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1、多基因遗传疾病多基因遗传疾病 Polygenetic disordersPolygenetic disorders 多基因遗传疾病多基因遗传疾病 n前言 n精神分裂症 n糖尿病 n哮喘 n原发性高血压 前言前言 一些常见疾病常见疾病或多发畸形多发畸形,有家族聚集现象, 但与单基因遗传病不同,患者同胞发病远低于1/2 或1/4,发病还受到环境因素的影响。这种发病有 一定多基因遗传基础的一类复杂疾病(complex disease),称为多基因遗传病 (polygenic/multifactorial disease)。 一、临床特征一、临床特征 n联想障碍联想障碍 n情感淡漠、情感不协调情感淡漠

2、、情感不协调 n意志活动减退、缺乏意志活动减退、缺乏主动性主动性 n幻觉、妄想和紧张幻觉、妄想和紧张 n缺乏自知力缺乏自知力 精神分裂症(精神分裂症(schizophrenia , SPschizophrenia , SP) nAbout 0.30.7% of people are affected by schizophrenia during their lifetime. nMales are more often affected than females. nThe average life expectancy of people with the disorder is ten

3、to twenty five years less than the average. nAbout 20% of affected people do well and a few recover completely. 舒曼(精神分裂症患者)舒曼(精神分裂症患者)和克拉拉 19世纪德国作曲家,音乐评论家。 画家梵高为精神分裂症患者画家梵高为精神分裂症患者 梵高,荷兰后印象派画家。他最著名的作品多半是他在生前 最后二年创作的,期间梵高深陷于精神疾病中。 法国雕塑家Camille Claudel为精神分裂症患者 二、遗传因素二、遗传因素 SP与遗传有关的依据:与遗传有关的依据: n患者子女患病

4、机率为35%一68%,正常人群仅为 0.86一1。 n遗传度:70%-80% n同卵双生发病一致率比异卵双生发病一致率高4-6 倍 主要易感基因:主要易感基因: n DRD n 5-HTRA2 n HLA n KCNN3 DRD基因(基因(dopamine receptor ) n多巴胺是调节人体精神活动的重要兴奋性神经 递质 n临床上多巴胺受体2阻断剂为常用治疗SP药物 DRD基因为基因为SP候选基因候选基因 DRD基因(基因(dopamine receptor ) nDRD2定位于11q22.1-22.3,141位C缺失可能 与SP相关; DRD2拮抗剂在临床上用于治疗 SP nDRD3定

5、位于3q13.3,在端脑、边缘系统等表 达,与感情与思维相关; nDRD4定位于11p15.5,51位CT可能与SP发 生相关。 5-HTR (5-hydroxytryptamine receptor) n5-HT是一种抑制性神经递质是一种抑制性神经递质 5-HTRA2 n13q14,基因产物为G蛋白藕联受体 n分布于带状核、嗅结体、新皮质等 n目前临床上使用的一些抗精神分裂症新药,均 是特异性地作用于5-HTR2A而产生药效的 。 HLA( human leukocyte antigen, 6p21.31) n某些SP患者存在自身免疫现象,推测HLA可能 参与精神分裂症的发病过程; n研究证

6、实HLAA1、A2、A9、B5、CW4、 DR8精神分裂症呈正相关; nHLA-DR4、DQB1 与精神分裂症呈负相关。 其他相关基因:其他相关基因: nKCNN3 (Potassium Channel, Calcium Activated Intermediate/Small Conductance Subfamily N Alpha, Member 3, 1q21) n茶酚-O-甲基转移酶(catechol-O-methyltransferase, COMT,22q11.2) n细胞色素P450(cytochrome P450,CYP 7q21.2-q21.3) n载脂蛋白E(Apolip

7、oprotein E,ApoE 19q13.2) n单胺氧化酶基因(monoamine oxidase,MAO,Xp21.3) Joseph A. Gogos and David J. Gerber. TRENDS in Pharmacological Sciences Vol.27 No.4 April 2006. 三、环境因素三、环境因素 n病毒感染病毒感染 n孕期营养不良孕期营养不良 n社会社会心理因素心理因素 糖尿病(糖尿病(diabetes mellitusdiabetes mellitus) 一、临床表现一、临床表现 n胰岛素依赖型糖尿病胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(insulin-depe

8、ndent diabetes mellitus, IDDM) 也称为I型糖尿病或青少年型糖尿病,常在青少年 期就发病,起病急、症状重且易发生酮症酸中毒,患 者消瘦,必需使用胰岛素控制病情。 n非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM) 常发生于中年以后,称为II型糖尿病,患者一般 都较肥胖,起病缓慢、症状较轻。2型糖尿病发病率占 糖尿病的90%以上。 Type 1 : (beta-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin defici

9、ency) nCharacterized by T-cell infiltration of the pancreas and destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells, usually (though not always) manifests before 40 years of age. nPatients with type 1 diabetes must receive exogenous insulin to survive. nAutoantibodies are formed against pancreatic cells

10、, insulin, and enzymes such as glutamic acid decarboxylase. nA strong association between type 1 diabetes and the presence of several human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles. An autoimmune disease Type 2 : (may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a

11、predominantly secretory defect with or without insulin resistance) nHave some degree of endogenous insulin production, at least in earlier stages of the disease, and they can sometimes be treated successfully with dietary modification, oral drugs, or both. nHave insulin resistance (i.e., their cells

12、 have difficulty using insulin) and are more likely to be obese. nTraditionally been seen primarily in patients older than 40 years. nNeither HLA associations nor autoantibodies are seen commonly in this form of diabetes. 1 1型型DMDM和和2 2型型DMDM主要特征比较主要特征比较 特征特征 1型型DM2型型DM 发病年龄发病年龄 胰岛素分泌胰岛素分泌 胰岛素抵抗胰岛素抵

13、抗 自身免疫自身免疫 肥胖肥胖 单卵双生一致性单卵双生一致性 同胞再发风险同胞再发风险 通常小于通常小于40岁岁 无无 无无 有有 不常见不常见 0.350.50 1%6% 通常大于通常大于40岁岁 部分有部分有 有有 无无 常见常见 0.90 10%15% cell pancreatic gland Diagnosis :Blood glucose, urine glucose Treatment: food control (starch) medicine (Glucobay) insulin injection 二、遗传因素二、遗传因素 与遗传有关的依据:与遗传有关的依据: n家族史:

14、25-50% n近亲结婚 n遗传度:75% n同卵双生:45-96% ,异卵双生:3% Genetic defects Several forms of the diabetic state may be associated with monogenic defects in beta-cell function, frequently characterized by onset of mild hyperglycaemia at an early age (generally before age 25 years). 糖尿病的候选基因糖尿病的候选基因 核基因核基因 n胰岛素(insul

15、in, INS)基因 定位于11p15,3个外显子、2个内含子组 成,目前发现5个位点的突变与糖尿病发生有 关。 n胰岛素受体(insulin receptor, INSR)基因 定位于19p13,22个外显子和21个内含子, 突变后受体蛋白改变,影响与胰岛素的特异性 结合 nTCF7L2 (transcription factor 7 like 2) nPPAR- ( peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-) nKCNJ11 (potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 11) nCAP

16、N10 (calpain 10) n n HNF1alpha (Hepatic Nuclear Factor 1 alpha, HNF1A) Mutations in HNF1A on chromosome 12 can cause maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) type 3. HNF1alpha is a key transcription factor that is essential for pancreatic beta-cell development and function. MODY: 青少年起病的成年型糖尿病 n H

17、NF4alpha gene A mutation in the HNF4alpha gene on chromosome 20q is associated with MODY (type 1). HNF4alpha is a transcription factor involved in the regulation of the expression of HNF1alpha. n IPF-1 (insulin promoter factor-1) Mutations in another transcription factor gene, IPF-1,13q12.1, which f

18、orm leads to total pancreatic agenesis, can cause Maturity onset diabetes of the young (Type 4). n glucokinase gene葡萄糖激酶(GCK)基因 Mutations in the glucokinase gene on chromosome 7p cause MODY. Glucokinase converts glucose to glucose-6- phosphate, the metabolism of which in turn stimulates insulin secr

19、etion by the beta cell. nHLA多态性 各种HLA等位基因本身并不一定直接导致糖 尿病,但可能协同糖尿病的易感基因发挥作用。 线粒体基因线粒体基因 Point mutations in mitochondrial DNA have been found to be associated with diabetes mellitus. The most common mutation occurs at position 3243 in the tRNA leucine gene, leading to an A to G substitution. 三、环境因素三、环境

20、因素 n肥胖肥胖 使外周靶组织的细胞膜胰 岛素受体减少,而且伴有受体缺 陷,使胰岛素的生物效应降低, 导致血糖升高。 感染感染 柯萨奇B4病毒、腮腺炎病毒、脑心肌炎病毒 胰岛感染,B细胞破坏等。 n拮抗激素拮抗激素 胰高血糖素 n其它其它 应激 、缺乏运动缺乏运动及体力活动、药物等。 (Exercise reduces obesity as well as increases insulin sensitivity and improves glucose tolerance.) Interrelation between genes and environmental factors in

21、type 2 diabetes G.V.Z. Dedoussis, A.C. Kaliora, and D.B. Panagiotakos. Rev Diabet Stud. 2007 Spring; 4(1): 1324. 支气管哮喘(支气管哮喘(bronchial asthma)bronchial asthma) 一、临床特征一、临床特征 临床特点是胸闷、咳嗽、发作性伴有哮鸣 音的呼吸困难,长期反复发作常并发慢性支气 管炎和肺气肿。 n外源性哮喘外源性哮喘 刺激因素为抗原性的 n内源性哮喘内源性哮喘 刺激因素非抗原性因素 临床哮喘世界范围发病率和死亡率临床哮喘世界范围发病率和死亡率 htt

22、ps://wiki/Asthma 二、遗传因素二、遗传因素 nIgE调节基因调节基因 n决定支气管高反应性的相关基因决定支气管高反应性的相关基因 n其他哮喘易感基因其他哮喘易感基因 如白介素9( IL-9)定位于5q31-33 决定非特异性IgE合成倾向的基因 决定个体吸入抗原后产生特异性免疫反应的 能力的基因 nPHF11 (PHD (plant homeodomain) finger protein 11) Locates in chromosome 13. The gene appears to regulate the blood B cells tha

23、t produce Immunoglobulin E, the allergic antibody. nTCQ2(14q11.12) T cell receptor,can regulate the reaction of IgE. nADAM33 (ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain) metallopeptidase domain 33) Causes the bronchiole smooth muscles to be hypersensitive. ADAM33 was the first asthma susceptibil

24、ity gene identified as a result of a genome-wide positional cloning effort. The identification of ADAM33 as a major risk factor involved in the pathogenesis of bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) and airway wall remodelling. nADRB3 Beta-adnephrin(肾上腺素) receptor, related with airway reactivity nTGFB

25、1 (transforming growth factor beta 1) which plays an important role in control of expression of antibodies. nKCNS3 nHNMT nMUC7 nILI3 nILI2B nSCGB342 n 三、环境因素三、环境因素 n外源性哮喘外源性哮喘 吸入性过敏原、食物、药物、 感染、吸烟 n内源性哮喘内源性哮喘 呼吸道感染、冷空气刺激;运 动性哮喘;精神性哮喘 原发性高血压(原发性高血压(essential hypertension)essential hypertension) 一、临床特征一、临床特征 高血压以动脉压升高为主


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