut them? 学生与同桌讨论后作答, present new words : block, waste, pollution, factory2. communicate with ss about the changes.t: our city has changed a lot, and weve changed too. for example, i used to be single. i felt lonely from time to time. now i m married. life is better in some ways. then present new wor

22、ds: lonely , from time to time, married, in some ways.3. review the new words and phrases quickly 整体呈现与 reading 相关所有生词,采用隐 藏功能遮盖单词的中文或英文让学生迅速说出相关信息。4. ask ss to finish b1 on p 10 to understand the new words better. check the answers.【设计意图】巩固生词为接下来的课文阅读扫除障碍。4step three pre- readingask ss to close the

23、ir books and listen to millies interview carefully to get some information on the changes in sunshine town. present the questions on the screen before listening:1) who did millie interview? (mr chen)2) when did he get married? ( in 1965.)2) was pollution a problem in the past? ( yes , it was. but it

24、 is better now.)【设计意图】通过听,整体感知课文,既培养了听力同时又整体感知了课文,为下面的阅 读打好铺垫。step four while-reading1. ask ss to open their books and read line1 to line 6, then answer questions:1) how long has mr chen lived in sunshine town ?2) where did mr chen and his wife move?2. ask ss to read line 7 to line16 and try to fill

25、 in the tablepast presentwhat they some small 1 ,shops, 2 a a park, a theatre, 4had/ have? cinema, a 3 factorypollution pollution was 5 then. the the government 7 thefactory put 6 into the river. problem and took action to8 .使用橡皮擦功能显示答案3 ask ss to read line17 to line 23, then try to complete the fol

26、lowing sentences:(1) it is nice to have town.( a beautiful modern)(2) it is difficult to see old friends because they have . (moved away)(3) mr chen feels sometimes. (a bit lonely )【设计意图】通过进一步的仔细阅读,让学生回答问题,填写关键信息,培养学生的认真 阅读,寻找细节的能力step five post- reading1. finish b2 on p10, and ask the better studen

27、ts to correct the mistakes.2. complete the passage according to rhe dialogue.mr chen lives in sunshine town. after he got , he and his moved to a new flat . in the past, there were small , shops, a post office and a in the town. now the town has a lot . there is a park in the town center. they also

28、have a and a shopping mall. many of mr chen s old friends have away. mr chen feels a bit from time to time.3. act out work in pairsone acts as daniel s grandpa, one acts as a reporter. make a dialogue according to the text to consolidate the content.【设计意图】 通过小组活动进一步熟悉课文,并让学生在课文基础上有所提升。尤其是5采访的形式更是能激发

29、学生的表演欲,个个跃跃欲试,使课堂进入高潮。step six homework1. read and try to remember the words ,phrases , and sentences2. recite the textunit1 past and presentreading (part2) times has changed1.teaching aims: by the end of the class, my students should be able to:1)knowledge aims have a good command of the changes ab

30、out sunshine townget familiar with the usage with some new words ,phrases and important sentences 2)ability aims retell the changes in sunshine towndescribe some differences between past and present in their hometown3)emotion aims show their gratitude to daily life and cherish it2.teaching focus &di

31、fficultyfocus: get familiar with the usage with some new words ,phrases and important sentencesdifficulty:describe some differences between past and present in their hometown3.teaching methods explanation;task-based language teaching; communicative approach 4.teaching aids smart; whiteboard;pens;tex

32、tbook5.teaching processstep1:presentation 1)reviewmr chenhow long he has lived in sunshine town where he first livedwhen he got married where he lives2)discussiona.find out the key language points by group worksince i was born; move house; in the northern part of ; two blocks away; since thenb. find

33、 some misunderstanding questions by themselves and try to solve the problems by other group members or teacherstep2: language points1) a bit (1) a bit = a little 有点儿 裤子有点儿长。 the trousers are bit tight. (2)a bit of 修饰不可数名词 一点儿钱 a bit of money一点儿果汁 a bit of juice2) factory n. 工厂 这个地区有几个汽车工厂。 there are

34、 several car factories in this area. 3)from time to time = at times = sometimes 有时候 他有时候去图书馆。he went to the library from time to time.4) improve v.改善,进步 我需要提高我的法语。 i need to improve my french. 5)lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的 有狗的陪伴我一点也不寂寞。with my dog around, i never feel lonely.alone adj. 单独的,寂寞的(区别)66)married

35、adj.已婚的,结婚的 get married to sb.7) waste n. 废料,废品 v. 浪费这家鞋厂爸废料倒入附近的河里。 the shoe factory put its waste into a nearby river. 8)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 他过去常常放学后打篮球。he used to play basketball after school.9) turn .into. 把变成 把农田变成花园 turn farmlands into gardens 10) in some ways 在某种程度上step3: practice1). fini

36、sh exercise b3 and b4 on p11 and check answers together2) finish the follwing exercises(1) i have known him._(从我出生),because he is my father.(since i was born) (2) jim lives in the_(小镇的北部)。(northern part of the small town)(3) the local government has _( 把这个市场变成了一个小学)(turn thegovernment into a school)

37、(4) tom realized his problem and _(采取行动改善)his english.(take action to improve) (5) when my parents _(打牌)outside, i feel_(有点孤单)from time to time.( play cards ; a bit lonely)step4. activitydiscussion :what has changed in our class in some ways? find as many as you can. step5.homework1) review what we

38、have learnt today2) finish exercise book3) preview grammar6.teaching reflectionunit 1 past and present1.teaching aimsgrammar present perfect tenseby the end of the class, my students should be able to:1)knowledge aimshave a good command of the structure and usage of present perfect tense understand

39、the rules of past participleknow some important expressions of adverbial of time2)ability aimsuse present perfect tense in their daily communication3)emotion aimsimprove their group conscience by working together7teaching focus and difficultyhave a good command of the structure and usage of present

40、perfect tense2.teaching methodsinductive and deductive methods; explanation; communicative approach; task-based language teaching3. teaching aids smart; pens; textbook; whiteboard4. teaching processstep1.lead-in1) review(1) how long has mr chen lived in sunshine town?(2) what has the government done

41、 to part of the town center?(3) why does mr chen think it is impossible to see his old friends as often as before? 2) find the rule about present perfect tense from their own answersstep2.presentation1)comparing with simple past tensewe use the simple past tense to talk about what happened at a defi

42、nite time in thepast.pasteddie was born four years ago.present2) the definition of present perfect tensewe use the present perfect tense to talk about things that started in the past and still have some connection with the present.eddie has lived with millie since he was born.pastpasteddie has lived

43、 with millie for four years.4 years old3) find out the rule(1)she has helped the children with their lessons for an hour. (2)they have learnt english for three years.(3) i / we have not told it to him.(4) jim has not seen the film before.(5) has he finished the homework yet?yes, he has./no,he hasnt.

44、现在完成时的结构presentpresent肯定:_+_+_否定:_ + _+_一般疑问句:把_提前 肯定回答:_/否定回答_ have not 缩写成_ has not 缩写成_8现在完成时的构成: 助动词 have (has)+ 过去分词4) basic sentence structures of present perfect tense陈述句肯定形式。主语+ have/has+ 过去分词+其它e.g. i have had lunch. 已经吃过午饭了。he has gone to beijing. 他去北京了。陈述句否定形式。主语+ have/has+ not+过去分词+(在助动词

45、 have/has 后+not,可缩写为 havent/hasnt) e.g. i havent had lunch. 我还没吃午饭he hasnt gone to beijing. 他还没有去北京一般疑问句形式及其答语。have/has+主语过去分词 (将助动词 have/has 提前,句末加问号)肯定回答:yes , 主语 have/has.否定回答:no , 主语 havent/hasnt.has he gone to beijing? 他去过北京了吗?yes, he has ./ no, he hasnt.特殊疑问句形式。(疑问词+一般疑问句)特词+ have/has+主语过去分词?e

46、.g. where has he gone? 他去了哪里?5)动词的过去式和过去分词的构成:visit visited visitedrepair repaired repaired verbed watch watched watchedfinish finished finishedmove moved movedlive lived livelove loved lovedlike liked likedstop stopped stoppedmop mopped moppedtrap trapped trapped以不发音的 e 结尾d双写edplan planned planne注:

47、以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写最后一个辅音字母ed study studied studiedhurry hurried hurried注:以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,去 yied. 6)不规则变化过去分词的构成step3.practise1)make sentences去 yied9wetheyshehemy fatherwhohave done havent doneclean the roomclean the windowsee a filmwatch beijing operacook dinnerfinish her homeworkclimb the treeclimb

48、the hillgo to beijingvisit the great wall(1). we _ the room but we _ cleaned the window.(2). _ you _ the room? yes, _ you _ the window? no, _2) chat timem : _ you _ (see)any films recently, sandy?s : no, i _.what about you?m : i _ (see) one last saturday.s : whats it about?m : it s about the changes

49、 in beijing over the past century. from this film,i _(learn) more about beijings past and present.s: oh, i think i _ (hear) about the film. do you plan to see it again?m: yes, id like to.step4: adverbial of time常与不确定的时间状语连用,如:already, never, ever, just, yet, before, so far, in the past few years 等,表

50、示“到目前为止”所发生的动作.现在完成时的时间副词和时间短语:(1). 副词 already 和 yet。already 一般用于肯定句中,yet 一般用于否定句和 疑问句中。 如: we have already finished our homework/already.they havent finished their homework yet.我们已完成作业了。 他们还没有完成作业。“already” 用于现在完成时的肯定句中, “yet” 用于现在完成时的否定句和疑问句中.用“already” “yet”填空he has ( ) visited many places in chi

51、na. ( )注意 already 在句中的两种位置.the train hasnt arrived( ).火车(到现在)还没有到。has she arrived( )? 她已经到了吗?hasnt he come( )? 她还没来吗?(2). 副词 ever 和 never。多用于否定或疑问句中,表示“曾经”或“从未“等。 如: - have you ever been to the great wall? 你曾经去过长城吗?- i have never been to the great wall.10我从未去过长城。(3). 用表示到说话为止的过去时间状语, 如 : just, befor

52、e, recently 等。 如: i have seen her before, but i can not remember where.我以前见过她,但记不起在哪里见过。he has been there twice recently.近年来他去过那里两次了。(4). conclusionalreadyeverjustneveryetrecentlystep5: activity句式陈述句疑问句陈述句否定陈述句否定陈述句 疑问句 肯/否定陈述句,疑问句位置have/has 后,句末主语后have/has 后have/has 后句末句末(1)写出下列动词的过去分词step5:homewor

53、k(1) review what we have learnt today(1) finish exercise bookteaching reflection8b unit1 integrated skillsteaching aims:1. to get useful information about the changes to moonlight by listening.2. to learn to take notes and finish the diary by getting information.3. to learn to talk about ones own an

54、d ones friends past and present.i. important &difficult points:1. new words:. new phrases: . new sentences:1. the developing & promoting of students listening and speaking skillsii. teaching procedures:a. changes in starlight townstep 1. presentation1. t: what was sunshine town like in the past and

55、what s sunshine town like today? think about the environment, the transport and the living conditions. ( 插入图片,呈现11生词 environment, transport , condition)2. sunshine town has changed a lot. many amazing changes have taken place over the years. today were going to learn about a new place -starlight town.purpose of my design:step 2. listening1. t: in the past, starlight town was small, but it was beautiful. do you want to learn more about its past? lets listen and co


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