已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、、八 、,前言在目前激烈的市场竞争中, 产品投入市场的迟早往往是成败的关键。 模具是 高质量、高效率的产品生产工具, 模具开发周期占整个产品开发周期的主要部分。 因此客户对模具开发周期要求越来越短, 不少客户把模具的交货期放在第一位置, 然后才是质量和价格。 因此,如何在保证质量、 控制成本的前提下加工模具是值 得认真考虑的问题。模具加工工艺是一项先进的制造工艺, 已成为重要发展方向, 在航空航天、汽车、机械等各行业得到越来越广泛的应用。模具加工技术,可以 提高制造业的综合效益和竞争力。 研究和建立模具工艺数据库, 为生产企业提供 迫切需要的高速切削加工数据,对推广高速切削加工技术具有非常重要

2、的意义。 本文的主要目标就是构建一个冲压模具工艺过程, 将模具制造企业在实际生产中 结合刀具、 工件、机床与企业自身的实际情况积累得高速切削加工实例、 工艺参 数和经验等数据有选择地存储到高速切削数据库中,不但可以节省大量的人力、 物力、财力,而且可以指导高速加工生产实践,达到提高加工效率,降低刀具费 用,获得更高的经济效益。1. 冲压的概念、特点及应用冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力, 使其产生分离或塑性变形, 从而获得所需零件 (俗称冲压或冲压件) 的一种压力 加工方法。 冲压通常是在常温下对材料进行冷变形加工, 且主要采用板料来加工 成所需零件, 所以也叫冷

3、冲压或板料冲压。 冲压是材料压力加工或塑性加工的主 要方法之一,隶属于材料成型工程术。冲压所使用的模具称为冲压模具,简称冲模。冲模是将材料(金属或非金 属)批量加工成所需冲件的专用工具。 冲模在冲压中至关重要, 没有符合要求的 冲模,批量冲压生产就难以进行; 没有先进的冲模, 先进的冲压工艺就无法实现。 冲压工艺与模具、 冲压设备和冲压材料构成冲压加工的三要素, 只有它们相互结 合才能得出冲压件。与机械加工及塑性加工的其它方法相比, 冲压加工无论在技术方面还是经济 方面都具有许多独特的优点,主要表现如下;(1)冲压加工的生产效率高, 且操作方便, 易于实现机械化与自动化。 这是 因为冲压是依靠

4、冲模和冲压设备来完成加工, 普通压力机的行程次数为每分钟可 达几十次, 高速压力要每分钟可达数百次甚至千次以上, 而且每次冲压行程就可 能得到一个冲件。(2)冲压时由于模具保证了冲压件的尺寸与形状精度,且一般不破坏冲压 件的表面质量 , 而模具的寿命一般较长 , 所以冲压的质量稳定 ,互换性好 , 具有“一 模一样”的特征。(3)冲压可加工出尺寸范围较大、 形状较复杂的零件, 如小到钟表的秒表, 大到汽车纵梁、 覆盖件等, 加上冲压时材料的冷变形硬化效应, 冲压的强度和刚 度均较高。(4)冲压一般没有切屑碎料生成, 材料的消耗较少, 且不需其它加热设备, 因而是一种省料,节能的加工方法,冲压件

5、的成本较低。但是,冲压加工所使用的模具一般具有专用性, 有时一个复杂零件需要数套 模具才能加工成形,且模具制造的精度高,技术要求高,是技术密集形产品。所 以,只有在冲压件生产批量较大的情况下, 冲压加工的优点才能充分体现, 从而 获得较好的经济效益。冲压加工在现代工业生产中, 尤其是大批量生产中应用十分广泛。 相当多的 工业部门越来越多地采用冲压法加工产品零部件,如汽车、农机、仪器、仪表、 电子、航空、航天、家电及轻工等行业。在这些工业部门中,冲压件所占的比重 都相当的大, 少则 60%以上,多则 90%以上。不少过去用锻造 =铸造和切削加工方 法制造的零件,现在大多数也被质量轻、刚度好的冲压

6、件所代替。因此可以说, 如果生产中不能采用冲压工艺, 许多工业部门要提高生产效率和产品质量、 降低 生产成本、快速进行产品更新换代等都是难以实现的。2. 冲压的基本工序及模具由于冲压加工的零件种类繁多, 各类零件的形状、 尺寸和精度要求又各不相 同,因而生产中采用的冲压工艺方法也是多种多样的。 概括起来, 可分为分离工 序和成形工序两大类; 分离工序是指使坯料沿一定的轮廓线分离而获得一定形状、 尺寸和断面质量的冲压 (俗称冲裁件) 的工序; 成形工序是指使坯料在不破裂的 条件下产生塑性变形而获得一定形状和尺寸的冲压件的工序。上述两类工序, 按基本变形方式不同又可分为冲裁、 弯曲、 拉深和成形四

7、种 基本工序,每种基本工序还包含有多种单一工序。在实际生产中, 当冲压件的生产批量较大、 尺寸较少而公差要求较小时, 若 用分散的单一工序来冲压是不经济甚至难于达到要求。 这时在工艺上多采用集中 的方案,即把两种或两种以上的单一工序集中在一副模具内完成, 称为组合的方 法不同,又可将其分为复合 -级进和复合 -级进三种组合方式。复合冲压在压力机的一次工作行程中, 在模具的同一工位上同时完成两 种或两种以上不同单一工序的一种组合方法式。级进冲压在压力机上的一次工作行程中, 按照一定的顺序在同一模具的 不同工位上完面两种或两种以上不同单一工序的一种组合方式。复合-级进在一副冲模上包含复合和级进两种

8、方式的组合工序。冲模的结构类型也很多。 通常按工序性质可分为冲裁模、 弯曲模、 拉深模和 成形模等; 按工序的组合方式可分为单工序模、 复合模和级进模等。 但不论何种 类型的冲模, 都可看成是由上模和下模两部分组成, 上模被固定在压力机工作台 或垫板上,是冲模的固定部分。工作时,坯料在下模面上通过定位零件定位,压 力机滑块带动上模下压,在模具工作零件(即凸模、凹模)的作用下坯料便产生 分离或塑性变形, 从而获得所需形状与尺寸的冲件。 上模回升时, 模具的卸料与 出件装置将冲件或废料从凸、 凹模上卸下或推、 顶出来, 以便进行下一次冲压循 环。3. 冲压技术的现状及发展方向随着科学技术的不断进步

9、和工业生产的迅速发展, 许多新技术、 新工艺、新 设备、新材料不断涌现, 因而促进了冲压技术的不断革新和发展。 其主要表现和 发展方向如下:(1) 冲压成形理论及冲压工艺方面冲压成形理论的研究是提高冲压技术的基 础。目前,国内外对冲压成形理论的研究非常重视,在材料冲压性能研究、冲压 成形过程应力应变分析、 板料变形规律研究及坯料与模具之间的相互作用研究等 方面均取得了较大的进展。 特别是随着计算机技术的飞跃发展和塑性变形理论的 进一步完善, 近年来国内外已开始应用塑性成形过程的计算机模拟技术, 即利用 有限元(FEM等有值分析方法模拟金属的塑性成形过程,根据分析结果,设计 人员可预测某一工艺方

10、案成形的可行性及可能出现的质量问题, 并通过在计算机 上选择修改相关参数, 可实现工艺及模具的优化设计。 这样既节省了昂贵的试模 费用,也缩短了制模具周期。研究推广能提高生产率及产品质量、降低成本和扩大冲压工艺应用范围的 各种压新工艺, 也是冲压技术的发展方向之一。 目前,国内外相继涌现出精密冲 压工艺、软模成形工艺、高能高速成形工艺及无模多点成形工艺等精密、高效、 经济的冲压新工艺。 其中,精密冲裁是提高冲裁件质量的有效方法, 它扩大了冲 压加工范围,目前精密冲裁加工零件的厚度可达 25mm精度可达IT1617级; 用液体、橡胶、聚氨酯等作柔性凸模或凹模的软模成形工艺, 能加工出用普通加 工

11、方法难以加工的材料和复杂形状的零件, 在特定生产条件下具有明显的经济效 果;采用爆炸等高能效成形方法对于加工各种尺寸在、形状复杂、批量小、强度 高和精度要求较高的板料零件, 具有很重要的实用意义; 利用金属材料的超塑性 进行超塑成形, 可以用一次成形代替多道普通的冲压成形工序, 这对于加工形状 复杂和大型板料零件具有突出的优越性; 无模多点成形工序是用高度可调的凸模 群体代替传统模具进行板料曲面成形的一种先进技术, 我国已自主设计制造了具 有国际领先水平的无模多点成形设备, 解决了多点压机成形法, 从而可随意改变 变形路径与受力状态, 提高了材料的成形极限, 同时利用反复成形技术可消除材 料内

12、残余应力,实现无回弹成形。无模多点成形系统以CAD/CAM/CA技术为主要 手段,能快速经济地实现三维曲面的自动化成形。(2)冲模是实现冲压生产的基本条件 .在冲模的设计制造上 ,目前正朝着以下 两方面发展 : 一方面, 为了适应高速、自动、精密、安全等大批量现代生产的需要, 冲模正向高效率、高精度、高寿命及多工位、多功能方向发展,与此相比适应的 新型模具材料及其热处理技术, 各种高效、 精密、数控自动化的模具加工机床和 检测设备以及模具CAD/CANfe术也在迅速发展;另一方面,为了适应产品更新换 代和试制或小批量生产的需要,锌基合金冲模、聚氨酯橡胶冲模、薄板冲模、钢 带冲模、组合冲模等各种

13、简易冲模及其制造技术也得到了迅速发展。精密、高效的多工位及多功能级进模和大型复杂的汽车覆盖件冲模代表了现 代冲模的技术水平。目前, 50个工位以上的级进模进距精度可达到 2微米,多 功能级进模不仅可以完成冲压全过程, 还可完成焊接、 装配等工序。 我国已能自 行设计制造出达到国际水平的精度达 25微米,进距精度 23 微米,总寿命达 1 亿次。我国主要汽车模具企业, 已能生产成套轿车覆盖件模具, 在设计制造方法、 手段方面已基本达到了国际水平, 但在制造方法手段方面已基本达到了国际水平, 模具结构、功能方面也接近国际水平,但在制造质量、精度、制造周期和成本方 面与国外相比还存在一定差距。4.

14、冲压标准化及专业化生产方面模具的标准化及专业化生产, 已得到模具行业和广泛重视。 因为冲模属单件 小批量生产,冲模零件既具的一定的复杂性和精密性, 又具有一定的结构典型性。 因此,只有实现了冲模的标准化, 才能使冲模和冲模零件的生产实现专业化、 商 品化,从而降低模具的成本,提高模具的质量和缩短制造周期。目前,国外先进 工业国家模具标准化生产程度已达 70%80%,模具厂只需设计制造工作零件,大 部分模具零件均从标准件厂购买, 使生产率大幅度提高。 模具制造厂专业化程度 越不定期越高,分工越来越细,如目前有模架厂、顶杆厂、热处理厂等,甚至某 些模具厂仅专业化制造某类产品的冲裁模或弯曲模, 这样

15、更有利于制造水平的提 高和制造周期的缩短。 我国冲模标准化与专业化生产近年来也有较大发展, 除反 映在标准件专业化生产厂家有较多增加外, 标准件品种也有扩展, 精度亦有提高。 但总体情况还满足不了模具工业发展的要求, 主要体现在标准化程度还不高 (一 般在 40%以下),标准件的品种和规格较少,大多数标准件厂家未形成规模化生 产,标准件质量也还存在较多问题。另外,标准件生产的销售、供货、服务等都 还有待于进一步提高。In troductio nIn the current fierce market competition, the product to market sooner or la

16、ter is often the key to the success or failure. Mould is a product of high quality, high efficie ncy producti on tool, mold developme nt cycle of the main part of the product developme nt cycle. So the customer requireme nts for mold developme nt cycle shorter, many customers put the mould delivery

17、date in the first place, and then the quality and price. Therefore, how to en sure the quality, control the cost un der the premise of process ing mould is a problem worthy of serious con siderati on. Mold process ing tech no logy is an adva need manu facturi ng tech no logy, has become an importa n

18、t developme nt directi on, in the aerospace, automotive, mach inery and other in dustries widely used. Mold process ing tech no logy, can improve the comprehe nsive ben efit and competitive ness of manu facturi ng in dustry. Research and establish mold process database, provide product ion en terpri

19、ses urge ntly n eed to high speed cutt ing process ing data, to the promotio n of high-speed machi ning tech no logy has very importa nt sig ni fica nee. This articles main goal is to build a stamp ing die process ing, mold manu facturi ng en terprises in the actual producti on comb ined cutt ing to

20、ol, workpiece and machine tool with the actual situation of enterprise itself accumulate to high speed cutti ng process ing in sta nee, process parameters and experie nee of high speed cutt ing database selectively to store data, not only can save a lot of man power and material resources, finan cia

21、l resources, but also can guide the high speed machi ning producti on practice, to improve process ing efficie ncy, reduce the tooli ng cost and obta in higher econo mic ben efits.I.Stamping the concept, characteristics and applicationsStamp ing is using stamp ing equipme nt in stalled in the (ma in

22、ly) on the mold to pressure on the material, make its produce a separation or plastic deformation, to obta in the required parts (com monly known as stamp ing or stamp ing parts) of a pressure process ing method. Stampi ng is usually at room temperature to cold deformation processing of materials, a

23、nd mainly adopts sheet metal to processed intothe required parts, so also called cold stamp ing or sheet metal stamp ing. Stamp ing is material pressure process ing or one of the main methods of plastic process ing, bel onging to material moldi ng engin eeri ng tech niq ue.Used by stamp ing mold kno

24、wn as the stamp ing die, die for short. Die is the material (metal or non-metallic) processing into salt pieces of special tools required. Is of vital importance to the die in stamping, did not conform to the requirements of punching die, stamp ing product ion batch is difficult; No adva need pun ch

25、i ng die, stamp ing process of adva need cannot achieve. Stamp ing process and die, stamp ing equipment and materials to form the three elements of stamping processing, can only draw stamp ing them together.Compared with other methods of mecha ni cal process ing and plastic process ing, stamp ing pr

26、ocess ing both in tech no logy and economy has many unique adva ntages. Mai n show is as follows:(1) the stamp ing process of high producti on efficie ncy, and easy to operate, easy to realize mecha ni zati on and automati on. This is because the stamp ing is depe nd on the die and stamp ing equipme

27、 nt to complete the process ing, ordinary press stroke times per minute can reach doze ns of times, high pressure to can reach more tha n hundreds of times or even one thousand times per minute, and every time stamping stroke can get one piece.(2) whe n the mold to en sure the stamp ing precisi on s

28、tamp ing parts of the size and shape, and gen erally does not destroy the surface of the stamp ing parts quality, and the life of the mould are long, so the stamp ing quality is stable, good compatibility, has the characteristics of the same.(3) stamp ing mach ining size range is larger, more comple

29、x shape parts, such as small to watch the stopwatch, big to auto longeron, coveri ng parts, etc., and stamp ing material harde ning effect of cold deformati on, the stre ngth and stiff ness of stampi ng was high.(4) stamp ing gen erally no chip broke n material, material con sumpti on is less, and d

30、o not need other heating equipment, it is a kind of material, machining method of en ergy sav ing, stamp ing parts of the cost is low.However, stampi ng process used by mould gen erally has specificity, sometimes n eed several sets of mould to a complex parts process ing and forming, and mold manu f

31、acturi ng of high precisi on, high tech ni cal requireme nts, is the tech no logy inten sive product. Therefore, only un der the con diti on of the stamp ing product ion batch is bigger, can fully embody the adva ntages of stamp ing process ing, in order to gain good econo mic ben efits.Stamp ing pr

32、ocess ing in the moder n in dustrial product ion, especially they are widely used in the mass product ion. Quite a nu mber of in dustrial sector in creas in gly by stamp ing parts process ing products, such as automobile, agricultural mach in ery, in strume nts, meters, electro nic, aviati on, aeros

33、pace, electrical applia nces, light in dustry, etc. In the in dustrial sector, the ratio of stamp ing parts are quite big, less is more tha n 60%, more tha n 90% above. A lot in the past with forgi ng = manu facturi ng parts, cast ing and mach ining method now most also replaced by light weight, goo

34、d stiff ness of stamp ing. Therefore, if you dont dare use stamp ing process in product ion, many in dustrial departme nt to improve producti on efficie ncy and product quality, reduce product ion cost and rapid product update is difficult to achieve.2.The basic process of stamp ing and moldBecause

35、there are many differe nt kinds of stamp ing parts process ing, all kinds of spare parts of shape, size, and the requireme nt of accuracy but also each are not iden tical, and therefore used in the producti on of stamp ing process methods are varied. In summary, can be divided in to two categories,

36、separati on process and formi ng process; The outline of electrodes in the separation process is directed along a certain line of separatio n and get a certa in shape, size and cross sect ion quality of stamp ing process (com mon ly known as bla nking pieces); Electrodes in the formi ng process isdi

37、rected un der the con diti on of not burst produce plastic deformati on and to obta in a certa in shape and size of the stamp ing process.The above two kinds of process, accord ing to the basic deformati on in differe nt ways and can be divided into cutt ing, bending, deep draw ing and forming four

38、basic processes, each of the basic process also contains a variety of sin gle process.In actual producti on, whe n the stamp ing producti on batch with fewer larger, size and tolera nee requireme nt is small, if use dispersed to stamp ing is not the economy or even a single process is difficult to m

39、eet the requirements. Then use concen trated more on craft scheme, where two or more si ngle process focused on the fini sh, a pair of mold is called comb in atio n method is differe nt, and it can be divided into compo und - level into and composite - level in to three comb in ati ons.Compo und sta

40、mp ing - in a press work trip, in the mold of the same stati on at the same time to complete two or more than two different single process of a kind of comb in ati on method.Progressive stamp ing - in a pressure on a work ing trip, in a certa in order in the same mould of differe nt locatio n on the

41、 surface of two or more tha n two differe nt sin gle process of a kind of comb in ati on.Compo und - progressive - on a pair of die with composite and the level into the comb in ati on of the two ways of work ing procedure.The type of punching die structure is very much also. Usually according to th

42、e n ature of the process can be divided into the bla nking die, bending die, draw ing die and formi ng mould, etc.; Accordi ng to the process of comb in ati on can be divided into progressive die die, compo und die and the sin gle process, etc. But no matter what type of punching die, can be regarde

43、d as the upper die and lower die of two parts, the upper die was fixed in press a table or on the plate, is a fixed part of the die. Work, billet next mold surface parts with location positioning, press on the slider to drive mould press, in the mold work ing parts (punch and die) un der the acti on

44、 of billet and produce a separati on or plastic deformati on, so as to obta in the required shape andsize of the stamp ing. Recovery of upper die, mold uni oadi ng and a device to salt pieces or waste discharged from the con vex and con cave die, or push, top out, stamp ing for the n ext cycle.3.Sta

45、mp ing tech no logy prese nt situati on and develop ing directi onAlong with the adva nee of scie nee and tech no logy and the rapid developme nt of in dustrial product ion, many new tech no logies, new processes, new equipme nt, new materials con sta ntly emerg ing, and thus to promote the continu

46、ous inno vati on and developme nt of stampi ng tech no logy. The mai n performa nee and the developme nt directi on is as follows:(1). Stamping theory and stamping process in stamping theory research is to improve the stampi ng tech no logy. At prese nt, the research on theory of stampi ng very seri

47、ously, in material performance research, stamping law of stress and strain analysis, the deformatio n of sheet metal formi ng process research and the in teracti on betwee n billet and mold and so on have made greater progress. Especially with the rapid developme nt of computer tech no logy and the

48、theory of plastic deformati on of further perfect, has bee n used at home and abroad in rece nt years, the plastic forming process of computer simulatio n tech no logy, the use of fin ite eleme nt method (FEM) and value analysis method to simulate the metal plastic forming process, according to the

49、an alysis results, desig ners can predict the feasibility of a forming process and the possible quality problems, and through the revisio n related parameters on the computer, which can realize the optimizati on of tech no logy and die desig n. This saves expe nsive test, also shorte ned the mould c

50、ycle.Research promoti on can in crease productivity and product quality, reduce costs and expa nd the scope of applicati on of all kinds of new tech no logy, stamp ing process is also one of the developme nt directi on of stamp ing tech no logy. At prese nt, both at home and abroad have sprung up pr

51、ecisi on stamp ing process, the soft mould forming process, high en ergy mould multi-po int forming tech no logy such as high speed formi ng process and precisi on stampi ng process for a n ew, efficie nt and econo mic.Among them, the fine blanking is one of the effective methods to improve the qual

52、ity of bla nking pieces, it expa nded the stamp ing process ing ran ge, at prese nt the thick ness of fine bla nking process ing parts can be up to 25 mm, precisi on can reach IT16 grade 17; Using liquid, rubber, polyuretha ne, etc as the soft mode of flexible punch or die forming tech no logy, can

53、work out with ordinary process ing methods are difficult to machining materials and complex shape parts, under the condition of specific product ion has obvious econo mic effect; Explosi on en ergy efficie nt, such as forming methods for processing complicated in all sizes, shapes, small bulk, high

54、stre ngth and high accuracy of sheet metal parts, has very importa nt practical significanee; Using super molding superplasticity of metal materials, can be used in stead of a formi ng multicha nnel com mon stampi ng process, for process ing complicated shape and large sheet metal parts has prominen

55、t adva ntages; No mold multi-po int formi ng process is highly adjustable punch group in stead of traditi onal moulds for sheet metal surface forming a kind of adva need tech no logy, our country has in depe ndent desig n and manu facture of the intern ati on al lead ing level of multi-point forming

56、 equipment, to solve the multi-point press forming method, which can change the deformation path and stress state, improves the forming limit of material, at the same time use repeatedly formi ng tech no logy can elimi nate the residual stress in the material, forming springback is realized. No mold

57、 multi-point formi ng (MPF) system with CAD/CAM/CAE tech nology as mai n mea ns, rapid economy to realize the automati on of 3 d surface shape.(2) die is the realizati on of the basic con diti ons of stamp ing product ion. In die desig n and manu facture, at prese nt is develop ing towards the follo

58、w ing two aspects: on the one hand, in order to adapt to high speed, automatic, precise, security, and so on large quantities of the need of modern production, punching die and life expecta ncy is high efficie ncy, high precisi on, high tran sfer, multi-f unction direct ion, by con trast to adapt to

59、 the new die material and heat treatme nt tech no logy, all kinds of high efficie ncy, precisi on, CNC automatic mould mach ine and testi ng equipme nt and mould CAD/CAM tech no logy is in rapid developme nt; Upgrad ing, on the other hand,in order to adapt to the product and the n eed of trial producti on and small batch product ion, zinc base alloy die, polyuretha ne rubber pun chi ng die, die plate and steel belt pun ch, such as the simple comb in ati


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