已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 1 Where is your pen pal from?一、重点句子1. Where is your pen pal(=pen friend) from? He is from (comes from) Australia.2. Where does he live? He lives in Pairs.3. What language do you speak? I speak English.4. Does she have any brothers or sisters? (注意:选择疑问句回答是不用yes或no)5. Whats her favorite subject?

2、Her favorite subject is .6. Is that you new pen pal? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.7. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.8. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.9. Can you write to me soon?10. Please write and tell me about yourself.二、重点词组、短语及个别词的用法1. be from

3、=come from 13. France(法国)-French(法语.法国的) 2.Japanese for kids 儿童日语 14. Japan (日本)-Japanese(日语日本人)3. Chinese is fun 趣味汉语 4. Our world in English 英语世界 15.China(中国)-Chinese(汉语.中国人) 5. French for today 今日法语6. live in +地点 住在. 16.Australia(澳大利亚)-Australian(澳大利亚人) 7. a little 一点儿 (修饰不可数名词) Little 几乎没有8. lik

4、e to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事9. on weekends 在周末10. Canada (加拿大)-Canadian (加拿大人)11. the United States=the USA=America(美国)-American(美国人)12 the United Kingdom=the UK =England (英国)-English(英国人)注意:Japanese 与Chinese 的复数形式与原形相同 city-cities country-countriesUnit 2 Is there a post office near hear?一、重点句

5、子1. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.( 注意 there be 句型)2. Where is the .? Its (注意某地有某物的表达)3. Just go straight and turn left.4. Its down Bridge Street on the right.5. Thank you very much.= You are welcome.6. Turn left on first Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks.7. Take a

6、walk through the park on Center Avenue.8. This is the beginning of the garden tour.9. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.10. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun.11. If youre hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.12. I know you are arriving next Sunday. 13.

7、 Let me tell the way to my house.14. You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.15. Go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park.16. I hope you have a good trip. Thank you .二、重点词组,短语及用法1. there be ( is/ are/ was / were)句型的用法2. library-libraries 3.on Center Street (在某条街用on,在左边,右边用o

8、n,在拐弯处,在拐角用at)4. near here = in the neighborhood 在附近5. across from 在.对面 next to . 紧挨着6. in front of .在.之前-behind 在之后 in the front of 在.前面(指物体内部的前面)7. Excuse me. 8. turn left / right左/右转 on left /right在左/ 右边 on ones left/right在某人的左/右边9.on the left/right side of sth 在某物的左/右边10. go straight 一直往前走11. cl

9、ean -dirty new-old quiet-busy small-big 12. an old hotel 一个旧的旅馆13. welcome to欢迎到14. take a walk through 步行通过15. have fun doing sth 做谋事开心16. at the beginning of 在开始17. arrive at + 小地点 arrive at school arrive in + 大地点 arrive in Beijing18. the way to . 到的路19. take a taxi / bus 乘出租车/公共汽车20. go down . 沿着

10、.21. 几种问路的同义句: Where is the Can you tell me the way to. How can I get to . Which is the way to.Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?一、重点句型1. Lets see the pandas first.2. Why do you want to see the lions? Because theyre cute.3. Do you like.?4. What animals do you like ?5. What other animals do you like?6. S

11、he likes to play with her friends and eat grass.7. Please be quiet.8. Isnt he cute?9.He sleeps during the day ,but at night he gets up and eats leaves.10. He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.二、重点词组,短语及用法1. let sb do sth 让某人做某事 2. why . Because.3. an elephant an animal 4. an interesting

12、+名词 一个有趣的 5. kind of +形容词 有几分 Its kind of interesting. a kind of 一种 a kind of movies all kinds of = different kinds of 各种各样的 all kinds of books 6. be friendly to sb 对某人友好 She is friendly to us.7. other 别的(后面经常跟名词) 词组:one., the other .I have two pens, one is new, the other one is old.What other quest

13、ions do you want to ask? else 别的 ,其它的(放在疑问词或不定代词之后) anything else what else do you want to ask?8. like 的用法 like 像. (介词) be like /look like / sound like like 喜欢 (动词) like sth /like to do sth /like doing sthWhat is he like? =What does he look like? 他长什么样?What does he like? 他喜欢什么?9. play with sth 玩某物 p

14、lay with sb和某人一起玩 10. grass 草(不可数名词) 11. be quiet! 安静!12. during the day = in the day 在白天 at night 在夜晚13. leaf -leaves 14. relax 放松,休息 be relaxed 感到轻松(主语是人) be relaxing 令人轻松(主语是物) He relaxes 8 hours a day. I went to the beach yesterday, I was very relaxed.Music is very relaxing.Unit 4 I want to be a

15、n actor.一、重点句子1. My uncle works in that restaurant.2. What does he do? = what is he? = what is his job?3. What do you do ?= what are you?= what is your job?4.What does Anns mother do? =what is Anns mother?5. What do you want to be? I want to be a/an 6. What does she want to be? She wants to be a/an7

16、. I work with people and money.8. people give me their money or get their money from me .9. I like talking to people.10. I work late. Im very busy when people go out to dinners.11. I wear a whit uniform and I help doctors.12.Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.13. I meet interesting p

17、eople every day and ask them questions. 14. Does she work late? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.15. Its an exciting job.16. If your answer is Yes, then we have a job for you as a reporter17. Do you want to work for a magazine?18 Do you want to work with other young people?19. Do you want to be in th

18、e school play?20. We need an actor today!21. We are an international school for children of 5-12.二、词组,短语及其用法1. want 想要 want sth 想要某物 He wants a book. want to do sth 想要做某事 She wants to go out.2. an actor 3.policeman -policemen policewoman-policewomen 4.wait(等待)-waiter(侍者)5. 名词所有格(请看以下例子,认真思考用法) Toms

19、汤姆的 my fathers 我父亲的 the students 学生们的 Lucy and Lilys room Lucy 和Lily的房间 Five minutes walk = five-minute walk 五分钟的路程6. want to be .想成为.7. work with sb /sth 与打交道8. give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物9. get sth from sb 从某人那里去回某物10. in the day 在白天 at night 在夜晚11. kind of + 有几分12. thief - thieves 小偷13. ta

20、lk to sb 与某人谈话 talk with sb 与某人交谈(侧重与双方) talk about sth 谈论某事/某人14. people 、clothes 没有单数形式15. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Be busy with sth 忙于某事 16. go out 外出、出去17. in a hospital 在一家医院里 in hospital 在住院18. an exciting movie an exciting job an interesting job 19. work hard 努力工作 刻苦学习20. meet people 遇见某人21. c

21、all sb at + 电话号码 给某人打电话 22. write stories 写故事23. work for 为.工作24. work(不可数名词) job (可数名词)Unit 5 Im watching TV 一、重点句子1. What are you doing? Im watching TV.2. Whats he doing? Hes reading.3. This TV show is boring.4. Is Nancy doing homework? No, she isnt.5. When do you want to go? Lets go at six o cloc

22、k.6. Whats he taking?7. Whats he waiting for?8. What are they talking about?9. Where are the all doing?10. Where do people play basketball? At school11. Is Tina there? No, she isnt.12. Thanks for your letter and the photos.13. Here are some of my photos.14. Im with my sister Gina.15. Here is a photo

23、 of my family. 二、词组,短语及用法1. 现在进行时态的构成: 主语+ be+ v-ing 表示此时此刻正在发生或正在进行的动作2. do ones homework (此处的do是做的意思)3. talk on the phone 4. watch look see read 的大致区别: watch 观看,看 watch TV 看电视 watch a football game 看一场足球比赛 see 看见(看的结果) I can see the bird in the tree. look 看(看的动作) Please look at the blackboard. rea

24、d 阅读,读书,读报 She is reading a story.5. go to the movies 去看电影 6. That sounds good. 那听起来不错7. TV show 电视节目 8. at six oclock 在六点钟9. wait for sb /sth 等侯某人/某物10. all 、 also 、often 、never 等副词应该放在be动词,情态动词及助动词之后,行为动词之前。He never stop talking. I often get up at six. 例如:We are all students. The boys can also swi

25、m. They all like English. Lions also come from South Africa.12. thanks for sth 谢谢某物 Thanks for your letter. thanks for doing sth 谢谢做了某事 Thanks for joining us.13. some of + 宾格代词(us / you /them ) some of us 我门当中的一些人 Some of +名词复数 some of the students 一些学生14. in the first /second /next / last photo 在第一

26、/第二/下一个/最后一张照片里15. at school 在学校 at home 在家 at the pool 在游泳池 at the mall在商店16. be with sb 与某人一起 He is with his parents. 他和他的父母在一起。17. with 是一个介词,with短语不能做主语: 请区别以下两个句子:Tom with his friends is playing soccer. Tom and his friends are playing soccer.18. a photo of my family 一张我家的照片Unit 6 Its raining! 一

27、、重点句子1. Hows the weather in Shanghai? = Whats the weather like in Shanghai?2. Its cloudy /sunny/ windy/ snowy/ rainy/ hot/ cold/ warm/ cool /humid.3. Its raining/snowing.4. How is it going? Great / Not bad. / Terrible. / Pretty good. / Just so so.5. Thank you for joining CCTVS Around The World show.

28、6. There are many people here on vavation.7. Some are taking photos, others are lying on the beach.8. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball.9. They look cool.10. Im surprised they can play in this heat.11. What do you do when its raining?12. The people are really very relaxed.13. Eve

29、ryone is having a good time.二、词组、短语1. 部分名词经常在词尾加上y 构成形容词: Sun-sunny wind -windy cloud -cloudy rain-rainy snow-snowy health-healthy 2. play computer games 玩电脑游戏3. study-studies-studying-studied4. thank you for doing sth 谢谢你做了某事5. CCTVS Around World show 中央电视台的环游世界节目6. on vacation 在度假7. take a photo /

30、photos 拍照8. lie -lies -lying 躺9. a group of . 一群 two group of.两群this group of 这群10. look cool 看起来酷 look for 寻找 11. be surprised 感到吃惊 12. in this heat 在这炎热的天气里13. be relaxed 感到放松14. everyone、 nobody 、something、 anything 、everything等不定代词做主语,动词用第三人称单数形式。Nobody knows that. 没有人知道那事。15. have a good time =

31、 have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得开心16 hope to do sth 希望做某事 ,不可以说hop sb to do sth I hope to go to Beijing. 不能说I hope you to go to Beijing. Unit 7 What does he look like?一、重点句子1. What does he look like? = What is he like? (be like = look like)2. She is medium build and she has long hair.3. Is that your fri

32、end? No, it isnt.4. She always wears a red skirt and white shoes.5. Wanglin is the captain of the basketball team.6. She has short curly blonde hair.7. She is a little bit quiet.8. Xu Qian loves to tell jokes.9. She has beautiful long black hair.10. She never stops talking.11. He has curly brown hai

33、r.12. He likes reading and playing chess.13. Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses and long curly hair?14. I dont think hes so great.二、短语词组1. medium height 中等个子 medium build 中等身材2. curly hair 卷发 long hair 长发 straight hair 直发3. look like 看起来象 She looks like her mother.4. shoe

34、s 常用复数 He has beautiful shoes, he likes them very much.5. Class Five 五班 (注意大写)6. the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长7. a little bit +形容词 一点儿 Today , its a little bit cold. 今天有点儿冷。8. love to do sth 喜爱做某事 Do you love to play basketball? 你爱打篮球吗?9. stop doing sth 停止做某事 Stop to do sth 停下来开始做某事Please

35、 stop talking to write. 请停止讲话,开始书写。10. 请比较下列句子,注意 have /has 与 with 的区别: She is short with long hair. He has long hair. Do you know that man with glasses?(戴) 11. a new look 一个新形象12. think -thought想 ,认为 He thinks you are right.(变否定)-He doesnt think you are right.(否定前置)13. do /does/did 经常用来代替前面所说过的动作,使

36、句子避免重复。 -Who cleaned the room yesterday? -LiLei did.14. go shopping 去购物 go swimming 去游泳 go boating去划船15. nobody作主语是,谓语动词用单三形式: Nobody knows me.16.一些动词加上 er 或or 构成名词 teach-teacher 教师 sing-singer 歌手 write-writer 作家 visit-visitor参观者 report-reporter记者 wait-waiter 侍者 work-worker工人 drive-driver司机注意:在秒素某人的

37、外貌特征时,要区be动词和have/has ,名词前用have/has,形容词前用be动词。 Unit 8 Id like some noodles.一、重点句子1. Id like some noodles.( d like = would like )2. What kind of noodles would you like? Beef and tomato noodles.3. What size bowl of noodles would you like?4. Hed like a small /medium/large bowl of noodles.5. What kind o

38、f noodles do you have?6. What size of pizza would you like?7. What would you like on the pizza?8. Can I help you? = What can I do for you?9. Special 1 has beef and onions , and is just RMB10 for 15.10. The dumpling and soup lunch special is RMB 10.11. We have some great specials.12. Come and get you

39、r dumplings today.二、词组,短语1. would like = want 想要would like sth 想要某物 He would like a bowl of noodles.Would like to do 想要做某事 She would like to make dinner for us.2. potato -potatoes tomato-tomatoes 英雄吃西红柿,黑人吃土豆3. a bowl of 一碗 a glass of 一杯 (玻璃杯) a box of 一箱/一盒子 a bag of 一袋 a cup of 一杯(瓷杯) two bowls of

40、 noodles 两碗米饭 three bags of apples 三袋子苹果4. 多数情况下,名词做定语时(即名词修饰名词),定语不用复数。 an apple tree -five apple trees beef and tomato noodles 但是,当第一个名词变复数为不规则变化时(如woman,man)例外: A woman teacher -two women teachers (前后两个名词都变复数) A man doctor - three men doctors5. a kind of this kind of what kind of three kinds of a

41、ll kinds of 6. what size .7. strawberry-strawberries8. beef mutton chicken broccoli 9. orange juice green tea iced tea 10. house of dumplings = dumplings house 11. at the house of dumplings12. dessert house13. give sb sth =give sth to sb He gave me much money.=He gave much money to me.Unit 9 How was

42、 your weekend?一、重点句子1. What did you do last weekend? On Sunday morning, I watched TV.2. I studied for the science test.3. What /How about your friend ,Carol? She practiced English.4. How was your weekend? Its was great. / Good. / It wasnt good. /It was not bad.5. How was your moms weekend?6. You wen

43、t to the mountains.7. Yesterday, we asked ten students at No.3 middle school what they did last weekend.8. For most students, the weekend was fun.9. I had a busy weekend.10. My aunt cooked dinner for me.11. I read a book about history.12. Do you think everyone enjoys their weekends?13. He sat down a

44、nd watched the dog play with a friendly black cat.14. He looked for hid dog, but it wasnt there.15. It was time to go home.16. He doesnt want to do anything.二、词组、短语1. 一般过去时态表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday,last night,two days ago等2. 一般过去时态的构成: 肯定句: 主语+ 动词的过去时 I visited my grandfather last

45、 weeked. 一般疑问句: A. be动词做谓语 Was/were+主语+其他? Yes,主语+was/were ./No , 主语+was not. /were not.Were you at home last night? Yes, I was. NO ,I wasnt.B. 实义动词做谓语Did +主语+其他 ? Yes, 主语+did. / No, 主语+didnt.Did you clean your room yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 否定句 A. be动词做谓语 主语+was/were+ not + 其他 She was not

46、 busy yesterday. B. 实义动词做谓语主语 + didnt + 其他Tom didnt do his homework last night.3. have a test = take an exam 进行测试4. study for .为.而学习. 5. visit sb 拜访/看望某人 6. go to + 目的地 go to Beijing去北京 go home回家 go there到那儿 go here 到这儿注意:home,there,here是副词,副词前不加任何介词。7. stay at home 呆在家里8. have a party 举行晚会9. do som

47、e reading 读书 do some cooking做饭 do some washing 洗衣 do some cleaning 打扫卫生 do some listening练习听力12. How about = What about .怎么样?What about + v-ing ?做某事怎么样? What about going shopping?去购物怎么样?What about +sth ? 某物怎么样? What about the watch?这块手表怎么样?What about +sb? 某人怎么样? / 某人的观点意见怎么样?What about your mother?你

48、妈妈怎么样?My mother likes the scarf , what about your mother?我妈妈喜欢喜欢这个围巾,你妈妈呢?13. spend -spent 度过,花费sb spend some time (in ) doing sth 某人花一段时间做某事sb spend some time on sth 某人花一段时间在某事上I spent 2 hours in doing my homework.我花了2 个小时做我的家庭作业。I spent 2 hours on my homework.我花了2 小时在我的家庭作业上。sb spend some money (o

49、n )doing sth某人花钱买某物 Sb spend some money on sth.某人花钱在某物上I spent 10yuan on buying this dictionary. 我花了10元钱买这本词典。I spent 10yuan on this dictionary . 我花了10元钱在这本词典上。14. in the middle of 在.的中间 15. see sb doing sth 看见某人正做某事16.talk show 谈话节目,脱口秀17. for most kids 对大多数孩子来说18. cook for = cook sb sth 为某人做.My au

50、nt cooked dinner for me . = My aunt cooked me dinner. 注意:当morning,afternoon,evening,night这些名词被一个定语修饰时,前面的介词用on,而不用in ,on指具体的一天,in指不具体的某一日。On a cold night 在一个寒冷的夜晚 on Sunday evening在星期天的晚上另外,morning,afternoon,evening,night这些名词前有this,that,next,tomorrow,yesterday这些限定词修饰时,前面一律不用介词。This morning 今天早晨 yest

51、erday night 昨天晚上Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?一 . 话题(Topic)holidays and vacations二 .重点词组(Key Phrases)1. stay(stayed)at home 呆在家里2. visit (visited)ones uncle看望某人的叔叔3. go (went)to the mountains去山上/去爬山4. visit (visited)museums参观博物馆5. study (studied)for exams为考试复习6. play(played)in the water 在水里玩7

52、. help (helped)sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事8. walk (walked)back to .往回走向9. at dinner time 在吃正餐的时候10. go (went)to New York City 去纽约城11. go (went)to summer camp去夏令营12. go (went)to the beach去海滩13. on vacation在假期里14. have (had)great fun 玩得愉快15. in the corner 在拐角处16. make (made)sb. do sth 使某人做某事17. decide to do sth. 决定做某事18. the Great Wall长城19. the Palace Museum故宫20. Tianan Men Square 天安门广场21. a Beijing Hutong 一个北京胡同三 . 交际用语 1. Where did you go on vacation? 你假期上哪儿去了?I went to summer camp. 我去夏令营了。2. Where did they go o


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